Amber Guyger Guilty of Murder

An innocent trespasser, I wonder how many folks could get by with that excuse.

No the lights were not all off, the man was on his couch eating Ice Cream watching a football game.

Wow a lawful police order

How do you know he began yelling at her and advanced towards her? You have no knowledge of that whatsoever. Come to think of it how would you react if someone came in your home unannounced? You put 2 slugs in a man's chest you have plenty of malice.

From the only living witness who is very credible. Oh yes i got da knowledge...straight from the horses mouth. Of course the nigha would have been legally justified to shoot the cop.

No she had no malice...obviously you do not know whut dat woid means boyo.

She was in reasonable fear of her life closed

Unfortunately for you the case closed is her ass going to jail for murder. Your analogy makes no sense unless you are a juror like those who were on the murder trial of Roy Bryant and JW Milam.

12 jurors didn't believe she was in reasonable fear for her life. Only white racists believe that. Only white racists are on here saying she shouldn't go to jail. Same white racists that argued for George Zimmerman. Racist Conservative Republicans.

lookie here nigha a jury composed of so many nighas gotta be prejudiced.....this is just the way it is...even blacks admit their kind are more racist than whites...but lets be honest...everyone is racist from the founding fathers on down and it is a good abe lincoln said da white man gotta be, gotta be the ruling class otherwise we wind up like a 3rd world country
Zimmmerman was innocent...even jimmy carter said that and they do not get more liberal than ole jimmuh.

You are clearly a horrible person. I hope you have a life that is equally horrible. I'm sure you do. Your posts make me sick. They make me want to take you out back and

From the only living witness who is very credible. Oh yes i got da knowledge...straight from the horses mouth. Of course the nigha would have been legally justified to shoot the cop.

No she had no malice...obviously you do not know whut dat woid means boyo.

She was in reasonable fear of her life closed

Unfortunately for you the case closed is her ass going to jail for murder. Your analogy makes no sense unless you are a juror like those who were on the murder trial of Roy Bryant and JW Milam.

And Republicans wonder why black people won't vote Republican. All the Republicans on USMB say the cop should have walked free after shooting a black man in his apartment.

I hope blacks remember this and get out and vote next year.

You hit the nail right on the head.

da black vote doesnt amount to a hill of beans....the white vote is what is critical...if Trump gets enough of that he will win just like last time.

Anyhow, any nigha on here wanna tell me how you were better off under obama and the democratic plantation system?

No one wants to tell you anything you fuck. If the same number of blacks showed up for Hillary as they did for Obama, Hillary would have won.

I hope the blacks have woken up and decide to vote. Unfortunately all the blacks on USMB are already going to vote. I wish all the blacks (80% of them) who don't vote would read what you are saying and show up to stick it to you.
TheGreenHornet believes in MAGA.

Make Amber Great Again

Oh and I especially love how Amber says she prays to god every day. This is proof belief in god doesn't make people better people. She's a murderer who believes in God.

And prison is full of people who believe in god. Very few atheists in prison.
TheGreenHornet believes in MAGA.

Make Amber Great Again

Oh and I especially love how Amber says she prays to god every day. This is proof belief in god doesn't make people better people. She's a murderer who believes in God.

And prison is full of people who believe in god. Very few atheists in prison.

Genuine exploration of religion and one's faith generally requires one thing that most people in prison have in abundance:


I've met quite a few sincere converts when visiting prisons.
TheGreenHornet believes in MAGA.

Make Amber Great Again

Oh and I especially love how Amber says she prays to god every day. This is proof belief in god doesn't make people better people. She's a murderer who believes in God.

And prison is full of people who believe in god. Very few atheists in prison.

Genuine exploration of religion and one's faith generally requires one thing that most people in prison have in abundance:


I've met quite a few sincere converts when visiting prisons.
I think the main reason is that only when you are down and out and flat on your back that most people even stop to consider what God has to say about their life.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
TheGreenHornet believes in MAGA.

Make Amber Great Again

Oh and I especially love how Amber says she prays to god every day. This is proof belief in god doesn't make people better people. She's a murderer who believes in God.

And prison is full of people who believe in god. Very few atheists in prison.

Genuine exploration of religion and one's faith generally requires one thing that most people in prison have in abundance:


I've met quite a few sincere converts when visiting prisons.
I think the main reason is that only when you are down and out and flat on your back that most people even stop to consider what God has to say about their life.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
Many of those I've spoken with definitely cite prison as their 'rock bottom'. So that makes some sense too.
She killed an innocent man in his house and we should beleive that somehow she didnt know it wasnt her house? Same couches, same layout, same decor....? If the roles were reversed the black Male would be one death row by now.
I doubt that , if Amber was Ebony instead, this wouldn't be on the national radar. This is clearly a racial/political issue meant to target a specific group and further demonize that group. I have seen similar and far worse committed by persons with a certain melanin level and have seen it downplayed or ignored. Melanin over logic. Can WE get past that? It would be nice.
I only paid attention to the case because she got only 10 years for trespassing and killing an innocent man. She deserves life or death sentence at least in a democratic system.

what a dumbass, not even to mention you do not keep up. She was a innocent trespasser---which has been shown on here several times already.

Obviously you know nothing of the law or democracy.

Of course you are entitled to your stupid hate filled opinion.

Who do you hate more police officers or women?
She ended a life of a person who was minding his business in his own house....she benefited from being a white woman/ex cop and the victim is a black person....only in America you can get away with murder and a stupid explanation.
She killed an innocent man in his house and we should beleive that somehow she didnt know it wasnt her house? Same couches, same layout, same decor....? If the roles were reversed the black Male would be one death row by now.
I doubt that , if Amber was Ebony instead, this wouldn't be on the national radar. This is clearly a racial/political issue meant to target a specific group and further demonize that group. I have seen similar and far worse committed by persons with a certain melanin level and have seen it downplayed or ignored. Melanin over logic. Can WE get past that? It would be nice.
I only paid attention to the case because she got only 10 years for trespassing and killing an innocent man. She deserves life or death sentence at least in a democratic system.

what a dumbass, not even to mention you do not keep up. She was a innocent trespasser---which has been shown on here several times already.

Obviously you know nothing of the law or democracy.

Of course you are entitled to your stupid hate filled opinion.

Who do you hate more police officers or women?
She ended a life of a person who was minding his business in his own house....she benefited from being a white woman/ex cop and the victim is a black person....only in America you can get away with murder and a stupid explanation. did Amber benefit?

That is perhaps the most outrageous comment on this thread.

There are two victims in this case....the black and the police officer. He was killed and she is being sent to jail because the city needed a sacrifical lamb to avoid Negro riots.

As has been demonstrated many times on here she did not committ murder. She had no be murder there must be malice.

Her explanation was perfectly logical and truthful......this incident was tragic for sure....yet no crime was committed.

A terrible miscarriage of justice that upon appeal should result in a new trial with a competent jury next time around....hopefully.

I really truly hope something horrible happens to you or someone close to you very soon. When it does, remember your posts here. And tell yourself karma is a bitch.

State District Judge Tammy Kemp gave Amber Guyger a bible, hugged her and prayed with the former police officer, now convicted of murder after sentencing her to ten years in prison.

Jean’s family sat silently after the sentence was read, and looked shell-shocked. Only 10 years for walking into their sons home and murdering him. Imagine if that was someone you loved.

Not long after, Botham’s younger brother delivered a heart-felt victim impact statement, telling Guyger, “I forgive you. I know if you go to God and ask him, he will forgive you. I love you just like anyone else. I am not going to say I hope you die just like my brother did I personally want the best for you. I don’t even want you to go to jail because that’s exactly what Botham would want too. Again I love you, as a person.” "Can I have a hug?" He should have snapped her neck.

Botham’s mother, Allison Jean addressed reporters, saying, “Yesterday we saw the conviction. Today — ten years in prison. That ten years in prison is for reflection and for her to change her life. But there is much more to be done by the city of Dallas. The corruption we saw must stop.”

A jury of eight women and four men found Guyger guilty of murdering Jean, 26.

The court heard more evidence during the sentencing phase, including racially insensitive text messages Guyger shared with other officers.

Prosecutors also showed the jury some of Guyger’s alleged social media posts that promoted police violence against civilians. One banner she posted said, “I wear all black to remind you not to mess with me, because I’m already dressed for your funeral.”

“We believe these things paint a completely different picture than the crying, tearful, remorseful person who was on the stand.

“My son Botham’s dear to me. I reflect on the great memories having him as a baby,” he told the jury.

Bertrum Jean testified how he kept his son by his side from a very young age. “It didn’t matter what time it was, I just wanted him with me,” he said as he broke down crying.

He questioned, “How could that happen to us — our family. How could we have lost Botham? Such a sweet boy. He tried his best to lead a good, honest life. He loved God. He loved everyone. How could this happen to him?”

How? Because whites are racist.
From the only living witness who is very credible. Oh yes i got da knowledge...straight from the horses mouth. Of course the nigha would have been legally justified to shoot the cop.

No she had no malice...obviously you do not know whut dat woid means boyo.

She was in reasonable fear of her life closed

Unfortunately for you the case closed is her ass going to jail for murder. Your analogy makes no sense unless you are a juror like those who were on the murder trial of Roy Bryant and JW Milam.

12 jurors didn't believe she was in reasonable fear for her life. Only white racists believe that. Only white racists are on here saying she shouldn't go to jail. Same white racists that argued for George Zimmerman. Racist Conservative Republicans.

lookie here nigha a jury composed of so many nighas gotta be prejudiced.....this is just the way it is...even blacks admit their kind are more racist than whites...but lets be honest...everyone is racist from the founding fathers on down and it is a good abe lincoln said da white man gotta be, gotta be the ruling class otherwise we wind up like a 3rd world country
Zimmmerman was innocent...even jimmy carter said that and they do not get more liberal than ole jimmuh.

You are clearly a horrible person. I hope you have a life that is equally horrible. I'm sure you do. Your posts make me sick. They make me want to take you out back and


hehheh Get over it. Are you a social justice warrior or just another dumbass nigha? Sending a innocent police woman to jail will not recitfy just ruins another life. The court should have abided by the brothers wish....he knew sending her to jail would serve no good purpose.

In fact this miscarriage of justice will result in more suffering...white cops when confronted with a threat to their life will hesitate a moment thinking will I get sent to jail if I shoot this thug...and whilst he hesitates the thug plugs him one in the head.
Last edited:
I doubt that , if Amber was Ebony instead, this wouldn't be on the national radar. This is clearly a racial/political issue meant to target a specific group and further demonize that group. I have seen similar and far worse committed by persons with a certain melanin level and have seen it downplayed or ignored. Melanin over logic. Can WE get past that? It would be nice.
I only paid attention to the case because she got only 10 years for trespassing and killing an innocent man. She deserves life or death sentence at least in a democratic system.

what a dumbass, not even to mention you do not keep up. She was a innocent trespasser---which has been shown on here several times already.

Obviously you know nothing of the law or democracy.

Of course you are entitled to your stupid hate filled opinion.

Who do you hate more police officers or women?
She ended a life of a person who was minding his business in his own house....she benefited from being a white woman/ex cop and the victim is a black person....only in America you can get away with murder and a stupid explanation.
I doubt that , if Amber was Ebony instead, this wouldn't be on the national radar. This is clearly a racial/political issue meant to target a specific group and further demonize that group. I have seen similar and far worse committed by persons with a certain melanin level and have seen it downplayed or ignored. Melanin over logic. Can WE get past that? It would be nice.
I only paid attention to the case because she got only 10 years for trespassing and killing an innocent man. She deserves life or death sentence at least in a democratic system.

what a dumbass, not even to mention you do not keep up. She was a innocent trespasser---which has been shown on here several times already.

Obviously you know nothing of the law or democracy.

Of course you are entitled to your stupid hate filled opinion.

Who do you hate more police officers or women?
She ended a life of a person who was minding his business in his own house....she benefited from being a white woman/ex cop and the victim is a black person....only in America you can get away with murder and a stupid explanation. did Amber benefit?

That is perhaps the most outrageous comment on this thread.

There are two victims in this case....the black and the police officer. He was killed and she is being sent to jail because the city needed a sacrifical lamb to avoid Negro riots.

As has been demonstrated many times on here she did not committ murder. She had no be murder there must be malice.

Her explanation was perfectly logical and truthful......this incident was tragic for sure....yet no crime was committed.

A terrible miscarriage of justice that upon appeal should result in a new trial with a competent jury next time around....hopefully.

I really truly hope something horrible happens to you or someone close to you very soon. When it does, remember your posts here. And tell yourself karma is a bitch.

State District Judge Tammy Kemp gave Amber Guyger a bible, hugged her and prayed with the former police officer, now convicted of murder after sentencing her to ten years in prison.

Jean’s family sat silently after the sentence was read, and looked shell-shocked. Only 10 years for walking into their sons home and murdering him. Imagine if that was someone you loved.

Not long after, Botham’s younger brother delivered a heart-felt victim impact statement, telling Guyger, “I forgive you. I know if you go to God and ask him, he will forgive you. I love you just like anyone else. I am not going to say I hope you die just like my brother did I personally want the best for you. I don’t even want you to go to jail because that’s exactly what Botham would want too. Again I love you, as a person.” "Can I have a hug?" He should have snapped her neck.

Botham’s mother, Allison Jean addressed reporters, saying, “Yesterday we saw the conviction. Today — ten years in prison. That ten years in prison is for reflection and for her to change her life. But there is much more to be done by the city of Dallas. The corruption we saw must stop.”

A jury of eight women and four men found Guyger guilty of murdering Jean, 26.

The court heard more evidence during the sentencing phase, including racially insensitive text messages Guyger shared with other officers.

Prosecutors also showed the jury some of Guyger’s alleged social media posts that promoted police violence against civilians. One banner she posted said, “I wear all black to remind you not to mess with me, because I’m already dressed for your funeral.”

“We believe these things paint a completely different picture than the crying, tearful, remorseful person who was on the stand.

“My son Botham’s dear to me. I reflect on the great memories having him as a baby,” he told the jury.

Bertrum Jean testified how he kept his son by his side from a very young age. “It didn’t matter what time it was, I just wanted him with me,” he said as he broke down crying.

He questioned, “How could that happen to us — our family. How could we have lost Botham? Such a sweet boy. He tried his best to lead a good, honest life. He loved God. He loved everyone. How could this happen to him?”

How? Because whites are racist.

Everyone is racist even blacks....even more so...their own kind say that.

Negroes committ more rape than any other group....they make a sport out of raping white women. Dey luv dat white pussy.

Black men raping White women: BJS’s Table 42 problem
Last edited:
I only paid attention to the case because she got only 10 years for trespassing and killing an innocent man. She deserves life or death sentence at least in a democratic system.

what a dumbass, not even to mention you do not keep up. She was a innocent trespasser---which has been shown on here several times already.

Obviously you know nothing of the law or democracy.

Of course you are entitled to your stupid hate filled opinion.

Who do you hate more police officers or women?
She ended a life of a person who was minding his business in his own house....she benefited from being a white woman/ex cop and the victim is a black person....only in America you can get away with murder and a stupid explanation.
I only paid attention to the case because she got only 10 years for trespassing and killing an innocent man. She deserves life or death sentence at least in a democratic system.

what a dumbass, not even to mention you do not keep up. She was a innocent trespasser---which has been shown on here several times already.

Obviously you know nothing of the law or democracy.

Of course you are entitled to your stupid hate filled opinion.

Who do you hate more police officers or women?
She ended a life of a person who was minding his business in his own house....she benefited from being a white woman/ex cop and the victim is a black person....only in America you can get away with murder and a stupid explanation. did Amber benefit?

That is perhaps the most outrageous comment on this thread.

There are two victims in this case....the black and the police officer. He was killed and she is being sent to jail because the city needed a sacrifical lamb to avoid Negro riots.

As has been demonstrated many times on here she did not committ murder. She had no be murder there must be malice.

Her explanation was perfectly logical and truthful......this incident was tragic for sure....yet no crime was committed.

A terrible miscarriage of justice that upon appeal should result in a new trial with a competent jury next time around....hopefully.

I really truly hope something horrible happens to you or someone close to you very soon. When it does, remember your posts here. And tell yourself karma is a bitch.

State District Judge Tammy Kemp gave Amber Guyger a bible, hugged her and prayed with the former police officer, now convicted of murder after sentencing her to ten years in prison.

Jean’s family sat silently after the sentence was read, and looked shell-shocked. Only 10 years for walking into their sons home and murdering him. Imagine if that was someone you loved.

Not long after, Botham’s younger brother delivered a heart-felt victim impact statement, telling Guyger, “I forgive you. I know if you go to God and ask him, he will forgive you. I love you just like anyone else. I am not going to say I hope you die just like my brother did I personally want the best for you. I don’t even want you to go to jail because that’s exactly what Botham would want too. Again I love you, as a person.” "Can I have a hug?" He should have snapped her neck.

Botham’s mother, Allison Jean addressed reporters, saying, “Yesterday we saw the conviction. Today — ten years in prison. That ten years in prison is for reflection and for her to change her life. But there is much more to be done by the city of Dallas. The corruption we saw must stop.”

A jury of eight women and four men found Guyger guilty of murdering Jean, 26.

The court heard more evidence during the sentencing phase, including racially insensitive text messages Guyger shared with other officers.

Prosecutors also showed the jury some of Guyger’s alleged social media posts that promoted police violence against civilians. One banner she posted said, “I wear all black to remind you not to mess with me, because I’m already dressed for your funeral.”

“We believe these things paint a completely different picture than the crying, tearful, remorseful person who was on the stand.

“My son Botham’s dear to me. I reflect on the great memories having him as a baby,” he told the jury.

Bertrum Jean testified how he kept his son by his side from a very young age. “It didn’t matter what time it was, I just wanted him with me,” he said as he broke down crying.

He questioned, “How could that happen to us — our family. How could we have lost Botham? Such a sweet boy. He tried his best to lead a good, honest life. He loved God. He loved everyone. How could this happen to him?”

How? Because whites are racist.

Everyone is racist even blacks....even more so...their own kind say that.

Negroes committ more rape than any other group....they make a sport out of raping white women.

Black men raping White women: BJS’s Table 42 problem

Don't you mean 'nighas'? That is what you called the unarmed man that Amber Guyger murdered in his own home. His name wasn't 'nigha'.

It was Botham Jean. He's was an accountant and singer in his church choir before he was murdered by Amber Guyger while he was watching TV and eating ice cream in his own apartment.

Unfortunately for you the case closed is her ass going to jail for murder. Your analogy makes no sense unless you are a juror like those who were on the murder trial of Roy Bryant and JW Milam.

And Republicans wonder why black people won't vote Republican. All the Republicans on USMB say the cop should have walked free after shooting a black man in his apartment.

I hope blacks remember this and get out and vote next year.

You hit the nail right on the head.

da black vote doesnt amount to a hill of beans....the white vote is what is critical...if Trump gets enough of that he will win just like last time.

Anyhow, any nigha on here wanna tell me how you were better off under obama and the democratic plantation system?

No one wants to tell you anything you fuck. If the same number of blacks showed up for Hillary as they did for Obama, Hillary would have won.

I hope the blacks have woken up and decide to vote. Unfortunately all the blacks on USMB are already going to vote. I wish all the blacks (80% of them) who don't vote would read what you are saying and show up to stick it to you.
what a dumbass, not even to mention you do not keep up. She was a innocent trespasser---which has been shown on here several times already.

Obviously you know nothing of the law or democracy.

Of course you are entitled to your stupid hate filled opinion.

Who do you hate more police officers or women?
She ended a life of a person who was minding his business in his own house....she benefited from being a white woman/ex cop and the victim is a black person....only in America you can get away with murder and a stupid explanation.
what a dumbass, not even to mention you do not keep up. She was a innocent trespasser---which has been shown on here several times already.

Obviously you know nothing of the law or democracy.

Of course you are entitled to your stupid hate filled opinion.

Who do you hate more police officers or women?
She ended a life of a person who was minding his business in his own house....she benefited from being a white woman/ex cop and the victim is a black person....only in America you can get away with murder and a stupid explanation. did Amber benefit?

That is perhaps the most outrageous comment on this thread.

There are two victims in this case....the black and the police officer. He was killed and she is being sent to jail because the city needed a sacrifical lamb to avoid Negro riots.

As has been demonstrated many times on here she did not committ murder. She had no be murder there must be malice.

Her explanation was perfectly logical and truthful......this incident was tragic for sure....yet no crime was committed.

A terrible miscarriage of justice that upon appeal should result in a new trial with a competent jury next time around....hopefully.

I really truly hope something horrible happens to you or someone close to you very soon. When it does, remember your posts here. And tell yourself karma is a bitch.

State District Judge Tammy Kemp gave Amber Guyger a bible, hugged her and prayed with the former police officer, now convicted of murder after sentencing her to ten years in prison.

Jean’s family sat silently after the sentence was read, and looked shell-shocked. Only 10 years for walking into their sons home and murdering him. Imagine if that was someone you loved.

Not long after, Botham’s younger brother delivered a heart-felt victim impact statement, telling Guyger, “I forgive you. I know if you go to God and ask him, he will forgive you. I love you just like anyone else. I am not going to say I hope you die just like my brother did I personally want the best for you. I don’t even want you to go to jail because that’s exactly what Botham would want too. Again I love you, as a person.” "Can I have a hug?" He should have snapped her neck.

Botham’s mother, Allison Jean addressed reporters, saying, “Yesterday we saw the conviction. Today — ten years in prison. That ten years in prison is for reflection and for her to change her life. But there is much more to be done by the city of Dallas. The corruption we saw must stop.”

A jury of eight women and four men found Guyger guilty of murdering Jean, 26.

The court heard more evidence during the sentencing phase, including racially insensitive text messages Guyger shared with other officers.

Prosecutors also showed the jury some of Guyger’s alleged social media posts that promoted police violence against civilians. One banner she posted said, “I wear all black to remind you not to mess with me, because I’m already dressed for your funeral.”

“We believe these things paint a completely different picture than the crying, tearful, remorseful person who was on the stand.

“My son Botham’s dear to me. I reflect on the great memories having him as a baby,” he told the jury.

Bertrum Jean testified how he kept his son by his side from a very young age. “It didn’t matter what time it was, I just wanted him with me,” he said as he broke down crying.

He questioned, “How could that happen to us — our family. How could we have lost Botham? Such a sweet boy. He tried his best to lead a good, honest life. He loved God. He loved everyone. How could this happen to him?”

How? Because whites are racist.

Everyone is racist even blacks....even more so...their own kind say that.

Negroes committ more rape than any other group....they make a sport out of raping white women.

Black men raping White women: BJS’s Table 42 problem

Don't you mean 'nighas'? That is what you called the unarmed man that Amber Guyger murdered in his own home. His name wasn't 'nigha'.

It was Botham Jean. He's was an accountant and singer in his church choir was murdered by Amber Guyger while he was watching TV and eating ice cream in his own apartment.

Bad Karma most likely. People always speak nice of the dead...why is that? They can't hear.
Unfortunately for you the case closed is her ass going to jail for murder. Your analogy makes no sense unless you are a juror like those who were on the murder trial of Roy Bryant and JW Milam.

And Republicans wonder why black people won't vote Republican. All the Republicans on USMB say the cop should have walked free after shooting a black man in his apartment.

I hope blacks remember this and get out and vote next year.

You hit the nail right on the head.

da black vote doesnt amount to a hill of beans....the white vote is what is critical...if Trump gets enough of that he will win just like last time.

Anyhow, any nigha on here wanna tell me how you were better off under obama and the democratic plantation system?

No one wants to tell you anything you fuck. If the same number of blacks showed up for Hillary as they did for Obama, Hillary would have won.

I hope the blacks have woken up and decide to vote. Unfortunately all the blacks on USMB are already going to vote. I wish all the blacks (80% of them) who don't vote would read what you are saying and show up to stick it to you.

As LBJ said....'come let us reason together' need for all this hate.

If it wasn't for the white man ya'll would still be running around nekid in the jungles of owe us for saving you and y
And Republicans wonder why black people won't vote Republican. All the Republicans on USMB say the cop should have walked free after shooting a black man in his apartment.

I hope blacks remember this and get out and vote next year.

You hit the nail right on the head.

da black vote doesnt amount to a hill of beans....the white vote is what is critical...if Trump gets enough of that he will win just like last time.

Anyhow, any nigha on here wanna tell me how you were better off under obama and the democratic plantation system?

No one wants to tell you anything you fuck. If the same number of blacks showed up for Hillary as they did for Obama, Hillary would have won.

I hope the blacks have woken up and decide to vote. Unfortunately all the blacks on USMB are already going to vote. I wish all the blacks (80% of them) who don't vote would read what you are saying and show up to stick it to you.

As LBJ said....'come let us reason together' need for all this hate.

If it wasn't for the white man ya'll would still be running around nekid in the jungles of owe us for saving you and y

One need not hate Amber Guyger to recognize that she murdered an unarmed man in his own apartment who committed no crime.

Which is why she was convicted of murder and will spend at least the next half decade of her life in prison. And rightly so.
And Republicans wonder why black people won't vote Republican. All the Republicans on USMB say the cop should have walked free after shooting a black man in his apartment.

I hope blacks remember this and get out and vote next year.

You hit the nail right on the head.

da black vote doesnt amount to a hill of beans....the white vote is what is critical...if Trump gets enough of that he will win just like last time.

Anyhow, any nigha on here wanna tell me how you were better off under obama and the democratic plantation system?

No one wants to tell you anything you fuck. If the same number of blacks showed up for Hillary as they did for Obama, Hillary would have won.

I hope the blacks have woken up and decide to vote. Unfortunately all the blacks on USMB are already going to vote. I wish all the blacks (80% of them) who don't vote would read what you are saying and show up to stick it to you.

As LBJ said....'come let us reason together' need for all this hate.

If it wasn't for the white man ya'll would still be running around nekid in the jungles of owe us for saving you and y
Dont you know we ignorant white were living in caves while they built empires? They was kangs

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