Amber Guyger Guilty of Murder

Unfortunately for you the case closed is her ass going to jail for murder. Your analogy makes no sense unless you are a juror like those who were on the murder trial of Roy Bryant and JW Milam.

12 jurors didn't believe she was in reasonable fear for her life. Only white racists believe that. Only white racists are on here saying she shouldn't go to jail. Same white racists that argued for George Zimmerman. Racist Conservative Republicans.

lookie here nigha a jury composed of so many nighas gotta be prejudiced.....this is just the way it is...even blacks admit their kind are more racist than whites...but lets be honest...everyone is racist from the founding fathers on down and it is a good abe lincoln said da white man gotta be, gotta be the ruling class otherwise we wind up like a 3rd world country
Zimmmerman was innocent...even jimmy carter said that and they do not get more liberal than ole jimmuh.

You are clearly a horrible person. I hope you have a life that is equally horrible. I'm sure you do. Your posts make me sick. They make me want to take you out back and


hehheh Get over it. Are you a social justice warrior or just another dumbass nigha? Sending a innocent police woman to jail will not recitfy just ruins another life. The court should have abided by the brothers wish....he knew sending her to jail would serve no good purpose.

In fact this miscarriage of justice will result in more suffering...white cops when confronted with a threat to their life will hesitate a moment thinking will I get sent to jail if I shoot this thug...and whilst he hesitates the thug plugs him one in the head.
They should hesitate

Unfortunately for you the case closed is her ass going to jail for murder. Your analogy makes no sense unless you are a juror like those who were on the murder trial of Roy Bryant and JW Milam.

12 jurors didn't believe she was in reasonable fear for her life. Only white racists believe that. Only white racists are on here saying she shouldn't go to jail. Same white racists that argued for George Zimmerman. Racist Conservative Republicans.

lookie here nigha a jury composed of so many nighas gotta be prejudiced.....this is just the way it is...even blacks admit their kind are more racist than whites...but lets be honest...everyone is racist from the founding fathers on down and it is a good abe lincoln said da white man gotta be, gotta be the ruling class otherwise we wind up like a 3rd world country
Zimmmerman was innocent...even jimmy carter said that and they do not get more liberal than ole jimmuh.

You are clearly a horrible person. I hope you have a life that is equally horrible. I'm sure you do. Your posts make me sick. They make me want to take you out back and


hehheh Get over it. Are you a social justice warrior or just another dumbass nigha? Sending a innocent police woman to jail will not recitfy just ruins another life. The court should have abided by the brothers wish....he knew sending her to jail would serve no good purpose.

In fact this miscarriage of justice will result in more suffering...white cops when confronted with a threat to their life will hesitate a moment thinking will I get sent to jail if I shoot this thug...and whilst he hesitates the thug plugs him one in the head.

What thug are you talking about? This young man was in his own home and wasn't breaking the law. That racist bullshit is a disgrace.
Unfortunately for you the case closed is her ass going to jail for murder. Your analogy makes no sense unless you are a juror like those who were on the murder trial of Roy Bryant and JW Milam.

12 jurors didn't believe she was in reasonable fear for her life. Only white racists believe that. Only white racists are on here saying she shouldn't go to jail. Same white racists that argued for George Zimmerman. Racist Conservative Republicans.

lookie here nigha a jury composed of so many nighas gotta be prejudiced.....this is just the way it is...even blacks admit their kind are more racist than whites...but lets be honest...everyone is racist from the founding fathers on down and it is a good abe lincoln said da white man gotta be, gotta be the ruling class otherwise we wind up like a 3rd world country
Zimmmerman was innocent...even jimmy carter said that and they do not get more liberal than ole jimmuh.

You are clearly a horrible person. I hope you have a life that is equally horrible. I'm sure you do. Your posts make me sick. They make me want to take you out back and


hehheh Get over it. Are you a social justice warrior or just another dumbass nigha? Sending a innocent police woman to jail will not recitfy just ruins another life. The court should have abided by the brothers wish....he knew sending her to jail would serve no good purpose.

In fact this miscarriage of justice will result in more suffering...white cops when confronted with a threat to their life will hesitate a moment thinking will I get sent to jail if I shoot this thug...and whilst he hesitates the thug plugs him one in the head.

What thug are you talking about? This young man was in his own home and wasn't breaking the law. That racist bullshit is a disgrace.
It really makes me sick.

But it illustrates just how racist republican are towards blacks.

If these white evil conservative republicans will argue against a black man eating ice cream in his own home, then this is what blacks have to lose voting for trump.

They like to ask what democrats have done for blacks. I can tell you what we don’t do. We don’t vote Amber Guyger is innocent.
Not a Democrat here, but us progressive liberals don't start topics containing dog whistle language designed to gather knuckledraggers far and wide to whip them into a frenzy.

White supremacists suck!
So do "multiculturalists.
Why? I was in Florida and saw multiple cultures getting along.

We know you want to keep Mayberry white
They idolize Archie Bunker and still think he was serious. Like the character all they have is self-induced irrational fear to cultivate. Create an enemy - fling shit at that enemy. Nothing of any substance ever.
The sad thing is I see their tactics working on too many American citizens. It's sad really it is.

Again I want to point out how absurd it is for Republicans to ask blacks to vote with them. That would mean a black person has to defend an off duty cop, who has proven to be racist against blacks, when she "accidentally" walks into an apartment that isn't hers and then murders the man sitting there eating ice cream.

I would be curious what the outcome would have been if the guy was white. Only problem with that is that she probably wouldn't have shot the guy if he was white.

And I would still say she should go to prison for 10 years if she shot a white dude sitting in his own apartment. Negligent Homicide

Overall, punishment in most states ranges from six months to 10 years for a negligent homicide conviction. Because criminal negligence is similar to generalnegligence, a defendant could also face an independent civil lawsuit for causing the death of another person.

So she actually received the maximum sentence for a negligent homicide. And I think that is just because of the circumstances.

1. Her over reacting because he's black
2. Her racist text messages and posts on social media
3. Her texting right after she murdered someone
4. She walked into HIS apartment. You don't get to call OOPSY here. Fuck that. You're going to jail.

And that was very nice of the brother to say he wished she didn't have to go to jail. The rest of his family doesn't agree with him.
12 jurors didn't believe she was in reasonable fear for her life. Only white racists believe that. Only white racists are on here saying she shouldn't go to jail. Same white racists that argued for George Zimmerman. Racist Conservative Republicans.

lookie here nigha a jury composed of so many nighas gotta be prejudiced.....this is just the way it is...even blacks admit their kind are more racist than whites...but lets be honest...everyone is racist from the founding fathers on down and it is a good abe lincoln said da white man gotta be, gotta be the ruling class otherwise we wind up like a 3rd world country
Zimmmerman was innocent...even jimmy carter said that and they do not get more liberal than ole jimmuh.

You are clearly a horrible person. I hope you have a life that is equally horrible. I'm sure you do. Your posts make me sick. They make me want to take you out back and


hehheh Get over it. Are you a social justice warrior or just another dumbass nigha? Sending a innocent police woman to jail will not recitfy just ruins another life. The court should have abided by the brothers wish....he knew sending her to jail would serve no good purpose.

In fact this miscarriage of justice will result in more suffering...white cops when confronted with a threat to their life will hesitate a moment thinking will I get sent to jail if I shoot this thug...and whilst he hesitates the thug plugs him one in the head.

What thug are you talking about? This young man was in his own home and wasn't breaking the law. That racist bullshit is a disgrace.
It really makes me sick.

But it illustrates just how racist republican are towards blacks.

If these white evil conservative republicans will argue against a black man eating ice cream in his own home, then this is what blacks have to lose voting for trump.

They like to ask what democrats have done for blacks. I can tell you what we don’t do. We don’t vote Amber Guyger is innocent.

What it illustrates is projection. All the racial hatred, bigotry and bias that Green attributes to black merely what he would do to black folks given the chance.

Meanwhile, the facts in this case support a murder conviction. As Amber Guyger had many, many options other than shooting an unarmed man to death in his own apartment.
My personal favorite was when her lawyers laughably tried to apply the Castle Doctrine to her murder of Botham Jean in his own apartment.

Shooting someone to death in *their* home isn't how the Castle Doctrine works, guys.
No the lights were not all off, the man was on his couch eating Ice Cream watching a football game.

Amber said the lights were off, so they must have been off.

I think a lot of us want to believe it was dark to explain how, incredibly, she did not realize it was not her apartment. However, relying on the word of someone on the spot for killing somebody is very iffy.

It is very possible the room was lighted, and she fairly quickly realized it was not her apartment, but she had already gotten the idea in her head to shoot this guy. You know how stubborn cops are when they want to shoot someone.

To not shoot him, she would have to admit to herself she screwed up. Cops never admit to screwing up, unless they have no choice.
Possible, but so are a lot of things. Don't see much to gain going that far. His brother took forgiveness to a new level and seemed naive with the no jail stuff, but it could have been inspired genius. I can't see an appeals court electing to change a thing after that show. This way the family has closure. Otherwise it could have dragged on and on. Oh, and she will pay as well in civil court no matter what the brother said he felt.
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It is very possible the room was lighted, and she fairly quickly realized it was not her apartment, but she had already gotten the idea in her head to shoot this guy
This is the point where you went from sanity to the insane

No, insanity is arguing the 'Castle Doctrine' for Amber Guyger murdering an unarmed man in HIS apartment.

Shooting a man to death in HIS home isn't how the Castle Doctrine works.
Liberals hate cops and always complain when a nigha gets killed by matter what he is doing ...smoking dope and refusing to follow the orders of a police woman has wid it. hehheh

The Texas Supreme Court is conservative.....does not bode well for the social justice warriors and their running dogs.
There's a section here designed for you. I think it's called The Rubber Room where you can go nuts while we adults discuss things.
It is very possible the room was lighted, and she fairly quickly realized it was not her apartment, but she had already gotten the idea in her head to shoot this guy
This is the point where you went from sanity to the insane

No, insanity is arguing the 'Castle Doctrine' for Amber Guyger murdering an unarmed man in HIS apartment.

Shooting a man to death in HIS home isn't how the Castle Doctrine works.

In her mind she was in her home....that is the reality of this case which the jury simply problem ...all of this will help energize the conservative vote...good Americans want justice not some pc jury that is willing to send a innocent Lady police officer to jail

Whils the black dude did seem like a nice guy....his children if he had been allowed to have any would probably have turned out like most black teens.

Thus ...more than one way to look at this.

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