Amber Guyger Guilty of Murder

If she was black she’d be out on probation in a few years. Then again if she was black she never would had been charged.

Really there was a black woman who fired up in the air to scare an abusive husband and the state tried to give her 20yrs, but in this case a white woman murders a black man in his own apartment and you think she should go home and live happily ever after.

What makes you think it was murder?

An innocent man killed in his OWN apartment, what do you call it genius?

A tragic accident
How think when confronted with a unknown threat the police officer should ax what is your name? Whilst she was doing that he could have shot her.

She followed departmental policy...ordered him to show his hands. He did not comply? Why?

Some have claimed he was high on marijuana...I don't know but that could be an explanation for his irrational behavior, leaving his front door unlocked, ignoring a lawful command and instead hollered at the officer and advanced on her.
Hahaha only in America she trespasses and shoots him in his house and he is the one to blame ? Hahahaha

She had no idea who he was but he knew she was a uniformed police officer and he ignored her lawful command ....not a rational thing to do when a policer officer has their weapon trained on you.

I think a lot of blacks feel so 'special' they think they are entitled not to follow police officers orders and just do as they please to prove dey r da man....well a dead man for sure.
She was in the wrong and that's why they fired her right after that. was pure politics aka placate the blacks. Even the police chief said it was just an accident.
Why was she fired ?

A political move to try and placate the blacks.
Did they ever present a motive?....I didn't really follow this trial...

I'm not sure they ever established a motive aside from this officer being a colossal retard.
This should be a lesson. If you don’t absolutely have to don’t shoot. She had a gun on him. Why did she shoot?

Because she was in fear of her life.

As an armed intruder should be when they break into a home that isn't theirs and draw a weapon on the homeowner. Had he had a gun he might have been able to get the first shot off and kill the stupid bitch.

It was no accident that she drew her service weapon, pointed it at his chest, and squeezed off two rounds. That's not an accident. That is murder.
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This should be a lesson. If you don’t absolutely have to don’t shoot. She had a gun on him. Why did she shoot?

Because she was in fear of her life.

No doubt. Is there anything more terrifying than a darkie eating ice cream in his own apartment?

What would you do if you opened the door to your apartment and saw an intruder?

I would wonder why all my furniture was different and not in it the place I left it. Also, shoot wildly.

If you knew the facts of the case perhaps you would not be making such stupid and fallacious comments.

It was dark in the apartment...the lights were not soon as she turned the lights on she realized she was in the wrong apartment.

She did not shoot wildly she fired two shots and hit him once...that is not wild shooting.

The facts are right here. Prosecutors Argue Amber Guyger’s Sext Messages Contradict Claim She Was Tired When She Shot Botham Jean

Clearly indicates that she was texting and paying more attention to her phone than where she was going. She was in the wrong apartment by mistake, but it was her inattentiveness that caused it.

Doesn't matter if she shot wildly or not. She still killed an innocent man, and the killing would have likely never happened if she had been paying attention to her surroundings and aware of what the hell she was doing!

Yeah, she was exhausted after working a long shift. Apparently not exhausted enough to make plans to meet her officer "friend" for a sexual encounter. Obviously cares more about herself, her goddamn phone and fucking around than the sanctity of another human's life.
I doubt that , if Amber was Ebony instead, this wouldn't be on the national radar. This is clearly a racial/political issue meant to target a specific group and further demonize that group. I have seen similar and far worse committed by persons with a certain melanin level and have seen it downplayed or ignored. Melanin over logic. Can WE get past that? It would be nice.
I only paid attention to the case because she got only 10 years for trespassing and killing an innocent man. She deserves life or death sentence at least in a democratic system.

what a dumbass, not even to mention you do not keep up. She was a innocent trespasser---which has been shown on here several times already.

Obviously you know nothing of the law or democracy.

Of course you are entitled to your stupid hate filled opinion.

Who do you hate more police officers or women?
She ended a life of a person who was minding his business in his own house....she benefited from being a white woman/ex cop and the victim is a black person....only in America you can get away with murder and a stupid explanation.
I doubt that , if Amber was Ebony instead, this wouldn't be on the national radar. This is clearly a racial/political issue meant to target a specific group and further demonize that group. I have seen similar and far worse committed by persons with a certain melanin level and have seen it downplayed or ignored. Melanin over logic. Can WE get past that? It would be nice.
I only paid attention to the case because she got only 10 years for trespassing and killing an innocent man. She deserves life or death sentence at least in a democratic system.

what a dumbass, not even to mention you do not keep up. She was a innocent trespasser---which has been shown on here several times already.

Obviously you know nothing of the law or democracy.

Of course you are entitled to your stupid hate filled opinion.

Who do you hate more police officers or women?
She ended a life of a person who was minding his business in his own house....she benefited from being a white woman/ex cop and the victim is a black person....only in America you can get away with murder and a stupid explanation. did Amber benefit?

That is perhaps the most outrageous comment on this thread.

There are two victims in this case....the black and the police officer. He was killed and she is being sent to jail because the city needed a sacrifical lamb to avoid Negro riots.

As has been demonstrated many times on here she did not committ murder. She had no be murder there must be malice.

Her explanation was perfectly logical and truthful......this incident was tragic for sure....yet no crime was committed.

A terrible miscarriage of justice that upon appeal should result in a new trial with a competent jury next time around....hopefully.
Negro? Are you from the 50s?

I think he really wants to use another N word which probably isn't allowed on here.
Did they ever present a motive?....I didn't really follow this trial...

I'm not sure they ever established a motive aside from this officer being a colossal retard.
This should be a lesson. If you don’t absolutely have to don’t shoot. She had a gun on him. Why did she shoot?

Because she was in fear of her life.

As an armed intruder should be when they break into a home that isn't theirs and draw a weapon on the homeowner. Had he had a gun he might have been able to get the first shot off and kill the stupid bitch.

It was no accident that she drew her service weapon, pointed it his chest, and squeezed off two rounds. That's not an accident. That is murder.

Try and keep up....she did not break in...the door was open. She was a innocent trespasser....unknowingly entered the residence of law broken...just a honest mistake.

The lights were turned off thus the apartment was dark when she stepped inside the door....still believing she was in her own apartment she saw the silouhette of a black male...thinking he was an intruder or burglar she immediately(all of this happened in a couple of seconds) gave him a lawful police order.

She was in uniform and he must have noted she was a police officer.

He refused to follow her command instead began yelling at her and advanced on fear of her life she shot twice hitting him once.

A tragedy sure....but not murder. She had no malice. For murder there has to be malice.
I only paid attention to the case because she got only 10 years for trespassing and killing an innocent man. She deserves life or death sentence at least in a democratic system.

what a dumbass, not even to mention you do not keep up. She was a innocent trespasser---which has been shown on here several times already.

Obviously you know nothing of the law or democracy.

Of course you are entitled to your stupid hate filled opinion.

Who do you hate more police officers or women?
She ended a life of a person who was minding his business in his own house....she benefited from being a white woman/ex cop and the victim is a black person....only in America you can get away with murder and a stupid explanation.
I only paid attention to the case because she got only 10 years for trespassing and killing an innocent man. She deserves life or death sentence at least in a democratic system.

what a dumbass, not even to mention you do not keep up. She was a innocent trespasser---which has been shown on here several times already.

Obviously you know nothing of the law or democracy.

Of course you are entitled to your stupid hate filled opinion.

Who do you hate more police officers or women?
She ended a life of a person who was minding his business in his own house....she benefited from being a white woman/ex cop and the victim is a black person....only in America you can get away with murder and a stupid explanation. did Amber benefit?

That is perhaps the most outrageous comment on this thread.

There are two victims in this case....the black and the police officer. He was killed and she is being sent to jail because the city needed a sacrifical lamb to avoid Negro riots.

As has been demonstrated many times on here she did not committ murder. She had no be murder there must be malice.

Her explanation was perfectly logical and truthful......this incident was tragic for sure....yet no crime was committed.

A terrible miscarriage of justice that upon appeal should result in a new trial with a competent jury next time around....hopefully.
Negro? Are you from the 50s?

I think he really wants to use another N word which probably isn't allowed on here.

Whats wrong wid da n woid...blacks use it all the time

Wid dem critters its always nigha dis and nigha dat...quite colorful....even entertaining. Git ova it chump get yoself some rap music and chill out in da crib. hehheh

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Did they ever present a motive?....I didn't really follow this trial...

I'm not sure they ever established a motive aside from this officer being a colossal retard.
This should be a lesson. If you don’t absolutely have to don’t shoot. She had a gun on him. Why did she shoot?

Because she was in fear of her life.

As an armed intruder should be when they break into a home that isn't theirs and draw a weapon on the homeowner. Had he had a gun he might have been able to get the first shot off and kill the stupid bitch.

It was no accident that she drew her service weapon, pointed it his chest, and squeezed off two rounds. That's not an accident. That is murder.

Try and keep up....she did not break in...the door was open. She was a innocent trespasser....unknowingly entered the residence of law broken...just a honest mistake.

The lights were turned off thus the apartment was dark when she stepped inside the door....still believing she was in her own apartment she saw the silouhette of a black male...thinking he was an intruder or burglar she immediately(all of this happened in a couple of seconds) gave him a lawful police order.

She was in uniform and he must have noted she was a police officer.

He refused to follow her command instead began yelling at her and advanced on fear of her life she shot twice hitting him once.

A tragedy sure....but not murder. She had no malice. For murder there has to be malice.

She didn't have to break it down to break in. YOU try to keep up.

Criminal Law Burglary—Breaking or Entering :: Justia

Breaking and entering is the unlawful entering of a residence to commit a felony. She did exactly that.

How's that crow taste?

Being "in uniform" doesn't change the fact that she entered a residence unlawfully and shot the homeowner. You seem to forgive her of everything because she was a cop in uniform. That means NOTHING unless she is on a call on official business. Otherwise the bitch is a civilian like everyone else.

If anything, being a cop she is held to a HIGHER standard, not lower, than a civilian.
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Because she was in fear of her life.

No doubt. Is there anything more terrifying than a darkie eating ice cream in his own apartment?

What would you do if you opened the door to your apartment and saw an intruder?

I would wonder why all my furniture was different and not in it the place I left it. Also, shoot wildly.

If you knew the facts of the case perhaps you would not be making such stupid and fallacious comments.

It was dark in the apartment...the lights were not soon as she turned the lights on she realized she was in the wrong apartment.

She did not shoot wildly she fired two shots and hit him once...that is not wild shooting.

The facts are right here. Prosecutors Argue Amber Guyger’s Sext Messages Contradict Claim She Was Tired When She Shot Botham Jean

Clearly indicates that she was texting and paying more attention to her phone than where she was going. She was in the wrong apartment by mistake, but it was her inattentiveness that caused it.

Doesn't matter if she shot wildly or not. She still killed an innocent man, and the killing would have likely never happened if she had been paying attention to her surroundings and aware of what the hell she was doing!

Yeah, she was exhausted after working a long shift. Apparently not exhausted enough to make plans to meet her officer "friend" for a sexual encounter. Obviously cares more about herself, her goddamn phone and fucking around than the sanctity of another human's life.

such irrelevant nonsense....sexting is quite want to send someone to jail because she was sexting? Get real.

Everyone makes mistakes....sometime tragic mistakes. No reason for the court to add to the tragedy by sending a innocent woman to jail. Miscarriage of justice plain and simple.
Breaking and entering is the unlawful entering of a residence to commit a felony
So, by your own definition she is innocent.

Glad you now agree with the Texas Ranger who said she committed no criminal act

Do what? She entered the residence and shot him. She IS VERY guilty of a felony, murder in fact. So she's guilty of breaking and entering. She entered and committed a felony.

Thanks for playing.

I agree with the 12 jurors who found her guilty of the crime she committed.
I'm not sure they ever established a motive aside from this officer being a colossal retard.
This should be a lesson. If you don’t absolutely have to don’t shoot. She had a gun on him. Why did she shoot?

Because she was in fear of her life.

As an armed intruder should be when they break into a home that isn't theirs and draw a weapon on the homeowner. Had he had a gun he might have been able to get the first shot off and kill the stupid bitch.

It was no accident that she drew her service weapon, pointed it his chest, and squeezed off two rounds. That's not an accident. That is murder.

Try and keep up....she did not break in...the door was open. She was a innocent trespasser....unknowingly entered the residence of law broken...just a honest mistake.

The lights were turned off thus the apartment was dark when she stepped inside the door....still believing she was in her own apartment she saw the silouhette of a black male...thinking he was an intruder or burglar she immediately(all of this happened in a couple of seconds) gave him a lawful police order.

She was in uniform and he must have noted she was a police officer.

He refused to follow her command instead began yelling at her and advanced on fear of her life she shot twice hitting him once.

A tragedy sure....but not murder. She had no malice. For murder there has to be malice.

She didn't have to break it down to break in. YOU try to keep up.

Criminal Law Burglary—Breaking or Entering :: Justia

Breaking and entering is the unlawful entering of a residence to commit a felony. She did exactly that.

How's that crow taste?

Being "in uniform" doesn't change the fact that she entered a residence unlawfully and shot the homeowner.

Try and keep is well known she was just a innocent trespasser.

What is INNOCENT TRESPASSER? definition of INNOCENT TRESPASSER (Black's Law Dictionary)
Breaking and entering is the unlawful entering of a residence to commit a felony
So, by your own definition she is innocent.

Glad you now agree with the Texas Ranger who said she committed no criminal act

Do what? She entered the residence and shot him. She IS VERY guilty of a felony, murder in fact. So she's guilty of breaking and entering. She entered and committed a felony.

Thanks for playing.

You try to ignore the law not being able to understand it. She broke no laws...she unintentionally entered the apartment of another which is legally defined as innocent trespassing..

.What is INNOCENT TRESPASSER? definition of INNOCENT TRESPASSER (Black's Law Dictionary).

when she tried to put her key in the door it just opened up...obviously having been a jar....then things began to happen very,very quickly...most do not understand just how quickly all this went all happened in a couple of seconds....she stepped through the door smelt marijuana and noted the silohuette of a black dude....thinking he was an intruder or burglar(since the lights were off -she did not note it was not her apartment)she immediately shouted 'show me your hands' he refused and instead (perhaps high on marijuana and not rational)began yelling at her and advancing on her...thus in fear of her life she shot him....just a tragic mistake.

What is known as bad karma perhaps. Definitely not murder....there was no order for murder to exist there must be malice

Legal Dictionary -

So many on here are blinded by hatred....preventing them from adequately addressing this case.
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Breaking and entering is the unlawful entering of a residence to commit a felony
So, by your own definition she is innocent.

Glad you now agree with the Texas Ranger who said she committed no criminal act

Do what? She entered the residence and shot him. She IS VERY guilty of a felony, murder in fact. So she's guilty of breaking and entering. She entered and committed a felony.

Thanks for playing.

You try to ignore the law not being able to understand it. She broke no laws...she unintentionally entered the apartment of another which is legally defined as innocent trespassing..

.What is INNOCENT TRESPASSER? definition of INNOCENT TRESPASSER (Black's Law Dictionary).

when she tried to put her key in the door it just opened up...obviously having been a jar....then things began to happen very,very quickly...most do not understand just how quickly all this went all happened in a couple of seconds....she stepped through the door smelt marijuana and noted the silohuette of a black dude....thinking he was an intruder or burglar(since the lights were off -she did not note it was not her apartment)she immediately shouted 'show me your hands' he refused and instead (perhaps high on marijuana and not rational)began yelling at her and advancing on her...thus in fear of her life she shot him....just a tragic mistake.

What is known as bad karma perhaps. Definitely not murder....there was no order for murder to exist there must be malice

Legal Dictionary -

So many on here are blinded by hatred....preventing them from adequately addressing this case.

If she broke no laws why was she found guilty of murder?
Breaking and entering is the unlawful entering of a residence to commit a felony
So, by your own definition she is innocent.

Glad you now agree with the Texas Ranger who said she committed no criminal act

Do what? She entered the residence and shot him. She IS VERY guilty of a felony, murder in fact. So she's guilty of breaking and entering. She entered and committed a felony.

Thanks for playing.

You try to ignore the law not being able to understand it. She broke no laws...she unintentionally entered the apartment of another which is legally defined as innocent trespassing..

.What is INNOCENT TRESPASSER? definition of INNOCENT TRESPASSER (Black's Law Dictionary).

when she tried to put her key in the door it just opened up...obviously having been a jar....then things began to happen very,very quickly...most do not understand just how quickly all this went all happened in a couple of seconds....she stepped through the door smelt marijuana and noted the silohuette of a black dude....thinking he was an intruder or burglar(since the lights were off -she did not note it was not her apartment)she immediately shouted 'show me your hands' he refused and instead (perhaps high on marijuana and not rational)began yelling at her and advancing on her...thus in fear of her life she shot him....just a tragic mistake.

What is known as bad karma perhaps. Definitely not murder....there was no order for murder to exist there must be malice

Legal Dictionary -

So many on here are blinded by hatred....preventing them from adequately addressing this case.

If she broke no laws why was she found guilty of murder?

Can anyone say naive.... Juries often get things wrong ....especially when the state has turned it into a case of evil racist white cop kills innocent and unarmed black you really think the black jurors were going to be impartial and go by the law on self defense? Of course not.
This should be a lesson. If you don’t absolutely have to don’t shoot. She had a gun on him. Why did she shoot?

Because she was in fear of her life.

As an armed intruder should be when they break into a home that isn't theirs and draw a weapon on the homeowner. Had he had a gun he might have been able to get the first shot off and kill the stupid bitch.

It was no accident that she drew her service weapon, pointed it his chest, and squeezed off two rounds. That's not an accident. That is murder.

Try and keep up....she did not break in...the door was open. She was a innocent trespasser....unknowingly entered the residence of law broken...just a honest mistake.

The lights were turned off thus the apartment was dark when she stepped inside the door....still believing she was in her own apartment she saw the silouhette of a black male...thinking he was an intruder or burglar she immediately(all of this happened in a couple of seconds) gave him a lawful police order.

She was in uniform and he must have noted she was a police officer.

He refused to follow her command instead began yelling at her and advanced on fear of her life she shot twice hitting him once.

A tragedy sure....but not murder. She had no malice. For murder there has to be malice.

She didn't have to break it down to break in. YOU try to keep up.

Criminal Law Burglary—Breaking or Entering :: Justia

Breaking and entering is the unlawful entering of a residence to commit a felony. She did exactly that.

How's that crow taste?

Being "in uniform" doesn't change the fact that she entered a residence unlawfully and shot the homeowner.

Try and keep is well known she was just a innocent trespasser.

What is INNOCENT TRESPASSER? definition of INNOCENT TRESPASSER (Black's Law Dictionary)

Several problems with your pseudo-legal analysis.

First, Innocent Trespasser is for TORT law. Not criminal law. Bailey v. Annistown Rd. Baptist Church, Inc., the case mostly commonly cited in regard to 'innocent trespass' is a Georgia state tort case trying to determine damages for water leaking from one property to another. A handful of other states recognize 'innocent trespass' in tort cases (Virginia, for example). Texas isn't one of them.

Second, 'innocent trespass' is a determination of STATE laws. And Texas doesn't recognize it. Good or bad faith trespass, Texas still holds a defendant tortable for damages.

Third, this is a criminal case. Not a tort case. Your application of tort law in a criminal case demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of how the law works. Worse, your application of a state law from OUTSIDE the jurisdiction in question demonstrates you have a profound misunderstanding of how laws are even applied.

Fourth, these three facts might explain why her lawyers never even argued 'innocent trespass'.

Remember, and this point is fundamental: You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
such irrelevant nonsense....sexting is quite want to send someone to jail because she was sexting? Get real.

Everyone makes mistakes....sometime tragic mistakes. No reason for the court to add to the tragedy by sending a innocent woman to jail. Miscarriage of justice plain and simple.
Cry all you want, that ho is going to the slammer.

Her life as she knew over.

If things work as they should, she'll get some "nice" treatment on the inside, if you know what I mean.
Over 100 posts and no one here mentioned what happened in the courtroom??? I hadn't even followed this story because I don't watch TV, but someone posted about this on Facebook and I watched the video. The victim's brother (and also the victim) is a Christian, as you can see in this video.

This is powerful.

It's not powerful.

It's outrageous!
Dear JimBowie1958
The truth finally came out: she was trying to break off an affair with a married fellow officer and partner, and was sex-texting him at the time. So she wasn't too tired because they were planning to meet that night. She was distracted because what they were doing was illicit and wrong, and would cost them both their jobs. By the time she realized she was in the wrong place and had shot an innocent neighbor, she was panicking on the phone with her partner because they knew they were both in bigger trouble than they already were.

So that was the distraction that prevented her from noticing the red rug and open door were not to her apt; and which prevented her from rendering aid because she was panicked over losing her job, etc.

Botham Jean was in his own apt, but leaving the door open led to his death by very poor tragic timing that coincided with Amber Guyger doing the wrong thing with a fellow officer.

The only thing that could be faulted with Jean, if it is true there was marijuana smoke or smell in his apt, that kind of "recreational use" can attract NEGATIVE energy and people and events.

So whatever negative energy that Guyger and her partner were generating with their illicit affair, you don't want to attract that into your space.

Bad things happen when negative energy collects and crosses.

That's why Jean's brother said the best thing that could happen at this point was for Guyger to "turn her life over to Christ" which dispels and repels the negative energy and invites positive healing instead. That's the best repellent to any of the negative issues leading up and surrounding this case, even the hateful hostility between black and white politics led up to this.

Other incidents keep happening until we resolve the unforgiven fear and conflicts between law enforcement and members of the public biasing those relations with ill will and distrust.

The only thing I have found in this whole story that could explain why this ended up on Botham Jean's doorstep is if he was doing anything illicit that attracted more such energy into his space (such as if it is true there was marijuana use in his apt), or if God used him to set up his brother to testify in Court to reach out to Guyger and others to stop this whole hateful approach that is killing people on both sides of the divide.

Either way, more good can come from this if we allow it instead of more negativity.

Jean might have had his own flaws, but obviously his greater love of God through Christ, that his brother expresses as well, should be the driving force, focus and narrative here.

Their mother should be thanked for raising such fine men who serve as a positive example and influence to many others whose lives can now be saved for his sacrifice in these conflicts.
Does alcohol attract any negative energy?
Breaking and entering is the unlawful entering of a residence to commit a felony
So, by your own definition she is innocent.

Glad you now agree with the Texas Ranger who said she committed no criminal act

Do what? She entered the residence and shot him. She IS VERY guilty of a felony, murder in fact. So she's guilty of breaking and entering. She entered and committed a felony.

Thanks for playing.

You try to ignore the law not being able to understand it. She broke no laws...she unintentionally entered the apartment of another which is legally defined as innocent trespassing..

.What is INNOCENT TRESPASSER? definition of INNOCENT TRESPASSER (Black's Law Dictionary).

when she tried to put her key in the door it just opened up...obviously having been a jar....then things began to happen very,very quickly...most do not understand just how quickly all this went all happened in a couple of seconds....she stepped through the door smelt marijuana and noted the silohuette of a black dude....thinking he was an intruder or burglar(since the lights were off -she did not note it was not her apartment)she immediately shouted 'show me your hands' he refused and instead (perhaps high on marijuana and not rational)began yelling at her and advancing on her...thus in fear of her life she shot him....just a tragic mistake.

What is known as bad karma perhaps. Definitely not murder....there was no order for murder to exist there must be malice

Legal Dictionary -

So many on here are blinded by hatred....preventing them from adequately addressing this case.

Innocent Trespass is tort law, dip. Not criminal law. Its dependant on State law, with Texas not recognizing innocent trespass, holding a defendant liable for damages if a trespass was in good or bad faith. And this wasn't a tort case, this was a criminal homicide case.

Which might explain why her lawyers NEVER argued innocent trespass in her defense.

You simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

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