America founded by whites... for whites

I love it when racist assholes expect to be taken seriously.

The Top Using the Bottom Against the Middle

"Racism" is realism. It is misused as a buzz word among decadent misfits. Sheltered snobs, they must be shamed, shunned, and silenced. Let them virtue-signal their self-serving imaginary ethics to one another as they creep along in the shadows.

The race card is a Joker. Losers play it to make themselves feel like winners.
Racism is psychosis, not realism.

Dost thou speak from the experience one might gain in an insane asylum?
It's like this Rockwell, Blacks have been here since 1619. Native Americans 12,000 years. Whites floated over here so apparently by Gods rules, the Native American had the unalienable right to this land. And since God put them here when whites didn't know this place existed, by the same rule of natural, god given, unalienable rights, this land was made for them and not whites.

As it pertains to your fallacy, blacks and native Americans died freeing your white asses from British rule. Had it not been for the Native Americans, we'd be part of the British commonwealth. So whites have no exclusive claim to this country. Just because you pull up some documents made by whites that were really never agreed to by the indigenous nations already here does not make your claim valid. The white mans law is not the only law. Learn that.
It's like this Rockwell, Blacks have been here since 1619. Native Americans 12,000 years. Whites floated over here so apparently by Gods rules, the Native American had the unalienable right to this land. And since God put them here when whites didn't know this place existed, by the same rule of natural, god given, unalienable rights, this land was made for them and not whites.

As it pertains to your fallacy, blacks and native Americans died freeing your white asses from British rule. Had it not been for the Native Americans, we'd be part of the British commonwealth. So whites have no exclusive claim to this country. Just because you pull up some documents made by whites that were really never agreed to by the indigenous nations already here does not make your claim valid. The white mans law is not the only law. Learn that.
IM2, love ya, brother, but I have to point out something in your post here. By and large the Native population supported the British during the War of Independence. The Crown issued The Royal Proclamation of October 7, 1763, which set the boundary of the North American colonies at the east side of the Appalachian range, and they wanted to show their gratitude and trust. The last thing the Native Americans wanted was to be left with the greedy Americans, who, the Natives knew, had absolutely no morals or scruples when it came to taking lands that didn't belong to them.
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It's like this Rockwell, Blacks have been here since 1619. Native Americans 12,000 years. Whites floated over here so apparently by Gods rules, the Native American had the unalienable right to this land. And since God put them here when whites didn't know this place existed, by the same rule of natural, god given, unalienable rights, this land was made for them and not whites.

As it pertains to your fallacy, blacks and native Americans died freeing your white asses from British rule. Had it not been for the Native Americans, we'd be part of the British commonwealth. So whites have no exclusive claim to this country. Just because you pull up some documents made by whites that were really never agreed to by the indigenous nations already here does not make your claim valid. The white mans law is not the only law. Learn that.
IM2, love ya, brother, but I have to point out something in your post here. By and large the Native population supported the British during the War of Independence. The Crown issued The Royal Proclamation of October 7, 1763, which set the boundary of the North American colonies at the east side of the Appalachian range, and they wanted to show their gratitude and trust. The last thing the Native Americans wanted was to be left with the greedy Americans, who, the Natives knew, had absolutely no morals or scruples when it came to taking lands that didn't belong to them.

Same to you my brother. I am aware of that just as I am aware there were blacks who fought for the British, but there were also native Americans and black who fought with the colonists. The real truth of this matter is that the native Americans could have wiped out the whites upon first arrival.

And thanks for the lesson. I didn't know that.
It's like this Rockwell, Blacks have been here since 1619. Native Americans 12,000 years. Whites floated over here so apparently by Gods rules, the Native American had the unalienable right to this land. And since God put them here when whites didn't know this place existed, by the same rule of natural, god given, unalienable rights, this land was made for them and not whites.

As it pertains to your fallacy, blacks and native Americans died freeing your white asses from British rule. Had it not been for the Native Americans, we'd be part of the British commonwealth. So whites have no exclusive claim to this country. Just because you pull up some documents made by whites that were really never agreed to by the indigenous nations already here does not make your claim valid. The white mans law is not the only law. Learn that.

And of course, you are wrong. Treaties and the Right of Conquest were accepted international law at that time, so it was perfectly legal.

Put another way:

Nominal churchianity (as opposed to Christianity) believes some cockamamie nonsense that Jews are God's chosen people and that the land the Israelis own belongs to them. So, the United States went in and helped uproot people in the Mid East, tossing people out of their homes and taking that land over. NOBODY had a problem with that.

The white people who came to America and colonized it believed that they are the Israelites of the Bible; America was the New Jerusalem and we were establishing as a "shining city on a hill." Since I've run across you, I've posted a link to a sermon made by John Winthrop in 1630. You've never accessed nor read it. You're afraid to learn the truth. But, for those who haven't decided, here is the link again: Model of Christian Charity.pdf

At the end of the day, you have no legal claim above that of the established law in this country and you are advocating for a violent takeover since you have no legal recourse. Just between you and I, that advocacy of an internal civil war may be productive. A physical war might be the only way to finally resolve this. I'm tired of the white people being held to a different standard and being wiped out on the installment plan via unchecked immigration, drowned out by a multicultural society that will implode, and our numbers decimated by the drugs, gang violence, other incremental wars.
It's like this Rockwell, Blacks have been here since 1619. Native Americans 12,000 years. Whites floated over here so apparently by Gods rules, the Native American had the unalienable right to this land. And since God put them here when whites didn't know this place existed, by the same rule of natural, god given, unalienable rights, this land was made for them and not whites.

As it pertains to your fallacy, blacks and native Americans died freeing your white asses from British rule. Had it not been for the Native Americans, we'd be part of the British commonwealth. So whites have no exclusive claim to this country. Just because you pull up some documents made by whites that were really never agreed to by the indigenous nations already here does not make your claim valid. The white mans law is not the only law. Learn that.
IM2, love ya, brother, but I have to point out something in your post here. By and large the Native population supported the British during the War of Independence. The Crown issued The Royal Proclamation of October 7, 1763, which set the boundary of the North American colonies at the east side of the Appalachian range, and they wanted to show their gratitude and trust. The last thing the Native Americans wanted was to be left with the greedy Americans, who, the Natives knew, had absolutely no morals or scruples when it came to taking lands that didn't belong to them.

For all the bitching that you people do (and by you people I'm referring to IM2 and his supporters), you've just made it abundantly clear that you are racists. I don't even have to present the case.

You just declared that this war has been about land and I quote: "The last thing the Native Americans wanted was to be left with the greedy Americans..."

Lumping all Americans into one category and assigning them all the same trait is as racist as white supremacists that say blacks have low IQs. This whole issue boils down to the fact that you believe you're entitled to the land and that justifies your race war.

The harsh, hard core reality is that 400 billionaires own 64 percent of America.

Billionaires compared with the rest of us, by the numbers

The white people you hate, loathe and despise are not the Republicans. Rather, they are billionaires like Mike Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, Jeff Bezos (sometimes called the richest man alive), Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and most other billionaires are.... get ready for it ... Democrats. Still your hatred is aimed at the white people.

You're not mad at your black brethren that sold you into slavery and where you could claim a homeland - and kick the ass of the tribes that sold your ancestors to the slavers. To me, getting sold into slavery by own racial brethren would be harder to take than not getting more money for working. But, that's just me. Face it: you're racist.
Why did they bring all those black slave over here then? They had to know that was not going to turn out well.

They were not as enlightened as we are now. Old paradigms die hard. Abraham Lincoln's well-educated and well-connected Cabinet to a man advised him NOT to sign the Emancipation Proclamation.
"Ten nays and one aye. The ayes have it" said Lincoln.

Chicago PD Made 53 Weekend Felony Gun Arrests, Judges Let Them Out Of Jail - Blue Lives Matter

If progressives were any more stupid we would have to water them twice a week.

Now THAT is good.
And the founding fathers of this nation made sure it was not a Christian nation. Thomas Jefferson specifically stated that it was not. What was said on the Mayflower was made irrelevant by the US Constitution. And the subsequent constitutional amendments further separated us from the "White Christian" nation idea.

Says the angry, bitter atheist.

Your money says "In God we trust." You seem unaware that this "God" is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God of Catholics and Baptists and Methodists and Christians. Every president swears in with his hand on the Holy Bible of Christianity. We pledge allegiance "the flag of the United States of America, one nation, under God."

You seriously need to do some reading of history. And stop listening to angry, bitter atheists whose lies and nonsense are refuted here:

Proof There Is No God
And the founding fathers of this nation made sure it was not a Christian nation. Thomas Jefferson specifically stated that it was not. What was said on the Mayflower was made irrelevant by the US Constitution. And the subsequent constitutional amendments further separated us from the "White Christian" nation idea.

Says the angry, bitter atheist.

Your money says "In God we trust." You seem unaware that this "God" is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God of Catholics and Baptists and Methodists and Christians. Every president swears in with his hand on the Holy Bible of Christianity. We pledge allegiance "the flag of the United States of America, one nation, under God."

You seriously need to do some reading of history. And stop listening to angry, bitter atheists whose lies and nonsense are refuted here:

Proof There Is No God

Not every president was sworn in on a Bible.

The "under God" part of the pledge was added long after it was accepted as the pledge. It was an anti-communist political move.

I think you need to read a little history.
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Right of conquest was accepted international law at that time,
Was it accepted by Jesus?

Jesus said to obey man's laws. Your snide remarks avail you nothing.

Man's laws supersedes Jesus' laws?

Man: "Go kill those red people and take their stuff!"
Jesus: "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;" (Matthew 5:44)
Jesus: "And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise." (Luke 6:31)

So Chemengineer would happily go a'killin'

"Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men." (Acts 5:29)
And the founding fathers of this nation made sure it was not a Christian nation. Thomas Jefferson specifically stated that it was not. What was said on the Mayflower was made irrelevant by the US Constitution. And the subsequent constitutional amendments further separated us from the "White Christian" nation idea.

Says the angry, bitter atheist.

Your money says "In God we trust." You seem unaware that this "God" is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God of Catholics and Baptists and Methodists and Christians. Every president swears in with his hand on the Holy Bible of Christianity. We pledge allegiance "the flag of the United States of America, one nation, under God."

You seriously need to do some reading of history. And stop listening to angry, bitter atheists whose lies and nonsense are refuted here:

Proof There Is No God

Perhaps you need a more immediate history lesson. While it is true that our money has "In God we trust" on it, it is a relatively new thing. It was put on a few coins in the 1800s, It was not put on paper money until 1957. No small coincidence that we were in the middle of the red scare, and fighting those "godless communists" was at the root of it. It replaced E. Pluribus Unum on our money. I think "Out of many, One" was a better motto for our nation.

The pledge of allegiance was a poem written by a minister named Francis Bellamy in 1892. Bellamy hoped it would be used by any country to pledge allegiance to their flag. In 1923 the pledge was changed slight to make the pledge to the "flag of the United States of America.". "under God" was not added until 1954. Again, to "battle" the communist menace.

Oh, and the pledge was originally supposed to be said, according to Francis Bellamy, with a military salute. Shortly after, it was changed to holding your right hand over your heart. And after the pledge was finished, the hand was extended outward, towards the flag with the palm down. That continued until WWII, when the similarity to the Nazi salute made people uncomfortable.
Instead of hijacking someone else's thread, I wanted to defend the title of this thread by creating a thread to talk about one thing. However, before I do, I want to ask each of you a question: If I tell you that due to the court case of Roe v. Wade, abortion is legal in America, does that make me pro-abortion for stating a fact?

In this thread, I will give you the facts. I'll also put perspective into it and challenge my critics to respond without name calling and without long harangues to try and derail the thread. If you participate and you begin name calling, it will be noted and then no future responses will be required as you will have lost any pretend debate. Secondary, I will not respond to long diatribes that look like a book. Let's make our posts not exceed about a dozen paragraphs (give or take a few sentences. That said, let's rock:

The United States was founded by white Christians for the benefit of white Christians. Personally, I do not find it racist or white supremacist in its proper context. But, what I'm telling you is true. The very first governing document of the New World began with these words:

'In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith..."
(see the Mayflower Compact of 1620)

About a decade later in 1630, aboard the ship the Arbella, John Winthrop gave a sermon that has been cited (in part) by all kinds of statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. I'd like to give a couple of excerpts from that sermon and put this into perspective:

"First, in regard of the more near bond of marriage between Him and us, wherein He hath taken us to be His, after a most strict and peculiar manner, which will make Him the more jealous of our love and obedience. So He tells the people of Israel, you only have I known of all the families of the earth, therefore will I punish you for your transgressions.

...Thirdly, when God gives a special commission He looks to have it strictly observed in every article; When He gave Saul a commission to destroy Amaleck, He indented with him upon certain articles, and because he failed in one of the least, and that upon a fair pretense, it lost him the kingdom, which should have been his reward, if he had observed his commission.

...Thus stands the cause between God and us. We are entered into covenant with Him for this work. We have taken out a commission
..." Model of Christian Charity.pdf

The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves: They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

Well, I knew that I would end up putting you on "ignore" sooner or later, and this thread certainly pushes you to that point....

Instead of hijacking someone else's thread, I wanted to defend the title of this thread by creating a thread to talk about one thing. However, before I do, I want to ask each of you a question: If I tell you that due to the court case of Roe v. Wade, abortion is legal in America, does that make me pro-abortion for stating a fact?

In this thread, I will give you the facts. I'll also put perspective into it and challenge my critics to respond without name calling and without long harangues to try and derail the thread. If you participate and you begin name calling, it will be noted and then no future responses will be required as you will have lost any pretend debate. Secondary, I will not respond to long diatribes that look like a book. Let's make our posts not exceed about a dozen paragraphs (give or take a few sentences. That said, let's rock:

The United States was founded by white Christians for the benefit of white Christians. Personally, I do not find it racist or white supremacist in its proper context. But, what I'm telling you is true. The very first governing document of the New World began with these words:

'In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith..."
(see the Mayflower Compact of 1620)

About a decade later in 1630, aboard the ship the Arbella, John Winthrop gave a sermon that has been cited (in part) by all kinds of statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. I'd like to give a couple of excerpts from that sermon and put this into perspective:

"First, in regard of the more near bond of marriage between Him and us, wherein He hath taken us to be His, after a most strict and peculiar manner, which will make Him the more jealous of our love and obedience. So He tells the people of Israel, you only have I known of all the families of the earth, therefore will I punish you for your transgressions.

...Thirdly, when God gives a special commission He looks to have it strictly observed in every article; When He gave Saul a commission to destroy Amaleck, He indented with him upon certain articles, and because he failed in one of the least, and that upon a fair pretense, it lost him the kingdom, which should have been his reward, if he had observed his commission.

...Thus stands the cause between God and us. We are entered into covenant with Him for this work. We have taken out a commission
..." Model of Christian Charity.pdf

The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves: They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

Well, I knew that I would end up putting you on "ignore" sooner or later, and this thread certainly pushes you to that point....


I don't care if you put me on ignore. If you're offended, why not? I'm not here to tell you what you want to believe; just here to present the indisputable facts.
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And the founding fathers of this nation made sure it was not a Christian nation. Thomas Jefferson specifically stated that it was not. What was said on the Mayflower was made irrelevant by the US Constitution. And the subsequent constitutional amendments further separated us from the "White Christian" nation idea.

Says the angry, bitter atheist.

Your money says "In God we trust." You seem unaware that this "God" is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God of Catholics and Baptists and Methodists and Christians. Every president swears in with his hand on the Holy Bible of Christianity. We pledge allegiance "the flag of the United States of America, one nation, under God."

You seriously need to do some reading of history. And stop listening to angry, bitter atheists whose lies and nonsense are refuted here:

Proof There Is No God

Perhaps you need a more immediate history lesson. While it is true that our money has "In God we trust" on it, it is a relatively new thing. It was put on a few coins in the 1800s, It was not put on paper money until 1957. No small coincidence that we were in the middle of the red scare, and fighting those "godless communists" was at the root of it. It replaced E. Pluribus Unum on our money. I think "Out of many, One" was a better motto for our nation.

The pledge of allegiance was a poem written by a minister named Francis Bellamy in 1892. Bellamy hoped it would be used by any country to pledge allegiance to their flag. In 1923 the pledge was changed slight to make the pledge to the "flag of the United States of America.". "under God" was not added until 1954. Again, to "battle" the communist menace.

Oh, and the pledge was originally supposed to be said, according to Francis Bellamy, with a military salute. Shortly after, it was changed to holding your right hand over your heart. And after the pledge was finished, the hand was extended outward, towards the flag with the palm down. That continued until WWII, when the similarity to the Nazi salute made people uncomfortable.

There is a more appropriate thread in the religion forum here about America a Christian Nation that covers the stuff you're discussing here.
And the founding fathers of this nation made sure it was not a Christian nation. Thomas Jefferson specifically stated that it was not. What was said on the Mayflower was made irrelevant by the US Constitution. And the subsequent constitutional amendments further separated us from the "White Christian" nation idea.

Says the angry, bitter atheist.

Your money says "In God we trust." You seem unaware that this "God" is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God of Catholics and Baptists and Methodists and Christians. Every president swears in with his hand on the Holy Bible of Christianity. We pledge allegiance "the flag of the United States of America, one nation, under God."

You seriously need to do some reading of history. And stop listening to angry, bitter atheists whose lies and nonsense are refuted here:

Proof There Is No God

Perhaps you need a more immediate history lesson. While it is true that our money has "In God we trust" on it, it is a relatively new thing. It was put on a few coins in the 1800s, It was not put on paper money until 1957. No small coincidence that we were in the middle of the red scare, and fighting those "godless communists" was at the root of it. It replaced E. Pluribus Unum on our money. I think "Out of many, One" was a better motto for our nation.

The pledge of allegiance was a poem written by a minister named Francis Bellamy in 1892. Bellamy hoped it would be used by any country to pledge allegiance to their flag. In 1923 the pledge was changed slight to make the pledge to the "flag of the United States of America.". "under God" was not added until 1954. Again, to "battle" the communist menace.

Oh, and the pledge was originally supposed to be said, according to Francis Bellamy, with a military salute. Shortly after, it was changed to holding your right hand over your heart. And after the pledge was finished, the hand was extended outward, towards the flag with the palm down. That continued until WWII, when the similarity to the Nazi salute made people uncomfortable.

There is a more appropriate thread in the religion forum here about America a Christian Nation that covers the stuff you're discussing here.

I think your admonishment would be more appropriately addressed to ChemEngineer. I have already stated that I though the original title of the OP was not just "whites", but "white Christians". And I had not responded since. But ChemEngineer came in spouting ignorance and I felt obligated to educate him.
And the founding fathers of this nation made sure it was not a Christian nation. Thomas Jefferson specifically stated that it was not. What was said on the Mayflower was made irrelevant by the US Constitution. And the subsequent constitutional amendments further separated us from the "White Christian" nation idea.

Says the angry, bitter atheist.

Your money says "In God we trust." You seem unaware that this "God" is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God of Catholics and Baptists and Methodists and Christians. Every president swears in with his hand on the Holy Bible of Christianity. We pledge allegiance "the flag of the United States of America, one nation, under God."

You seriously need to do some reading of history. And stop listening to angry, bitter atheists whose lies and nonsense are refuted here:

Proof There Is No God

Perhaps you need a more immediate history lesson. While it is true that our money has "In God we trust" on it, it is a relatively new thing. It was put on a few coins in the 1800s, It was not put on paper money until 1957. No small coincidence that we were in the middle of the red scare, and fighting those "godless communists" was at the root of it. It replaced E. Pluribus Unum on our money. I think "Out of many, One" was a better motto for our nation.

The pledge of allegiance was a poem written by a minister named Francis Bellamy in 1892. Bellamy hoped it would be used by any country to pledge allegiance to their flag. In 1923 the pledge was changed slight to make the pledge to the "flag of the United States of America.". "under God" was not added until 1954. Again, to "battle" the communist menace.

Oh, and the pledge was originally supposed to be said, according to Francis Bellamy, with a military salute. Shortly after, it was changed to holding your right hand over your heart. And after the pledge was finished, the hand was extended outward, towards the flag with the palm down. That continued until WWII, when the similarity to the Nazi salute made people uncomfortable.

There is a more appropriate thread in the religion forum here about America a Christian Nation that covers the stuff you're discussing here.

I think your admonishment would be more appropriately addressed to ChemEngineer. I have already stated that I though the original title of the OP was not just "whites", but "white Christians". And I had not responded since. But ChemEngineer came in spouting ignorance and I felt obligated to educate him.

FACTUALLY, When you look at the laws, the United States Constitution was written for white Christians and by white Christians and the Constitution was written in order to secure "the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity" which meant white Christians.

Those are the facts. Those historical facts have NO political agenda. Those are the facts and they do not "discriminate" against anyone. They cannot be honestly refuted and for people to make it personal against me shows that many people simply do not have enough critical thinking skills to participate in this kind of discussion.

You're probably right in your assessment, but I have a couple of threads going and people don't usually even bother to read the thread - I'm lucky if they read the OP. They see the title, jump in and we rehash the same stuff over and over and over again because people see the title and want to share their view without knowing what the topic is about or ever addressing the OP. It can get really frustrating - and I'm not accusing you of anything, just venting about it. Sorry.
And the founding fathers of this nation made sure it was not a Christian nation. Thomas Jefferson specifically stated that it was not. What was said on the Mayflower was made irrelevant by the US Constitution. And the subsequent constitutional amendments further separated us from the "White Christian" nation idea.

Says the angry, bitter atheist.

Your money says "In God we trust." You seem unaware that this "God" is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God of Catholics and Baptists and Methodists and Christians. Every president swears in with his hand on the Holy Bible of Christianity. We pledge allegiance "the flag of the United States of America, one nation, under God."

You seriously need to do some reading of history. And stop listening to angry, bitter atheists whose lies and nonsense are refuted here:

Proof There Is No God

Perhaps you need a more immediate history lesson. While it is true that our money has "In God we trust" on it, it is a relatively new thing. It was put on a few coins in the 1800s, It was not put on paper money until 1957. No small coincidence that we were in the middle of the red scare, and fighting those "godless communists" was at the root of it. It replaced E. Pluribus Unum on our money. I think "Out of many, One" was a better motto for our nation.

The pledge of allegiance was a poem written by a minister named Francis Bellamy in 1892. Bellamy hoped it would be used by any country to pledge allegiance to their flag. In 1923 the pledge was changed slight to make the pledge to the "flag of the United States of America.". "under God" was not added until 1954. Again, to "battle" the communist menace.

Oh, and the pledge was originally supposed to be said, according to Francis Bellamy, with a military salute. Shortly after, it was changed to holding your right hand over your heart. And after the pledge was finished, the hand was extended outward, towards the flag with the palm down. That continued until WWII, when the similarity to the Nazi salute made people uncomfortable.

There is a more appropriate thread in the religion forum here about America a Christian Nation that covers the stuff you're discussing here.

I think your admonishment would be more appropriately addressed to ChemEngineer. I have already stated that I though the original title of the OP was not just "whites", but "white Christians". And I had not responded since. But ChemEngineer came in spouting ignorance and I felt obligated to educate him.

FACTUALLY, When you look at the laws, the United States Constitution was written for white Christians and by white Christians and the Constitution was written in order to secure "the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity" which meant white Christians.

Those are the facts. Those historical facts have NO political agenda. Those are the facts and they do not "discriminate" against anyone. They cannot be honestly refuted and for people to make it personal against me shows that many people simply do not have enough critical thinking skills to participate in this kind of discussion.

You're probably right in your assessment, but I have a couple of threads going and people don't usually even bother to read the thread - I'm lucky if they read the OP. They see the title, jump in and we rehash the same stuff over and over and over again because people see the title and want to share their view without knowing what the topic is about or ever addressing the OP. It can get really frustrating - and I'm not accusing you of anything, just venting about it. Sorry.

No offense taken. Vent away. I understand what you mean.
And the founding fathers of this nation made sure it was not a Christian nation. Thomas Jefferson specifically stated that it was not. What was said on the Mayflower was made irrelevant by the US Constitution. And the subsequent constitutional amendments further separated us from the "White Christian" nation idea.

Says the angry, bitter atheist.

Your money says "In God we trust." You seem unaware that this "God" is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God of Catholics and Baptists and Methodists and Christians. Every president swears in with his hand on the Holy Bible of Christianity. We pledge allegiance "the flag of the United States of America, one nation, under God."

You seriously need to do some reading of history. And stop listening to angry, bitter atheists whose lies and nonsense are refuted here:

Proof There Is No God

Perhaps you need a more immediate history lesson. While it is true that our money has "In God we trust" on it, it is a relatively new thing. It was put on a few coins in the 1800s, It was not put on paper money until 1957. No small coincidence that we were in the middle of the red scare, and fighting those "godless communists" was at the root of it. It replaced E. Pluribus Unum on our money. I think "Out of many, One" was a better motto for our nation.

The pledge of allegiance was a poem written by a minister named Francis Bellamy in 1892. Bellamy hoped it would be used by any country to pledge allegiance to their flag. In 1923 the pledge was changed slight to make the pledge to the "flag of the United States of America.". "under God" was not added until 1954. Again, to "battle" the communist menace.

Oh, and the pledge was originally supposed to be said, according to Francis Bellamy, with a military salute. Shortly after, it was changed to holding your right hand over your heart. And after the pledge was finished, the hand was extended outward, towards the flag with the palm down. That continued until WWII, when the similarity to the Nazi salute made people uncomfortable.

There is a more appropriate thread in the religion forum here about America a Christian Nation that covers the stuff you're discussing here.

I think your admonishment would be more appropriately addressed to ChemEngineer. I have already stated that I though the original title of the OP was not just "whites", but "white Christians". And I had not responded since. But ChemEngineer came in spouting ignorance and I felt obligated to educate him.

FACTUALLY, When you look at the laws, the United States Constitution was written for white Christians and by white Christians and the Constitution was written in order to secure "the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity" which meant white Christians.

Those are the facts. Those historical facts have NO political agenda. Those are the facts and they do not "discriminate" against anyone. They cannot be honestly refuted and for people to make it personal against me shows that many people simply do not have enough critical thinking skills to participate in this kind of discussion.

You're probably right in your assessment, but I have a couple of threads going and people don't usually even bother to read the thread - I'm lucky if they read the OP. They see the title, jump in and we rehash the same stuff over and over and over again because people see the title and want to share their view without knowing what the topic is about or ever addressing the OP. It can get really frustrating - and I'm not accusing you of anything, just venting about it. Sorry.

They are historical citations as noted by whites. The Native American nations that were already here have a different take on this matter.

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