America founded by whites... for whites

The United States was founded as a Christian nation.

In his Farewell Address , President George Washington put his finger on the importance of preserving a freedom of religion within a society:

"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness-these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked, “where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in the courts of justice?” And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.

It is substantially true that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government. The rule indeed extends with more or less force to every species of free government. Who this is a sincere friend to it can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric?"

But what religion would he be speaking of? What would our identity be with respect to morality?

Female genital mutilation, the ritual cutting or removal of some or all of the external female genitalia, is a normal, legal and "moral" practice done in at least 30 - mostly African countries of which some 200 million women living today have undergone the procedure.

Female genital mutilation - Wikipedia

A man in my neighborhood was jailed for that a few years ago after doing it to his daughters. So, we bring people from every corner of the world to live under this government. Whose values are to prevail? What is the measuring rod for what is good or bad; acceptable or unacceptable; Right or wrong???

America was founded as Christian nation and gradually taken over by secular humanists. That issue above and many more beg to ask who we are as a nation? We were founded as a Christian nation of white people who gained this country via treaties and by Right of Conquest (which was legal and acceptable internationally at the time.) They built the greatest nation in the world and this pissed the have nots of the world off.

So, today whites are watching the non-whites destroy their heritage, culture, religion, and national values, replacing them with the failures that have destroyed other countries. People come here and do not want to assimilate into our culture. They've been programmed to hate us and they think we should change to incorporate their culture. Well, with the female genitalia thing, I don't see a compromise. AND when the non-whites want to change our street signs, the names of schools, the face of our currency; when they insist on removing our flags, monuments, memorials, and statues; when they attack long time customs like the removal of Nativity scenes, public display of the Ten Commandments, and our portrayal of the family unit in prime time entertainment (mom, dad, a few kids all of the same race), it gives me this very distinct feeling that a war of genocide is taking place.

If we express this concern, the hatemongers in control begin this dishonest dialogue that involves being called a racist, white supremacist, Hell bent on holding the non-white down. These dishonest political propaganda prostitutes hide behind the pretext of slavery; however, this examination of slavery is absent four things that the liberals, atheists, etc. want to hide:

1) The whites who founded this Republic began phasing out slavery in the U.S. as soon as they left the legal jurisdiction of Great Britain

2) Whites did not begin the institution and NO other country is being held accountable for it

3) Those who throw up the pretext of slavery end up defending the profiteers thereof AND nary a word against the blacks who sold their own brethren to the slavers. The Black guys and profiteers get a free ride

4) No other country was as benevolent in their treatment as the United States, but we are to receive the only punishment... WHY???


I've gone over the limit of what I expect others to read in a single post, but this is intended for ONE poster. You, want to justify something that is immoral and reprehensible by any standard... especially after many of us have sacrificed so much for the benefit of those that criticize our founding, our culture and our heritage.
You never answered my questions. Can non Whites be Christians? Can non Whites be saved?

Do you have any biblical quotes they can't?

No, but let's say that you're the Bible expert. My questions only need a "Yes" or "No". Think you can handle that? At least some scripture where Christians are supposed to be segregated by race. As you implied with this thread and the one about America being a "Christian Nation".
Don't talk shit on the internet Rockwell, create the necessary documents and take your case to the nation for the repeal of the 14th Amendment. Come on dog, you're Mr. Big shot. Git to gittin.

Been there - Done that. It was called rescission of contracts.

The Two United States and the Law

Four U.S. Constitutions | Debt to Success System | Complete Freedom | Debt Discharge | Freedom & Success Education Membership Programs

Joe Minerva Page

You thought my objections were race based, didn't you?
Don't talk shit on the internet Rockwell, create the necessary documents and take your case to the nation for the repeal of the 14th Amendment. Come on dog, you're Mr. Big shot. Git to gittin.

Been there - Done that. It was called rescission of contracts.

The Two United States and the Law

Four U.S. Constitutions | Debt to Success System | Complete Freedom | Debt Discharge | Freedom & Success Education Membership Programs

Joe Minerva Page

You thought my objections were race based, didn't you?
I know that's what they are. And you haven't taken your wacko bullshit anywhere.
Don't talk shit on the internet Rockwell, create the necessary documents and take your case to the nation for the repeal of the 14th Amendment. Come on dog, you're Mr. Big shot. Git to gittin.

Been there - Done that. It was called rescission of contracts.

The Two United States and the Law

Four U.S. Constitutions | Debt to Success System | Complete Freedom | Debt Discharge | Freedom & Success Education Membership Programs

Joe Minerva Page

You thought my objections were race based, didn't you?
I know that's what they are. And you haven't taken your wacko bullshit anywhere.

And you're still here, hating on whites, pretending you know things you don't know squat about. What's it going to look like when other black people DO access the links and figure out you've been bluffing your way through your posts at USM in order to pander to hate filled idiots with an IQ as low as their shoe size?

Not all people are as stupid as you are. While you're trying to see how far you can push the envelope before being banned (and I'm thinking you're really a white guy that might have some control here), I'm trying to use your brain - presupposing you have one.

A wise man once told me that a man who don't use his brain may as been born with two assholes. After interacting with you, the lesson has taken on a new meaning. You are the first person I've met that actually WAS born that way. One at each end.

There is an upside for a lot of people. As long as everyone is pecking a keyboard, there never will be a real civil war in the U.S.
If it was settled by whites, for whites

Why did they need to bring in blacks as slaves?
They saw that someone was going to want to be on welfare one day.
But more whites are on welfare than blacks

LMFAO. In terms of percentages you can play all the number games you want. But, the white mans problems are complicated:

America consumes most of the world's opioid supply. American whites are singled out and constitute the biggest consumers of drugs in the entire world. It is a condition we've brought on ourselves.

At a very early age, the parents (usually egged on by the government or a doctor) put their kids on Ritalin or Adderall. For the most part such drugs are unnecessary AND the doctors don't bother to get to the root cause of alleged hyperactivity. It might be diet, bad sleeping habits, too little exercise, chaos in the home (like drug addicted parents or fighting in the home.) In any event, a five minute consultation and the cycle begins.

The child gets a bit older and they end up on opioids (whether legal or illegal.) Then the doctors, after a five minute consultation, put kids on SSRIs. Many of these kids are then easily drawn into illegal drugs and by the time they are in their early teens, they are hard core drug addicts. By the time these people are in their 20s, they are dropped off mommy's insurance by the insurance companies. Now you have generations of 20, 30, 40, and even 50 year olds that have no high school diploma, no job skills, no work experience, no work ethic, tattoos, body piercings, purple / pink hair, rotted teeth, a criminal record, and an absolute dependence on drugs and Uncle Scam. Mommy provides free rent; Uncle Scam provides a debit card for food and society is rewarded with people who sell their bodies and peddle drugs for their dealer to support their own addiction.

Big pharma profits, the government gets to profit, the boys in the hood get to become entrepreneurs, selling dope to dumb ass kids with well to do parents. The left wing / socialist / progressive / communist combine profits because it takes the posterity of the founders out of the game and allows non-producers to live off the wealth created by those who produce. The new right profits because the presence of so many drug addicts creates the illusion of a need to recruit wealthy and educated foreigners to take seats in our universities and colleges. Then those foreigners have begun to take over our government and steer us toward socialism and globalism... ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. And it ain't conspiracy theory when it happens right under your nose

Because whites are too lazy to work on the things they can change, they ARE over-represented on the welfare dole. That is no big secret, but it does not negate the facts surrounding the founding of America. There is racial genocide going on, but the white mans worst enemy is... his own race.
The Preppy Republic

By not unionizing, or demanding national referendums on all major issues, Whites have become the property of unearned inherited power. Whether it is the heiristocracy's Right branch or its Left branch, it's still the same tree bearing poisoned fruit and it must be uprooted.
ALL of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation and the Constitution of the United States were white. By the time we get to the Preamble of the Constitution, we see some very specific language:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." (Preamble of the Constitution)

With respect to foreigners, the founders / framers gave the federal government one and only one area of jurisdiction when it came to foreigners - that is "... To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization." (Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution)

That duty was carried out within six months of the ratification of the Constitution. Here is the applicable portion:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen..." Naturalization Act of 1790

The language of the Preamble "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,..." along with the unequivocal wording of the first Naturalization Act shows beyond ANY question that America was not founded as a multicultural nation, but one to be ruled by one people and its history is both noble and honorable.

The lying politicians did not "fix" this for the blacks with the illegally ratified 14th Amendment. The ONLY thing the 14th Amendment really accomplished was to nullify God given, unalienable Rights and attempt to make citizens subject to the almighty state. It turned Rights into privileges and immunities. It made slaves of ALL Americans. It failed at imposing a government created equality.

The Fourteenth Amendment is Unconstitutional - Judge L.H. Perez

Pure 14th Amendment Study For Proof Of Unconstitutionality

Prove Its Real – Fighting to repeal the 14th amendment and restore the original form of government.

Now, based on my first two entries, does anyone dispute those facts?
You may have found the cure for insomnia.
ALL of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation and the Constitution of the United States were white. By the time we get to the Preamble of the Constitution, we see some very specific language:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." (Preamble of the Constitution)

With respect to foreigners, the founders / framers gave the federal government one and only one area of jurisdiction when it came to foreigners - that is "... To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization." (Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution)

That duty was carried out within six months of the ratification of the Constitution. Here is the applicable portion:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen..." Naturalization Act of 1790

The language of the Preamble "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,..." along with the unequivocal wording of the first Naturalization Act shows beyond ANY question that America was not founded as a multicultural nation, but one to be ruled by one people and its history is both noble and honorable.

The lying politicians did not "fix" this for the blacks with the illegally ratified 14th Amendment. The ONLY thing the 14th Amendment really accomplished was to nullify God given, unalienable Rights and attempt to make citizens subject to the almighty state. It turned Rights into privileges and immunities. It made slaves of ALL Americans. It failed at imposing a government created equality.

The Fourteenth Amendment is Unconstitutional - Judge L.H. Perez

Pure 14th Amendment Study For Proof Of Unconstitutionality

Prove Its Real – Fighting to repeal the 14th amendment and restore the original form of government.

Now, based on my first two entries, does anyone dispute those facts?
You may have found the cure for insomnia.
Furiously Somniferous Snowflake Flurries

Too late. Tapes of the Democratic Primary Debates have already made Sominex and Melatonin obsolete.
The real evidence shows that under American slavery, slaves ate better, were paid better, had better living quarters, and were generally healthier than their blue collar, white counterparts.

Were the blue collar counterparts hunted down with dogs and whipped?
In the highest year ever recorded for lynching 166 blacks were lynched and 164 white Republicans were lynched by white Democrats..
Taking the Law Back Into Their Own Hands, Where It Originated

Innocent men weren't lynched, only predatory thugs and thieving Republican Carpetbaggers.
If America was founded by Whites for Whites, why did they bring so many Blacks over to do the dirty work?

Did the not think they would breed and multiply?

Were the founders that ignorant?
If America was founded by Whites for Whites, why did they bring so many Blacks over to do the dirty work?

Did the not think they would breed and multiply?

Were the founders that ignorant?

Greedy people being short sighted, is a common enough event. It was not a problem during their lifetimes.
It does not matter whether or not this country was originally intended for Caucasians only.

In just thirty years or so, Caucasians will no longer be the majority.

Therefore, the whole topic will be moot.

I presume that most Americans of all ethnicities will continue to live here and -- as usual -- do the best that they can under the circumstances. No doubt some will decide to emigrate.
Only Traitors Have Had the Power to Make Laws

If we had the democratic right to determine which citizens could vote, as club members usually have the right to vote on who can be a new member, and also vote on which ethnicities can immigrate here, then the country would forever belong only to those who built it in the first place. We also need to nullify the citizenship of amnestees, anchor babies, and their descendants.
The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves: They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

The colonists were wrong:

1.The colonists were under a completely different covenant than the Israelites. Their Great CO-MISSION with Jesus Christ was to spread the Good News. < Mark 16:15 It was certainly not to usurp the role and identity of the Jewish people.
2.The Israelites of the Bible were, and remain, the Israelites of the Bible (not Pilgrims, not Gentiles).
3. The promised land (which was MUCH larger than the Israel of today) was promised, by God, to His friend Abraham and Abraham's descendants. (And still is) It is an everlasting covenant.
4. New Jerusalem, is New JERUSALEM. (Not New Boston, or Philly) and it specifically replaces (you guessed it)> OLD JERUSALEM. < Locate it and X marks the spot for the new one. And it requires a REBUILT Jewish Temple prior to the new event. There was not then, in the pilgrim era, nor is there yet, a 3rd. Temple.

It's not the Bible but the interpretation of what's in it that causes man to go astray in his knowledge and understanding. Just read it. It says what it says, no need to add to or take away from what is there. (Eve added to what God said, by just a little bit), and the consequences were dire for the rest of us.

God said:
"Whatever I command you, you shall be careful to do; you shall not add to nor take away from it.

But Jesus answered and said to them, "You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God.

Then this happens:
Do not add to His words Or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar.

I doubt you have a monopoly on understanding. I present an opposing view:

Apocalypticism Explained | Apocalypse! FRONTLINE | PBS

The Old Jerusalem is Not the New JerUSAlem

I have no monopoly on understanding. Nor do I depend on the views of others. I read what the Bible says to discern whether or not the view of another is viable. And your links are not.
The whole narrative of the role of the Jews during the tribulation period needs no interpretation. It is as plain as God could make it.
We are even given the exact location Christ will return. The Mount of Olives. Not the Rockies, not the Mount of Appalachia. Christ will be returning to Israel which He will enlarge and set up shop.
It is not New Chicago, it is New Jerusalem. It means what it says...
Where do you think Christ is going to return to, when He returns?

Azusa Zion

Christianity is Judaism for Gentiles, so, in imitation, it would have its own Promised Land.
The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves: They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

The colonists were wrong:

1.The colonists were under a completely different covenant than the Israelites. Their Great CO-MISSION with Jesus Christ was to spread the Good News. < Mark 16:15 It was certainly not to usurp the role and identity of the Jewish people.
2.The Israelites of the Bible were, and remain, the Israelites of the Bible (not Pilgrims, not Gentiles).
3. The promised land (which was MUCH larger than the Israel of today) was promised, by God, to His friend Abraham and Abraham's descendants. (And still is) It is an everlasting covenant.
4. New Jerusalem, is New JERUSALEM. (Not New Boston, or Philly) and it specifically replaces (you guessed it)> OLD JERUSALEM. < Locate it and X marks the spot for the new one. And it requires a REBUILT Jewish Temple prior to the new event. There was not then, in the pilgrim era, nor is there yet, a 3rd. Temple.

It's not the Bible but the interpretation of what's in it that causes man to go astray in his knowledge and understanding. Just read it. It says what it says, no need to add to or take away from what is there. (Eve added to what God said, by just a little bit), and the consequences were dire for the rest of us.

God said:
"Whatever I command you, you shall be careful to do; you shall not add to nor take away from it.

But Jesus answered and said to them, "You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God.

Then this happens:
Do not add to His words Or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar.

I doubt you have a monopoly on understanding. I present an opposing view:

Apocalypticism Explained | Apocalypse! FRONTLINE | PBS

The Old Jerusalem is Not the New JerUSAlem

I have no monopoly on understanding. Nor do I depend on the views of others. I read what the Bible says to discern whether or not the view of another is viable. And your links are not.
The whole narrative of the role of the Jews during the tribulation period needs no interpretation. It is as plain as God could make it.
We are even given the exact location Christ will return. The Mount of Olives. Not the Rockies, not the Mount of Appalachia. Christ will be returning to Israel which He will enlarge and set up shop.
It is not New Chicago, it is New Jerusalem. It means what it says...
Where do you think Christ is going to return to, when He returns?

Azusa Zion

Christianity is Judaism for Gentiles, so, in imitation, it would have its own Promised Land.

Actually, if you read the Bible, you got the equation backward.
If America was founded by Whites for Whites, why did they bring so many Blacks over to do the dirty work?

Did the not think they would breed and multiply?

Were the founders that ignorant?
Spanish brought then here less then 2% ,, they built nothing
I love it when racist assholes expect to be taken seriously.

The Top Using the Bottom Against the Middle

"Racism" is realism. It is misused as a buzz word among decadent misfits. Sheltered snobs, they must be shamed, shunned, and silenced. Let them virtue-signal their self-serving imaginary ethics to one another as they creep along in the shadows.

The race card is a Joker. Losers play it to make themselves feel like winners.
In order to make us live by Sharia law, there would have to be a constitutional amendment to remove the 1st amendment.
Yea tell that to Minnesota.. again you don’t under we the people.

Oh, and I understand exactly what "we the people" means. I also understand what the US Constitution means. A simple majority in a given community cannot void select parts of the US Constitution. Period.
Nothing is a void if it’s we the people

Try this again. The simple majority cannot overrule the US Constitution. This is especially true of an individual community tossing out the Bill of Rights.

The United States Supreme Court can toss out the entire Bill of Rights. The 14th Amendment eviscerated those Rights.
We, the Hushpuppy People

The Bill of Rights was a bone thrown to the excluded majority. It turned out to be nothing more than a wishbone.
Yea tell that to Minnesota.. again you don’t under we the people.

Oh, and I understand exactly what "we the people" means. I also understand what the US Constitution means. A simple majority in a given community cannot void select parts of the US Constitution. Period.
Nothing is a void if it’s we the people

Try this again. The simple majority cannot overrule the US Constitution. This is especially true of an individual community tossing out the Bill of Rights.

The United States Supreme Court can toss out the entire Bill of Rights. The 14th Amendment eviscerated those Rights.
We, the Hushpuppy People

The Bill of Rights was a bone thrown to the excluded majority. It turned out to be nothing more than a wishbone.

The 14th Amendment tossed the Bill of Rights with that crap that they can take your Rights so long as they afford "Due Process." That is the antithesis of an unalienable Right. From here on out, it's what Rights YOU can insure for yourself.
Last edited:
Founding a country on Anglo Saxon jurisprudence and biblical precepts is a Hell of a long way from genocide.

And the founding fathers of this nation made sure it was not a Christian nation. Thomas Jefferson specifically stated that it was not. What was said on the Mayflower was made irrelevant by the US Constitution. And the subsequent constitutional amendments further separated us from the "White Christian" nation idea.
Nice bunch of squatters we are though.
Original people?

Damn this dumbassery. I wish this board could recruit some posters that could actually READ. WTH??? We aren't squatters. The colonists took America via treaties, land purchases, the Right of Conquest (Google it) and all of it was legally recognized internationally.

the issue is one of the ETHICS of the situation. --------it was sorta ethical
for Romans to conquer-----even after they became "Christians" ----in fact
it was considered "godly" Lately "conquer" is not ethical.

Irrelevant. Our Constitution and International laws do not allow for ex post facto laws. You do know what an ex post facto law is, don't you?
The Constitution Is America's Suicide Note

Not allowing ex post facto is a way for obvious crimes to take place using loopholes. The perp gets to keep his loot; his only punishment is if the legislators block the loophole so he can't repeat the crime. The crooked ruling-class tyranny wants us to believe that these laws are for our own good. Only
Founding a country on Anglo Saxon jurisprudence and biblical precepts is a Hell of a long way from genocide.

And the founding fathers of this nation made sure it was not a Christian nation. Thomas Jefferson specifically stated that it was not. What was said on the Mayflower was made irrelevant by the US Constitution. And the subsequent constitutional amendments further separated us from the "White Christian" nation idea.
Nice bunch of squatters we are though.
Original people?

Damn this dumbassery. I wish this board could recruit some posters that could actually READ. WTH??? We aren't squatters. The colonists took America via treaties, land purchases, the Right of Conquest (Google it) and all of it was legally recognized internationally.

the issue is one of the ETHICS of the situation. --------it was sorta ethical
for Romans to conquer-----even after they became "Christians" ----in fact
it was considered "godly" Lately "conquer" is not ethical.

Irrelevant. Our Constitution and International laws do not allow for ex post facto laws. You do know what an ex post facto law is, don't you?
Wags Wearing Wigs

The lawyers for the crooked 1% wrote that into the Constitution so that their bosses could commit an obvious crime through a loophole and could only be punished if he did it again after the loophole was closed.
And the founding fathers of this nation made sure it was not a Christian nation. Thomas Jefferson specifically stated that it was not. What was said on the Mayflower was made irrelevant by the US Constitution. And the subsequent constitutional amendments further separated us from the "White Christian" nation idea.
Nice bunch of squatters we are though.
Original people?

Damn this dumbassery. I wish this board could recruit some posters that could actually READ. WTH??? We aren't squatters. The colonists took America via treaties, land purchases, the Right of Conquest (Google it) and all of it was legally recognized internationally.

the issue is one of the ETHICS of the situation. --------it was sorta ethical
for Romans to conquer-----even after they became "Christians" ----in fact
it was considered "godly" Lately "conquer" is not ethical.

Irrelevant. Our Constitution and International laws do not allow for ex post facto laws. You do know what an ex post facto law is, don't you?
The Constitution Is America's Suicide Note

Not allowing ex post facto is a way for obvious crimes to take place using loopholes. The perp gets to keep his loot; his only punishment is if the legislators block the loophole so he can't repeat the crime. The crooked ruling-class tyranny wants us to believe that these laws are for our own good. Only
And the founding fathers of this nation made sure it was not a Christian nation. Thomas Jefferson specifically stated that it was not. What was said on the Mayflower was made irrelevant by the US Constitution. And the subsequent constitutional amendments further separated us from the "White Christian" nation idea.
Nice bunch of squatters we are though.
Original people?

Damn this dumbassery. I wish this board could recruit some posters that could actually READ. WTH??? We aren't squatters. The colonists took America via treaties, land purchases, the Right of Conquest (Google it) and all of it was legally recognized internationally.

the issue is one of the ETHICS of the situation. --------it was sorta ethical
for Romans to conquer-----even after they became "Christians" ----in fact
it was considered "godly" Lately "conquer" is not ethical.

Irrelevant. Our Constitution and International laws do not allow for ex post facto laws. You do know what an ex post facto law is, don't you?
Wags Wearing Wigs

The lawyers for the crooked 1% wrote that into the Constitution so that their bosses could commit an obvious crime through a loophole and could only be punished if he did it again after the loophole was closed.

What country do you live in?
America founded by whites... for whites

So, Porter. What sort of reaction were you hoping for from non Whites? Maybe they would get on their knees and beg your forgiveness for having their sorry Black, Yellow, Brown and Red asses in your Lily White America, and breathing your air?
But seriously, lets say they suddenly agree with you, what should they do next?
  • Thanks
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I love it when racist assholes expect to be taken seriously.

The Top Using the Bottom Against the Middle

"Racism" is realism. It is misused as a buzz word among decadent misfits. Sheltered snobs, they must be shamed, shunned, and silenced. Let them virtue-signal their self-serving imaginary ethics to one another as they creep along in the shadows.

The race card is a Joker. Losers play it to make themselves feel like winners.
Racism is psychosis, not realism.

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