America founded by whites... for whites

You cannot "found" anything that already exists. Whites were not living here first. So this land was not given to whites and whites have never at any time been the only race here. All this so called evidence is fake news. Whites became the majority here by denying non whites to come here while refusing to give non whites already here citizenship in the "nation" they decided to create. Since native Americans who lived here before whites were denied constitutional protections they could be attacked and killed as they were considered enemies. The mere reality of the Indian Removal Policy shows a satanic cleansing of this land of the people who this land was originally given to by the same Christian God this idiot claims made America for whites.

Yep....hence the importance of the 2nd amendment.

Need to defend myself against racists such as yourself.
Unless and until the Constitution is abolished,

It's a living doc Porter, the term you seek is 'evolved' , which occurs at the scotus level, as i posted.

or Congressional levels....

'God' appears to have taken 2 centuries to debut on our currency>>>>

A law passed by the 84th Congress (P.L. 84-140) and approved by the President on July 30, 1956, the President approved a Joint Resolution of the 84th Congress, declaring IN GOD WE TRUST the national motto of the United States

around the same time , our POA was also changed>>>

President Dwight Eisenhower signed a bill passed by Congress that put the words “under God” within the phrase “one nation indivisible.”
One can look up the litigant battles for the above ^^^^ six ways to sunday.

of note here would be>>>
The supreme court justices ruled 5-4 that the Ten Commandments could not be displayed in court buildings or on government property.

Proof 'GOD' is being used in ambiguity....

the secularists have been fighting the religmo's hailing back to no more than a generation since our FF's penned our constitution.

A shining point in time where no religmo need apply, having escaped the clutches of a fascist theocracy (which is always their shtick) ,it was last thing they wished their then noob nation to assume...

You cannot "found" anything that already exists. Whites were not living here first. So this land was not given to whites and whites have never at any time been the only race here. All this so called evidence is fake news. Whites became the majority here by denying non whites to come here while refusing to give non whites already here citizenship in the "nation" they decided to create. Since native Americans who lived here before whites were denied constitutional protections they could be attacked and killed as they were considered enemies. The mere reality of the Indian Removal Policy shows a satanic cleansing of this land of the people who this land was originally given to by the same Christian God this idiot claims made America for whites.

So, you agree with him about the whites doing "it", and about it being for whites, but your disagreement is an issue of semantics, that he is using the wrong word, when he says, "founded".

Really, I am glad you are here, IM2. You have a better grasp of what is going on than all the other lefties that have been in this thread.

But in the interests of keeping the discussion going, a discussion which has been VERY revealing,

can we sideline the discussion of semantics?

The only significant difference between your position and Rockwell's is spin and which side you are on.
Except that 500 nations of indigenous people were living here with established nations. That alone kills Rockwells argument.

One would imagine all them 'lil red people we off'd, along with all the 'lil brown people Columbus off'd in the Caribbean, or Cortez in S America advocate to Porter's position IM2

I have considered the time frame and there is no excuse. Rockwell argues this claiming it's not white supremacy.

You should read the OP's 2 links then....

We are in the situation we are as a country for letting beliefs like this go unchecked. I understand how as a white person the seriousness here escapes you, and the eternal problem here at USMB is the failure to understand why others who are not white see certain things as they do.

I'm being enlightened to history IM2 , one would think you'd be all over it as well
So just how would you like me to 'see' it?

I am supposed to consider the times when it comes to this, but whites don't ever have to consider the times when the British controlled the colony and if a British person was to tell any of you that America was founded as a British colony, and the nation was formed without permission of the crown, therefore you are all subjects of the queen, you would not accept that argument even as it is true that America was first established as a British colony.

society changes with time , as do our socio-political views IM2

what we believe then, is not what we believe now, nor what we will believe in the future

It's time some whites here stopped the tone policing. The roots of white supremacy has been mentioned here long ago, those like you called me and others racists for doing so.

I'll forgo the racial bullsh*t for sake of clarity them IM2

we're privy to the roots of white supremacy via history written 4 centuries ago by what were aristo-zealots hailing from a theocracy

One would think , of all posters, YOU would be high 5'ing this thread....'I toldjaso'....Winthrop & Cotton!!!the grand wizard daddy of 'em all!


Unfortunately for both you and Rockwell, I know history. And history here predates the invasion of Europeans. I know where toe roots of white supremacy come from and that's not what Rockwell is trying to argue. I am rebutting Rockwells argument of America was founded by whites and for whites.

You are babbling nonsense and you only know history skewed toward a hatred of whites.

"The Christian religion was always recognized in the administration of the common law; and so far this as that law continues to be the law of the land, the fundamental principles of that religion must continue to be recognized in the same cases and to the same extent as formerly." Chief Justice (United States Supreme Court) Thomas Cooley - The General Principles of Constitutional Law in America

Due to the fact that the atheists and non-believers have no patience (and they REALLY don't want context) I am being forced to give half assed answers to keep up. If everyone here would look at the links and access them and READ them, they would have fewer questions and comments since both my links AND MY CRITICS are making the points some of you want.

Skipping all the court citations, laws, statutes, etc. because the anti-christs among us fear the truth, let's give them simplistic answers they can chew on.

"Some skeptics today like to argue that the founding fathers purposefully left God out of the Constitution. They say that a "Godless Constitution" was the intended design of the document---and they're wrong.

First of all, the authors of the Constitution not only mention God, they even mention that Jesus is God. They do this in the ratification clause. This was done "in the Year of Our Lord" 1787.

But some skeptics object. Yet law professor John Eidsmoe, author of the book, Christianity and the Constitution, notes in response to their objection: "Saying this [ratification] clause is not really part of the Constitution is like saying the attestation clause is not part of a will

God and the Constitution

Christianity is in the Constitution

And that is not the only place where Christianity can be deduced from the Constitution.

"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a law, in like Manner as if he had signed it . . . "

Article I, Section 7
Constitution of the United States of America

Why Sundays excepted? Why not Saturday or any other day? The real question is, how much proof do the critics require to admit that we are a Christian nation and its values and precepts are a part of our national culture as well as the basis for many of our laws?

An addition to posts # 1 and # 2:

This is straight up christian identity white supremacist bullshit.

What dumbassery! Christian Identity took from British Israelism and other Christian doctrines those parts of the Bible that help confirm their political objectives. And you tried to tell people you know history.

"The Christian religion was always recognized in the administration of the common law; and so far this as that law continues to be the law of the land, the fundamental principles of that religion must continue to be recognized in the same cases and to the same extent as formerly." Chief Justice (United States Supreme Court) Thomas Cooley - The General Principles of Constitutional Law in America

Due to the fact that the atheists and non-believers have no patience (and they REALLY don't want context) I am being forced to give half assed answers to keep up. If everyone here would look at the links and access them and READ them, they would have fewer questions and comments since both my links AND MY CRITICS are making the points some of you want.

Skipping all the court citations, laws, statutes, etc. because the anti-christs among us fear the truth, let's give them simplistic answers they can chew on.

"Some skeptics today like to argue that the founding fathers purposefully left God out of the Constitution. They say that a "Godless Constitution" was the intended design of the document---and they're wrong.

First of all, the authors of the Constitution not only mention God, they even mention that Jesus is God. They do this in the ratification clause. This was done "in the Year of Our Lord" 1787.

But some skeptics object. Yet law professor John Eidsmoe, author of the book, Christianity and the Constitution, notes in response to their objection: "Saying this [ratification] clause is not really part of the Constitution is like saying the attestation clause is not part of a will

God and the Constitution

Christianity is in the Constitution

And that is not the only place where Christianity can be deduced from the Constitution.

"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a law, in like Manner as if he had signed it . . . "

Article I, Section 7
Constitution of the United States of America

Why Sundays excepted? Why not Saturday or any other day? The real question is, how much proof do the critics require to admit that we are a Christian nation and its values and precepts are a part of our national culture as well as the basis for many of our laws?

An addition to posts # 1 and # 2:

This is straight up christian identity white supremacist bullshit.

Is there a problem with christian identiy white supremacy ?


There is a problem with Christian Identity if you're a bigot. You cannot be bigoted against one segment of society and claim you're not a bigot.
Except that 500 nations of indigenous people were living here with established nations. That alone kills Rockwells argument.

One would imagine all them 'lil red people we off'd, along with all the 'lil brown people Columbus off'd in the Caribbean, or Cortez in S America advocate to Porter's position IM2

I have considered the time frame and there is no excuse. Rockwell argues this claiming it's not white supremacy.

You should read the OP's 2 links then....

We are in the situation we are as a country for letting beliefs like this go unchecked. I understand how as a white person the seriousness here escapes you, and the eternal problem here at USMB is the failure to understand why others who are not white see certain things as they do.

I'm being enlightened to history IM2 , one would think you'd be all over it as well
So just how would you like me to 'see' it?

I am supposed to consider the times when it comes to this, but whites don't ever have to consider the times when the British controlled the colony and if a British person was to tell any of you that America was founded as a British colony, and the nation was formed without permission of the crown, therefore you are all subjects of the queen, you would not accept that argument even as it is true that America was first established as a British colony.

society changes with time , as do our socio-political views IM2

what we believe then, is not what we believe now, nor what we will believe in the future

It's time some whites here stopped the tone policing. The roots of white supremacy has been mentioned here long ago, those like you called me and others racists for doing so.

I'll forgo the racial bullsh*t for sake of clarity them IM2

we're privy to the roots of white supremacy via history written 4 centuries ago by what were aristo-zealots hailing from a theocracy

One would think , of all posters, YOU would be high 5'ing this thread....'I toldjaso'....Winthrop & Cotton!!!the grand wizard daddy of 'em all!


Unfortunately for both you and Rockwell, I know history. And history here predates the invasion of Europeans. I know where toe roots of white supremacy come from and that's not what Rockwell is trying to argue. I am rebutting Rockwells argument of America was founded by whites and for whites.

dueling historians then?

well one thing is clear , Porter makes no bones about being a racist

credit where due, this does take brass ones , given most choose to divert ,make excuses, or blame shift...

seems you gotta live one IM2!!!

en garde!!



"The Christian religion was always recognized in the administration of the common law; and so far this as that law continues to be the law of the land, the fundamental principles of that religion must continue to be recognized in the same cases and to the same extent as formerly." Chief Justice (United States Supreme Court) Thomas Cooley - The General Principles of Constitutional Law in America

Due to the fact that the atheists and non-believers have no patience (and they REALLY don't want context) I am being forced to give half assed answers to keep up. If everyone here would look at the links and access them and READ them, they would have fewer questions and comments since both my links AND MY CRITICS are making the points some of you want.

Skipping all the court citations, laws, statutes, etc. because the anti-christs among us fear the truth, let's give them simplistic answers they can chew on.

"Some skeptics today like to argue that the founding fathers purposefully left God out of the Constitution. They say that a "Godless Constitution" was the intended design of the document---and they're wrong.

First of all, the authors of the Constitution not only mention God, they even mention that Jesus is God. They do this in the ratification clause. This was done "in the Year of Our Lord" 1787.

But some skeptics object. Yet law professor John Eidsmoe, author of the book, Christianity and the Constitution, notes in response to their objection: "Saying this [ratification] clause is not really part of the Constitution is like saying the attestation clause is not part of a will

God and the Constitution

Christianity is in the Constitution

And that is not the only place where Christianity can be deduced from the Constitution.

"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a law, in like Manner as if he had signed it . . . "

Article I, Section 7
Constitution of the United States of America

Why Sundays excepted? Why not Saturday or any other day? The real question is, how much proof do the critics require to admit that we are a Christian nation and its values and precepts are a part of our national culture as well as the basis for many of our laws?

An addition to posts # 1 and # 2:

This is straight up christian identity white supremacist bullshit.

Is there a problem with christian identiy white supremacy ?


Yes. :ahole-1:

It's only a problem for you because you are a bigot.

"The Christian religion was always recognized in the administration of the common law; and so far this as that law continues to be the law of the land, the fundamental principles of that religion must continue to be recognized in the same cases and to the same extent as formerly." Chief Justice (United States Supreme Court) Thomas Cooley - The General Principles of Constitutional Law in America

Due to the fact that the atheists and non-believers have no patience (and they REALLY don't want context) I am being forced to give half assed answers to keep up. If everyone here would look at the links and access them and READ them, they would have fewer questions and comments since both my links AND MY CRITICS are making the points some of you want.

Skipping all the court citations, laws, statutes, etc. because the anti-christs among us fear the truth, let's give them simplistic answers they can chew on.

"Some skeptics today like to argue that the founding fathers purposefully left God out of the Constitution. They say that a "Godless Constitution" was the intended design of the document---and they're wrong.

First of all, the authors of the Constitution not only mention God, they even mention that Jesus is God. They do this in the ratification clause. This was done "in the Year of Our Lord" 1787.

But some skeptics object. Yet law professor John Eidsmoe, author of the book, Christianity and the Constitution, notes in response to their objection: "Saying this [ratification] clause is not really part of the Constitution is like saying the attestation clause is not part of a will

God and the Constitution

Christianity is in the Constitution

And that is not the only place where Christianity can be deduced from the Constitution.

"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a law, in like Manner as if he had signed it . . . "

Article I, Section 7
Constitution of the United States of America

Why Sundays excepted? Why not Saturday or any other day? The real question is, how much proof do the critics require to admit that we are a Christian nation and its values and precepts are a part of our national culture as well as the basis for many of our laws?

An addition to posts # 1 and # 2:

This is straight up christian identity white supremacist bullshit.

Is there a problem with christian identiy white supremacy ?


Yes. :ahole-1:

It's only a problem for you because you are a bigot.

I imagine your bigotry exists from when you were in diapers and comes from your parents.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2

"The Christian religion was always recognized in the administration of the common law; and so far this as that law continues to be the law of the land, the fundamental principles of that religion must continue to be recognized in the same cases and to the same extent as formerly." Chief Justice (United States Supreme Court) Thomas Cooley - The General Principles of Constitutional Law in America

Due to the fact that the atheists and non-believers have no patience (and they REALLY don't want context) I am being forced to give half assed answers to keep up. If everyone here would look at the links and access them and READ them, they would have fewer questions and comments since both my links AND MY CRITICS are making the points some of you want.

Skipping all the court citations, laws, statutes, etc. because the anti-christs among us fear the truth, let's give them simplistic answers they can chew on.

"Some skeptics today like to argue that the founding fathers purposefully left God out of the Constitution. They say that a "Godless Constitution" was the intended design of the document---and they're wrong.

First of all, the authors of the Constitution not only mention God, they even mention that Jesus is God. They do this in the ratification clause. This was done "in the Year of Our Lord" 1787.

But some skeptics object. Yet law professor John Eidsmoe, author of the book, Christianity and the Constitution, notes in response to their objection: "Saying this [ratification] clause is not really part of the Constitution is like saying the attestation clause is not part of a will

God and the Constitution

Christianity is in the Constitution

And that is not the only place where Christianity can be deduced from the Constitution.

"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a law, in like Manner as if he had signed it . . . "

Article I, Section 7
Constitution of the United States of America

Why Sundays excepted? Why not Saturday or any other day? The real question is, how much proof do the critics require to admit that we are a Christian nation and its values and precepts are a part of our national culture as well as the basis for many of our laws?

An addition to posts # 1 and # 2:

This is straight up christian identity white supremacist bullshit.

Is there a problem with christian identiy white supremacy ?


Yes. :ahole-1:

It's only a problem for you because you are a bigot.

I imagine your bigotry exists from when you were in diapers and comes from your parents.

You are a bigot for even saying that. I have never denied to anyone the Right to speak that which they believe nor think for themselves. You practice bigotry on a daily basis.
"It's only a problem for you because you are a bigot."

This idiot claims America was founded for whites only, says the 14th amendment basically does not count and he calls me a bigot because I as a black American refuses to accept that belief? Does this mother fucker sniff glue when he posts?
The United States was founded by white Christians for the benefit of white Christians.

Hi, Porter. No doubt you are stating FACT with this observation.

It is also a fact that as late as the 17th century, the same Bible toting, God embracing Christians were HATING people who did not conform to their Christian beliefs or way of life.

Galileo got off lucky, in many other instances of VIOLENT and OPPRESSIVE human behavior, the God and Bible loving people imprisoned, savagely murdered or horrifically tortured other free thinkers who attempted using their human intellect to help educate the human race about our physical world, as well as our human condition.

Giordano Bruno - Wikipedia

"Beginning in 1593, Bruno was tried for heresy by the Roman Inquisition on charges including denial of several core Catholic doctrines, including eternal damnation, the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, the virginity of Mary, and transubstantiation. Bruno's pantheism was also a matter of grave concern.[4] The Inquisition found him guilty, and he was burned at the stake in Rome's Campo de' Fiori in 1600."

Unfortunately for mankind, credible evidence reveals God and Bible loving humans embracing ignorant, illogical beliefs in divine supernatural beings not only greatly impeded the peaceful and healthy evolution of our human species.

Porter, reliable evidence demonstrates God and Bible embracing people are responsible for UNJUSTLY oppressing, slaughtering and torturing COUNTLESS numbers of peaceful, free-thinking human beings, many sincerely wanting to educate and improve the Quality of Life for our species.

Fortunately, today most Christians abhor violence. However many continue HATING.


"It's only a problem for you because you are a bigot."

This idiot claims America was founded for whites only, says the 14th amendment basically does not count and he calls me a bigot because I as a black American refuses to accept that belief? Does this mother fucker sniff glue when he posts?

I did not fuck this guy's mother (literally or figuratively.) He is a pathological liar. Why are you changing the subject with an unfounded lie? I called you a bigot because you would put me in jail if you could and it would be based upon what I believe and or observe. Did you know it's not cool to bring family into these kinds of conversations, BTW? Why such an unfounded accusation?

You have no tolerance for the beliefs of others. It makes you call people names, say shit you won't say to their face, and make a complete ass of yourself. You cannot have a civil or productive conversation and I don't always understand your idioms. You are one sick puppy and if a moderator sees what you called me, I will be surprised if they don't weigh in on this board and call you out.
Last edited:
The United States was founded by white Christians for the benefit of white Christians.

Hi, Porter. No doubt you are stating FACT with this observation.

It is also a fact that as late as the 17th century, the same Bible toting, God embracing Christians were HATING people who did not conform to their Christian beliefs or way of life.

Galileo got off lucky, in many other instances of VIOLENT and OPPRESSIVE human behavior, the God and Bible loving people imprisoned, savagely murdered or horrifically tortured other free thinkers who attempted using their human intellect to help educate the human race about our physical world, as well as our human condition.

Giordano Bruno - Wikipedia

"Beginning in 1593, Bruno was tried for heresy by the Roman Inquisition on charges including denial of several core Catholic doctrines, including eternal damnation, the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, the virginity of Mary, and transubstantiation. Bruno's pantheism was also a matter of grave concern.[4] The Inquisition found him guilty, and he was burned at the stake in Rome's Campo de' Fiori in 1600."

Unfortunately for mankind, credible evidence reveals God and Bible loving humans embracing ignorant, illogical beliefs in divine supernatural beings not only greatly impeded the peaceful and healthy evolution of our human species.

Porter, reliable evidence demonstrates God and Bible embracing people are responsible for UNJUSTLY oppressing, slaughtering and torturing COUNTLESS numbers of peaceful, free-thinking human beings, many sincerely wanting to educate and improve the Quality of Life for our species.

Fortunately, today most Christians abhor violence. However many continue HATING.

View attachment 300710


Nice try, but that was no match for the whopper told in another thread I did about America being a Christian nation. If you want to believe that Christians are evil, God bless you man (or woman.) I do give you a small laugh for your misguided effort.
If you want to believe that Christians are evil, God bless you man

Hi, Porter. IMO evil includes publicly or privately hating and denigrating as murderers or killers, American citizens choosing to lawfully terminate an unwanted, life changing pregnancy.

Another evil Christian face is HATING and demeaning a free-thinking fellow citizen because he or she chooses to love a person of the same gender. A choice that imo is none of anyone's bizness!

Porter, every day I thank the US Constitution for protecting me from evil, un-evolved religious people of all faiths.

If you want to believe that Christians are evil, God bless you man

Hi, Porter. IMO evil includes publicly or privately hating and denigrating as murderers or killers, American citizens choosing to lawfully terminate an unwanted, life changing pregnancy.

Another evil Christian face is HATING and demeaning a free-thinking fellow citizen because he or she chooses to love a person of the same gender. A choice that imo is none of anyone's bizness!

Porter, every day I thank the US Constitution for protecting me from evil, un-evolved religious people of all faiths.


You can preface evil in any form you like. If you're insinuating I'm in favor of abortion; I am not. It is liberals, atheists, and reprobates that made that decision to allow abortion, not me.

I think that who you choose to love / marry is your business IF you have a Right to do so AND you don't expect me to subsidize your lifestyle. If you make it my business or the public's business, then you are bound to the rules and regulations thereof.

Most of the guarantees in the Constitution were negated by the 14th Amendment. That Amendment nullified the Bill of Rights. While I'm totally against it, that outrage of illegally ratifying that Amendment means that you do not have Rights, but mere privileges and immunities as the government sees fit to dole out. So, if you, in this lifetime do become a victim of the system, white Christians are not in control of it. If you are victimized, it will be by people who are much like you.

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