America founded by whites... for whites

I'm telling you there are 3 races and everything stems from those 3 with intermingling in spite of what somebody believes somebody said. There is nothing revisionist about it. Jews are white, caucasoid- Bernie Sanders is a classic example- as is Yahoo from Israel- as are most Persians- they inhabited a less harsh climate than the southerners who had to endure brutal sun and sand- Arabs and Africans- Native? Americans, north and south were close to the equator, thus a darker complexion of mongoloid- I've seen pictures of carvings from Aztecs whose faces strongly resemble Africans whic coul help explain a darker complexioned Mongoloid race-

The earth, therefore its inhabitants have been here a long time and intermingling likely came along shortly thereafter especially when men traveled and when women were traded like commodities-

Knowledge evolves

Stardust from seven billion years ago found on Earth is ‘oldest ever and older than the sun'

We are learning more all the time-
I'm telling you there are 3 races and everything stems from those 3 with intermingling in spite of what somebody believes somebody said. There is nothing revisionist about it. Jews are white, caucasoid- Bernie Sanders is a classic example- as is Yahoo from Israel- as are most Persians- they inhabited a less harsh climate than the southerners who had to endure brutal sun and sand- Arabs and Africans- Native? Americans, north and south were close to the equator, thus a darker complexion of mongoloid- I've seen pictures of carvings from Aztecs whose faces strongly resemble Africans whic coul help explain a darker complexioned Mongoloid race-

The earth, therefore its inhabitants have been here a long time and intermingling likely came along shortly thereafter especially when men traveled and when women were traded like commodities-

Knowledge evolves

Stardust from seven billion years ago found on Earth is ‘oldest ever and older than the sun'

We are learning more all the time-

Yeah, I got that.

The op is about the intent of the Founders. You disagreeing with them, on their possible views on race, does not refute or even address whether "America was founded by whites for whites".

I want to be clear. I think you should try to address the topic. I DISAGREE with OP myself, on a lot of his view of the past and his agenda for the future, and have had extensive debates with the OP in the past.

I think you libs should try your hand at it.

The debate could be very constructive, even educational, in the spirit of this board.
Your criticisms are unfounded, meaningless and silly. Pardon me for not replying to such nonsensical B.S. that was intended for only you to understand.

Don’t know much about theocracy
Don't know much genealogy
Don't know much about that biblical book,
Don't now much about the catechism I took

But I do know the founders weren’t clowns
And If you think their doctrine was sound
What a wonderful thread this would be

Don't know much about civil rights
Don't know much about scotus fights
Don't know much about litigant highlights
Don't know what the EOE stands for

But I do know they tell me I’m free
And if you think that’s the way it should be
What a wonderful thread this would be

w/apologies to Mr Sam Cooke

The op is about the intent of the Founders. You disagreeing with them, on their possible views on race, does not refute or even address whether "America was founded by whites for whites".
Maybe- but, there seems to be exceptions to every rule.

Frederick Douglass - Wikipedia

A link is posted to support an argument, not make it.

My point stands.

All that shit, where you disagreed with the way the Founders might have thought about race,

was irrelevant, and is dismissed.
I'm just gonna say this then let y'all argue to your hearts content
If indeed the OT is correct all I can say is white supremacist fucked up- big time.
I'll admit to not being a part of a colored culture, red, yellow or black, although family lore has it that I'm part Osage, the other part Irish, I grew up as a part of the white culture. I did attend school, served in the military and worked with people from different cultures and colors the world over from the US to the ME and Europe and the orient- being very observant the one thing I've noticed about the white culture is an air of superiority- an arrogance built on Double Standards or vice versa.
A thing that *offends* me is loud, obnoxious and arrogant- I don't care what race is doing it. It's offensive. As is Double Standards. Double Standards is arrogance personified. No, that's not an apology for being white nor is one expected- but, just like any other failure, big, or small, without finding the cause of the failure all you're doing is prolonging an inevitable occurrence which can be catastrophic.
This Country has failed in the original experiment. It has nothing to do with a god, or a retribution, but an arrogance of applied Double Standards. And it isn't just toward one race or two, but even amongst own cultures. It's amazing and at the same time appalling at the absolute ignorance born of arrogance that all people want to do is blame someone else for their problems. How hard is it to recognize that when a finger is pointed three are pointing back at the pointer? Ones race is immaterial. However, since the white culture seems to believe it is superior and has the right to subject others to its demands it seems appropriate to shed some light on some facts as just mentioned about finger pointing.

It may be this Country was founded by white nationalist- that doesn't negate the fact that they signed off on arguably the most profound document ever penned by man for man. The Declaration of Independence. I'm pretty sure there were Indians around and I've read somewhere that the constitution had at least a small part of a Tribes governmental structure to it.
I find it hard to believe that men as intelligent and enlightened and educated as they were actually believed they could pull off an all white nation. Maybe I'm just naive- but, whether they did or didn't is kind of a moot point at this point in time- what isn't moot is all the finger pointing and denial by the arrogant, alleged superiors.
I'm just gonna say this then let y'all argue to your hearts content
If indeed the OT is correct all I can say is white supremacist fucked up- big time.
I'll admit to not being a part of a colored culture, red, yellow or black, although family lore has it that I'm part Osage, the other part Irish, I grew up as a part of the white culture. I did attend school, served in the military and worked with people from different cultures and colors the world over from the US to the ME and Europe and the orient- being very observant the one thing I've noticed about the white culture is an air of superiority- an arrogance built on Double Standards or vice versa.
A thing that *offends* me is loud, obnoxious and arrogant- I don't care what race is doing it. It's offensive. As is Double Standards. Double Standards is arrogance personified. No, that's not an apology for being white nor is one expected- but, just like any other failure, big, or small, without finding the cause of the failure all you're doing is prolonging an inevitable occurrence which can be catastrophic.
This Country has failed in the original experiment. It has nothing to do with a god, or a retribution, but an arrogance of applied Double Standards. And it isn't just toward one race or two, but even amongst own cultures. It's amazing and at the same time appalling at the absolute ignorance born of arrogance that all people want to do is blame someone else for their problems. How hard is it to recognize that when a finger is pointed three are pointing back at the pointer? Ones race is immaterial. However, since the white culture seems to believe it is superior and has the right to subject others to its demands it seems appropriate to shed some light on some facts as just mentioned about finger pointing.

It may be this Country was founded by white nationalist- that doesn't negate the fact that they signed off on arguably the most profound document ever penned by man for man. The Declaration of Independence. I'm pretty sure there were Indians around and I've read somewhere that the constitution had at least a small part of a Tribes governmental structure to it.
I find it hard to believe that men as intelligent and enlightened and educated as they were actually believed they could pull off an all white nation. Maybe I'm just naive- but, whether they did or didn't is kind of a moot point at this point in time- what isn't moot is all the finger pointing and denial by the arrogant, alleged superiors.

That is very close to a mature admission that you are in agreement on the facts of the issue, with someone whom you greatly disagree with.

I am impressed.

The strawman walking it back bit with conflating "for whites" with "all white" is dismissed.

So, you and Rockwell agree, this nation was founded "by whites for whites".

Now to see if other liberals, who have spent decades smearing America for being a racist nation, founded by white racists, for white racists, can bring themselves to the same conclusion.
Instead of hijacking someone else's thread, I wanted to defend the title of this thread by creating a thread to talk about one thing. However, before I do, I want to ask each of you a question: If I tell you that due to the court case of Roe v. Wade, abortion is legal in America, does that make me pro-abortion for stating a fact?

In this thread, I will give you the facts. I'll also put perspective into it and challenge my critics to respond without name calling and without long harangues to try and derail the thread. If you participate and you begin name calling, it will be noted and then no future responses will be required as you will have lost any pretend debate. Secondary, I will not respond to long diatribes that look like a book. Let's make our posts not exceed about a dozen paragraphs (give or take a few sentences. That said, let's rock:

The United States was founded by white Christians for the benefit of white Christians. Personally, I do not find it racist or white supremacist in its proper context. But, what I'm telling you is true. The very first governing document of the New World began with these words:

'In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith..."
(see the Mayflower Compact of 1620)

About a decade later in 1630, aboard the ship the Arbella, John Winthrop gave a sermon that has been cited (in part) by all kinds of statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. I'd like to give a couple of excerpts from that sermon and put this into perspective:

"First, in regard of the more near bond of marriage between Him and us, wherein He hath taken us to be His, after a most strict and peculiar manner, which will make Him the more jealous of our love and obedience. So He tells the people of Israel, you only have I known of all the families of the earth, therefore will I punish you for your transgressions.

...Thirdly, when God gives a special commission He looks to have it strictly observed in every article; When He gave Saul a commission to destroy Amaleck, He indented with him upon certain articles, and because he failed in one of the least, and that upon a fair pretense, it lost him the kingdom, which should have been his reward, if he had observed his commission.

...Thus stands the cause between God and us. We are entered into covenant with Him for this work. We have taken out a commission
..." Model of Christian Charity.pdf

The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves: They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

It's a free country, you can say what you want, but what you said that's stupid.
Your criticisms are unfounded, meaningless and silly. Pardon me for not replying to such nonsensical B.S. that was intended for only you to understand.

Don’t know much about theocracy
Don't know much genealogy
Don't know much about that biblical book,
Don't now much about the catechism I took

But I do know the founders weren’t clowns
And If you think their doctrine was sound
What a wonderful thread this would be

Don't know much about civil rights
Don't know much about scotus fights
Don't know much about litigant highlights
Don't know what the EOE stands for

But I do know they tell me I’m free
And if you think that’s the way it should be
What a wonderful thread this would be

w/apologies to Mr Sam Cooke


Nice parody - wrong place, wrong time.
Instead of hijacking someone else's thread, I wanted to defend the title of this thread by creating a thread to talk about one thing. However, before I do, I want to ask each of you a question: If I tell you that due to the court case of Roe v. Wade, abortion is legal in America, does that make me pro-abortion for stating a fact?

In this thread, I will give you the facts. I'll also put perspective into it and challenge my critics to respond without name calling and without long harangues to try and derail the thread. If you participate and you begin name calling, it will be noted and then no future responses will be required as you will have lost any pretend debate. Secondary, I will not respond to long diatribes that look like a book. Let's make our posts not exceed about a dozen paragraphs (give or take a few sentences. That said, let's rock:

The United States was founded by white Christians for the benefit of white Christians. Personally, I do not find it racist or white supremacist in its proper context. But, what I'm telling you is true. The very first governing document of the New World began with these words:

'In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith..."
(see the Mayflower Compact of 1620)

About a decade later in 1630, aboard the ship the Arbella, John Winthrop gave a sermon that has been cited (in part) by all kinds of statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. I'd like to give a couple of excerpts from that sermon and put this into perspective:

"First, in regard of the more near bond of marriage between Him and us, wherein He hath taken us to be His, after a most strict and peculiar manner, which will make Him the more jealous of our love and obedience. So He tells the people of Israel, you only have I known of all the families of the earth, therefore will I punish you for your transgressions.

...Thirdly, when God gives a special commission He looks to have it strictly observed in every article; When He gave Saul a commission to destroy Amaleck, He indented with him upon certain articles, and because he failed in one of the least, and that upon a fair pretense, it lost him the kingdom, which should have been his reward, if he had observed his commission.

...Thus stands the cause between God and us. We are entered into covenant with Him for this work. We have taken out a commission
..." Model of Christian Charity.pdf

The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves: They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

It's a free country, you can say what you want, but what you said that's stupid.

I disagree, but the real deal is I've only posted verifiable facts. I usually don't even have to interject my own personal opinions. If you aren't smart enough to deal with facts, what are you?
Instead of hijacking someone else's thread, I wanted to defend the title of this thread by creating a thread to talk about one thing. However, before I do, I want to ask each of you a question: If I tell you that due to the court case of Roe v. Wade, abortion is legal in America, does that make me pro-abortion for stating a fact?

In this thread, I will give you the facts. I'll also put perspective into it and challenge my critics to respond without name calling and without long harangues to try and derail the thread. If you participate and you begin name calling, it will be noted and then no future responses will be required as you will have lost any pretend debate. Secondary, I will not respond to long diatribes that look like a book. Let's make our posts not exceed about a dozen paragraphs (give or take a few sentences. That said, let's rock:

The United States was founded by white Christians for the benefit of white Christians. Personally, I do not find it racist or white supremacist in its proper context. But, what I'm telling you is true. The very first governing document of the New World began with these words:

'In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith..."
(see the Mayflower Compact of 1620)

About a decade later in 1630, aboard the ship the Arbella, John Winthrop gave a sermon that has been cited (in part) by all kinds of statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. I'd like to give a couple of excerpts from that sermon and put this into perspective:

"First, in regard of the more near bond of marriage between Him and us, wherein He hath taken us to be His, after a most strict and peculiar manner, which will make Him the more jealous of our love and obedience. So He tells the people of Israel, you only have I known of all the families of the earth, therefore will I punish you for your transgressions.

...Thirdly, when God gives a special commission He looks to have it strictly observed in every article; When He gave Saul a commission to destroy Amaleck, He indented with him upon certain articles, and because he failed in one of the least, and that upon a fair pretense, it lost him the kingdom, which should have been his reward, if he had observed his commission.

...Thus stands the cause between God and us. We are entered into covenant with Him for this work. We have taken out a commission
..." Model of Christian Charity.pdf

The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves: They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

It's a free country, you can say what you want, but what you said that's stupid.

I disagree, but the real deal is I've only posted verifiable facts. I usually don't even have to interject my own personal opinions. If you aren't smart enough to deal with facts, what are you?

You posted what you see as facts that back your assertions that this country was founded for whites. Even if that were the case it ain't now. That's a fact.
Instead of hijacking someone else's thread, I wanted to defend the title of this thread by creating a thread to talk about one thing. However, before I do, I want to ask each of you a question: If I tell you that due to the court case of Roe v. Wade, abortion is legal in America, does that make me pro-abortion for stating a fact?

In this thread, I will give you the facts. I'll also put perspective into it and challenge my critics to respond without name calling and without long harangues to try and derail the thread. If you participate and you begin name calling, it will be noted and then no future responses will be required as you will have lost any pretend debate. Secondary, I will not respond to long diatribes that look like a book. Let's make our posts not exceed about a dozen paragraphs (give or take a few sentences. That said, let's rock:

The United States was founded by white Christians for the benefit of white Christians. Personally, I do not find it racist or white supremacist in its proper context. But, what I'm telling you is true. The very first governing document of the New World began with these words:

'In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith..."
(see the Mayflower Compact of 1620)

About a decade later in 1630, aboard the ship the Arbella, John Winthrop gave a sermon that has been cited (in part) by all kinds of statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. I'd like to give a couple of excerpts from that sermon and put this into perspective:

"First, in regard of the more near bond of marriage between Him and us, wherein He hath taken us to be His, after a most strict and peculiar manner, which will make Him the more jealous of our love and obedience. So He tells the people of Israel, you only have I known of all the families of the earth, therefore will I punish you for your transgressions.

...Thirdly, when God gives a special commission He looks to have it strictly observed in every article; When He gave Saul a commission to destroy Amaleck, He indented with him upon certain articles, and because he failed in one of the least, and that upon a fair pretense, it lost him the kingdom, which should have been his reward, if he had observed his commission.

...Thus stands the cause between God and us. We are entered into covenant with Him for this work. We have taken out a commission
..." Model of Christian Charity.pdf

The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves: They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

It's a free country, you can say what you want, but what you said that's stupid.

I disagree, but the real deal is I've only posted verifiable facts. I usually don't even have to interject my own personal opinions. If you aren't smart enough to deal with facts, what are you?

You posted what you see as facts that back your assertions that this country was founded for whites. Even if that were the case it ain't now. That's a fact.

Lot of slaver owners among the founders. YOu really think that they were founding this nation to some day, benefit their slaves?

I mean, you do believe that America has always been evul and racist, right? Ruled by evul whites who discriminate and oppress POCs, just for the sake of evulness, right?
Instead of hijacking someone else's thread, I wanted to defend the title of this thread by creating a thread to talk about one thing. However, before I do, I want to ask each of you a question: If I tell you that due to the court case of Roe v. Wade, abortion is legal in America, does that make me pro-abortion for stating a fact?

In this thread, I will give you the facts. I'll also put perspective into it and challenge my critics to respond without name calling and without long harangues to try and derail the thread. If you participate and you begin name calling, it will be noted and then no future responses will be required as you will have lost any pretend debate. Secondary, I will not respond to long diatribes that look like a book. Let's make our posts not exceed about a dozen paragraphs (give or take a few sentences. That said, let's rock:

The United States was founded by white Christians for the benefit of white Christians. Personally, I do not find it racist or white supremacist in its proper context. But, what I'm telling you is true. The very first governing document of the New World began with these words:

'In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith..."
(see the Mayflower Compact of 1620)

About a decade later in 1630, aboard the ship the Arbella, John Winthrop gave a sermon that has been cited (in part) by all kinds of statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. I'd like to give a couple of excerpts from that sermon and put this into perspective:

"First, in regard of the more near bond of marriage between Him and us, wherein He hath taken us to be His, after a most strict and peculiar manner, which will make Him the more jealous of our love and obedience. So He tells the people of Israel, you only have I known of all the families of the earth, therefore will I punish you for your transgressions.

...Thirdly, when God gives a special commission He looks to have it strictly observed in every article; When He gave Saul a commission to destroy Amaleck, He indented with him upon certain articles, and because he failed in one of the least, and that upon a fair pretense, it lost him the kingdom, which should have been his reward, if he had observed his commission.

...Thus stands the cause between God and us. We are entered into covenant with Him for this work. We have taken out a commission
..." Model of Christian Charity.pdf

The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves: They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

It's a free country, you can say what you want, but what you said that's stupid.

I disagree, but the real deal is I've only posted verifiable facts. I usually don't even have to interject my own personal opinions. If you aren't smart enough to deal with facts, what are you?

You posted what you see as facts that back your assertions that this country was founded for whites. Even if that were the case it ain't now. That's a fact.

I would say you are partially true to the extent that the whites reserve the Right to demand their leaders enforce the Constitution and all unconstitutional laws and amendments OR we have the Right to use extraordinary measures.

Unless and until the Constitution is abolished, there are many options for the white people to use IF they so choose. If not, I'll concede the point to you.
Except that 500 nations of indigenous people were living here with established nations. That alone kills Rockwells argument.

One would imagine all them 'lil red people we off'd, along with all the 'lil brown people Columbus off'd in the Caribbean, or Cortez in S America advocate to Porter's position IM2

I have considered the time frame and there is no excuse. Rockwell argues this claiming it's not white supremacy.

You should read the OP's 2 links then....

We are in the situation we are as a country for letting beliefs like this go unchecked. I understand how as a white person the seriousness here escapes you, and the eternal problem here at USMB is the failure to understand why others who are not white see certain things as they do.

I'm being enlightened to history IM2 , one would think you'd be all over it as well
So just how would you like me to 'see' it?

I am supposed to consider the times when it comes to this, but whites don't ever have to consider the times when the British controlled the colony and if a British person was to tell any of you that America was founded as a British colony, and the nation was formed without permission of the crown, therefore you are all subjects of the queen, you would not accept that argument even as it is true that America was first established as a British colony.

society changes with time , as do our socio-political views IM2

what we believe then, is not what we believe now, nor what we will believe in the future

It's time some whites here stopped the tone policing. The roots of white supremacy has been mentioned here long ago, those like you called me and others racists for doing so.

I'll forgo the racial bullsh*t for sake of clarity them IM2

we're privy to the roots of white supremacy via history written 4 centuries ago by what were aristo-zealots hailing from a theocracy

One would think , of all posters, YOU would be high 5'ing this thread....'I toldjaso'....Winthrop & Cotton!!!the grand wizard daddy of 'em all!


Unfortunately for both you and Rockwell, I know history. And history here predates the invasion of Europeans. I know where toe roots of white supremacy come from and that's not what Rockwell is trying to argue. I am rebutting Rockwells argument of America was founded by whites and for whites.
How was North America settled before European colonization?


"The Christian religion was always recognized in the administration of the common law; and so far this as that law continues to be the law of the land, the fundamental principles of that religion must continue to be recognized in the same cases and to the same extent as formerly." Chief Justice (United States Supreme Court) Thomas Cooley - The General Principles of Constitutional Law in America

Due to the fact that the atheists and non-believers have no patience (and they REALLY don't want context) I am being forced to give half assed answers to keep up. If everyone here would look at the links and access them and READ them, they would have fewer questions and comments since both my links AND MY CRITICS are making the points some of you want.

Skipping all the court citations, laws, statutes, etc. because the anti-christs among us fear the truth, let's give them simplistic answers they can chew on.

"Some skeptics today like to argue that the founding fathers purposefully left God out of the Constitution. They say that a "Godless Constitution" was the intended design of the document---and they're wrong.

First of all, the authors of the Constitution not only mention God, they even mention that Jesus is God. They do this in the ratification clause. This was done "in the Year of Our Lord" 1787.

But some skeptics object. Yet law professor John Eidsmoe, author of the book, Christianity and the Constitution, notes in response to their objection: "Saying this [ratification] clause is not really part of the Constitution is like saying the attestation clause is not part of a will

God and the Constitution

Christianity is in the Constitution

And that is not the only place where Christianity can be deduced from the Constitution.

"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a law, in like Manner as if he had signed it . . . "

Article I, Section 7
Constitution of the United States of America

Why Sundays excepted? Why not Saturday or any other day? The real question is, how much proof do the critics require to admit that we are a Christian nation and its values and precepts are a part of our national culture as well as the basis for many of our laws?

An addition to posts # 1 and # 2:

This is straight up christian identity white supremacist bullshit.

"The Christian religion was always recognized in the administration of the common law; and so far this as that law continues to be the law of the land, the fundamental principles of that religion must continue to be recognized in the same cases and to the same extent as formerly." Chief Justice (United States Supreme Court) Thomas Cooley - The General Principles of Constitutional Law in America

Due to the fact that the atheists and non-believers have no patience (and they REALLY don't want context) I am being forced to give half assed answers to keep up. If everyone here would look at the links and access them and READ them, they would have fewer questions and comments since both my links AND MY CRITICS are making the points some of you want.

Skipping all the court citations, laws, statutes, etc. because the anti-christs among us fear the truth, let's give them simplistic answers they can chew on.

"Some skeptics today like to argue that the founding fathers purposefully left God out of the Constitution. They say that a "Godless Constitution" was the intended design of the document---and they're wrong.

First of all, the authors of the Constitution not only mention God, they even mention that Jesus is God. They do this in the ratification clause. This was done "in the Year of Our Lord" 1787.

But some skeptics object. Yet law professor John Eidsmoe, author of the book, Christianity and the Constitution, notes in response to their objection: "Saying this [ratification] clause is not really part of the Constitution is like saying the attestation clause is not part of a will

God and the Constitution

Christianity is in the Constitution

And that is not the only place where Christianity can be deduced from the Constitution.

"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a law, in like Manner as if he had signed it . . . "

Article I, Section 7
Constitution of the United States of America

Why Sundays excepted? Why not Saturday or any other day? The real question is, how much proof do the critics require to admit that we are a Christian nation and its values and precepts are a part of our national culture as well as the basis for many of our laws?

An addition to posts # 1 and # 2:

This is straight up christian identity white supremacist bullshit.

Is there a problem with christian identiy white supremacy ?


"The Christian religion was always recognized in the administration of the common law; and so far this as that law continues to be the law of the land, the fundamental principles of that religion must continue to be recognized in the same cases and to the same extent as formerly." Chief Justice (United States Supreme Court) Thomas Cooley - The General Principles of Constitutional Law in America

Due to the fact that the atheists and non-believers have no patience (and they REALLY don't want context) I am being forced to give half assed answers to keep up. If everyone here would look at the links and access them and READ them, they would have fewer questions and comments since both my links AND MY CRITICS are making the points some of you want.

Skipping all the court citations, laws, statutes, etc. because the anti-christs among us fear the truth, let's give them simplistic answers they can chew on.

"Some skeptics today like to argue that the founding fathers purposefully left God out of the Constitution. They say that a "Godless Constitution" was the intended design of the document---and they're wrong.

First of all, the authors of the Constitution not only mention God, they even mention that Jesus is God. They do this in the ratification clause. This was done "in the Year of Our Lord" 1787.

But some skeptics object. Yet law professor John Eidsmoe, author of the book, Christianity and the Constitution, notes in response to their objection: "Saying this [ratification] clause is not really part of the Constitution is like saying the attestation clause is not part of a will

God and the Constitution

Christianity is in the Constitution

And that is not the only place where Christianity can be deduced from the Constitution.

"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a law, in like Manner as if he had signed it . . . "

Article I, Section 7
Constitution of the United States of America

Why Sundays excepted? Why not Saturday or any other day? The real question is, how much proof do the critics require to admit that we are a Christian nation and its values and precepts are a part of our national culture as well as the basis for many of our laws?

An addition to posts # 1 and # 2:

This is straight up christian identity white supremacist bullshit.

Is there a problem with christian identiy white supremacy ?


Yes. :ahole-1:

"The Christian religion was always recognized in the administration of the common law; and so far this as that law continues to be the law of the land, the fundamental principles of that religion must continue to be recognized in the same cases and to the same extent as formerly." Chief Justice (United States Supreme Court) Thomas Cooley - The General Principles of Constitutional Law in America

Due to the fact that the atheists and non-believers have no patience (and they REALLY don't want context) I am being forced to give half assed answers to keep up. If everyone here would look at the links and access them and READ them, they would have fewer questions and comments since both my links AND MY CRITICS are making the points some of you want.

Skipping all the court citations, laws, statutes, etc. because the anti-christs among us fear the truth, let's give them simplistic answers they can chew on.

"Some skeptics today like to argue that the founding fathers purposefully left God out of the Constitution. They say that a "Godless Constitution" was the intended design of the document---and they're wrong.

First of all, the authors of the Constitution not only mention God, they even mention that Jesus is God. They do this in the ratification clause. This was done "in the Year of Our Lord" 1787.

But some skeptics object. Yet law professor John Eidsmoe, author of the book, Christianity and the Constitution, notes in response to their objection: "Saying this [ratification] clause is not really part of the Constitution is like saying the attestation clause is not part of a will

God and the Constitution

Christianity is in the Constitution

And that is not the only place where Christianity can be deduced from the Constitution.

"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a law, in like Manner as if he had signed it . . . "

Article I, Section 7
Constitution of the United States of America

Why Sundays excepted? Why not Saturday or any other day? The real question is, how much proof do the critics require to admit that we are a Christian nation and its values and precepts are a part of our national culture as well as the basis for many of our laws?

An addition to posts # 1 and # 2:

This is straight up christian identity white supremacist bullshit.

Is there a problem with christian identiy white supremacy ?


Yes. :ahole-1:

You cannot "found" anything that already exists. Whites were not living here first. So this land was not given to whites and whites have never at any time been the only race here. All this so called evidence is fake news. Whites became the majority here by denying non whites to come here while refusing to give non whites already here citizenship in the "nation" they decided to create. Since native Americans who lived here before whites were denied constitutional protections they could be attacked and killed as they were considered enemies. The mere reality of the Indian Removal Policy shows a satanic cleansing of this land of the people who this land was originally given to by the same Christian God this idiot claims made America for whites.

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