America founded by whites... for whites

Instead of hijacking someone else's thread, I wanted to defend the title of this thread by creating a thread to talk about one thing. However, before I do, I want to ask each of you a question: If I tell you that due to the court case of Roe v. Wade, abortion is legal in America, does that make me pro-abortion for stating a fact?

In this thread, I will give you the facts. I'll also put perspective into it and challenge my critics to respond without name calling and without long harangues to try and derail the thread. If you participate and you begin name calling, it will be noted and then no future responses will be required as you will have lost any pretend debate. Secondary, I will not respond to long diatribes that look like a book. Let's make our posts not exceed about a dozen paragraphs (give or take a few sentences. That said, let's rock:

The United States was founded by white Christians for the benefit of white Christians. Personally, I do not find it racist or white supremacist in its proper context. But, what I'm telling you is true. The very first governing document of the New World began with these words:

'In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith..."
(see the Mayflower Compact of 1620)

About a decade later in 1630, aboard the ship the Arbella, John Winthrop gave a sermon that has been cited (in part) by all kinds of statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. I'd like to give a couple of excerpts from that sermon and put this into perspective:

"First, in regard of the more near bond of marriage between Him and us, wherein He hath taken us to be His, after a most strict and peculiar manner, which will make Him the more jealous of our love and obedience. So He tells the people of Israel, you only have I known of all the families of the earth, therefore will I punish you for your transgressions.

...Thirdly, when God gives a special commission He looks to have it strictly observed in every article; When He gave Saul a commission to destroy Amaleck, He indented with him upon certain articles, and because he failed in one of the least, and that upon a fair pretense, it lost him the kingdom, which should have been his reward, if he had observed his commission.

...Thus stands the cause between God and us. We are entered into covenant with Him for this work. We have taken out a commission
..." Model of Christian Charity.pdf

The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves: They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

The Judeo was not put in front of the Christian, till 1950.
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Instead of hijacking someone else's thread, I wanted to defend the title of this thread by creating a thread to talk about one thing. However, before I do, I want to ask each of you a question: If I tell you that due to the court case of Roe v. Wade, abortion is legal in America, does that make me pro-abortion for stating a fact?

In this thread, I will give you the facts. I'll also put perspective into it and challenge my critics to respond without name calling and without long harangues to try and derail the thread. If you participate and you begin name calling, it will be noted and then no future responses will be required as you will have lost any pretend debate. Secondary, I will not respond to long diatribes that look like a book. Let's make our posts not exceed about a dozen paragraphs (give or take a few sentences. That said, let's rock:

The United States was founded by white Christians for the benefit of white Christians. Personally, I do not find it racist or white supremacist in its proper context. But, what I'm telling you is true. The very first governing document of the New World began with these words:

'In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith..."
(see the Mayflower Compact of 1620)

About a decade later in 1630, aboard the ship the Arbella, John Winthrop gave a sermon that has been cited (in part) by all kinds of statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. I'd like to give a couple of excerpts from that sermon and put this into perspective:

"First, in regard of the more near bond of marriage between Him and us, wherein He hath taken us to be His, after a most strict and peculiar manner, which will make Him the more jealous of our love and obedience. So He tells the people of Israel, you only have I known of all the families of the earth, therefore will I punish you for your transgressions.

...Thirdly, when God gives a special commission He looks to have it strictly observed in every article; When He gave Saul a commission to destroy Amaleck, He indented with him upon certain articles, and because he failed in one of the least, and that upon a fair pretense, it lost him the kingdom, which should have been his reward, if he had observed his commission.

...Thus stands the cause between God and us. We are entered into covenant with Him for this work. We have taken out a commission
..." Model of Christian Charity.pdf

The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves: They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

The Judeo was not put in front of the Christian, till 1950.

In my own words, quote where I have ever mentioned Judeo other than right here. I haven't even used that word in any thread I've started to date.
Instead of hijacking someone else's thread, I wanted to defend the title of this thread by creating a thread to talk about one thing. However, before I do, I want to ask each of you a question: If I tell you that due to the court case of Roe v. Wade, abortion is legal in America, does that make me pro-abortion for stating a fact?

In this thread, I will give you the facts. I'll also put perspective into it and challenge my critics to respond without name calling and without long harangues to try and derail the thread. If you participate and you begin name calling, it will be noted and then no future responses will be required as you will have lost any pretend debate. Secondary, I will not respond to long diatribes that look like a book. Let's make our posts not exceed about a dozen paragraphs (give or take a few sentences. That said, let's rock:

The United States was founded by white Christians for the benefit of white Christians. Personally, I do not find it racist or white supremacist in its proper context. But, what I'm telling you is true. The very first governing document of the New World began with these words:

'In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith..."
(see the Mayflower Compact of 1620)

About a decade later in 1630, aboard the ship the Arbella, John Winthrop gave a sermon that has been cited (in part) by all kinds of statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. I'd like to give a couple of excerpts from that sermon and put this into perspective:

"First, in regard of the more near bond of marriage between Him and us, wherein He hath taken us to be His, after a most strict and peculiar manner, which will make Him the more jealous of our love and obedience. So He tells the people of Israel, you only have I known of all the families of the earth, therefore will I punish you for your transgressions.

...Thirdly, when God gives a special commission He looks to have it strictly observed in every article; When He gave Saul a commission to destroy Amaleck, He indented with him upon certain articles, and because he failed in one of the least, and that upon a fair pretense, it lost him the kingdom, which should have been his reward, if he had observed his commission.

...Thus stands the cause between God and us. We are entered into covenant with Him for this work. We have taken out a commission
..." Model of Christian Charity.pdf

The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves: They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

The Judeo was not put in front of the Christian, till 1950.

In my own words, quote where I have ever mentioned Judeo other than right here. I haven't even used that word in any thread I've started to date.

The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves:
They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

You might be aware that Israelites were once upon a time arabs and even Jesus had arab decendents.

answer me this, why did the white man bring african blacks to this white nation?
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"The Christian religion was always recognized in the administration of the common law; and so far this as that law continues to be the law of the land, the fundamental principles of that religion must continue to be recognized in the same cases and to the same extent as formerly." Chief Justice (United States Supreme Court) Thomas Cooley - The General Principles of Constitutional Law in America

Due to the fact that the atheists and non-believers have no patience (and they REALLY don't want context) I am being forced to give half assed answers to keep up. If everyone here would look at the links and access them and READ them, they would have fewer questions and comments since both my links AND MY CRITICS are making the points some of you want.

Skipping all the court citations, laws, statutes, etc. because the anti-christs among us fear the truth, let's give them simplistic answers they can chew on.

"Some skeptics today like to argue that the founding fathers purposefully left God out of the Constitution. They say that a "Godless Constitution" was the intended design of the document---and they're wrong.

First of all, the authors of the Constitution not only mention God, they even mention that Jesus is God. They do this in the ratification clause. This was done "in the Year of Our Lord" 1787.

But some skeptics object. Yet law professor John Eidsmoe, author of the book, Christianity and the Constitution, notes in response to their objection: "Saying this [ratification] clause is not really part of the Constitution is like saying the attestation clause is not part of a will

God and the Constitution

Christianity is in the Constitution

And that is not the only place where Christianity can be deduced from the Constitution.

"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a law, in like Manner as if he had signed it . . . "

Article I, Section 7
Constitution of the United States of America

Why Sundays excepted? Why not Saturday or any other day? The real question is, how much proof do the critics require to admit that we are a Christian nation and its values and precepts are a part of our national culture as well as the basis for many of our laws?

An addition to posts # 1 and # 2:
The United States was founded by white Christians for the benefit of white Christians. Personally, I do not find it racist or white supremacist in its proper context. But, what I'm telling you is true. The very first governing document of the New World began with these words:

'In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith..."
(see the Mayflower Compact of 1620)...


Is it then fair to ask ---since the first negro slaves went to work for their USA Plantation owning White masters, in 1619; who really 'founded' America in the physical form that's created?

In another thread, you asked me a question that I had hoped we and other posters could discuss. It was the primary reason I started this thread. Hell, these people want to talk about religion, guns, drugs, but not the OP. I want to respond directly to you in a thread aimed at this one topic.
I am not saying whether the founding fathers were Christian. That can often be hard to tell.

But the nation that they founded was not founded as a Christian nation. Those wise men went to some lengths to make sure it was a secular nation.
Not according to history books .. I honestly don’t think America is the country for you.. sorry buddy

According to the US Constitution, it is not. And this country is exactly the country for me. Get used to me. I am not going to live anywhere else.

I do find it amusing that you claim it was founded for white Christians, and you claim to be a patriotic American. Hard to believe you identify as a Christian.
White Christians did build America our values our culture all stem from them.White Christians did build America our values our culture all stem from them ..But I remain open to having other ethnicities assimilate to our values.. all I’m saying is that if you opened up 20 Muslim schools and 20 Catholic schools there would be a line out the door for the Catholic schools

I disagree. If we allowed America to be multicultural, the non-white Muslims would take over and demand that everyone obey Sharia Law.

In order to make us live by Sharia law, there would have to be a constitutional amendment to remove the 1st amendment.

Dear WinterBorn
Even with the First Amendment in place,

A. Democrats were able to push the beliefs in health care as a right and a "duty of federal govt" through Congress and Courts,
where the legal challenges opponents could afford to pursue only addressed specific arguments they could win. This still set
a contested precedent for passing laws first in contempt of the beliefs of others, then challenging them afterwards legally
"and if no such lawsuit wins in court then the law or precedent is taught as Constitutionally valid"
Similar faith-based biased policies have been pushed for the marriage laws and transgender, which also involve
"establishing or prohibiting/punishing/regulating" choices of beliefs and faith based expression through govt.

B. Both liberal prochoice and conservative prolife subsequently passed laws on abortion that were extremely biased
toward one sides' beliefs while violating and discriminating against the beliefs of the other opponents.

Both are violations of the First Amendment IF this is interpreted to include political beliefs as a form of political religion
and political party platforms are treated equally as those of other types of religious organization and belief/value systems.

Since this ISN'T regarded by all as violating the First Amendment,
that's what we would need to clarify in order to fully protect individuals
from abuse of govt to establish "political beliefs or religions."

We don't have to target "Shariah Law" when there are already plenty of
precedents for PARTIES abusing govt to push their political beliefs
and religions, and either violate the rights of others, threaten to, or
discriminate by creed by penalizing, harassing and attacking each other
for having different political beliefs. THIS IS ALREADY HAPPENING!

In another thread, you asked me a question that I had hoped we and other posters could discuss. It was the primary reason I started this thread. Hell, these people want to talk about religion, guns, drugs, but not the OP. I want to respond directly to you in a thread aimed at this one topic.
According to the US Constitution, it is not. And this country is exactly the country for me. Get used to me. I am not going to live anywhere else.

I do find it amusing that you claim it was founded for white Christians, and you claim to be a patriotic American. Hard to believe you identify as a Christian.
White Christians did build America our values our culture all stem from them.White Christians did build America our values our culture all stem from them ..But I remain open to having other ethnicities assimilate to our values.. all I’m saying is that if you opened up 20 Muslim schools and 20 Catholic schools there would be a line out the door for the Catholic schools

I disagree. If we allowed America to be multicultural, the non-white Muslims would take over and demand that everyone obey Sharia Law.

In order to make us live by Sharia law, there would have to be a constitutional amendment to remove the 1st amendment.
Yea tell that to Minnesota.. again you don’t under we the people.

Are Christians being forced to live under Sharia law? Or are select groups accepting Sharia law for themselves. I have no problem if a group has its own rules for their religious order, and the individuals accept those rules. Is Sharia law being forced on anyone in Minnesota?

Dear WinterBorn
If you need an example:
Under ACA, federal rules penalized taxpayers for not believing in, complying and paying into federally mandated health care and insurance requirements. So Citizens whose Constitutional beliefs in limited govt (that requires a Constitutional Amendment so that people and states can be
represented before taxation was imposed with new conditions, especially introducing political beliefs in health care as a right that all people should pay for through federal govt) were violated by passing and approving this law that established beliefs, and which compelled law abiding citizens under threat of tax fines and penalties to comply anyway, against their beliefs, without due process of law to prove any abuses that might warrant deprivation of liberty and free choice. Individuals who had not cost tax money, but were willing to pay for health care using free market means, were punished with deprivation of liberty in advance, on the "BELIEF" that going through federal govt was more cost effective when this was not proven to be a "compelling interest" (and the measures passed were not proven but still contested to this day as NOT the "least restrictive").

If you look at the exemptions rules, basically to get an exemption, citizens had to register and PAY a religious organization
that the federal govt regulated and approved as a health sharing ministry.

In other words, in order to retain the freedom that Constitutionalist believe in, we were required to JOIN and PAY specific
religious organizations (had to be founded before 1999) that met federally regulated definitions and conditions.

That's FEDERAL GOVT regulating religious membership and discriminating on the basis of religion and creed.

Democrats and liberals didn't care or catch this.
They were too busy using the ACA to try to push for health care through govt.
But it already set very bad precedents for pushing beliefs and RELIGIOUS regulations through govt.

We can use THAT example without arguing over "Shariah Law"
Last edited:

YOu keep posting as if I am anti-Second Amendment. That is obviously not true. Quit lying to try and play the victim.
Lol no your not you have stated you love the over regulation of the bill of rights.. you hate America

That is a lie. I don't consider not allowing violent convicted to own guns "over regulation" at all. And neither does the SCOTUS.

And considering you think the Bill of Rights is subject to the whims of a local community, you are the one showing hatred for the nation.

1) What in the Hell is wrong with Americans, allowing dangerous people to run amok in a free society if they cannot be trusted with firearms? If you kept dangerous people behind bars and released the ones you could return back to society with their Rights intact, you would have no pretext for a lot of the gun control arguments sick people make

2) Local communities all the way up to state governments can create pro-Second Amendment sanctuary cities. The United States Supreme Court legitimized sanctuary cities for undocumented foreigners and gun owners have the equal protection of the laws

3) This is not a Second Amendment thread. Why is everybody afraid to discuss the OP?

I am not afraid to discuss the topic. YOu'll have to ask Jitler why he continues to add 2nd amendment comments. I simply answer them.

Forgive me if I am wrong, but wasn't this thread originally about the claim that we were founded as a white Christian nation?

Dear WinterBorn:
To fully explore and appreciate the authority of law that is behind the "white Christian" approach to government,
Yes, this involves understanding the principles of NATURAL LAWS behind both Christian and Constitutional laws.

For people who speak this language, this will find expression through the principles in
the First, Second and other Amendments in the Bill of Rights which is like the Ten Commandments of Constitutional laws.

If you don't relate to Christians or Constitutionalists like a religion of their own,
may I suggest we stick to the Natural Law principles that are universal values and process democratically for all people in society.
We will end up discussing these principles anyway:
1. Freedom of speech, and of the press, freedom of information as needed for fully informed consent
and to express/represent uncensored consent or dissent to further and facilitate the democratic process
2. right to assemble peaceably and securely in order to petition to redress grievances, resolving conflicts,
and defend one's interests, beliefs both religious secular or political, from infringement by collective opposition
3. rights to equal protection of the laws from discrimination by creed, class or any other external group affiliation
including right to due process, defense, and not to be deprived of liberty without such due process

The First and Second Amendments seek to protect core principles of this democratic process to
keep it free from government coercion and infringement, ie collective authority too easily abused to
oppress individuals without the same resources to defend own our interests and beliefs against a larger collective power.

That's why those keep coming up, as well as other related principles in the Bill of Rights

WinterBorn if we reach an understanding about the tools we need for democratic self-government,
we can resolve all other issues and reform whatever we need to represent and protect our interests and beliefs inclusively.

However, if we allow political forces to undercut our own democratic process and principles,
we lose this ability that otherwise empowers people to be our own government. We are the authority
behind govt, and these principles and process allow us to represent and defend our beliefs using the given system.
And the founding fathers of this nation made sure it was not a Christian nation. Thomas Jefferson specifically stated that it was not. What was said on the Mayflower was made irrelevant by the US Constitution. And the subsequent constitutional amendments further separated us from the "White Christian" nation idea.

Dear WinterBorn and Porter Rockwell
I agree more with WinterBorn.

One problem with this set up is the rationalist/Deists such as Jefferson
get thrown in and counted "as Christians" by today's standards but back then,
anyone who questioned or contested "government rule by the Church" was
considered more like an apostate or heretic "against God and Christianity."

By one angle such Founding leaders are grouped together as "Christians promoting God and Christianity"
but by another angle of creating a "wall of separation" between church and state authority
they are seen as promoting SECULARISM in ways that are AGAINST Christianity.

Which way is it?

Both. What we ended up with are Constitutional laws that defend individual rights
whereby Government can NEITHER establish NOR prohibit religious exercise.

Instead of fighting over these sides as "either / or"
what we need to accept is the balance between both being respected simultaneously.

Government cannot be abused EITHER to Establish or Prohibit.

And, as political history teaches us, where we do make the overreaching mistake
of abusing government to establish a particular BIAS (as Porter Rockwell points out in the given examples of such flaws)
this causes OPPRESSION and an equal and opposite BACKLASH in response.

So the problem has to be corrected so the Government doesn't contradict its own laws.

Thus the political process of reform seeks to correct such inconsistencies and conflicts of interests/biases in the laws.

This process continues until we develop a more mature or "more perfect" system of democratic representation within a republic.

By natural laws of democratic government, from which our Constitution is derived but still needs self-correction to "more perfectly" reflect,
these rights, freedoms and protections will eventually be embraced and enforced for all people seeking equal justice under law.

Yes, Porter Rockwell, we are starting with an imperfect draft.
Similar to our math system that is still being expanded on today,
or with our system of science where new definitions and discoveries
are still developing, based on expanding on the laws and knowledge established previously.

Just because the founding language and laws weren't perfect or complete
doesn't mean we can't use the given system to perfect itself.

We have the basic tools outlined that we agree to defend by the Constitution:
freedom of speech and of the press; the right to assemble and petition for redress of grievances, including
petitioning to defend free exercise of religion from unfair bias, prohibition,
establishment, or discrimination by creed; and rights of due process, security,
equal protections of the laws, and no taxation without representation.

Porter Rockwell starting with enforcing these basic principles for US citizens,
once we master how to teach and uphold that framework for sustainable self-government,
then we can help all other nations to develop the same.

It may have been founded with the intent of helping the citizens of America,
who at that time were considered just the white property owners, but the same
natural law principles govern all people who agree to enforce them in practice.
By the Golden Rule of Reciprocity, to establish Equal Justice Under Law
means to accept equal responsibility for enforcing the same.

This is indeed a Christian principle, but it is meant to help all people
learn to live by the same standards of liberty, peace and justice for all.

I am not saying whether the founding fathers were Christian. That can often be hard to tell.

But the nation that they founded was not founded as a Christian nation. Those wise men went to some lengths to make sure it was a secular nation.
Not according to history books .. I honestly don’t think America is the country for you.. sorry buddy

According to the US Constitution, it is not. And this country is exactly the country for me. Get used to me. I am not going to live anywhere else.

I do find it amusing that you claim it was founded for white Christians, and you claim to be a patriotic American. Hard to believe you identify as a Christian.
White Christians did build America our values our culture all stem from them.White Christians did build America our values our culture all stem from them ..But I remain open to having other ethnicities assimilate to our values.. all I’m saying is that if you opened up 20 Muslim schools and 20 Catholic schools there would be a line out the door for the Catholic schools

Good point Jitss617
Now, what if the Muslim schools and Black church ministries take on educating the prison minority populations on both
Constitutional laws of self-government and Christian practice of healing and restitution for abusive and addictive disorders
that otherwise manifest as crime.

The line would already be out the door to access such education
because our prisons are already overflowing and not sustainable.

Imagine all these Black and Christian activists taking back the prison warehousing contracts
and turning these into teaching hospitals and work programs to mentor people recovering from the
patterns of crime, addiction and poverty so they can receive rehab and return to productive work.

What if we make that the goal in order to pay for health care, and training doctors and nurses
and admin to build clinics and hospitals to distribute the demand in more cost effective ways.

By taking the taxes, resources and facilities already expended on a failed prison system
and converting these into supporting jobs, education and training in medical care,
wouldn't the line be out the door to sign up?
Is it then fair to ask ---since the first negro slaves went to work for their USA Plantation owning White masters, in 1619; who really 'founded' America in the physical form that's created?

Founded- To establish or set up, especially with provision for continuing existence:

To establish the foundation or basis of; base

I'm sorry, no slave - black, white or other established our form of government or organized its government. Laborers don't get credit. That's life.
Laborers don't get credit. That's life.

uh, no. that is not life ---but it is Communism! yes sir and I see you mixed a nice bit of neo-Fascism in there too, eh?

How completely idiotic! No country on God's green earth gives credit to laborers for their work. The credit always goes to the government or to the corporation that floated the money.

For you to call me a communist or fascist is a damn outrage that you would not say to my face. That being said, unless you're calling me out in a PM, we're done here. I volunteered to fight against communism when doing so was not cool.
Laborers don't get credit. That's life.

uh, no. that is not life ---but it is Communism! yes sir and I see you mixed a nice bit of neo-Fascism in there too, eh?

How completely idiotic! No country on God's green earth gives credit to laborers for their work. The credit always goes to the government or to the corporation that floated the money.

For you to call me a communist or fascist is a damn outrage that you would not say to my face. That being said, unless you're calling me out in a PM, we're done here. I volunteered to fight against communism when doing so was not cool.




And where did I call you anything, I must've missed that part?
Instead of hijacking someone else's thread, I wanted to defend the title of this thread by creating a thread to talk about one thing. However, before I do, I want to ask each of you a question: If I tell you that due to the court case of Roe v. Wade, abortion is legal in America, does that make me pro-abortion for stating a fact?

In this thread, I will give you the facts. I'll also put perspective into it and challenge my critics to respond without name calling and without long harangues to try and derail the thread. If you participate and you begin name calling, it will be noted and then no future responses will be required as you will have lost any pretend debate. Secondary, I will not respond to long diatribes that look like a book. Let's make our posts not exceed about a dozen paragraphs (give or take a few sentences. That said, let's rock:

The United States was founded by white Christians for the benefit of white Christians. Personally, I do not find it racist or white supremacist in its proper context. But, what I'm telling you is true. The very first governing document of the New World began with these words:

'In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith..."
(see the Mayflower Compact of 1620)

About a decade later in 1630, aboard the ship the Arbella, John Winthrop gave a sermon that has been cited (in part) by all kinds of statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. I'd like to give a couple of excerpts from that sermon and put this into perspective:

"First, in regard of the more near bond of marriage between Him and us, wherein He hath taken us to be His, after a most strict and peculiar manner, which will make Him the more jealous of our love and obedience. So He tells the people of Israel, you only have I known of all the families of the earth, therefore will I punish you for your transgressions.

...Thirdly, when God gives a special commission He looks to have it strictly observed in every article; When He gave Saul a commission to destroy Amaleck, He indented with him upon certain articles, and because he failed in one of the least, and that upon a fair pretense, it lost him the kingdom, which should have been his reward, if he had observed his commission.

...Thus stands the cause between God and us. We are entered into covenant with Him for this work. We have taken out a commission
..." Model of Christian Charity.pdf

The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves: They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

The Judeo was not put in front of the Christian, till 1950.

In my own words, quote where I have ever mentioned Judeo other than right here. I haven't even used that word in any thread I've started to date.

The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves:
They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

You might be aware that Israelites were once upon a time arabs and even Jesus had arab decendents.

answer me this, why did the white man bring african blacks to this white nation?

So reports are that the US will be a brown country in 2050. See what the white man did!!
Instead of hijacking someone else's thread, I wanted to defend the title of this thread by creating a thread to talk about one thing. However, before I do, I want to ask each of you a question: If I tell you that due to the court case of Roe v. Wade, abortion is legal in America, does that make me pro-abortion for stating a fact?

In this thread, I will give you the facts. I'll also put perspective into it and challenge my critics to respond without name calling and without long harangues to try and derail the thread. If you participate and you begin name calling, it will be noted and then no future responses will be required as you will have lost any pretend debate. Secondary, I will not respond to long diatribes that look like a book. Let's make our posts not exceed about a dozen paragraphs (give or take a few sentences. That said, let's rock:

The United States was founded by white Christians for the benefit of white Christians. Personally, I do not find it racist or white supremacist in its proper context. But, what I'm telling you is true. The very first governing document of the New World began with these words:

'In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith..."
(see the Mayflower Compact of 1620)

About a decade later in 1630, aboard the ship the Arbella, John Winthrop gave a sermon that has been cited (in part) by all kinds of statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. I'd like to give a couple of excerpts from that sermon and put this into perspective:

"First, in regard of the more near bond of marriage between Him and us, wherein He hath taken us to be His, after a most strict and peculiar manner, which will make Him the more jealous of our love and obedience. So He tells the people of Israel, you only have I known of all the families of the earth, therefore will I punish you for your transgressions.

...Thirdly, when God gives a special commission He looks to have it strictly observed in every article; When He gave Saul a commission to destroy Amaleck, He indented with him upon certain articles, and because he failed in one of the least, and that upon a fair pretense, it lost him the kingdom, which should have been his reward, if he had observed his commission.

...Thus stands the cause between God and us. We are entered into covenant with Him for this work. We have taken out a commission
..." Model of Christian Charity.pdf

The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves: They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

The Judeo was not put in front of the Christian, till 1950.

In my own words, quote where I have ever mentioned Judeo other than right here. I haven't even used that word in any thread I've started to date.

The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves:
They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

You might be aware that Israelites were once upon a time arabs and even Jesus had arab decendents.

answer me this, why did the white man bring african blacks to this white nation?

So reports are that the US will be a brown country in 2050. See what the white man did!!

America, as a Christian nation, was the most benevolent country on the face of the earth given their commitment and service to the Lord.

The Israelites have always been one and the same people, so in order to preserve their cultural identity and heritage, anti-miscegenation laws were passed. Unlike the hogwash the mainstream feeds the sheeple, only one people fit the description that was to build that shining city on a hill.

It has been through allowing every race, creed, color, nationality, sexual persuasion, religion, and political persuasion to integrate into a homogeneous society that we are now witnessing the downfall of the Republic. No other nation is criticized for maintaining their homogeneity and most of the criticism is the result of the people in the United States trying to play the part of nice guy by allowing others to come here and then, eventually, work to destroy our culture and way of life (think Bernie Sanders for an example.)
Instead of hijacking someone else's thread, I wanted to defend the title of this thread by creating a thread to talk about one thing. However, before I do, I want to ask each of you a question: If I tell you that due to the court case of Roe v. Wade, abortion is legal in America, does that make me pro-abortion for stating a fact?

In this thread, I will give you the facts. I'll also put perspective into it and challenge my critics to respond without name calling and without long harangues to try and derail the thread. If you participate and you begin name calling, it will be noted and then no future responses will be required as you will have lost any pretend debate. Secondary, I will not respond to long diatribes that look like a book. Let's make our posts not exceed about a dozen paragraphs (give or take a few sentences. That said, let's rock:

The United States was founded by white Christians for the benefit of white Christians. Personally, I do not find it racist or white supremacist in its proper context. But, what I'm telling you is true. The very first governing document of the New World began with these words:

'In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith..."
(see the Mayflower Compact of 1620)

About a decade later in 1630, aboard the ship the Arbella, John Winthrop gave a sermon that has been cited (in part) by all kinds of statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. I'd like to give a couple of excerpts from that sermon and put this into perspective:

"First, in regard of the more near bond of marriage between Him and us, wherein He hath taken us to be His, after a most strict and peculiar manner, which will make Him the more jealous of our love and obedience. So He tells the people of Israel, you only have I known of all the families of the earth, therefore will I punish you for your transgressions.

...Thirdly, when God gives a special commission He looks to have it strictly observed in every article; When He gave Saul a commission to destroy Amaleck, He indented with him upon certain articles, and because he failed in one of the least, and that upon a fair pretense, it lost him the kingdom, which should have been his reward, if he had observed his commission.

...Thus stands the cause between God and us. We are entered into covenant with Him for this work. We have taken out a commission
..." Model of Christian Charity.pdf

The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves: They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

The Judeo was not put in front of the Christian, till 1950.

In my own words, quote where I have ever mentioned Judeo other than right here. I haven't even used that word in any thread I've started to date.

The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves:
They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

You might be aware that Israelites were once upon a time arabs and even Jesus had arab decendents.

answer me this, why did the white man bring african blacks to this white nation?

So reports are that the US will be a brown country in 2050. See what the white man did!!
You better show the nation what you got when you are the boss. And it better be good. Or Banana Republic here we come....The corruption, attitudes and waste of resources in rich lands of central and South America is not promising.

"The Christian religion was always recognized in the administration of the common law; and so far this as that law continues to be the law of the land, the fundamental principles of that religion must continue to be recognized in the same cases and to the same extent as formerly." Chief Justice (United States Supreme Court) Thomas Cooley - The General Principles of Constitutional Law in America

Due to the fact that the atheists and non-believers have no patience (and they REALLY don't want context) I am being forced to give half assed answers to keep up. If everyone here would look at the links and access them and READ them, they would have fewer questions and comments since both my links AND MY CRITICS are making the points some of you want.

Skipping all the court citations, laws, statutes, etc. because the anti-christs among us fear the truth, let's give them simplistic answers they can chew on.

"Some skeptics today like to argue that the founding fathers purposefully left God out of the Constitution. They say that a "Godless Constitution" was the intended design of the document---and they're wrong.

First of all, the authors of the Constitution not only mention God, they even mention that Jesus is God. They do this in the ratification clause. This was done "in the Year of Our Lord" 1787.

But some skeptics object. Yet law professor John Eidsmoe, author of the book, Christianity and the Constitution, notes in response to their objection: "Saying this [ratification] clause is not really part of the Constitution is like saying the attestation clause is not part of a will

God and the Constitution

Christianity is in the Constitution

And that is not the only place where Christianity can be deduced from the Constitution.

"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a law, in like Manner as if he had signed it . . . "

Article I, Section 7
Constitution of the United States of America

Why Sundays excepted? Why not Saturday or any other day? The real question is, how much proof do the critics require to admit that we are a Christian nation and its values and precepts are a part of our national culture as well as the basis for many of our laws?

An addition to posts # 1 and # 2:

All your links are the same Porter....

Nevertheless, we must not think for a moment that the federal Framers did not sanction the nation’s intimate affiliation with Christianity, or that they attempted to keep religion out of the Constitution

exercising the 1st amd is the right of this author

which apparently is what the individual states you posted are also doing (early 1800's)

ye the FF's were secular deists >>>



Instead of hijacking someone else's thread, I wanted to defend the title of this thread by creating a thread to talk about one thing. However, before I do, I want to ask each of you a question: If I tell you that due to the court case of Roe v. Wade, abortion is legal in America, does that make me pro-abortion for stating a fact?

In this thread, I will give you the facts. I'll also put perspective into it and challenge my critics to respond without name calling and without long harangues to try and derail the thread. If you participate and you begin name calling, it will be noted and then no future responses will be required as you will have lost any pretend debate. Secondary, I will not respond to long diatribes that look like a book. Let's make our posts not exceed about a dozen paragraphs (give or take a few sentences. That said, let's rock:

The United States was founded by white Christians for the benefit of white Christians. Personally, I do not find it racist or white supremacist in its proper context. But, what I'm telling you is true. The very first governing document of the New World began with these words:

'In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith..."
(see the Mayflower Compact of 1620)

About a decade later in 1630, aboard the ship the Arbella, John Winthrop gave a sermon that has been cited (in part) by all kinds of statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. I'd like to give a couple of excerpts from that sermon and put this into perspective:

"First, in regard of the more near bond of marriage between Him and us, wherein He hath taken us to be His, after a most strict and peculiar manner, which will make Him the more jealous of our love and obedience. So He tells the people of Israel, you only have I known of all the families of the earth, therefore will I punish you for your transgressions.

...Thirdly, when God gives a special commission He looks to have it strictly observed in every article; When He gave Saul a commission to destroy Amaleck, He indented with him upon certain articles, and because he failed in one of the least, and that upon a fair pretense, it lost him the kingdom, which should have been his reward, if he had observed his commission.

...Thus stands the cause between God and us. We are entered into covenant with Him for this work. We have taken out a commission
..." Model of Christian Charity.pdf

The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves: They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

The Judeo was not put in front of the Christian, till 1950.

In my own words, quote where I have ever mentioned Judeo other than right here. I haven't even used that word in any thread I've started to date.

The ONLY people to have a special commission from God were the biblical Israelites. That is how the colonists viewed themselves:
They were the Israelites of the Bible; the land we call America was the promised land - the New Jerusalem.

You might be aware that Israelites were once upon a time arabs and even Jesus had arab decendents.

answer me this, why did the white man bring african blacks to this white nation?

So reports are that the US will be a brown country in 2050. See what the white man did!!

To racist hypocrite democrats, people are just colors.

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