America founded by whites... for whites

Says the angry, bitter atheist.

Your money says "In God we trust." You seem unaware that this "God" is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God of Catholics and Baptists and Methodists and Christians. Every president swears in with his hand on the Holy Bible of Christianity. We pledge allegiance "the flag of the United States of America, one nation, under God."

You seriously need to do some reading of history. And stop listening to angry, bitter atheists whose lies and nonsense are refuted here:

Proof There Is No God

Perhaps you need a more immediate history lesson. While it is true that our money has "In God we trust" on it, it is a relatively new thing. It was put on a few coins in the 1800s, It was not put on paper money until 1957. No small coincidence that we were in the middle of the red scare, and fighting those "godless communists" was at the root of it. It replaced E. Pluribus Unum on our money. I think "Out of many, One" was a better motto for our nation.

The pledge of allegiance was a poem written by a minister named Francis Bellamy in 1892. Bellamy hoped it would be used by any country to pledge allegiance to their flag. In 1923 the pledge was changed slight to make the pledge to the "flag of the United States of America.". "under God" was not added until 1954. Again, to "battle" the communist menace.

Oh, and the pledge was originally supposed to be said, according to Francis Bellamy, with a military salute. Shortly after, it was changed to holding your right hand over your heart. And after the pledge was finished, the hand was extended outward, towards the flag with the palm down. That continued until WWII, when the similarity to the Nazi salute made people uncomfortable.

There is a more appropriate thread in the religion forum here about America a Christian Nation that covers the stuff you're discussing here.

I think your admonishment would be more appropriately addressed to ChemEngineer. I have already stated that I though the original title of the OP was not just "whites", but "white Christians". And I had not responded since. But ChemEngineer came in spouting ignorance and I felt obligated to educate him.

FACTUALLY, When you look at the laws, the United States Constitution was written for white Christians and by white Christians and the Constitution was written in order to secure "the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity" which meant white Christians.

Those are the facts. Those historical facts have NO political agenda. Those are the facts and they do not "discriminate" against anyone. They cannot be honestly refuted and for people to make it personal against me shows that many people simply do not have enough critical thinking skills to participate in this kind of discussion.

You're probably right in your assessment, but I have a couple of threads going and people don't usually even bother to read the thread - I'm lucky if they read the OP. They see the title, jump in and we rehash the same stuff over and over and over again because people see the title and want to share their view without knowing what the topic is about or ever addressing the OP. It can get really frustrating - and I'm not accusing you of anything, just venting about it. Sorry.

They are historical citations as noted by whites. The Native American nations that were already here have a different take on this matter.

I'm sure you are correct in what you say. Equally true is an old truism like this:

"to the victor belong the spoils" by New York Senator William L. Marcy, referring to the victory of Andrew Jackson in the election of 1828, with the term spoils meaning goods or benefits taken from the loser in a competition, election or military victory."

That you cannot accept that is unfortunate. If others want to commit a war of genocide against the whites, then you should apply for the job of propaganda general. That is not an insult. It's just a fact.

We do not expect ANY government or ANY people on the face of this earth to forfeit their country without a war. I realize that the left has been prevailing for the last half a century with smoke and mirrors, but, sooner or later the gravy train runs out of gas. Personally, I've told you my beef with expecting whites to give up their history, culture, and heritage to pacify others. No need to litigate it again. Just agree to disagree. For the whites it ends with total capitulation or resistance.

Those are the facts. Those historical facts have NO political agenda. Those are the facts and they do not "discriminate" against anyone. They cannot be honestly refuted and for people to make it personal against me shows that many people simply do not have enough critical thinking skills to participate in this kind of discussion.

Those are the facts. Those historical facts have NO political agenda. Those are the facts and they do not "discriminate" against anyone. They cannot be honestly refuted and for people to make it personal against me shows that many people simply do not have enough critical thinking skills to participate in this kind of discussion.

So, you don't like Christians. Got it. Those are not exactly facts; they are political opinions. They are not the equivalent of showing me a statute or a court holding. What you are showing is called a perspective.

Those are the facts. Those historical facts have NO political agenda. Those are the facts and they do not "discriminate" against anyone. They cannot be honestly refuted and for people to make it personal against me shows that many people simply do not have enough critical thinking skills to participate in this kind of discussion.

So, you don't like Christians. Got it. Those are not exactly facts; they are political opinions. They are not the equivalent of showing me a statute or a court holding. What you are showing is called a perspective.

No, it is a fact. I believe in the real God, not yours.

Those are the facts. Those historical facts have NO political agenda. Those are the facts and they do not "discriminate" against anyone. They cannot be honestly refuted and for people to make it personal against me shows that many people simply do not have enough critical thinking skills to participate in this kind of discussion.

So, you don't like Christians. Got it. Those are not exactly facts; they are political opinions. They are not the equivalent of showing me a statute or a court holding. What you are showing is called a perspective.

No, it is a fact. I believe in the real God, not yours.

There is but one Christian God. The racist God you believe in is not some Muslim God that teaches that you must convert or kill people. If you had any courage and if you had your way, you would slaughter white Christians for sport.
Some of us here refer to halfstory and call it history.

Indian removal was a forced migration in the 19th century whereby Native Americans were forced by the United States government to leave their ancestral homelands in the eastern United States to lands west of the Mississippi River, specifically to a designated Indian Territory (roughly, modern Oklahoma).[1][2][3] The Indian Removal Act, the key law that forced the removal of the Indians, was signed by Andrew Jackson in 1830. Jackson took a hard line on Indian removal, but the law was put into effect primarily under the Martin van Buren administration.[4][5]

Indian removal was a consequence of actions first by European settlers to North America in the colonial period, then by the United States government and its citizens until the mid-20th century.[6][7] The policy traced its direct origins to the administration of James Monroe, though it addressed conflicts between European Americans and Native Americans that had been occurring since the 17th century, and were escalating into the early 19th century as white settlers were continually pushing westward.

Indian removal - Wikipedia

indian removal policy - Bing

I guess those unalienable, God given, natural rights did not apply to Native Americans even though God created them too.

Those are the facts. Those historical facts have NO political agenda. Those are the facts and they do not "discriminate" against anyone. They cannot be honestly refuted and for people to make it personal against me shows that many people simply do not have enough critical thinking skills to participate in this kind of discussion.

So, you don't like Christians. Got it. Those are not exactly facts; they are political opinions. They are not the equivalent of showing me a statute or a court holding. What you are showing is called a perspective.

No, it is a fact. I believe in the real God, not yours.

There is but one Christian God. The racist God you believe in is not some Muslim God that teaches that you must convert or kill people. If you had any courage and if you had your way, you would slaughter white Christians for sport.

Yep there is but one God and one Satan. And Satan is the one that deceives people into thinking God gave them a nation that was already full of people.
FACTUALLY, When you look at the laws, the United States Constitution was written for white Christians and by white Christians and the Constitution was written in order to secure "the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity" which meant white Christians.

So the case you're trying to make is that only White Christians have rights under the Constitution...
Yep there is but one God and one Satan. And Satan is the one that deceives people into thinking God gave them a nation that was already full of people.

Funny that He would do that, since it goes against everything He taught. Porter's God, that is to say.
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Some of us here refer to halfstory and call it history.

Indian removal was a forced migration in the 19th century whereby Native Americans were forced by the United States government to leave their ancestral homelands in the eastern United States to lands west of the Mississippi River, specifically to a designated Indian Territory (roughly, modern Oklahoma).[1][2][3] The Indian Removal Act, the key law that forced the removal of the Indians, was signed by Andrew Jackson in 1830. Jackson took a hard line on Indian removal, but the law was put into effect primarily under the Martin van Buren administration.[4][5]

Indian removal was a consequence of actions first by European settlers to North America in the colonial period, then by the United States government and its citizens until the mid-20th century.[6][7] The policy traced its direct origins to the administration of James Monroe, though it addressed conflicts between European Americans and Native Americans that had been occurring since the 17th century, and were escalating into the early 19th century as white settlers were continually pushing westward.

Indian removal - Wikipedia

indian removal policy - Bing

I guess those unalienable, God given, natural rights did not apply to Native Americans even though God created them too.

If a Hispanic majority voted to take your house and car, would you give them up without an argument?
Yep there is but one God and one Satan. And Satan is the one that deceives people into thinking God gave them a nation that was already full of people.

Funny that He would do that, since it goes against everything He taught.

Amen! But I am sure Rockwell has an excuse. Watch him pull up some scripture and take it out of context.

Those are the facts. Those historical facts have NO political agenda. Those are the facts and they do not "discriminate" against anyone. They cannot be honestly refuted and for people to make it personal against me shows that many people simply do not have enough critical thinking skills to participate in this kind of discussion.

So, you don't like Christians. Got it. Those are not exactly facts; they are political opinions. They are not the equivalent of showing me a statute or a court holding. What you are showing is called a perspective.

No, it is a fact. I believe in the real God, not yours.

There is but one Christian God. The racist God you believe in is not some Muslim God that teaches that you must convert or kill people. If you had any courage and if you had your way, you would slaughter white Christians for sport.

Yep there is but one God and one Satan. And Satan is the one that deceives people into thinking God gave them a nation that was already full of people.

All countries are full of people. Are you critical of the Israelis or the Americans policy toward them?
Some of us here refer to halfstory and call it history.

Indian removal was a forced migration in the 19th century whereby Native Americans were forced by the United States government to leave their ancestral homelands in the eastern United States to lands west of the Mississippi River, specifically to a designated Indian Territory (roughly, modern Oklahoma).[1][2][3] The Indian Removal Act, the key law that forced the removal of the Indians, was signed by Andrew Jackson in 1830. Jackson took a hard line on Indian removal, but the law was put into effect primarily under the Martin van Buren administration.[4][5]

Indian removal was a consequence of actions first by European settlers to North America in the colonial period, then by the United States government and its citizens until the mid-20th century.[6][7] The policy traced its direct origins to the administration of James Monroe, though it addressed conflicts between European Americans and Native Americans that had been occurring since the 17th century, and were escalating into the early 19th century as white settlers were continually pushing westward.

Indian removal - Wikipedia

indian removal policy - Bing

I guess those unalienable, God given, natural rights did not apply to Native Americans even though God created them too.

If a Hispanic majority voted to take your house and car, would you give them up without an argument?

That's what whites did to Native Americans and Hispanics are south American "indian" tribes, or nations.
FACTUALLY, When you look at the laws, the United States Constitution was written for white Christians and by white Christians and the Constitution was written in order to secure "the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity" which meant white Christians.

So the case you're trying to make is that only White Christians have rights under the Constitution...

You have a literacy problem apparently.

EVERYBODY has unalienable Rights
Citizenship is NOT an unalienable Right
The NAACP would never give half their assets to the KKK in order to achieve equality
Yep there is but one God and one Satan. And Satan is the one that deceives people into thinking God gave them a nation that was already full of people.

Funny that He would do that, since it goes against everything He taught.

Amen! But I am sure Rockwell has an excuse. Watch him pull up some scripture and take it out of context.

Don't need Scripture, I just need a direct answer. Do you have any posts advocating abandoning our policy and letting the Israelis fend for themselves?
Some of us here refer to halfstory and call it history.

Indian removal was a forced migration in the 19th century whereby Native Americans were forced by the United States government to leave their ancestral homelands in the eastern United States to lands west of the Mississippi River, specifically to a designated Indian Territory (roughly, modern Oklahoma).[1][2][3] The Indian Removal Act, the key law that forced the removal of the Indians, was signed by Andrew Jackson in 1830. Jackson took a hard line on Indian removal, but the law was put into effect primarily under the Martin van Buren administration.[4][5]

Indian removal was a consequence of actions first by European settlers to North America in the colonial period, then by the United States government and its citizens until the mid-20th century.[6][7] The policy traced its direct origins to the administration of James Monroe, though it addressed conflicts between European Americans and Native Americans that had been occurring since the 17th century, and were escalating into the early 19th century as white settlers were continually pushing westward.

Indian removal - Wikipedia

indian removal policy - Bing

I guess those unalienable, God given, natural rights did not apply to Native Americans even though God created them too.

If a Hispanic majority voted to take your house and car, would you give them up without an argument?

That's what whites did to Native Americans and Hispanics are south American "indian" tribes, or nations.

So, if American Indians and Hispanics told you to take your ass back to wherever your ancestors hail from, you'd leave with no questions asked?
You have a literacy problem apparently.

EVERYBODY has unalienable Rights
Citizenship is NOT an unalienable Right
The NAACP would never give half their assets to the KKK in order to achieve equality

So non Christians can't be citizens. Which means I can't vote. If I can't vote, then I shouldn't have to pay taxes, or be drafted to fight your wars. I can get on board with that. Imagine if everybody finds out that not being a Christian exempts one from taxation. Every church would be empty that following Sunday.

So, you don't like Christians. Got it. Those are not exactly facts; they are political opinions. They are not the equivalent of showing me a statute or a court holding. What you are showing is called a perspective.

No, it is a fact. I believe in the real God, not yours.

There is but one Christian God. The racist God you believe in is not some Muslim God that teaches that you must convert or kill people. If you had any courage and if you had your way, you would slaughter white Christians for sport.

Yep there is but one God and one Satan. And Satan is the one that deceives people into thinking God gave them a nation that was already full of people.

All countries are full of people. Are you critical of the Israelis or the Americans policy toward them?
Stop trying to make excuses. Whites were given Europe and Scandanavis by God. Everything else has been acquired or colonized because whites coveted what those lands had. That is a direct violation of a commandment. God has given whites 400-500 years to do what's right. Just like he has given every empire he has allowed to be since the beginning of time.

"mene, mene, tekel, parsin"
That's what time it is for America. This country was supposed to be created as a society for all people. That's what whites were supposed to do or God would not have given those men the words they wrote on paper. So you go on and try making this a whites only country and watch how God tears it completely apart and turns it into a wasteland.
Some of us here refer to halfstory and call it history.

Indian removal was a forced migration in the 19th century whereby Native Americans were forced by the United States government to leave their ancestral homelands in the eastern United States to lands west of the Mississippi River, specifically to a designated Indian Territory (roughly, modern Oklahoma).[1][2][3] The Indian Removal Act, the key law that forced the removal of the Indians, was signed by Andrew Jackson in 1830. Jackson took a hard line on Indian removal, but the law was put into effect primarily under the Martin van Buren administration.[4][5]

Indian removal was a consequence of actions first by European settlers to North America in the colonial period, then by the United States government and its citizens until the mid-20th century.[6][7] The policy traced its direct origins to the administration of James Monroe, though it addressed conflicts between European Americans and Native Americans that had been occurring since the 17th century, and were escalating into the early 19th century as white settlers were continually pushing westward.

Indian removal - Wikipedia

indian removal policy - Bing

I guess those unalienable, God given, natural rights did not apply to Native Americans even though God created them too.

If a Hispanic majority voted to take your house and car, would you give them up without an argument?

That's what whites did to Native Americans and Hispanics are south American "indian" tribes, or nations.

White Christians like Porter can kill you and take your land. If your not White and/or Christian you don't do that to them! Get it?

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