America has a 54% reduction in it murder rate since 1992

Chicago Posting Photos of Unclaimed Bodies on Its Website

Saturday, April 06, 2013 @ Doug Ross & Journal blog
So Many Unsolved Murders in Gun-Free Chicago, It's Posting Photos of Unclaimed Bodies on its Website

Hey: anyone know how the nation's most restrictive gun control laws are working out?

For the first time, the Cook County medical examiner's office has posted photos of unclaimed bodies on their website in an effort to help identify them.

The program is generating some controversy because of the graphic images, but for the sake of people missing loved ones, this is a decision where the medical examiner believes the ends justify the means.

The site contains information about when the bodies were found and where, along with as much identifying information as possible—including, in some cases--photos of the victim's face

Read more with links @ Doug Ross @ Journal: So Many Unsolved Murders in Gun-Free Chicago, It's Posting Photos of Unclaimed Bodies on its Website

Compare Gun Violence in America: 11 U.S. Cities With Double-Digit Rates of Gun Homicides to The Most Pro-Gun Low-Crime City in the United States
It is offensive for gun nuts to claim that guns are the reason for the drop in our murder rate

65% of our murders are done by guns.

So what do you think is the reason?

It's clearly not a reduction in the number of firearms. It's clearly not due to gun control, what with the expiration of the AWB and the explosion of conceal carry permits across the country. It's couldn't be due to a booming economy, which has been good and bad since 1992.


Do we have more cops on the streets? Have we implemented longer sentencing for violent criminals? These are the questions I would look into to, but I'm interested in your take.
ok but they are stealing the phone and not murdering RW was right....
Isn't it a crime to steal what doesn't belong too you? How is righ...... oh I get it now since obama it's ok to take form others who may have more than you. thanks for helping me to see into the mind of right ringer :eusa_whistle:

yes it is a crime.....but your thread was about the murder rate i said what i said to show one reason why it might be.....

Yes my thread but it was right winger that brought up the crime issue, and the Iphone bringing crime down, The Iphones being stolen link was my rebuttal to his comment.
This country has one of the highest murder rates in the world because of our gun culture

It is the price we pay for the second amendment
Then why is it so high in gangsta Chicago and in the militia Red Lands?
The United States has 300 million guns in private hands

We also have a second amendment that ensures it stays that way

The price we pay is more murders, suicides, mass murders and domestic assaults. What Sandy Hook demonstrated is that we are willing to accept it
This is seriously the dumbest thread I've ever seen on USMB which is a major accomplishment. This even surpasses the stupidity of bigrednc1775 trying to use the deaths of those children in Sandy Hook to push his small dick fear of his guns being taken away.
This country has one of the highest murder rates in the world because of our gun culture

It is the price we pay for the second amendment

you do something about those anti gun cities and I bet crime will go down.

New York City is an antigun city and it has had a larger drop in murders than any city in the US

The city's press release was full of bragging:
With the decrease in murder, New York’s murder rate has fallen to 3.8 homicides per 100,000 residents. New York City has a far lower murder rate than other major American cities. For example:

· If New York City had the same murder rate as Washington DC, New York City would have a total of 1,100 murdered this year.
· If New York City had Chicago’s murder rate, New York City would have a total of more than 1,400 murders this year.
· If New York City had Philadelphia’s murder rate, New York City would have a total of more than 1,700 murders this year.
· If New York City had Baltimore’s murder rate, New York City would have a total of more than 2,870 murders this year.
· If New York City had Detroit’s murder rate, New York City would have a total of nearly 4,400 murders this year.

You notice how the rate fluctuates every other year?


NYC Hits Record Low Murder Rate In 2012, Bloomberg And Kelly Start Bragging: Gothamist
This is seriously the dumbest thread I've ever seen on USMB which is a major accomplishment. This even surpasses the stupidity of bigrednc1775 trying to use the deaths of those children in Sandy Hook to push his small dick fear of his guns being taken away.

Have you ever thought about seeking help for that lying problem you have?
It is offensive for gun nuts to claim that guns are the reason for the drop in our murder rate

65% of our murders are done by guns.

So what do you think is the reason?

It's clearly not a reduction in the number of firearms. It's clearly not due to gun control, what with the expiration of the AWB and the explosion of conceal carry permits across the country. It's couldn't be due to a booming economy, which has been good and bad since 1992.


Do we have more cops on the streets? Have we implemented longer sentencing for violent criminals? These are the questions I would look into to, but I'm interested in your take.

Nothing? You got nothing? Okay then.
This stupid fuck thinks it's because of guns? :laugh: It's because of abortion and widely available birth control.

Actually, the rate of abortion has been declining. The rate in 1992 was about 25 per 1000. The latest statistics show a rate of just over 19 per 1000:

So, I'd agree with you, but you're wrong.

Also, birth control is no more "widely available" today compared to 1992.

I'm afraid you're argument doesn't hold water.

Now, I'm not saying there is a direct correlation between the drop in the murder rate and the increased number of firearms in the country, but it sure as shit isn't due to birth control and abortions.
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The United States has 300 million guns in private hands

We also have a second amendment that ensures it stays that way

The price we pay is more murders, suicides, mass murders and domestic assaults. What Sandy Hook demonstrated is that we are willing to accept it

Yet, as the OP demonstrated, the murder rate has decreased. The facts do not appear to support your agenda.

By the way, the US suicide rate is also DOWN since 1992:

File:Suicide-deaths-per-100000-trend.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, despite more of those evil firearms, the murder and suicide rates have dropped.

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