America is building its own version of the Berlin wall


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I've nread that the federal government has increased its fee for people who want to renounce there citizenship which makes it harder for them to do so. At the same time, the government doesn't prosecute illegal citizens. Isn't it ironic that you can come in for free but can't if you want to leave. It is like they are trying to build a great big wall that prevents people from leaving. It is not a solid wall because that would be to obvious but an economic one where only the well to do can afford to leave.
I've nread that the federal government has increased its fee for people who want to renounce there citizenship which makes it harder for them to do so. At the same time, the government doesn't prosecute illegal citizens. Isn't it ironic that you can come in for free but can't if you want to leave. It is like they are trying to build a great big wall that prevents people from leaving. It is not a solid wall because that would be to obvious but an economic one where only the well to do can afford to leave.

I've nread that the federal government has increased its fee for people who want to renounce there citizenship which makes it harder for them to do so. At the same time, the government doesn't prosecute illegal citizens. Isn't it ironic that you can come in for free but can't if you want to leave. It is like they are trying to build a great big wall that prevents people from leaving. It is not a solid wall because that would be to obvious but an economic one where only the well to do can afford to leave.


Record Number of Americans Renounced Their U.S. Citizenship in 2015
I've nread that the federal government has increased its fee for people who want to renounce there citizenship which makes it harder for them to do so. At the same time, the government doesn't prosecute illegal citizens. Isn't it ironic that you can come in for free but can't if you want to leave. It is like they are trying to build a great big wall that prevents people from leaving. It is not a solid wall because that would be to obvious but an economic one where only the well to do can afford to leave.
You can leave any time you like.
If someone doesn't see value in citizenship in this greatest country in the world, may the door not hit them on the way out.
I've nread that the federal government has increased its fee for people who want to renounce there citizenship which makes it harder for them to do so. At the same time, the government doesn't prosecute illegal citizens. Isn't it ironic that you can come in for free but can't if you want to leave. It is like they are trying to build a great big wall that prevents people from leaving. It is not a solid wall because that would be to obvious but an economic one where only the well to do can afford to leave.


Record Number of Americans Renounced Their U.S. Citizenship in 2015


The list includes long-term permanent residents who are considered American citizens under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA)

That's not exactly an American citizen.
I've nread that the federal government has increased its fee for people who want to renounce there citizenship which makes it harder for them to do so. At the same time, the government doesn't prosecute illegal citizens. Isn't it ironic that you can come in for free but can't if you want to leave. It is like they are trying to build a great big wall that prevents people from leaving. It is not a solid wall because that would be to obvious but an economic one where only the well to do can afford to leave.


Record Number of Americans Renounced Their U.S. Citizenship in 2015

Since the US doesn't recognize dual citizenship, all you would need do is become a citizen of another country and tell the US to pound sand on their fees. I seriously doubt immigrants to the US pay fees to their former country when they take the citizenship oath here.

The above "study" is as moronic as you are.......Here's the listed "correction" at the end of that right wing stupidity:

Correction: The University of Kent survey "did not actually ask why people were giving up their citizenship, but asked, among other questions, if people had thought of doing so - and, if so, why,” according to Dr. Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfel, author of the study."My study did not indicate that Americans were renouncing citizenship because of high taxes, but rather because of high accountants' fees. In many cases, no tax is owed to the US government - but often high accountants' fees must be paid in order to document that situation. This is an important distinction, and is noted in the overview of the results, which you also cite:”
Since the US doesn't recognize dual citizenship, all you would need do is become a citizen of another country and tell the US to pound sand on their fees. I seriously doubt immigrants to the US pay fees to their former country when they take the citizenship oath here.
Seriously? My mother, my son and I are all dual citizens. Where'd you get that from Tex?
I've nread that the federal government has increased its fee for people who want to renounce there citizenship which makes it harder for them to do so. At the same time, the government doesn't prosecute illegal citizens. Isn't it ironic that you can come in for free but can't if you want to leave. It is like they are trying to build a great big wall that prevents people from leaving. It is not a solid wall because that would be to obvious but an economic one where only the well to do can afford to leave.
Do they shoot you in the head for trying to escape?
I've nread that the federal government has increased its fee for people who want to renounce there citizenship which makes it harder for them to do so. At the same time, the government doesn't prosecute illegal citizens. Isn't it ironic that you can come in for free but can't if you want to leave. It is like they are trying to build a great big wall that prevents people from leaving. It is not a solid wall because that would be to obvious but an economic one where only the well to do can afford to leave.

Giving up your U.S. passport It s going to cost you - Dec. 10 2014
My wife and I plan on retiring in the Philippines, but not to escape taxes, since we really won't have any by then. It's just a lot cheaper to live there, so there's no need to "renounce" anything.

They also don't have bed wetting liberals either, so that's a plus.

Since the US doesn't recognize dual citizenship, all you would need do is become a citizen of another country and tell the US to pound sand on their fees. I seriously doubt immigrants to the US pay fees to their former country when they take the citizenship oath here.
Seriously? My mother, my son and I are all dual citizens. Where'd you get that from Tex?

The United States does not formally recognize dual citizenship, but neither does it take any stand - politically or legally — against it. No American citizen can lose his or her citizenship by undertaking the responsibilities of citizenship in one or more other countries. This is true even if those responsibilities include obtaining a second or even a third citizenship, swearing allegiance to a foreign state, voting in another country's election, serving in the armed forces (even in combat positions, and even if the state is a "hostile" one), running for office, and if successful, serving.11 Informed constitutional judgment suggests Congress could legislatively address any of these or other issues arising out of these multiple, perhaps conflicting, responsibilities.12 Yet, to date, it has chosen not to do so.

Dual Citizens in America An Issue of Vast Proportions and Broad Significance Center for Immigration Studies
Some countries take dual citizenship seriously. However, as in my son's case, being born in the Czech Republic to a Czech mother and an American father he is automatically entitled to both Czech and American. He may be asked by Czech authorities, who are more stringent, to choose one upon reaching 18 but that is no problem. He can claim Czech but still will not lose American and there is little they can do about it even if they were so inclined.

I was born to an American father and Greek mother which entitles me to both. Neither government seems concerned and there are 100s of 1000s more Greek-Americans like me. I think my son would also be entitled to Greek citizenship, but it would be practically pointless.
Since the US doesn't recognize dual citizenship, all you would need do is become a citizen of another country and tell the US to pound sand on their fees. I seriously doubt immigrants to the US pay fees to their former country when they take the citizenship oath here.
Seriously? My mother, my son and I are all dual citizens. Where'd you get that from Tex?
Tex is correct. You can be a dual or triple citizen but that doesn't mean anything here in U.S. You are still a U.S. citizen. You still pay your taxes. If you renounce your citizenship that's a heck of a different story. That's massive paper works and fees plus specialized lawyer to help you.
We have employees all over Asia and South America. One of them wanted to have a dual citizenship Philippines/USA to avoid paying taxes. Phil. gov. welcome him with open arm. However US gov. told him SO. He tried to renounce his citizenship during this process he made an appointment to see me regarding his plan. After explaining I told him, how the fuck I'm going to pay you. This is like paying an illegal alien working for me overseas. That was the end of his adventure.
I've nread that the federal government has increased its fee for people who want to renounce there citizenship which makes it harder for them to do so. At the same time, the government doesn't prosecute illegal citizens. Isn't it ironic that you can come in for free but can't if you want to leave. It is like they are trying to build a great big wall that prevents people from leaving. It is not a solid wall because that would be to obvious but an economic one where only the well to do can afford to leave.
Do they shoot you in the head for trying to escape?

That would be's much more excepable to increase fees to the point that make doing such a thing unaffordable. Why hasn't anyone asked why the fees were being increased in the first place?
If someone doesn't see value in citizenship in this greatest country in the world, may the door not hit them on the way out.

Patriotism shouldn't be a justification for tyranny. I totally agree that living in a one of the freest countries in the world is a great thing but I am becoming convinced that America is approaching something that is not that place any more. I think if someone wants to live in another country then let them.

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