America is Great Again.

after 8 years of Barack 2% Growth Obama

Here moron....learn some facts instead of licking Trump's Hannity's fat behinds......(and apologize for being a morn)...........LOL

Although the economy never reached annual growth of 3 percent under Obama, quarterly growth did surpass 3 percent eight times during his presidency. The highest growth recorded was 5.2 percent in the third quarter of 2014.

FACT CHECK: Trump Claims GDP Never Hit 3% Under Obama
after 8 years of Barack 2% Growth Obama

Here moron....learn some facts instead of licking Trump's Hannity's fat behinds......(and apologize for being a morn)...........LOL

Although the economy never reached annual growth of 3 percent under Obama, quarterly growth did surpass 3 percent eight times during his presidency. The highest growth recorded was 5.2 percent in the third quarter of 2014.

FACT CHECK: Trump Claims GDP Never Hit 3% Under Obama
Um, no.

By that reasoning, since most mass shooters are white, they should probably treat the white guy with more panic.

That would be true if cops were always interacting with mass shooters.

I'm sorry, screaming at someone maniacally and calling in six more cop cars to contain a guy who was already lying on the ground along with his pregnant girlfriend, is hardly treating someone with "respect". Not compared to Mr. White Privilege, who was not ordered to the ground, not screamed at, and even talked smack to the cop about how 'he didn't have to show his ID"

You are trying to equate the situations when they were clearly different. If the white guy was dressed up in baggy pants, sunglasses, hair in a pony tail, walking in a high crime area, the police would have treated him just as the other cops treated the black guy.

The problem is you try to make race out of everything.

Actually, the vast majority of cops are good guys who don't want to murder people. The problem is, you have guys like Loehmann, Van Dyke, Wilson and others who do and the police departments don't get rid of them until AFTER they kill someone.

Are they supposed to get rid of them before? I don't know about the other two, but no, Loehmann didn't want to kill anybody; no cop does. Your hatred of our police and left-wing brainwashing only leads you to believe so.
No, the cop said the N word once. However thanks to commie media, they made a big stink out of a stupid word.

But oh, because the cop said N*** one time, that's certainly reason enough to let a two-time murderer go; only in the mind of a liberal.

Well, no, he said it a bunch of times, in a casual way that indicates it was something he did normally.

On Tape.

After he said he never used that word.

So it's not a big stretch from "I lied about using racist words" to " I lied about planting those bloody gloves on OJ"s property, and oh, yeah, the gloves don't even fit him!"

How did he plant gloves with OJ's DNA on it? I explained this to you before, leather gloves shrink when they get wet.
That would be true if cops were always interacting with mass shooters.

It should be something they should be trained for. A white guy walking down a suburban street with an assault weapon, how do you NOT conclude he's a potential mass shooter?

You are trying to equate the situations when they were clearly different. If the white guy was dressed up in baggy pants, sunglasses, hair in a pony tail, walking in a high crime area, the police would have treated him just as the other cops treated the black guy.

The problem is you try to make race out of everything.

And you try to pretend that race wasn't the obvious issue here. It certainly wasn't "how they were dressed" that was the issue here. It was their skin color.

Are they supposed to get rid of them before? I don't know about the other two, but no, Loehmann didn't want to kill anybody; no cop does. Your hatred of our police and left-wing brainwashing only leads you to believe so.

Loehmann should never, ever have been hired to start with, and if Cleveland did a background check, they'd have know it. emotionally unstable and fired from another police department, rejected by four other police departments.

Van Dyke- 20 incidents of police brutality before he shot LaQuan McDonald. One of them he dislocated the shoulder of a black suspect and the city paid out half a million dollars to settle.

Four years later, that guy STILL hasn't gone to trial yet, and it took two years to fire him.

How did he plant gloves with OJ's DNA on it? I explained this to you before, leather gloves shrink when they get wet.

Yes, there's always an excuse. Funny, my leather gloves have never shrunk when they got wet.

Here's the problem, given the fact that the LAPD already got caught lying many times, the jury wasn't inclined to believe them.
And you try to pretend that race wasn't the obvious issue here. It certainly wasn't "how they were dressed" that was the issue here. It was their skin color.

Oh bull. This video was such a setup Ray Charles could have seen it. If they wanted to make a point, they would have dressed the white guy the same as the black with baggy jeans and dreadlocks, and let them both walk the same street.

It should be something they should be trained for. A white guy walking down a suburban street with an assault weapon, how do you NOT conclude he's a potential mass shooter?

For one, the police did stop and question the well dressed white guy. Two, you didn't see the end of their interaction, they just stopped recording.
Oh bull. This video was such a setup Ray Charles could have seen it. If they wanted to make a point, they would have dressed the white guy the same as the black with baggy jeans and dreadlocks, and let them both walk the same street.

actually, the two tapes were made by two different groups, the first one by a group of Gun Nutters teaching their gun nutty members how to do "open carry".

But, yeah, it was the baggy jeans, not his skin color that was the problem. No, really.


For one, the police did stop and question the well dressed white guy. Two, you didn't see the end of their interaction, they just stopped recording.

I saw it up to the point where he was mouthing off to the cop and telling him he didn't have to show any ID, because, hey, Second Amendment.

Silly darkie, rights are for white people!
actually, the two tapes were made by two different groups, the first one by a group of Gun Nutters teaching their gun nutty members how to do "open carry".

But, yeah, it was the baggy jeans, not his skin color that was the problem. No, really.

Baggy jeans, dreadlocks, tee shirt, yes, plus they didn't say where he was walking around at. The white guy? He was in Oregon.

I saw it up to the point where he was mouthing off to the cop and telling him he didn't have to show any ID, because, hey, Second Amendment.

Silly darkie, rights are for white people!

Correct, now why was the video cutoff? Could it be the white guy was arrested? Could it be the cop gave him a rougher time than the police gave the black guy?

White guy video: 28 seconds
Black guy video: 4 minutes 15 seconds.
Baggy jeans, dreadlocks, tee shirt, yes, plus they didn't say where he was walking around at. The white guy? He was in Oregon.

Yup, it was the FASHION POLICE, all right.

Yes, look at every option, except the obvious one. Skin Color.

Correct, now why was the video cutoff? Could it be the white guy was arrested? Could it be the cop gave him a rougher time than the police gave the black guy?


White guy video: 28 seconds
Black guy video: 4 minutes 15 seconds.

Yeah, it took 4 minutes for half the police department to arrive to help arrest a guy who was already complying with police instructions.

As opposed to the white punk who thought he had the privilege to mouth off to a police officer.
Yup, it was the FASHION POLICE, all right.

Yes, look at every option, except the obvious one. Skin Color.

Yes, look at the whole thing, not just what's haunting your mind. You don't even realize they make videos like this just for guys like you who are obsessed with race.

Yeah, it took 4 minutes for half the police department to arrive to help arrest a guy who was already complying with police instructions.

As opposed to the white punk who thought he had the privilege to mouth off to a police officer.

Really? They arrested him? You know this how?

You do realize that some states still have "assault weapons" restrictions and bans, don't you? And since it's your video, when was this made?

The fact is you don't know how long the encounter between the white guy and police went on. They didn't show you the conclusion like they did with the black guy. They cut it off when they felt it made their point regardless of how phony the video was. But like I said, people like you only see one thing and they know it.
Yes, look at the whole thing, not just what's haunting your mind. You don't even realize they make videos like this just for guys like you who are obsessed with race.

I think they made it to prove the point. (They actually just pieced together two other videos other folks made.)

The police treat blacks differently than they treat whites.

The fact is you don't know how long the encounter between the white guy and police went on. They didn't show you the conclusion like they did with the black guy. They cut it off when they felt it made their point regardless of how phony the video was.

Yes, the point was made when instead of descending on him with guns drawn, screaming at him to get on the ground, they POLITELY asked him what he was doing and POLITELY asked to see his ID, which he refused to show them because, shit, "I'm White".

Now, if you can produce a tape where they slam him to the ground and beat the shit out of him for being an asshole, have at it.
Yes, the point was made when instead of descending on him with guns drawn, screaming at him to get on the ground, they POLITELY asked him what he was doing and POLITELY asked to see his ID, which he refused to show them because, shit, "I'm White".

Now, if you can produce a tape where they slam him to the ground and beat the shit out of him for being an asshole, have at it.

Sure, I have access to that.

Gee, the police should have known it was a toy.

Gee, the police should have known it was a toy.

Um, no, that guy had two minutes to realize the gravity of his situation and decide, Hey trying to bluff cops with a toy is a really bad idea. He was after all, a grown ass man who shouldn't have had a toy.

As opposed to Tamir. That kid never knew what hit him.

Second video, the cop is being totally polite to a white guy.

First video- that was a bad sitatution, but they were called specifically because a mentally ill man was acting violently.

Last video- Guy was waiving his gun around menacingly.
Um, no, that guy had two minutes to realize the gravity of his situation and decide, Hey trying to bluff cops with a toy is a really bad idea. He was after all, a grown ass man who shouldn't have had a toy.

As opposed to Tamir. That kid never knew what hit him.

You mean the same Tamir that they called in as an adult after he was shot? The same 5'9" 190 lbs Tamir?

Yeah, trying to pull a toy gun on cops is a bad idea. Most cops would likely react in one way. Did you learn something today Joe?

A grown ass man shouldn't be carrying a toy gun? I'm sure that's what flashed through the officers minds when they seen Tamir.

Second video, the cop is being totally polite to a white guy.

First video- that was a bad sitatution, but they were called specifically because a mentally ill man was acting violently.

Last video- Guy was waiving his gun around menacingly.

The cop was being totally polite to the white guy? He wasn't armed. Yet the cop had his gun drawn like.......well just like a black suspect, huh?

Yes, the cops were called because of a mentally ill man, just like the cops were called about a guy waiving around his gun and pointing it a passing cars in a high crime drug infested park; both dangerous situations for police officers.
The new American anthem.



Giving our blood To the doomsday machine Fighting for ravaged land A worthless gain Marching on a dead end road A violent new disorder Feeding off mistrust Forgot what we were fighting for A worthless aim A victory stinking of despair Dead eyes See no future Falling from grace We are coming home Battalions of hate Seeking shelter in hell Bloodstained memories Will we ever be forgiven Our twisted fate Time will tell
You mean the same Tamir that they called in as an adult after he was shot? The same 5'9" 190 lbs Tamir?

Yeah, trying to pull a toy gun on cops is a bad idea. Most cops would likely react in one way. Did you learn something today Joe?

Except Tamir never pulled that toy.

But never mind, you can just pretend he did, and pretend that the city, when faced with a lawyer who did his job, gave in paid 6 million because they KNEW they weren't going to be able to sell THAT bullshit to a real jury.

A grown ass man shouldn't be carrying a toy gun? I'm sure that's what flashed through the officers minds when they seen Tamir.

Except that was clearly a child, and you don't get to make those evaluations in 1.3 seconds.

You especially don't get to make those evaluations when you were FIRED for crying on the gun range and the range officer had to disarm you because you were a danger to others on the range.

The cop was being totally polite to the white guy? He wasn't armed. Yet the cop had his gun drawn like.......well just like a black suspect, huh?

I don't know if he was armed and neither do you.

We never actually see HIM in the film. Just the cop. So we don't know what that cop was reacting to.

Yes, the cops were called because of a mentally ill man, just like the cops were called about a guy waiving around his gun and pointing it a passing cars in a high crime drug infested park; both dangerous situations for police officers.


Loehmann was fired.
Ginty was run out of office.
The city paid Tamir's family 6 million.

You are the only person still trying to argue this was a good shooting.

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