MAGAT the lefts new favorite word.

If OMB is such an existential threat to the USA, why is it that the best your shitlib scumbag Crime Family political party can come up with is Sponge Brains Shits Pants?

BTW, I'm not wild about OMB, either. I am a DeSantis fan. He would grind your criminal scumbag party into dust.

The biggest thing I LOVE about OMB is how it makes you scumbags shit yourselves on a daily basis.
I am sure that they think Biden is the best bet.
Herbert Hoover is still the champ.
The Federal Reserve was chartered in 1913. They ramped up the fiat money supply that helped to cause the roaring 20's. Slowly the older gold and silver backed dollars left the system. The stock Market had no safeties in it and no netting. The Federal Reserve put the brakes on in a hard way and a nervous stock market collapsed. Even after when they loosened up, it did not help. For some reason we cannot do this in a peaceful time but when there is a war things can get better. Hoover was along for the ride. And got the blame. The proof is FDR. From 1933 to 1941 we were still in depression. That is Nine Years.
I am sure that they think Biden is the best bet.
Sponge Brains Shits Pants is their ONLY bet. He was one of the few that would go along with stealing a National Election and he was the pick of the bastard son of Frank Marshall Davis and Ubercunt.

dimocrap FILTH really don't have a lot of choice. Newscum would get toasted even worse than brandon. Especially since they'd have to bypass Giggles, aka Kamaltoe, aka; One of the few people on Earth that knows what Willie Brown's dick tastes like.

IOW, you're fucked. Bigly. Big time and in a Big, Big, really BIG way.

You're not only going to get slaughtered in the Presidential Race, it's going to trickle down all the way to Dog Catcher. The dimocrap scum party is going to get a set-back like it's never seen before.

My only concern is that OMB won't be as vengeful as I'd like. I believe at least 500 dimocrap FILTH Operatives belong in Prison, or worse and another 5,000 or so should be hounded unto eternity.

DeSantis would do it. He is one mean sonuvabitch. OMB is a pussy compared to RDS.

I'd like to see RDS as his VP pick but we might need Florida's electors. Knowing how dimocrap scum lie cheat and steal, I don't know if we can take the chance. OMB could take up residence in another State but -- I dunno.

People are getting wise to your bullshit. Say goodbye to your powerbase.

You idiots seriously fucked up by stealing the 2020 election. If you hadn't, OMB would be finishing up about now and your guy/gal/transvestite-dwarf/person-of-color would be a shoo-in.

But, like the thieves you are, you just couldn't resist the temptation. You saw an opportunity to steal, and you took it.

Now, you gonna pay. Bigly
Sponge Brains Shits Pants is their ONLY bet. He was one of the few that would go along with stealing a National Election and he was the pick of the bastard son of Frank Marshall Davis and Ubercunt.

dimocrap FILTH really don't have a lot of choice. Newscum would get toasted even worse than brandon. Especially since they'd have to bypass Giggles, aka Kamaltoe, aka; One of the few people on Earth that knows what Willie Brown's dick tastes like.

IOW, you're fucked. Bigly. Big time and in a Big, Big, really BIG way.

You're not only going to get slaughtered in the Presidential Race, it's going to trickle down all the way to Dog Catcher. The dimocrap scum party is going to get a set-back like it's never seen before.

My only concern is that OMB won't be as vengeful as I'd like. I believe at least 500 dimocrap FILTH Operatives belong in Prison, or worse and another 5,000 or so should be hounded unto eternity.

DeSantis would do it. He is one mean sonuvabitch. OMB is a pussy compared to RDS.

I'd like to see RDS as his VP pick but we might need Florida's electors. Knowing how dimocrap scum lie cheat and steal, I don't know if we can take the chance. OMB could take up residence in another State but -- I dunno.

People are getting wise to your bullshit. Say goodbye to your powerbase.

You idiots seriously fucked up by stealing the 2020 election. If you hadn't, OMB would be finishing up about now and your guy/gal/transvestite-dwarf/person-of-color would be a shoo-in.

But, like the thieves you are, you just couldn't resist the temptation. You saw an opportunity to steal, and you took it.

Now, you gonna pay. Bigly
I have a friend who can get you an election of yer looking to get one.

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