MAGAT the lefts new favorite word.


Gas: +55.5%
Groceries: +21.3%
Eating out: +21.8%
Baby food: +30%
Pet food: +23.1%
K-12 food: +64.9%
Rent: +20.8%
Electricity: +28.5%
Natural gas: +22%
Used cars: +20.4%
Airfare: +38.2%
Public transportation: +26.1%
Real average weekly earnings: -4.4%
My income up 200% since 2020.
Here is the Vanguard of the dimocrap scum movement --

What are these FILTH yukking it up about, you ask??

This -- Ecuadorian migrant who allegedly raped 13-year-old NYC girl said he recorded the attack in sickening confession: DA

People, you better understand this..... It isn't just the scumbags on TV, it isn't just the gold-digging politicians -- It is every single, solitary dimocrap scumbag on the Planet. ALL of them. From the lowliest dimocrap scum voter concerned her right to murder her own child to the highest dimocrap scum there is.

They are scum. Every.Fucking.One.Of.Them.

Somebody votes dimocrap? They are an accomplice to this shit. Fucking PERIOD!
Good for him.
And JFK considered Hoover to run the Peace Corps but Hoover said he was too old for any other govt service. And FDR wanted to run as Hoover's VP in 1920 but Hoover said he was Republican. Guess FDR never forgave him for that.
Here is the Vanguard of the dimocrap scum movement --

What are these FILTH yukking it up about, you ask??

This -- Ecuadorian migrant who allegedly raped 13-year-old NYC girl said he recorded the attack in sickening confession: DA

People, you better understand this..... It isn't just the scumbags on TV, it isn't just the gold-digging politicians -- It is every single, solitary dimocrap scumbag on the Planet. ALL of them. From the lowliest dimocrap scum voter concerned her right to murder her own child to the highest dimocrap scum there is.

They are scum. Every.Fucking.One.Of.Them.

Somebody votes dimocrap? They are an accomplice to this shit. Fucking PERIOD!

Talk about an inch turning into a mile.

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