America is Great Again.

Thank You President Trump.

Is America Great again? What do you think?

DOW over 25,000
GDP at a 16 year high
Unemployment at a 30 year low

Yeah, Trump has made America great again.


Remember, democrats HATE America and want to destroy the nation, this is the worst thing that has happened to them since Reagan.
The valid threat he experienced was caught on a video camera. That's why the jury didn't indict him.

The grand jury was never asked to vote... but never mind.

You need to have broken a law to be indicted. So what law did this officer break? They worked in very high crime area of the city, got a call of a man with a gun pointing it at people in a park well known for it's drug activity, when they arrived, the 5'10" 190 lbs "boy" started to pull a gun out of his pants; an exact replica of a real gun it was produced after. He even went as far as to pull off the florescent orange gun site that could have distinguished it from the real thing.

Whole lot of assumptions in that statment.

So what law did this officer break?

Murder. Next.

They worked in very high crime area of the city, got a call of a man with a gun pointing it at people in a park well known for it's drug activity,

The caller told them it was probably a child with a toy.

when they arrived, the 5'10" 190 lbs "boy" started to pull a gun out of his pants

He pulled a gun out of his pants when both hands were in his jacket pockets. Who the fuck did they think he was, David Copperfield.

an exact replica of a real gun it was produced after. He even went as far as to pull off the florescent orange gun site that could have distinguished it from the real thing.

He pulled it off or it just fell off because it was cheap ass plastic?

Here's the thing. Officer McWeepy shot this kid .3 seconds after emerging from his car. He really made no time to ascertain what was going on or the threat level. He just up and shot the kid.

The fact you are okay with this shows how much of a racist you are. I doubt you'd be this understanding if it was a white kid who was a little tall for his age.
In my estimation, the last time this country was "great' was the nineties.

Peace and prosperity. An exciting time.

And a government governing from the center.

Not a coincidence.

THat would be when we impeached a popularly elected president over getting a blowjob?

That was when we 'governed from the center"?
He got impeached for lying under oath, not for getting a blow job.

he lied about getting the blowjob.

thanks for playing
Lied about it under oath. Thanks for playing.
So what law did this officer break?

Murder. Next.

No, murder is when you commit a felonious act of killing somebody. Self defense is when your life is at risk and you use deadly force to stop the attack.

The caller told them it was probably a child with a toy.

The caller said "it could be a child with a toy" but that was never relayed to either officer. However even if it was, it's irrelevant since you can't put full faith in a citizens evaluation of a suspect, especially when the caller only got a glimpse of the suspect while passing by.

He pulled a gun out of his pants when both hands were in his jacket pockets. Who the fuck did they think he was, David Copperfield.

If his hands were in his pocket, how did the gun end up on the ground next to him?

He pulled it off or it just fell off because it was cheap ass plastic?

Here's the thing. Officer McWeepy shot this kid .3 seconds after emerging from his car. He really made no time to ascertain what was going on or the threat level. He just up and shot the kid.

The fact you are okay with this shows how much of a racist you are. I doubt you'd be this understanding if it was a white kid who was a little tall for his age.

I always stick up for our police unless something is amiss and I see an officer broke a law. No law was broken here and race had absolutely nothing to do with this case.
No, murder is when you commit a felonious act of killing somebody. Self defense is when your life is at risk and you use deadly force to stop the attack.

life at risk from a child playing with a toy.... um, yeah. Okay.

scary black child. We got it.

The caller said "it could be a child with a toy" but that was never relayed to either officer. However even if it was, it's irrelevant since you can't put full faith in a citizens evaluation of a suspect, especially when the caller only got a glimpse of the suspect while passing by.

You mean other than there were other kids in the park and they weren't running in a panic from this kid, because they all saw it was a toy?

If his hands were in his pocket, how did the gun end up on the ground next to him?

Cops put it there. Next.

I always stick up for our police unless something is amiss and I see an officer broke a law. No law was broken here and race had absolutely nothing to do with this case.

Sorry, when the cops are in the wrong, they are in the wrong, even if no law was broken.

Of course, it would be nice if you had a prosecutor who did his job. Oh, wait, he doesn't have a job anymore, does he? Heh, heh, heh.
life at risk from a child playing with a toy.... um, yeah. Okay.

scary black child. We got it.

If you were walking down the street and somebody pulled out that "toy" and told you to hand over all your money, you would do it in a heartbeat. Your plea of ignorance doesn't hold water in this argument.

You mean other than there were other kids in the park and they weren't running in a panic from this kid, because they all saw it was a toy?

Where do you see other kids in that park on that rainy afternoon?

Cops put it there. Next.

And your proof of that is what? Oh, that's right, because Joe hates cops, they are all suspect.

Sorry, when the cops are in the wrong, they are in the wrong, even if no law was broken.

Of course, it would be nice if you had a prosecutor who did his job. Oh, wait, he doesn't have a job anymore, does he? Heh, heh, heh.

Yes, this is what happens when authorities do their job in a black community. It's why police and authorities should just leave them alone and let them kill each other if that's what they want.
If you were walking down the street and somebody pulled out that "toy" and told you to hand over all your money, you would do it in a heartbeat. Your plea of ignorance doesn't hold water in this argument.

Except Tamir wasn't doing that... In fact, you can see in the tape that he's playing.

Where do you see other kids in that park on that rainy afternoon?

His sister was there and only a few feet away from him when he as shot.

And your proof of that is what? Oh, that's right, because Joe hates cops, they are all suspect.

Given the number of fuckups and lies the cops were caught in during this case, um, yean, their claim that the gun was "on the ground" is suspect.

Yes, this is what happens when authorities do their job in a black community. It's why police and authorities should just leave them alone and let them kill each other if that's what they want.

His job was to present the case to a jury and prosecute it. He didn't do that. A judge ruled there was ALREADY PROBABLE CAUSE to indict McWeepy and McChockey, there wasn't even a need to go to a grand jury.
Except Tamir wasn't doing that... In fact, you can see in the tape that he's playing.

I don't see a 12 year old pulling a gun out in front of cops as playing.

His sister was there and only a few feet away from him when he as shot.

She must be awfully skinny and turned sideways because the tape doesn't show that. They lived across the street from the park and she came after the shots were fired.

Given the number of fuckups and lies the cops were caught in during this case, um, yean, their claim that the gun was "on the ground" is suspect.

What fuckups and lies?

His job was to present the case to a jury and prosecute it. He didn't do that. A judge ruled there was ALREADY PROBABLE CAUSE to indict McWeepy and McChockey, there wasn't even a need to go to a grand jury.

No, the prosecutors job is to present evidence to the jury. All evidence was presented and the tape is the key that allowed the officer to leave the court not indicted.
I don't see a 12 year old pulling a gun out in front of cops as playing.

which he didn't do... but never mind.

She must be awfully skinny and turned sideways because the tape doesn't show that. They lived across the street from the park and she came after the shots were fired.

The tape doesn't show the whole park. Not even a nice try.

What fuckups and lies?

Hiring McWeepy to start with, after Independence fired him. Not telling the officers it was a child with a toy.

No, the prosecutors job is to present evidence to the jury. All evidence was presented and the tape is the key that allowed the officer to leave the court not indicted.

No, all the evidence wasn't presented. The job of the prosecutor is to PROSECUTE. A judge said there was probable cause. That SHOULD have been enough.

Going to a grand jury was meant to confuse the issue.

The voters threw his ass out, as well they should have. We threw Alvarez out of office here in Chicago for covering up the McDonald case. The days when prosecutors cover up cop misconduct are over,and we are better off for it.
America is great, not 'again'. It is diminished from a year ago, but still great. It is diminished from twenty years ago, but still great. It could be much, much greater, but is not headed in that direction. America has done some very "ungreat" things that have hurt it and the world, and hasn't had the courage to face those errors and correct them. Still, America is great, almost in spite of itself.
The tape doesn't show the whole park. Not even a nice try.

You don't need the tape. Her own testimony is good enough for me:

The girl said she was inside the center when she heard gunshots and another child told her that a police officer had just shot Tamir.

Surveillance footage first obtained by Northeast Ohio Media Group showed Tajai running to her brother's side after Timothy Loehmann fired two shots at the boy, who was carrying an airsoft-style gun.

Tamir Rice's sister says Cleveland police lacked 'decency' and 'respect' in detaining her after shooting

Hiring McWeepy to start with, after Independence fired him. Not telling the officers it was a child with a toy.

That was the dispatchers fault and she got fired for it. But again, it doesn't matter how the caller evaluated the suspect, what matters is what police seen when they got there. Even after he was shot, the officer called for an ambulance reporting a young black male late teens early 20's.

No, all the evidence wasn't presented. The job of the prosecutor is to PROSECUTE. A judge said there was probable cause. That SHOULD have been enough.

Going to a grand jury was meant to confuse the issue.

A judge is not an investigator, a judge is a lawyer. A judges is also a politician trying to keep his or her job via voters. We don't let investigators judge cases and we don't let judges investigate them. They each have their own training and job to do.
That was the dispatchers fault and she got fired for it. But again, it doesn't matter how the caller evaluated the suspect, what matters is what police seen when they got there. Even after he was shot, the officer called for an ambulance reporting a young black male late teens early 20's.

Okay, buddy...

Here's the thing.
The city paid six million.
McGinty was voted out of office for his role in the coverup.

You lose.
A judge is not an investigator, a judge is a lawyer. A judges is also a politician trying to keep his or her job via voters. We don't let investigators judge cases and we don't let judges investigate them. They each have their own training and job to do.

Well, it would have been nice if the people doing the investigation weren't also the ones who COMMITTED THE CRIME.
A judge is not an investigator, a judge is a lawyer. A judges is also a politician trying to keep his or her job via voters. We don't let investigators judge cases and we don't let judges investigate them. They each have their own training and job to do.

Well, it would have been nice if the people doing the investigation weren't also the ones who COMMITTED THE CRIME.

The Cuyahoga County Sheriff's department committed the crime?
That was the dispatchers fault and she got fired for it. But again, it doesn't matter how the caller evaluated the suspect, what matters is what police seen when they got there. Even after he was shot, the officer called for an ambulance reporting a young black male late teens early 20's.

Okay, buddy...

Here's the thing.
The city paid six million.
McGinty was voted out of office for his role in the coverup.

You lose.

And OJ was acquitted of a double murder.
Law enforcement commited the crime.

There was no crime. If there was, you would be able to tell us what that crime was. And don't say murder because self-defense is not murder.

Well, kind of hard to make the case when your witnesses are openly caught lying about stuff.

Right, you have a violent jealous husband who police have been out to the residence for several times. But he didn't kill his wife, some stranger did for no reason at all.
There was no crime. If there was, you would be able to tell us what that crime was. And don't say murder because self-defense is not murder.

You don't need to defend yourself from a child with a toy.

Right, you have a violent jealous husband who police have been out to the residence for several times. But he didn't kill his wife, some stranger did for no reason at all.

Oh, I think he did it.

It's too bad the cops lied and fabricated evidence against him, though.

That's the kind of police misconduct that results in jury nullification.
You don't need to defend yourself from a child with a toy.

If you know it's a child with a toy, but as we both know, neither officer knew that. As far as the officer could tell, it was somebody drawing a gun on him and he only had a fraction of a second to react.

Oh, I think he did it.

It's too bad the cops lied and fabricated evidence against him, though.

That's the kind of police misconduct that results in jury nullification.

The jury would have decided not guilty no matter what the evidence was. He was a celebrity and that about guaranteed his freedom. I'm sure he'll have a price to pay after his death.

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