America is Great Again.

Then where would you shop with no products on the shelves? If you took out every single driver that had some sort of medical condition, there would be very few drivers left. It's bad enough we need over 60,000 new drivers now we can't find and more on the way as the boomers retire. Most people in their 40's and 50's have some sort of blood pressure problems that require medical attention.

Guy, if you were that much in demand, you'd have no problem finding a job that offers health insurance.
I don’t think America ceased to be great but we have begin turning back the decline.

The key to truly being great is to become good. Something truly difficult in a society that denies the existence of good and evil

Actually, the problem is, you guys want to define things that are evil as "good" (like greed) and things that are good as evil (like two people loving each other, even if they are of the same gender).

So maybe instead of looking at Bronze Age Superstitions to define "good", we can kind of have discussions on it instead.
Then where would you shop with no products on the shelves? If you took out every single driver that had some sort of medical condition, there would be very few drivers left. It's bad enough we need over 60,000 new drivers now we can't find and more on the way as the boomers retire. Most people in their 40's and 50's have some sort of blood pressure problems that require medical attention.

Guy, if you were that much in demand, you'd have no problem finding a job that offers health insurance.

Correct. If government allowed me to find a job, I would do just that.
Actually, the problem is, you guys want to define things that are evil as "good" (like greed) and things that are good as evil (like two people loving each other, even if they are of the same gender).

No, it's Democrats that always side with evil.

Democrats side with criminals over our police.
Democrats are against the people that give us jobs and pay most of our taxes for us.
Democrats are against our military and military funding to protect our country.
Democrats are for Palestinian terrorists and against our allies in Israel.
Democrats are against wealthy people and for the leeches in our society.
Democrats are for keeping criminals armed and disarming law abiding citizens.
Democrats are for larger more intrusive government and less freedom for citizens.
Correct. If government allowed me to find a job, I would do just that.

Please, guy, you can't have it both ways. Either you have a really valuable skill where you can find a job, or you are kind of a loser who is happy taking whatever abuse Don Guido puts on you when he's using your health care to fly to Italy.

No, it's Democrats that always side with evil.

Democrats side with criminals over our police.

Um, only when the police abuse their authority. which they do a lot. I find it hilarious that you wingnuts will scream all day about the government abusing it's authority by saying, "Hey, you are too unhealthy to drive a truck", but a REAL fucking abuse like shooting a child playing with a toy is okay by you.

Democrats are for Palestinian terrorists and against our allies in Israel.

Actually, the Democrats are sucking up the Zionist Scum as much as the Republicans. And the Zionists are the ones bombing hospitals and schools to please their magic sky fairy.
Under the Orange Clown's disasterous incompetence, the US is going down the toilet, fast.
Please, guy, you can't have it both ways. Either you have a really valuable skill where you can find a job, or you are kind of a loser who is happy taking whatever abuse Don Guido puts on you when he's using your health care to fly to Italy.

How do I find a job that the government says I can't have genius?

Um, only when the police abuse their authority. which they do a lot. I find it hilarious that you wingnuts will scream all day about the government abusing it's authority by saying, "Hey, you are too unhealthy to drive a truck", but a REAL fucking abuse like shooting a child playing with a toy is okay by you.

There you go,, a perfect example. All cases are investigated and most are found the police officer did not break any laws, but as a typical liberal, you don't believe in any laws but the ones you create in your head, therefore siding with the criminal just as I explained.

Actually, the Democrats are sucking up the Zionist Scum as much as the Republicans. And the Zionists are the ones bombing hospitals and schools to please their magic sky fairy.

Really? And when did they ever do that without being attacked first? Yes, when terrorists attack the Jews they fight back which is a no-no in your book. They are just supposed to allow their people to get killed and do nothing.
How do I find a job that the government says I can't have genius?

the government has banned you from every job you can possibly have in the whole world except the one you have with Don Guido? Really? That sounds... improbable.

There you go,, a perfect example. All cases are investigated and most are found the police officer did not break any laws, but as a typical liberal, you don't believe in any laws but the ones you create in your head, therefore siding with the criminal just as I explained.

Yeah, well, when you have an investigation that ignores evidence and allows officers to make self-serving statements, that's hardly an investigation.

"Silly Darkies! Rights are for White People!"

Really? And when did they ever do that without being attacked first? Yes, when terrorists attack the Jews they fight back which is a no-no in your book. They are just supposed to allow their people to get killed and do nothing.

Uh, guy when Jews from EUROPE go to PALESTINE and steal land from PALESTINIANS, they aren't the ones being attacked. They are the ones attacking.

If the Jews don't want to be attacked, they should go back to Europe where they came from. Maybe this time they can try to not piss off the Europeans.
Thank You President Trump.

Is America Great again? What do you think?

America has always been great, it was great under President Obama.

Indeed, Trump jeopardizes America's greatness.

Under the Orange Clown's disasterous incompetence, the US is going down the toilet, fast.

yes we were the best economically strongest armies and all but due to trump leaving the playing field we sink, and will continue to fall as long as that orange ah is in our wh
the government has banned you from every job you can possibly have in the whole world except the one you have with Don Guido? Really? That sounds... improbable.

No, there are jobs I can take, but not any better than the one I have many much worse. That's the point. I've contacted several of them.

I am banned from all major carriers because they all require you have a hazmat endorsement that I'm not allowed to have. I'm also restricted to state lines which driving into other states is another requirement--especially when you first join a company.

Yeah, well, when you have an investigation that ignores evidence and allows officers to make self-serving statements, that's hardly an investigation.

"Silly Darkies! Rights are for White People!"

You made that shit up, it never happened. You don't even know what went on in the courtroom in most cases. You know even less about evidence which was presented. And when you talked about this in the past, you said they should bring up stuff not directly related to the case which would have gotten it thrown out of court. If that ever happened, you would be blaming the judge next.

Uh, guy when Jews from EUROPE go to PALESTINE and steal land from PALESTINIANS, they aren't the ones being attacked. They are the ones attacking.

If the Jews don't want to be attacked, they should go back to Europe where they came from. Maybe this time they can try to not piss off the Europeans.

Right, they pissed of Europeans like Hitler because of their faith.

Hey, maybe they can make a tradeoff. All the Arabs get the hell out of Europe! And while we're at it, send all Americans back to their native lands and give the US to the American Indians.

On one hand, you on the left cry how illegals here should be allowed to stay because they were brought here as children or infants and this is the only home they know. On the other hand, send all the Jews who's only home they know is Israel back to Europe.
No, there are jobs I can take, but not any better than the one I have many much worse. That's the point. I've contacted several of them.

I am banned from all major carriers because they all require you have a hazmat endorsement that I'm not allowed to have. I'm also restricted to state lines which driving into other states is another requirement--especially when you first join a company.

Okay, neither one of those sound unreasonable. Certainly not as bad as you made it sound.

You made that shit up, it never happened. You don't even know what went on in the courtroom in most cases. You know even less about evidence which was presented. And when you talked about this in the past, you said they should bring up stuff not directly related to the case which would have gotten it thrown out of court. If that ever happened, you would be blaming the judge next.

The fact this guy got fired for emotional instability certainly was germane to whether or not he showed good judgement when he shot a 12 year old at point blank range.

Right, they pissed of Europeans like Hitler because of their faith.

Naw, they pissed off the Europeans with their behavior. We could put the Jewish state in the Middle of Tibet, and they'd probably find a way to piss off the Buddhists.

Hey, maybe they can make a tradeoff. All the Arabs get the hell out of Europe! And while we're at it, send all Americans back to their native lands and give the US to the American Indians.

Hardly the same thing. The Arabs were invited to Europe.

On one hand, you on the left cry how illegals here should be allowed to stay because they were brought here as children or infants and this is the only home they know. On the other hand, send all the Jews who's only home they know is Israel back to Europe.

Here's the thing... those kids are Americans. They speak English and salute the flag and act like Americans.

The Jews on the other hand, are acting like, well, Jews. Pretend you are God's gift to the world and grab other people's shit and then wonder why they want to kill you.
Okay, neither one of those sound unreasonable. Certainly not as bad as you made it sound.

Those two things are a requirement all major carriers have which again, prevents me from ever working for them. Hell, a friend of mine was trying to get me to go to his company (now XPO) because he was quite happy there. But again, I couldn't even apply without a Haz-Mat endorsement. My cousin knew a big wig at our UPS station here in the Cleveland area and I could have been guaranteed a job. But I couldn't get the endorsements.

When I had a landline phone, carriers would constantly leave messages all the time begging me to work for them. They somehow got a list of people with CDL's and great driving records.

The fact this guy got fired for emotional instability certainly was germane to whether or not he showed good judgement when he shot a 12 year old at point blank range.

Haven't you ever been in court? Haven't you even watched a court on television?

No, what he quit for had absolutely nothing to do with the shooting. The only thing that counts are what are DIRECTLY related to the shooting. There was nothing about his past employment that had anything remotely connected to the event that took place.

Hardly the same thing. The Arabs were invited to Europe.

They were? Who invited them? To my knowledge, they were "allowed" to go there.

Here's the thing... those kids are Americans. They speak English and salute the flag and act like Americans.

If they are Americans then there is nothing that can be done to them. The people we're talking about are the illegals that came here as children with their parents and never corrected the problem when they became adults.

The Jews on the other hand, are acting like, well, Jews. Pretend you are God's gift to the world and grab other people's shit and then wonder why they want to kill you.

What shit did they grab? They turned a sand hole into a city. It was absolutely nothing before they got there. They turned it into an economic playground. Arabs came from all over to help build it and were paid well. The Jews still hire Palestinians to work their stores and restaurants in spite of the terror attacks they constantly have to endure.

Now all they want to do is live in peace.
No, what he quit for had absolutely nothing to do with the shooting. The only thing that counts are what are DIRECTLY related to the shooting. There was nothing about his past employment that had anything remotely connected to the event that took place.

The issue was whether or not he showed good judgement shooting a child playing with a toy.

The fact he was fired for crying about his girlfriend on a live fire range shows that his judgement kind of sucked.

What shit did they grab? They turned a sand hole into a city. It was absolutely nothing before they got there.

There was plenty there. Don't buy into Zionist lies that there was "just desert" before they came. There's a reason why that land was coveted by Empires.
The issue was whether or not he showed good judgement shooting a child playing with a toy.

The fact he was fired for crying about his girlfriend on a live fire range shows that his judgement kind of sucked.

No, it doesn't matter. He did not go to court to defend himself of good or bad judgement, he went to court to see if the jury found him to have broken any laws which he didn't. Even if the jurors thought he didn't use good judgement, he still did nothing illegal as he had every right to believe Tamir was indeed pulling a gun on him. That's all that matters.

There was plenty there. Don't buy into Zionist lies that there was "just desert" before they came. There's a reason why that land was coveted by Empires.

For religious reasons, not because it's the playground it is today and has been since the Jews went there.
No, it doesn't matter. He did not go to court to defend himself of good or bad judgement, he went to court to see if the jury found him to have broken any laws which he didn't. Even if the jurors thought he didn't use good judgement, he still did nothing illegal as he had every right to believe Tamir was indeed pulling a gun on him. That's all that matters.

No, it was only legitimate use of force if Tamir (a 12 year old playing with a toy) represented a valid threat. That goes DIRECTLY to his judgement.

The fact he was weeping and crying and some suburb had to fire him because he was a danger to himself and others shows he didn't have the requisite judgement to be a police officer.

For religious reasons, not because it's the playground it is today and has been since the Jews went there.

Not really. The Romans didn't care, neither did the Persians, or even the Ottomans.

Again, guy, you need to stop believing Zionist propaganda.
No, it was only legitimate use of force if Tamir (a 12 year old playing with a toy) represented a valid threat. That goes DIRECTLY to his judgement.

The fact he was weeping and crying and some suburb had to fire him because he was a danger to himself and others shows he didn't have the requisite judgement to be a police officer.

The valid threat he experienced was caught on a video camera. That's why the jury didn't indict him.

You need to have broken a law to be indicted. So what law did this officer break? They worked in very high crime area of the city, got a call of a man with a gun pointing it at people in a park well known for it's drug activity, when they arrived, the 5'10" 190 lbs "boy" started to pull a gun out of his pants; an exact replica of a real gun it was produced after. He even went as far as to pull off the florescent orange gun site that could have distinguished it from the real thing.
In my estimation, the last time this country was "great' was the nineties.

Peace and prosperity. An exciting time.

And a government governing from the center.

Not a coincidence.

THat would be when we impeached a popularly elected president over getting a blowjob?

That was when we 'governed from the center"?
He got impeached for lying under oath, not for getting a blow job.

he lied about getting the blowjob.

thanks for playing
In my estimation, the last time this country was "great' was the nineties.

Peace and prosperity. An exciting time.

And a government governing from the center.

Not a coincidence.

THat would be when we impeached a popularly elected president over getting a blowjob?

That was when we 'governed from the center"?
He got impeached for lying under oath, not for getting a blow job.

he lied about getting the blowjob.

thanks for playing
Lied under oath, sorry you think he should get away with it. But I guarantee you won't. Liberal logic 2007.

Another liberal logic 2008. Lol

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