America is Great Again.

Do you understand how un-sensible that sounds? If you were such a good worker and they were making profit from your work, why would they want to screw you or anybody else?

YOu're fucking kidding, right? It makes me wonder if you ever worked in an office.

In this case, he got rid of his two senior buyers because we made more money, and kept some lady who kissed his ass so much we used to joke she'd go to lamazze classes with his pregnant wife.

For the most part employers value good employees.

You know what, I've never seen it. I've seen so much bad behavior on the part of managers that I wonder if they go to a special school to be this stupid.

But i'm talking to a battered housewife whose fucking boss cancels his health insurance, AND HE BLAMES THE BLACK GUY!!!!

Someone who thinks he's "highly qualified' because he can "pass a pee test".

At times companies want to take a new direction and change things around--sometimes to the dislike of employees. I've seen that happen several times with our customers. One that comes to mind were a group of guys I liked working with. They had me loaded or unloaded in no time at all. So it seemed, they were pretty good workers. Then the owner decided he wanted to do something different, and eventually all those guys quit the company. About two years later, the owner sold out to his competitor. I don't know what he was doing so differently, but obviously this was his plan because he wanted to retire and get out of the business.

Okay, so after two paragraphs of sucking manager dick, you admit that managers ACTUALLY CAN BE FUCKED UP, but man, you STILL support their decisions.

Seriously, guy, you are like a fucking battered housewife.


"I totally deserved to have my insurance cancelled because the negro got elected!!!"
YOu're fucking kidding, right? It makes me wonder if you ever worked in an office.

In this case, he got rid of his two senior buyers because we made more money, and kept some lady who kissed his ass so much we used to joke she'd go to lamazze classes with his pregnant wife.

So your boss got rid of two people to make more money? Wait a minute, managers are not supposed to make money for the company, they're supposed to lose money. That's how they keep their job!

No, I never worked in an office before, but it's no different than working anywhere else. If workers do their jobs well, nobody will fuck with them. The only people they get rid of (if there are not company structure situations) are people that don't do their job or are causing too many problems for the company.

You know what, I've never seen it. I've seen so much bad behavior on the part of managers that I wonder if they go to a special school to be this stupid.

But i'm talking to a battered housewife whose fucking boss cancels his health insurance, AND HE BLAMES THE BLACK GUY!!!!

Someone who thinks he's "highly qualified' because he can "pass a pee test".

And you don't because he is a black guy........and a commie. I didn't do anything to lose my insurance just like you're not doing anything for your OCD. I never said I was highly qualified. But given you're a guy who writes resumes, you don't have a lot of room to talk about the qualifications of anybody.

Okay, so after two paragraphs of sucking manager dick, you admit that managers ACTUALLY CAN BE FUCKED UP, but man, you STILL support their decisions.

Seriously, guy, you are like a fucking battered housewife.

Of course there are bad managers. They don't last long because their work proves to be substandard just like any other worker. If they continue to work for the company, it means the company is satisfied with their work; you might not be, but the company is. But until you sign their paycheck, you have no say-so about it.
So your boss got rid of two people to make more money? Wait a minute, managers are not supposed to make money for the company, they're supposed to lose money. That's how they keep their job!

The boss should have remembered who got him to that point, and it wasn't the new people.

No, I never worked in an office before, but it's no different than working anywhere else. If workers do their jobs well, nobody will fuck with them. The only people they get rid of (if there are not company structure situations) are people that don't do their job or are causing too many problems for the company.

Again, 14 an hour, you have no idea what you are talking about.

And you don't because he is a black guy........and a commie. I didn't do anything to lose my insurance just like you're not doing anything for your OCD. I never said I was highly qualified. But given you're a guy who writes resumes, you don't have a lot of room to talk about the qualifications of anybody.

Um, actually, the fact I can start my own business and be successful at it says a lot. But that's the thing, most people can't write resumes. Some of the things I see are hilarious. (My personal favorite is when people take their job descriptions from HR and paste them into the resume. 60% of the resumes I see do some version of this.)

But I agree, you didn't do anything to lose your insurance. You just aren't doing anything about it, other than whining and blaming the black guy.

Of course there are bad managers. They don't last long because their work proves to be substandard just like any other worker.

Again, hasn't been my experience. The worst manager I ever saw had been in his job for 16 years. I read an article in Forbes once that listed 'The Ten Things bad Managers do" and he did 8 of them.

If they continue to work for the company, it means the company is satisfied with their work; you might not be, but the company is. But until you sign their paycheck, you have no say-so about it.

And the fundemental flaw of the system you support. Again, man, you are like a battered housewife. You keep making excuses for people who screw you.


Cancel my insurance and pay me less money! I deserve it!
The boss should have remembered who got him to that point, and it wasn't the new people.

So your boss should have not done his job out of loyalty to you and your buddies?

Again, 14 an hour, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Haven't made that in years. I already told you that.

Um, actually, the fact I can start my own business and be successful at it says a lot. But that's the thing, most people can't write resumes. Some of the things I see are hilarious. (My personal favorite is when people take their job descriptions from HR and paste them into the resume. 60% of the resumes I see do some version of this.)

But I agree, you didn't do anything to lose your insurance. You just aren't doing anything about it, other than whining and blaming the black guy.

Me whine? You're the one who brings it up all the time, not me. You're the one who's whining. The only time I bring it up is when the subject is Commie Care or health insurance.

If you knew anything about me, my disabilities and how they hamper my ability TO do anything about it, then you wouldn't be talking shit like you always do. But your precious government tells me what jobs I'm allowed to accept and what jobs I'm not which is most of them. Of course that wouldn't be an issue for me if McCain won the presidency, but unfortunately for me, it didn't turn out that way.

I've explained this over and over again but you're as dense as a deaf mute.

And the fundemental flaw of the system you support. Again, man, you are like a battered housewife. You keep making excuses for people who screw you.

Nope, never did and never will. YOU keep making excuses for the people that screwed me. You don't have the guts to say DumBama EVER did anything wrong.
So your boss should have not done his job out of loyalty to you and your buddies?

He wouldn't have gotten as far as he did if it weren't for the people who carried him. And, oh, yeah, he got sacked less than a year later.

Then he became the boss at a company that the people i worked for at the time bought from. Spent a lot of time sucking up to me after that.

If you knew anything about me, my disabilities and how they hamper my ability TO do anything about it, then you wouldn't be talking shit like you always do. But your precious government tells me what jobs I'm allowed to accept and what jobs I'm not which is most of them. Of course that wouldn't be an issue for me if McCain won the presidency, but unfortunately for me, it didn't turn out that way.

Yes, fucking government, putting public safety first! How dare they?

Point of the matter is you take the abuse, you don't do anything about it, and then you blame the black guy and the government.

Nope, never did and never will. YOU keep making excuses for the people that screwed me. You don't have the guts to say DumBama EVER did anything wrong.

Actually, I'm very critical of Obama where it is warranted. I think he gave up on a public option in O-Care much too easily. I think the war in Libya was a mistake. I think his escalation of the war in Afghanistan was plain stupid.

But I never found myself without work a day of his presidency, and my income increased every year he was president. That had to do more with me than him, of course.
He wouldn't have gotten as far as he did if it weren't for the people who carried him. And, oh, yeah, he got sacked less than a year later.

Well there you go. What did I tell you. If a manager is not performing well, the company gets rid of them.

Yes, fucking government, putting public safety first! How dare they?

Point of the matter is you take the abuse, you don't do anything about it, and then you blame the black guy and the government.

It has nothing to do with public safety. You'd be hell driven to find somebody who has my safety record. A group of filthy commie bureaucrats believe they know more than licensed physicians and write laws accordingly.

In the meantime, your wonderful government allows foreigners to come here that can't even read the English road signs, driving around in 75,000 lbs vehicles, and not knowing WTF they're doing.

But I never found myself without work a day of his presidency, and my income increased every year he was president.

Mine did under Bush as well. Under DumBama, I lost my healthcare benefits BECAUSE HE gave employers a way out of providing them.
Well there you go. What did I tell you. If a manager is not performing well, the company gets rid of them.

Um, yeah, except they didn't let him go for hte right reasons. So not so much.

It has nothing to do with public safety. You'd be hell driven to find somebody who has my safety record. A group of filthy commie bureaucrats believe they know more than licensed physicians and write laws accordingly.

Probably because someone who was "just fine" got someone killed, despite what a physician said.

In the meantime, your wonderful government allows foreigners to come here that can't even read the English road signs, driving around in 75,000 lbs vehicles, and not knowing WTF they're doing.

So what? I think everyone knows a red octogon means "Stop". Even little children.

Mine did under Bush as well. Under DumBama, I lost my healthcare benefits BECAUSE HE gave employers a way out of providing them.

Actually, your employer wasn't under any obligation to provide them before ACA. So if he dropped it, it's because whatever shit he was providing wasn't ACA compliant...
So what? I think everyone knows a red octogon means "Stop". Even little children.

Oh, so that's all there is to road safety--red means stop??? Good think you're not in my line of work. In fact, you shouldn't even be driving a car if that's what you think.

Actually, your employer wasn't under any obligation to provide them before ACA. So if he dropped it, it's because whatever shit he was providing wasn't ACA compliant...

We're a small family owned company. He wasn't under any obligation to provide insurance other than the reason every other company did and he needed good workers. When that big-eared freak screwed America, most smaller companies did exactly like my employer did.

Small Businesses Are Dropping Health Coverage; Large Employers Hold Steady

Probably because someone who was "just fine" got someone killed, despite what a physician said.

Right. So now they make me go to a government doctor who knows nothing about my condition or progress and he's the one that signs me out if I'm lucky. Typical government thinking, a physician treating your illness is less capable determining your ability to drive a truck than a strange doctor just because he's certified by the government to give DOT physicals.

This is why we need an end to all bureaucracies.
Oh, so that's all there is to road safety--red means stop??? Good think you're not in my line of work. In fact, you shouldn't even be driving a car if that's what you think.

Yeah, guy, whatever. You still haven't really convinced me that this is a bigger problem then your old broken down ass driving a truck. But keep blaming the black guy.

We're a small family owned company. He wasn't under any obligation to provide insurance other than the reason every other company did and he needed good workers. When that big-eared freak screwed America, most smaller companies did exactly like my employer did.

If he was too small to provide insurance, he shouldn't be in business, and if you weren't totally worthless, another company would have snapped you up.

But when your main qualification is "I can pass a pee test, so long as they arent' testing for Malt Liquor", that's not saying much.

Right. So now they make me go to a government doctor who knows nothing about my condition or progress and he's the one that signs me out if I'm lucky. Typical government thinking, a physician treating your illness is less capable determining your ability to drive a truck than a strange doctor just because he's certified by the government to give DOT physicals.

The DOT Doctor is objective. Your doctor isn't.
If he was too small to provide insurance, he shouldn't be in business, and if you weren't totally worthless, another company would have snapped you up.

But when your main qualification is "I can pass a pee test, so long as they arent' testing for Malt Liquor", that's not saying much.

I have over 20 years of all weather tractor-trailer driving without one single accident that was my fault, and that's saying a lot living in this snow hellhole of northern Ohio. I have no CSA points nor points on my license since my last moving violation was 15 years ago in my car. Not only that, but I've never so much as dented a tractor or trailer during that time.

But you ignorantly tell me any company would have snagged me up. And I keep telling you that the government restricts my endorsements so I can't get snagged up, otherwise I would have been working for a major carrier a long time ago. I understand you're thick and have very limited ability to remember things, but one more time GOVERNMENT WILL NOT ALLOW ME TO ACCEPT MOST JOBS. It's not my fault.

The DOT Doctor is objective. Your doctor isn't.

Your ignorance of doctors is unsurpassed. If a government doctor is so objective, why does the guy that does my physical insist on a note from my physicians asking for their evaluation of my conditions in order to pass me? He doesn't know because he's not treating my conditions.
Thank You President Trump.

Is America Great again? What do you think?

We can only wish we had some Roman influence. There would be no ugly babies unless there were no "self-absorbed" animals fucking each other. No offense to Africa, but in all seriousness, males and females look almost identical in terms of their facial features. And they are ugly as fuck.
Aha! A wannabe, as in wannabe somebody other than a loser who can only be somebody by putting down others because of their birth. That worked once upon a time, but not any more. Bet you can't play a guitar either.
Some people are just so lazy and stupid, they need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to think and do everything for them. These people are called leftists, democrats, marxists, communists, morons - all the same shit.
But you ignorantly tell me any company would have snagged me up. And I keep telling you that the government restricts my endorsements so I can't get snagged up, otherwise I would have been working for a major carrier a long time ago. I understand you're thick and have very limited ability to remember things, but one more time GOVERNMENT WILL NOT ALLOW ME TO ACCEPT MOST JOBS. It's not my fault.

Yes, Ray. Nothing is ever your fault.

Your ignorance of doctors is unsurpassed. If a government doctor is so objective, why does the guy that does my physical insist on a note from my physicians asking for their evaluation of my conditions in order to pass me? He doesn't know because he's not treating my conditions.

Which has nothing to do with my point. If the DOT doctor won't pass you, there's probably a good reason.
Which has nothing to do with my point. If the DOT doctor won't pass you, there's probably a good reason.

Yes, because he's not treating me and doesn't know the stage of my condition. It's like asking a mechanic to give you an estimate to fix your transmission without him looking at it.
Some people are just so lazy and stupid, they need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to think and do everything for them. These people are called leftists, democrats, marxists, communists, morons - all the same shit.
Wow, I'm impressed! You build your own roads and bridges to work & elsewhere, clean your part of local rivers, home school and transport your kids, police and fire protect your own yard, inspect your own food and other provisions too numerous to count. What a guy!
Some people are just so lazy and stupid, they need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to think and do everything for them. These people are called leftists, democrats, marxists, communists, morons - all the same shit.
Wow, I'm impressed! You build your own roads and bridges to work & elsewhere, clean your part of local rivers, home school and transport your kids, police and fire protect your own yard, inspect your own food and other provisions too numerous to count. What a guy!

In my estimation, the last time this country was "great' was the nineties.

Peace and prosperity. An exciting time.

And a government governing from the center.

Not a coincidence.

THat would be when we impeached a popularly elected president over getting a blowjob?

That was when we 'governed from the center"?
He got impeached for lying under oath, not for getting a blow job.
Republicans think getting head in rhe Oval Office is worse than colluding with the Russians.

Republicans investigated Clinton & Monica, consensual sex between adults, yet don't want tol investigate Trump/Russia and supported a child molesting POS bigot in Alabama.

Moron thinks that happened in the last 11 months. China didn't have to work hard to catch up to Ear's anemic economic disaster

Trump, YOUR HERO, gave China control of the Asian market when the orange asshole withdrew from the TPP.

Trump on the campaign trailed said to would label China a currency manipulator & be tough on China.

Instead Trump cut a deal & got the Trump name copyrights in China, something he couldn't get for years.

Trump is a worthless candy assed "me me me" person who has zero interest in your well being.

Trumpettes are the dumbest people on the planet.

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