America is Great Again.

You're so desperate to bitch about my posts that you bitch even when you'd normally agree.

The nineties were great, the last time this country was really flying. That was the point - not blowjobs and impeachment, which are burned into your head.

We were great, but it had nothing to do with Washington or "bipartisanship". (I would also argue if we were truly great. I think a lot of the problems we experienced after 2000 had their roots in the 1990's).

The nineties were a great party, but like all great parties, there is usually a reckoning the next day.

And oh, did you bitch-slap me again? Did you "win" again? In that little imaginary scoreboard in your head?

Grow up, Joe. Not everyone is an obedient little ideological sheep like you. That's what you're missing.

No, guy, bitch slapping you is enjoyable because you are pompous and self-important and argue bullshit points to prove your own superiority. THat's why it is SOOOOOOO Fucking enjoyable to slap you down with facts and reality.
Another fascinating post. You say "you are pompous and self-important and argue bullshit points to prove your own superiority", and yet you insult, demean and attack anyone who dares to disagree with you. And you even take it a step further, convincing yourself that you have "won" the conversation.

You clearly don't see that you're lashing out at me for the very qualities you display.

Obviously this is some kind of self esteem issue. You've really been damaged. I'd probably feel bad for you if you weren't so nasty and toxic.
That’s what happens when these progressives depend on their parents basement for shelter…
The country has never stopped being great. What a bunch of ungrateful, unpatriotic hacks you all are

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not according to the obamas


Amazing how many people on this forum from both sides are just like the Obsmas

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Let’s see, Barack Obama is a career politician that has had no real job and therefore no real life experience.
He’s a half black man who will not be up front with any of his past before becoming a career politician.
His white mom is dead, his black dad is dead. Both died at young ages.
His brother has no love for him and is poor as dirt...
Ann Dunham - Wikipedia
Barack Obama Sr. - Wikipedia.
The story behind President Obama’s half brother Malik, whom Trump invited to tonight’s debate
...and all of the other siblings of his known and unknown, a very strange scenario indeed. Lol
I will not go into the birth certificate thing, I will let others expand on that shit show. Lol

He obviously has had an Extremely privileged sheltered life… and hope and change had nothing to do with it.

All that shit on Obama and you are really in the end no different than he is, just one more partisan hack that puts party before country.
you obviously have read my posts, I’m a libertarian. That makes me a anti-party type of guy. Lol
I trust no career politicians no matter the side of the aisle they pick to be on.

I have read your post, they are 100% right leaning attacking the left at every turn. I have never seen you post a bad word about Trump or the GOP.
The country has never stopped being great. What a bunch of ungrateful, unpatriotic hacks you all are

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I recall how they got all jiggly with Michelle Obama for saying an innocuous comment on being Proud again of America

Yeah, she said that and the right wing wackos were clutching their pearls and having a collective heart attack.

Trump campaigns on the premise that America sucks and he is the fucking second coming of the messiah.

I honestly think that this hyper-partisanship is the biggest threat to our country today.

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OK, by being untrusting of all career politicians.
Single term limits at the federal level... drain the swamp

No Libertarian would call for artificial term limits, as that is limiting the liberty of the individual to vote for whom they choose.

Our founding fathers put term limits in the constitution, they are called election every two years.
So tell me what it's like when you've typed out an insulting, nasty, demeaning post to someone and you hit "enter".

Here's a better question- how come you only focus on the insults, and never, ever on the counter arguments?

For instance, you keep claiming the problem the Democrats have is that they aren't pandering to White People enough.

I pointed out, um, no, Trump did worse than Romney did with white people. It was third party candidates who did Hillary in.


But you will go on and on and on about how mean I am to you. Because I've hurt you little feelings by not admiring how totally awesome and non-partisan and better than us you are..

That's why it's enjoyable to stomp you. Because you are just so full of yourself.
Actually it was the third-party that hurt Trump more than the Hildabeast. Dumbass

Not one person that voted for Gary Johnson would have voted for the Hildabeast, and he had a lot more votes than Jill stein... you can’t be that much of a stupid motherfucker!?!?!
No. After 16 years of war, lies, and corruption we have a long way to go.
and Trump an Icon of Honesty and Integrity is going to do the job? He is a dishonest Con Man
...Pathetic Sad ...
Hes an amateur compared to the Clintons and Obama’s when it comes to Being corrupt to the core...

not according to the obamas


Amazing how many people on this forum from both sides are just like the Obsmas

Sent from my iPhone using
Let’s see, Barack Obama is a career politician that has had no real job and therefore no real life experience.
He’s a half black man who will not be up front with any of his past before becoming a career politician.
His white mom is dead, his black dad is dead. Both died at young ages.
His brother has no love for him and is poor as dirt...
Ann Dunham - Wikipedia
Barack Obama Sr. - Wikipedia.
The story behind President Obama’s half brother Malik, whom Trump invited to tonight’s debate
...and all of the other siblings of his known and unknown, a very strange scenario indeed. Lol
I will not go into the birth certificate thing, I will let others expand on that shit show. Lol

He obviously has had an Extremely privileged sheltered life… and hope and change had nothing to do with it.

All that shit on Obama and you are really in the end no different than he is, just one more partisan hack that puts party before country.
you obviously have read my posts, I’m a libertarian. That makes me a anti-party type of guy. Lol
I trust no career politicians no matter the side of the aisle they pick to be on.

I have read your post, they are 100% right leaning attacking the left at every turn. I have never seen you post a bad word about Trump or the GOP.
You have not then, I only have bad things to say about the GOP they should be voted out of existence, and this far as Trump goes all I’ve ever said is that he was much better than the alternative… Which is absolutely true.
Progressives which are both Republicans and Democrats that happen to be career politicians - two sides of the same coin… Fact
The country has never stopped being great. What a bunch of ungrateful, unpatriotic hacks you all are

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I recall how they got all jiggly with Michelle Obama for saying an innocuous comment on being Proud again of America

Yeah, she said that and the right wing wackos were clutching their pearls and having a collective heart attack.

Trump campaigns on the premise that America sucks and he is the fucking second coming of the messiah.

I honestly think that this hyper-partisanship is the biggest threat to our country today.

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OK, by being untrusting of all career politicians.
Single term limits at the federal level... drain the swamp

No Libertarian would call for artificial term limits, as that is limiting the liberty of the individual to vote for whom they choose.

Our founding fathers put term limits in the constitution, they are called election every two years.
Na, Career politicians when they first win their elected office at the federal level become millionaires and never have to work again.
There should be single term limits at the federal level and they have to work a real job or own a business. That’s how you drain the swamp
Okay, so the goal is to convince everyone that I'm a right wing racist?

Naw, guy, you do that when you trot out your Islamophobia and try to pretend it is progressive, because in some countries they have backwards practices.

And when someone points out that a practice like FGM isn't limited to Islam and predates it, you lose your fucking mind that anyone dares challenge your racism!!!
Says the guy thinks BLM is not a racist hate group... Silly fucker. LOL
No. After 16 years of war, lies, and corruption we have a long way to go.
and Trump an Icon of Honesty and Integrity is going to do the job? He is a dishonest Con Man
...Pathetic Sad ...
Hes an amateur compared to the Clintons and Obama’s when it comes to Being corrupt to the core...
1. No collusion
2. Collusion is not a crime
3. Obama and Clinton actually colluded with Russia
4. Contacts with Russia during transition were legal
5. Flynn is a liar, who lied to the FBI about those legal contacts
6. We knew Flynn lied, but fired Yates instead who warned us about Flynn’s lies

Got it. I am truly one horrible human being.

So what is the goal of constantly pointing that out? My guess is that you want me to be so shunned here that I'll stop posting here.

Is that fair? Or is it something I'm missing?

You are missing a lot... but that's besides the point.

Perhaps if you tried being less full of yourself, that'd be a good start.
Okay, what am I missing?

Something I have noticed with dishonest posters, is that they are growing increasingly hesitant to actually, clearly make their point.

As a way to avoid being called on their bullshit.
I strongly suspect Joe would be much more comfy with my posts if I followed his lead and laced them with vulgar personal insults & name-calling, distortions, attacks and hyperbole. But I'm afraid that's just not the way I am. I don't see the point.

So to someone like him, I come off as pompous and superior. Seems to me that's just embarrassment over his own behaviors.
Joe in his moms basement...
No. After 16 years of war, lies, and corruption we have a long way to go.
and Trump an Icon of Honesty and Integrity is going to do the job? He is a dishonest Con Man
...Pathetic Sad ...
Hes an amateur compared to the Clintons and Obama’s when it comes to Being corrupt to the core...
1. No collusion
2. Collusion is not a crime
3. Obama and Clinton actually colluded with Russia
4. Contacts with Russia during transition were legal
5. Flynn is a liar, who lied to the FBI about those legal contacts
6. We knew Flynn lied, but fired Yates instead who warned us about Flynn’s lies

Slick Willy... Rapist, Child molester, sex trafficker, making associates disappear, Russian nuclear connections, etc... All enabled by the Hildabeast... lol
In my estimation, the last time this country was "great' was the nineties.

Peace and prosperity. An exciting time.

And a government governing from the center.

Not a coincidence.

Even by them the idea of an Two Parent Family with One Breadwinner and One Homemaker was out of the reach of most Americans.

We are just getting started.

We need better jobs and wages, faster and more, for a long time to make it back to what I consider, Great.
The culture has changed a lot since the era of the two parent one bread winner family. Perhaps it is because people want to keep up with the jone’s. Two day people strive for a large house with multiple bathrooms and often a separate bedroom for each kid. As a kid in the 70s I remember families living in houses that were generally much smaller. When one parent was the breadwinner, there was generally just one family car. Today people want everything and both parents are willing to work for the stuff. lookout Jone’s.
Two day .....damn that auto
I know. My point is that more COULD do it, than we admit to ourselves, and that enabling more to do it, is closer than we think,

if we combine it with some lifestyle changes.

We did change, and this is the way we like it good, bad or ugly.

I own rental property in which I live on. When I bought the place nearly 25 years ago, each unit had one car. My parking lot had plenty of room for them and our visitors. This year I'm going to try to expand the parking lot which will cost me a few grand because today, everybody has to have their own car. There are no more parking spaces for visitors so they are now parking on the grass or blocking other tenants in. It's not so bad when it's warm and dry, but not a good thing in this kind of weather.

It's a changing country.

Did we really consider the costs of this change? Let's talk about it, and maybe we can decide to change back.
Individual families can decide to change back if they so desire. I work with a guy that lives close enough to the job to ride a bike most days. And by bike, I mean a 10 speed. His wife stays at home with the kids in a nice quaint house in a nice neighborhood. That have a minivan as the family car.

That is what I am talking about.

My wife and I buy used cars. We could go to one car, with minor adjustments. So far it does not seem really needed...
The trap a lot of people fall into is having to drive a relatively new car. I have friends that seem to change cars like underwear, always having a car payment. On the other hand, having more than one paid for car shouldn’t be a problem. I have two older trucks. If I ever need to put one in the shop, I can drive the other.

Me and my wife drive used cars we buy from individuals on Craigslist.

We've slowly been upping our budget for the next car. Recently a rebuilt BMW, was seen that was within our range.

But our cars are fine, for now, and we don't need a "new" one.
Which is it's own kind of stress, really. The reason why these adult children aren't getting kicked out of the house is more often than not, they leave college with mountains of debt and no one is offering them that $50,000 a year job they were promised.

So they work no job?

It's not just college kids, it's a lot of them college or not. You think it's stressful because you are thinking back to when we were kids. Remember there was (what we called) a Generation Gap between us and our parents. We got along okay, but they were totally different people from a totally different generation.

When we had kids, we treated them like friends more than children. When I used to play my music a little too loud, my parents would yell for me to shut off that Rock N Roll. With our kids, we listen to Rock N Roll with them.

And let's face it, there is no tough love today. When I was a kid, my parents didn't give me a dime so I never grew up with that entitlement mentality. One time I asked my bricklayer father for five dollars. He asked what makes me think he has five dollars to give? I told him that he worked so he got money that way. He said "If that's the way I get my money, that's the way you're going to get yours......get in the van!"

My father paid me one dollar an hour to mix cement, carry clamps of bricks to the job site, carry 8" block to the site, help erect scaffolding, and I came home exhausted. Today, parents just hand kids over money like it grew in the backyard.

So I don't see the stress because we have a totally different relationship with our children today compared to when we were kids. Like most younger people back then, I couldn't wait to get my own apartment, and I moved out of home at the age of 20.

I don't know how old you are, but I am 55, and frankly, I was the only one in my generation who didn't smoke pot. I was a nerd before it was cool. The craziness of piss-testing everyone didn't really come into vogue until the late 1980's.

Amusing exchange between my CO and I when I was in the service. We were all in line for a drug test and he says to me, "You aren't taking drugs, are you Sergeant B#######?"

"No, Sir. I'm like this normally, Sir!!!"

Even though we weren't supposed to make smart ass comments during this test, he laughed.

The guy behind me, another Sergeant. He got caught hot for cocaine. He got demoted and his career was pretty much over at that point. And he was good at his job.

Correct, you were one of the few. I was just the opposite. But even though we didn't have drug tests back then, if it came down to work or smoke, I would have given up the pot. After all, it's what I had to do when I decided to become a truck driver. By federal law, my employer has to drug test his employees.

Believe it or not, I used to be a pot smoking, long haired liberal and a lead guitarist in a rock band, hated the police and against any kind of war, or as they say......military action.
Believe it or not, I used to be a pot smoking, long haired liberal and a lead guitarist in a rock band, hated the police and against any kind of war, or as they say......military action.

and i used to be a right wing young Republican asshole when I was, until, as I've said here many times, my asshole ex-boss taught me the true meaning of Christmas.
Believe it or not, I used to be a pot smoking, long haired liberal and a lead guitarist in a rock band, hated the police and against any kind of war, or as they say......military action.

and i used to be a right wing young Republican asshole when I was, until, as I've said here many times, my asshole ex-boss taught me the true meaning of Christmas.

So what happens if you end up working for a Democrat who teaches you the meaning of Christmas, are you going to switch back?
So what happens if you end up working for a Democrat who teaches you the meaning of Christmas, are you going to switch back?

Well, no. If I had a boss who ran the shop by Democrat priciniples, I probably wouldn't have a problem with that.

The thing is, the asshole wasn't even the worst person I ever worked for. I've had worst bosses before and since. What he did do is demonstrate to me if you work for a living, voting for republicans makes as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

When you have no union, no protections at work, they can and will screw you over no matter how much heart and soul you pour into your work. Simply because... they can.
So what happens if you end up working for a Democrat who teaches you the meaning of Christmas, are you going to switch back?

Well, no. If I had a boss who ran the shop by Democrat priciniples, I probably wouldn't have a problem with that.

The thing is, the asshole wasn't even the worst person I ever worked for. I've had worst bosses before and since. What he did do is demonstrate to me if you work for a living, voting for republicans makes as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

When you have no union, no protections at work, they can and will screw you over no matter how much heart and soul you pour into your work. Simply because... they can.

Do you understand how un-sensible that sounds? If you were such a good worker and they were making profit from your work, why would they want to screw you or anybody else?

For the most part employers value good employees. The company owner sure does because you are creating profit for him and not giving him a hard time. The supervisor does because your work makes he or she look good to the owner.

At times companies want to take a new direction and change things around--sometimes to the dislike of employees. I've seen that happen several times with our customers. One that comes to mind were a group of guys I liked working with. They had me loaded or unloaded in no time at all. So it seemed, they were pretty good workers. Then the owner decided he wanted to do something different, and eventually all those guys quit the company. About two years later, the owner sold out to his competitor. I don't know what he was doing so differently, but obviously this was his plan because he wanted to retire and get out of the business.
So what happens if you end up working for a Democrat who teaches you the meaning of Christmas, are you going to switch back?

Well, no. If I had a boss who ran the shop by Democrat priciniples, I probably wouldn't have a problem with that.

The thing is, the asshole wasn't even the worst person I ever worked for. I've had worst bosses before and since. What he did do is demonstrate to me if you work for a living, voting for republicans makes as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

When you have no union, no protections at work, they can and will screw you over no matter how much heart and soul you pour into your work. Simply because... they can.'ve had a number of bad bosses....maybe it's not the boss that's the problem.

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