America is Great Again.

That may be you but not average America. One of my coworkers can't stay off his phone and the internet. Even though his kids are grown and out of the house, he still supplies them with phones and service. He told me his cell phone bill alone was something like $260.00 a month. Back in the 70's, people didn't spend that kind of money in a years time for entertainment or conveniences. Today most don't think anything of it.

If you and your family eat out 10 times a month and spend around $20.00 each visit, that's $200.00 right there.

It all starts to add up. But let's face it, we're all addicted to our entertainment and conveniences. It's about 15 degrees outside right now, and if I have to go out for anything, I'm not leaving until I remote start my car and let it warm up for about ten minutes.

Wow, Ray, I kind of agree with you, we are about that now.

Yet i would argue that the current generation is more stressed out than previous generations, largely due to sensory overload. We eat out because making a home meal is time consuming, and who has time these days?

We actually agree on something? Better watch out for lightening. :badgrin::badgrin:

How can anybody cook when both parents work or a single parent works? The closest people get to cooking is Stouffers in the microwave.

But I would disagree with you about stress. When we were young, if you weren't in college or had a job, the parents kicked you out of the house. Today kids live with their parents well into their 30's, some even married with kids.

When we were young there were very few safety nets, and the ones that were out there were not easy to live on. It was more a work or starve environment than it is today. Employers have a hard time finding people to work for them because they can't pass a drug test. Kids would rather sit home in the basement and smoke pot than take a chance at getting a job or career going. I'm not saying I agree with these drug tests, but only pointing out how our priorities were different than the younger people today.
The culture has changed a lot since the era of the two parent one bread winner family. Perhaps it is because people want to keep up with the jone’s. Two day people strive for a large house with multiple bathrooms and often a separate bedroom for each kid. As a kid in the 70s I remember families living in houses that were generally much smaller. When one parent was the breadwinner, there was generally just one family car. Today people want everything and both parents are willing to work for the stuff. lookout Jone’s.

As a 70's child myself, I think back to what people spent their money on. You had usually one television set, you had a stereo/ radio, you make food at home and once in a while, went out to see a movie.

Look at our bills today. A cell phone for every member of the family; unlimited data time as well, we have cable or satellite television with hundreds of channels, we have big screen television sets and several video game systems plus all the games that come with them, you have pay-per-view, Netflix and the internet. Many families eat out several times a week if not nearly all week long whereas years ago, fast food was a treat you got three or four times a year.

We cut off our cable years ago, and only have pre paid cell phones, not smart, no data plan.

The eating out is a real problem, that we constantly fight against.

That may be you but not average America. One of my coworkers can't stay off his phone and the internet. Even though his kids are grown and out of the house, he still supplies them with phones and service. He told me his cell phone bill alone was something like $260.00 a month. Back in the 70's, people didn't spend that kind of money in a years time for entertainment or conveniences. Today most don't think anything of it.

If you and your family eat out 10 times a month and spend around $20.00 each visit, that's $200.00 right there.

It all starts to add up. But let's face it, we're all addicted to our entertainment and conveniences. It's about 15 degrees outside right now, and if I have to go out for anything, I'm not leaving until I remote start my car and let it warm up for about ten minutes.

I know. My point is that more COULD do it, than we admit to ourselves, and that enabling more to do it, is closer than we think,

if we combine it with some lifestyle changes.

We did change, and this is the way we like it good, bad or ugly.

I own rental property in which I live on. When I bought the place nearly 25 years ago, each unit had one car. My parking lot had plenty of room for them and our visitors. This year I'm going to try to expand the parking lot which will cost me a few grand because today, everybody has to have their own car. There are no more parking spaces for visitors so they are now parking on the grass or blocking other tenants in. It's not so bad when it's warm and dry, but not a good thing in this kind of weather.

It's a changing country.

Did we really consider the costs of this change? Let's talk about it, and maybe we can decide to change back.
As a 70's child myself, I think back to what people spent their money on. You had usually one television set, you had a stereo/ radio, you make food at home and once in a while, went out to see a movie.

Look at our bills today. A cell phone for every member of the family; unlimited data time as well, we have cable or satellite television with hundreds of channels, we have big screen television sets and several video game systems plus all the games that come with them, you have pay-per-view, Netflix and the internet. Many families eat out several times a week if not nearly all week long whereas years ago, fast food was a treat you got three or four times a year.

We cut off our cable years ago, and only have pre paid cell phones, not smart, no data plan.

The eating out is a real problem, that we constantly fight against.

That may be you but not average America. One of my coworkers can't stay off his phone and the internet. Even though his kids are grown and out of the house, he still supplies them with phones and service. He told me his cell phone bill alone was something like $260.00 a month. Back in the 70's, people didn't spend that kind of money in a years time for entertainment or conveniences. Today most don't think anything of it.

If you and your family eat out 10 times a month and spend around $20.00 each visit, that's $200.00 right there.

It all starts to add up. But let's face it, we're all addicted to our entertainment and conveniences. It's about 15 degrees outside right now, and if I have to go out for anything, I'm not leaving until I remote start my car and let it warm up for about ten minutes.

I know. My point is that more COULD do it, than we admit to ourselves, and that enabling more to do it, is closer than we think,

if we combine it with some lifestyle changes.

We did change, and this is the way we like it good, bad or ugly.

I own rental property in which I live on. When I bought the place nearly 25 years ago, each unit had one car. My parking lot had plenty of room for them and our visitors. This year I'm going to try to expand the parking lot which will cost me a few grand because today, everybody has to have their own car. There are no more parking spaces for visitors so they are now parking on the grass or blocking other tenants in. It's not so bad when it's warm and dry, but not a good thing in this kind of weather.

It's a changing country.

Did we really consider the costs of this change? Let's talk about it, and maybe we can decide to change back.

I don't think we will ever change back. About a year ago the wind blew my cable line down and I didn't have the internet for three days. I thought it was the end of the Fn world. WTF did we do before the internet I thought to myself.

Several years ago I got a cell phone for my mother. She doesn't like cell phones and doesn't use it all that much. So why did I get her one? Because she never drove in her life and often depended on her brother-in-law to get to places. My elderly Aunt and Uncle never had a cell phone either, so I worried about what might happen to them if they ever got stranded somewhere. It's not like somebody could walk to a payphone and make a call. There are no more pay phones, and if you get stranded somewhere, nobody is going to stop to offer help. We all assume everybody has a phone so it's their problem.
As a 70's child myself, I think back to what people spent their money on. You had usually one television set, you had a stereo/ radio, you make food at home and once in a while, went out to see a movie.

Look at our bills today. A cell phone for every member of the family; unlimited data time as well, we have cable or satellite television with hundreds of channels, we have big screen television sets and several video game systems plus all the games that come with them, you have pay-per-view, Netflix and the internet. Many families eat out several times a week if not nearly all week long whereas years ago, fast food was a treat you got three or four times a year.

We cut off our cable years ago, and only have pre paid cell phones, not smart, no data plan.

The eating out is a real problem, that we constantly fight against.

That may be you but not average America. One of my coworkers can't stay off his phone and the internet. Even though his kids are grown and out of the house, he still supplies them with phones and service. He told me his cell phone bill alone was something like $260.00 a month. Back in the 70's, people didn't spend that kind of money in a years time for entertainment or conveniences. Today most don't think anything of it.

If you and your family eat out 10 times a month and spend around $20.00 each visit, that's $200.00 right there.

It all starts to add up. But let's face it, we're all addicted to our entertainment and conveniences. It's about 15 degrees outside right now, and if I have to go out for anything, I'm not leaving until I remote start my car and let it warm up for about ten minutes.

I know. My point is that more COULD do it, than we admit to ourselves, and that enabling more to do it, is closer than we think,

if we combine it with some lifestyle changes.

We did change, and this is the way we like it good, bad or ugly.

I own rental property in which I live on. When I bought the place nearly 25 years ago, each unit had one car. My parking lot had plenty of room for them and our visitors. This year I'm going to try to expand the parking lot which will cost me a few grand because today, everybody has to have their own car. There are no more parking spaces for visitors so they are now parking on the grass or blocking other tenants in. It's not so bad when it's warm and dry, but not a good thing in this kind of weather.

It's a changing country.

Did we really consider the costs of this change? Let's talk about it, and maybe we can decide to change back.
Individual families can decide to change back if they so desire. I work with a guy that lives close enough to the job to ride a bike most days. And by bike, I mean a 10 speed. His wife stays at home with the kids in a nice quaint house in a nice neighborhood. They have a minivan as the family car.
In my estimation, the last time this country was "great' was the nineties.

Peace and prosperity. An exciting time.

And a government governing from the center.

Not a coincidence.

THat would be when we impeached a popularly elected president over getting a blowjob?

That was when we 'governed from the center"?
The Clinton’s are the most repugnant of people, getting BJ from some naive intern young enough to be his granddaughter is the least of his Offenses. They are too numerous to list. He had power over her and he abused it absolutely.
As for his enabling Hildabeast she is every bit as guilty, Obviously their marriage and family are all for politics nothing else. Single people don’t get elected to high levels.

So while you sit in your moms basement with your bleeding heart as your only company... cheers and a happy new year. Lol
We cut off our cable years ago, and only have pre paid cell phones, not smart, no data plan.

The eating out is a real problem, that we constantly fight against.

That may be you but not average America. One of my coworkers can't stay off his phone and the internet. Even though his kids are grown and out of the house, he still supplies them with phones and service. He told me his cell phone bill alone was something like $260.00 a month. Back in the 70's, people didn't spend that kind of money in a years time for entertainment or conveniences. Today most don't think anything of it.

If you and your family eat out 10 times a month and spend around $20.00 each visit, that's $200.00 right there.

It all starts to add up. But let's face it, we're all addicted to our entertainment and conveniences. It's about 15 degrees outside right now, and if I have to go out for anything, I'm not leaving until I remote start my car and let it warm up for about ten minutes.

I know. My point is that more COULD do it, than we admit to ourselves, and that enabling more to do it, is closer than we think,

if we combine it with some lifestyle changes.

We did change, and this is the way we like it good, bad or ugly.

I own rental property in which I live on. When I bought the place nearly 25 years ago, each unit had one car. My parking lot had plenty of room for them and our visitors. This year I'm going to try to expand the parking lot which will cost me a few grand because today, everybody has to have their own car. There are no more parking spaces for visitors so they are now parking on the grass or blocking other tenants in. It's not so bad when it's warm and dry, but not a good thing in this kind of weather.

It's a changing country.

Did we really consider the costs of this change? Let's talk about it, and maybe we can decide to change back.

I don't think we will ever change back. About a year ago the wind blew my cable line down and I didn't have the internet for three days. I thought it was the end of the Fn world. WTF did we do before the internet I thought to myself.

Several years ago I got a cell phone for my mother. She doesn't like cell phones and doesn't use it all that much. So why did I get her one? Because she never drove in her life and often depended on her brother-in-law to get to places. My elderly Aunt and Uncle never had a cell phone either, so I worried about what might happen to them if they ever got stranded somewhere. It's not like somebody could walk to a payphone and make a call. There are no more pay phones, and if you get stranded somewhere, nobody is going to stop to offer help. We all assume everybody has a phone so it's their problem.

Cellphones are good for what you describe.

They don't have to have hundred dollar a month data plans attached.

I've seen people in my life, and my wife's life, talk smack about living the current life.

I've seen them pay a heavy price for that.

I have not yet seen them learn and change behavior, but I am watching and hoping.
But I would disagree with you about stress. When we were young, if you weren't in college or had a job, the parents kicked you out of the house. Today kids live with their parents well into their 30's, some even married with kids.

Which is it's own kind of stress, really. The reason why these adult children aren't getting kicked out of the house is more often than not, they leave college with mountains of debt and no one is offering them that $50,000 a year job they were promised.

When we were young there were very few safety nets, and the ones that were out there were not easy to live on. It was more a work or starve environment than it is today. Employers have a hard time finding people to work for them because they can't pass a drug test. Kids would rather sit home in the basement and smoke pot than take a chance at getting a job or career going. I'm not saying I agree with these drug tests, but only pointing out how our priorities were different than the younger people today.

I don't know how old you are, but I am 55, and frankly, I was the only one in my generation who didn't smoke pot. I was a nerd before it was cool. The craziness of piss-testing everyone didn't really come into vogue until the late 1980's.

Amusing exchange between my CO and I when I was in the service. We were all in line for a drug test and he says to me, "You aren't taking drugs, are you Sergeant B#######?"

"No, Sir. I'm like this normally, Sir!!!"

Even though we weren't supposed to make smart ass comments during this test, he laughed.

The guy behind me, another Sergeant. He got caught hot for cocaine. He got demoted and his career was pretty much over at that point. And he was good at his job.
We cut off our cable years ago, and only have pre paid cell phones, not smart, no data plan.

The eating out is a real problem, that we constantly fight against.

That may be you but not average America. One of my coworkers can't stay off his phone and the internet. Even though his kids are grown and out of the house, he still supplies them with phones and service. He told me his cell phone bill alone was something like $260.00 a month. Back in the 70's, people didn't spend that kind of money in a years time for entertainment or conveniences. Today most don't think anything of it.

If you and your family eat out 10 times a month and spend around $20.00 each visit, that's $200.00 right there.

It all starts to add up. But let's face it, we're all addicted to our entertainment and conveniences. It's about 15 degrees outside right now, and if I have to go out for anything, I'm not leaving until I remote start my car and let it warm up for about ten minutes.

I know. My point is that more COULD do it, than we admit to ourselves, and that enabling more to do it, is closer than we think,

if we combine it with some lifestyle changes.

We did change, and this is the way we like it good, bad or ugly.

I own rental property in which I live on. When I bought the place nearly 25 years ago, each unit had one car. My parking lot had plenty of room for them and our visitors. This year I'm going to try to expand the parking lot which will cost me a few grand because today, everybody has to have their own car. There are no more parking spaces for visitors so they are now parking on the grass or blocking other tenants in. It's not so bad when it's warm and dry, but not a good thing in this kind of weather.

It's a changing country.

Did we really consider the costs of this change? Let's talk about it, and maybe we can decide to change back.
Individual families can decide to change back if they so desire. I work with a guy that lives close enough to the job to ride a bike most days. And by bike, I mean a 10 speed. His wife stays at home with the kids in a nice quaint house in a nice neighborhood. That have a minivan as the family car.

That is what I am talking about.

My wife and I buy used cars. We could go to one car, with minor adjustments. So far it does not seem really needed...
That may be you but not average America. One of my coworkers can't stay off his phone and the internet. Even though his kids are grown and out of the house, he still supplies them with phones and service. He told me his cell phone bill alone was something like $260.00 a month. Back in the 70's, people didn't spend that kind of money in a years time for entertainment or conveniences. Today most don't think anything of it.

If you and your family eat out 10 times a month and spend around $20.00 each visit, that's $200.00 right there.

It all starts to add up. But let's face it, we're all addicted to our entertainment and conveniences. It's about 15 degrees outside right now, and if I have to go out for anything, I'm not leaving until I remote start my car and let it warm up for about ten minutes.

I know. My point is that more COULD do it, than we admit to ourselves, and that enabling more to do it, is closer than we think,

if we combine it with some lifestyle changes.

We did change, and this is the way we like it good, bad or ugly.

I own rental property in which I live on. When I bought the place nearly 25 years ago, each unit had one car. My parking lot had plenty of room for them and our visitors. This year I'm going to try to expand the parking lot which will cost me a few grand because today, everybody has to have their own car. There are no more parking spaces for visitors so they are now parking on the grass or blocking other tenants in. It's not so bad when it's warm and dry, but not a good thing in this kind of weather.

It's a changing country.

Did we really consider the costs of this change? Let's talk about it, and maybe we can decide to change back.
Individual families can decide to change back if they so desire. I work with a guy that lives close enough to the job to ride a bike most days. And by bike, I mean a 10 speed. His wife stays at home with the kids in a nice quaint house in a nice neighborhood. That have a minivan as the family car.

That is what I am talking about.

My wife and I buy used cars. We could go to one car, with minor adjustments. So far it does not seem really needed...
The trap a lot of people fall into is having to drive a relatively new car. I have friends that seem to change cars like underwear, always having a car payment. On the other hand, having more than one paid for car shouldn’t be a problem. I have two older trucks. If I ever need to put one in the shop, I can drive the other.
The country has never stopped being great. What a bunch of ungrateful, unpatriotic hacks you all are

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not according to the obamas


Amazing how many people on this forum from both sides are just like the Obsmas

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Let’s see, Barack Obama is a career politician that has had no real job and therefore no real life experience.
He’s a half black man who will not be up front with any of his past before becoming a career politician.
His white mom is dead, his black dad is dead. Both died at young ages.
His brother has no love for him and is poor as dirt...
Ann Dunham - Wikipedia
Barack Obama Sr. - Wikipedia.
The story behind President Obama’s half brother Malik, whom Trump invited to tonight’s debate
...and all of the other siblings of his known and unknown, a very strange scenario indeed. Lol
I will not go into the birth certificate thing, I will let others expand on that shit show. Lol

He obviously has had an Extremely privileged sheltered life… and hope and change had nothing to do with it.
Yes. Try to calm down.

Well, when you say asinine things like that, it's hard to take you seriously.

We had a constitutional crisis OVER A BLOW JOB!!!!
I say the last time America was great, in my estimation, was the same time a D e m o c r a t was in the White House.

And you STILL go drama queen. What the fuck.

And you bitch about taking OTHERS seriously.

Holy crap, Joe, you are deranged. Lay off the caffeine. Try yoga. Eat a cookie. Take an anger management class. Do SOMETHING.
Don’t mind joe he’s stuck in his moms basement, probably only a game of dungeons and dragons to keep him company.
The country has never stopped being great. What a bunch of ungrateful, unpatriotic hacks you all are

Sent from my iPhone using

not according to the obamas


Amazing how many people on this forum from both sides are just like the Obsmas

Sent from my iPhone using
Let’s see, Barack Obama is a career politician that has had no real job and therefore no real life experience.
He’s a half black man who will not be up front with any of his past before becoming a career politician.
His white mom is dead, his black dad is dead. Both died at young ages.
His brother has no love for him and is poor as dirt...
Ann Dunham - Wikipedia
Barack Obama Sr. - Wikipedia.
The story behind President Obama’s half brother Malik, whom Trump invited to tonight’s debate
...and all of the other siblings of his known and unknown, a very strange scenario indeed. Lol
I will not go into the birth certificate thing, I will let others expand on that shit show. Lol

He obviously has had an Extremely privileged sheltered life… and hope and change had nothing to do with it.

All that shit on Obama and you are really in the end no different than he is, just one more partisan hack that puts party before country.
I say the last time America was great, in my estimation, was the same time a D e m o c r a t was in the White House.

And you STILL go drama queen. What the fuck.

wasn't my point, and you know it. Or maybe you don't.

My point was, we were hardly governing in a bi-partisan manner if you had a president being impeached over a petty sex scandal.

Holy crap, Joe, you are deranged. Lay off the caffeine. Try yoga. Eat a cookie. Take an anger management class. Do SOMETHING.

Try taking a reading comprehension class, so you understand WHY you are being bitch-slapped down in arguments. Try something, bud. I mean, I know you get all butthurt when people contradict your points, but that's kind of your own fault for not thinking out your premises.
You name it, the Clinton’s are in it. They are the most repugnant of people and corrupt to the core
I say the last time America was great, in my estimation, was the same time a D e m o c r a t was in the White House.

And you STILL go drama queen. What the fuck.

wasn't my point, and you know it. Or maybe you don't.

My point was, we were hardly governing in a bi-partisan manner if you had a president being impeached over a petty sex scandal.

Holy crap, Joe, you are deranged. Lay off the caffeine. Try yoga. Eat a cookie. Take an anger management class. Do SOMETHING.

Try taking a reading comprehension class, so you understand WHY you are being bitch-slapped down in arguments. Try something, bud. I mean, I know you get all butthurt when people contradict your points, but that's kind of your own fault for not thinking out your premises.
You're so desperate to bitch about my posts that you bitch even when you'd normally agree.

The nineties were great, the last time this country was really flying. That was the point - not blowjobs and impeachment, which are burned into your head.

And oh, did you bitch-slap me again? Did you "win" again? In that little imaginary scoreboard in your head?

Grow up, Joe. Not everyone is an obedient little ideological sheep like you. That's what you're missing.
Joe no sense of individuality, he too invested in the collective
Yes. Try to calm down.

Well, when you say asinine things like that, it's hard to take you seriously.

We had a constitutional crisis OVER A BLOW JOB!!!!
The President lying under oath.

He tried to mislead during a deposition about attempting ro have a sexual relationship with a state employee while he was the governor of Arkansas.
Excuses... lol
Sick twisted motherfucker is corrupt to the core and got caught, it will always be known the fucker was impeached. deservedly so. Lol
Although that they only slapped him on the wrist...
The country has never stopped being great. What a bunch of ungrateful, unpatriotic hacks you all are

Sent from my iPhone using

not according to the obamas


Amazing how many people on this forum from both sides are just like the Obsmas

Sent from my iPhone using
Let’s see, Barack Obama is a career politician that has had no real job and therefore no real life experience.
He’s a half black man who will not be up front with any of his past before becoming a career politician.
His white mom is dead, his black dad is dead. Both died at young ages.
His brother has no love for him and is poor as dirt...
Ann Dunham - Wikipedia
Barack Obama Sr. - Wikipedia.
The story behind President Obama’s half brother Malik, whom Trump invited to tonight’s debate
...and all of the other siblings of his known and unknown, a very strange scenario indeed. Lol
I will not go into the birth certificate thing, I will let others expand on that shit show. Lol

He obviously has had an Extremely privileged sheltered life… and hope and change had nothing to do with it.

All that shit on Obama and you are really in the end no different than he is, just one more partisan hack that puts party before country.
you obviously have not read my posts, I’m a libertarian. That makes me a anti-party type of guy. Lol
I trust no career politicians no matter the side of the aisle they pick to be on.
Last edited:
The country has never stopped being great. What a bunch of ungrateful, unpatriotic hacks you all are

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I recall how they got all jiggly with Michelle Obama for saying an innocuous comment on being Proud again of America

Yeah, she said that and the right wing wackos were clutching their pearls and having a collective heart attack.

Trump campaigns on the premise that America sucks and he is the fucking second coming of the messiah.

I honestly think that this hyper-partisanship is the biggest threat to our country today.

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OK, by being untrusting of all career politicians.
Single term limits at the federal level... drain the swamp

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