America is Great Again.

So it's clear that you feel some sense of accomplishment and/or pleasure in your behaviors. You imagine yourself in real life, walking away from someone you just "beat up" or humiliated in some way. Your self esteem is increased, if only temporarily, until the next time you feel challenged or threatened and lash out in some way.

Yawn, guy, when you try to make it about me, it just shows how much you've lost the argument.

I can see why you try to avoid talking with me, it must be horrible for someone as self-important as you are to get so thoroughly curb-stomped. Probably brings back sad memories when you got a wedgie.

Beating you up is so enjoyable because you are a pompous little ass who has an inflated sense of importance. You can't even convince people on the left to agree with you, no matter how many pictures of self-hating Muslims you put up, so you say you are "above all of us".

So keep walking up for the curb-stompings, I'll keep administering them.
So tell me what it's like when you've typed out an insulting, nasty, demeaning post to someone and you hit "enter".

What is the feeling you get when you do that? What are the first thoughts that come to mind? And how long does the feeling of victory last for you?
So tell me what it's like when you've typed out an insulting, nasty, demeaning post to someone and you hit "enter".

Here's a better question- how come you only focus on the insults, and never, ever on the counter arguments?

For instance, you keep claiming the problem the Democrats have is that they aren't pandering to White People enough.

I pointed out, um, no, Trump did worse than Romney did with white people. It was third party candidates who did Hillary in.


But you will go on and on and on about how mean I am to you. Because I've hurt you little feelings by not admiring how totally awesome and non-partisan and better than us you are..

That's why it's enjoyable to stomp you. Because you are just so full of yourself.
No. After 16 years of war, lies, and corruption we have a long way to go.
and Trump an Icon of Honesty and Integrity is going to do the job? He is a dishonest Con Man
...Pathetic Sad ...
That's why it's enjoyable to stomp you.
Great, so let's run with that. As you know, the only time we "communicate" is when you start a "conversation" with me by complaining about one of my posts. Otherwise, I'm not interested. But your behaviors here are fascinating.

So describe the enjoyment. What are you thinking during that time, and how long does it last? Is it accomplishment? Have you accomplished something?
Great, so let's run with that. As you know, the only time we "communicate" is when you start a "conversation" with me by complaining about one of my posts. Otherwise, I'm not interested. But your behaviors here are fascinating.

So essentially, you can't stand toe to toe with me. I get that.

But, man, the whining about how mean I am being to you because I don't let you get away with spreading horseshit is fun to watch.
Great, so let's run with that. As you know, the only time we "communicate" is when you start a "conversation" with me by complaining about one of my posts. Otherwise, I'm not interested. But your behaviors here are fascinating.

So essentially, you can't stand toe to toe with me. I get that.

But, man, the whining about how mean I am being to you because I don't let you get away with spreading horseshit is fun to watch.
Sure, you're just too smart for me. You are simply superior, across the board. Stipulated.

But I wish you would answer my questions. I wonder what you get out of your behaviors.
Sure, you're just too smart for me. You are simply superior, across the board. Stipulated.

But I wish you would answer my questions. I wonder what you get out of your behaviors.

The enjoyment of taking a pompous ass down a peg or two, by discrediting your bullshit.

I've already explained this to you, are you really this dense?
In my estimation, the last time this country was "great' was the nineties.

Peace and prosperity. An exciting time.

And a government governing from the center.

Not a coincidence.

Even by them the idea of an Two Parent Family with One Breadwinner and One Homemaker was out of the reach of most Americans.

We are just getting started.

We need better jobs and wages, faster and more, for a long time to make it back to what I consider, Great.
Sure, you're just too smart for me. You are simply superior, across the board. Stipulated.

But I wish you would answer my questions. I wonder what you get out of your behaviors.

The enjoyment of taking a pompous ass down a peg or two, by discrediting your bullshit.

I've already explained this to you, are you really this dense?
Well, yeah, sure, I may be. What I was looking for was the psychology behind the enjoyment, but I'm clearly not going to get it.

Let's try this one: You mention "discrediting". In whose eyes? In the past, you've said things like "everyone sees..."

Is the goal here to somehow "discredit" me in the eyes of other posters? Is that a priority for you, and why?

What would that look like?
Even by them the idea of an Two Parent Family with One Breadwinner and One Homemaker was out of the reach of most Americans.

We are just getting started.

We need better jobs and wages, faster and more, for a long time to make it back to what I consider, Great.

Or we need to realize we can't turn back the clock.

The thing about the "one breadwinner" family is that if kind of sucked when that one breadwinner lost his job.

Here's the thing... it had a lot more to do with the attitude of that generation than the jobs they had. What I remember about growing up with parents who came of age in the Great Depression/WWII era was how practical they were. They didn't throw stuff out until it no longer worked. They repaired things instead of replacing them, they didn't throw out food, and so on.

The problem isn't just that there are no jobs. We manufacture and create more material goods now than we ever did. The thing is, we don't need as much labor to produce these things.

Having worked in manufacturing, do you know who I don't see out on factory floors? White people. Particularly white males. Lots of them in the office making the decisions and pushing the paperwork.

But most of those folks don't want to be on their feet for 8 hours a day assembling widgets.
Well, yeah, sure, I may be. What I was looking for was the psychology behind the enjoyment, but I'm clearly not going to get it.

Let's try this one: You mention "discrediting". In whose eyes? In the past, you've said things like "everyone sees..."

Is the goal here to somehow "discredit" me in the eyes of other posters? Is that a priority for you, and why?

What would that look like?

What it looks like now, buddy. Everyone sees you make a pompous statement, and the only ones agreeing with you are the nasty right wing racists.

Who you never, ever challenge when they say truly outrageous things about wanting to round up all the Mexicans.

But you don't complain about Colonel Sanders, you just want to be better than the rest of the chickens.
In my estimation, the last time this country was "great' was the nineties.

Peace and prosperity. An exciting time.

And a government governing from the center.

Not a coincidence.

Even by them the idea of an Two Parent Family with One Breadwinner and One Homemaker was out of the reach of most Americans.

We are just getting started.

We need better jobs and wages, faster and more, for a long time to make it back to what I consider, Great.
The culture has changed a lot since the era of the two parent one bread winner family. Perhaps it is because people want to keep up with the jone’s. Two day people strive for a large house with multiple bathrooms and often a separate bedroom for each kid. As a kid in the 70s I remember families living in houses that were generally much smaller. When one parent was the breadwinner, there was generally just one family car. Today people want everything and both parents are willing to work for the stuff. lookout Jone’s.
Well, yeah, sure, I may be. What I was looking for was the psychology behind the enjoyment, but I'm clearly not going to get it.

Let's try this one: You mention "discrediting". In whose eyes? In the past, you've said things like "everyone sees..."

Is the goal here to somehow "discredit" me in the eyes of other posters? Is that a priority for you, and why?

What would that look like?

What it looks like now, buddy. Everyone sees you make a pompous statement, and the only ones agreeing with you are the nasty right wing racists.

Who you never, ever challenge when they say truly outrageous things about wanting to round up all the Mexicans.

But you don't complain about Colonel Sanders, you just want to be better than the rest of the chickens.
Okay, so the goal is to convince everyone that I'm a right wing racist?

Anything else? Any other goals?
In my estimation, the last time this country was "great' was the nineties.

Peace and prosperity. An exciting time.

And a government governing from the center.

Not a coincidence.

Even by them the idea of an Two Parent Family with One Breadwinner and One Homemaker was out of the reach of most Americans.

We are just getting started.

We need better jobs and wages, faster and more, for a long time to make it back to what I consider, Great.
The culture has changed a lot since the era of the two parent one bread winner family. Perhaps it is because people want to keep up with the jone’s. Two day people strive for a large house with multiple bathrooms and often a separate bedroom for each kid. As a kid in the 70s I remember families living in houses that were generally much smaller. When one parent was the breadwinner, there was generally just one family car. Today people want everything and both parents are willing to work for the stuff. lookout Jone’s.

That is part of it, but wages have stagnated.

My wife talked me into moving to a bigger house.

But we retained the other as a rental property. In the long run we will be ahead, almost certainly.

But I can see how mostly, the constant moving is just a way to make sure you are always broke.
In my estimation, the last time this country was "great' was the nineties.

Peace and prosperity. An exciting time.

And a government governing from the center.

Not a coincidence.

Even by them the idea of an Two Parent Family with One Breadwinner and One Homemaker was out of the reach of most Americans.

We are just getting started.

We need better jobs and wages, faster and more, for a long time to make it back to what I consider, Great.
The culture has changed a lot since the era of the two parent one bread winner family. Perhaps it is because people want to keep up with the jone’s. Two day people strive for a large house with multiple bathrooms and often a separate bedroom for each kid. As a kid in the 70s I remember families living in houses that were generally much smaller. When one parent was the breadwinner, there was generally just one family car. Today people want everything and both parents are willing to work for the stuff. lookout Jone’s.

As a 70's child myself, I think back to what people spent their money on. You had usually one television set, you had a stereo/ radio, you make food at home and once in a while, went out to see a movie.

Look at our bills today. A cell phone for every member of the family; unlimited data time as well, we have cable or satellite television with hundreds of channels, we have big screen television sets and several video game systems plus all the games that come with them, you have pay-per-view, Netflix and the internet. Many families eat out several times a week if not nearly all week long whereas years ago, fast food was a treat you got three or four times a year.
Well, yeah, sure, I may be. What I was looking for was the psychology behind the enjoyment, but I'm clearly not going to get it.

Let's try this one: You mention "discrediting". In whose eyes? In the past, you've said things like "everyone sees..."

Is the goal here to somehow "discredit" me in the eyes of other posters? Is that a priority for you, and why?

What would that look like?

What it looks like now, buddy. Everyone sees you make a pompous statement, and the only ones agreeing with you are the nasty right wing racists.

Who you never, ever challenge when they say truly outrageous things about wanting to round up all the Mexicans.

But you don't complain about Colonel Sanders, you just want to be better than the rest of the chickens.
Okay, so the goal is to convince everyone that I'm a right wing racist?

Anything else? Any other goals?


I have joe on ignore, I was going to comment that I can' see what he is saying, but wow, it must be stupid.

But when I clicked reply, now I can see it.

And as I expected, incredibly stupid.
Okay, so the goal is to convince everyone that I'm a right wing racist?

Naw, guy, you do that when you trot out your Islamophobia and try to pretend it is progressive, because in some countries they have backwards practices.

And when someone points out that a practice like FGM isn't limited to Islam and predates it, you lose your fucking mind that anyone dares challenge your racism!!!
In my estimation, the last time this country was "great' was the nineties.

Peace and prosperity. An exciting time.

And a government governing from the center.

Not a coincidence.

Even by them the idea of an Two Parent Family with One Breadwinner and One Homemaker was out of the reach of most Americans.

We are just getting started.

We need better jobs and wages, faster and more, for a long time to make it back to what I consider, Great.
The culture has changed a lot since the era of the two parent one bread winner family. Perhaps it is because people want to keep up with the jone’s. Two day people strive for a large house with multiple bathrooms and often a separate bedroom for each kid. As a kid in the 70s I remember families living in houses that were generally much smaller. When one parent was the breadwinner, there was generally just one family car. Today people want everything and both parents are willing to work for the stuff. lookout Jone’s.

As a 70's child myself, I think back to what people spent their money on. You had usually one television set, you had a stereo/ radio, you make food at home and once in a while, went out to see a movie.

Look at our bills today. A cell phone for every member of the family; unlimited data time as well, we have cable or satellite television with hundreds of channels, we have big screen television sets and several video game systems plus all the games that come with them, you have pay-per-view, Netflix and the internet. Many families eat out several times a week if not nearly all week long whereas years ago, fast food was a treat you got three or four times a year.

We cut off our cable years ago, and only have pre paid cell phones, not smart, no data plan.

The eating out is a real problem, that we constantly fight against.

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