America is Great Again.

Dude gets $1000 of his own money back from the government while the rich are scooping out billions and America is great again. Sheesh, such low standards for greatness.
Moron thinks that happened in the last 11 months. China didn't have to work hard to catch up to Ear's anemic economic disaster

Yes, yes, Sassy.....China's rise ONLY happened in the last 8 years AND 11 months....Correct???

Who pulled out of the TPP??
Yes. Try to calm down.

Well, when you say asinine things like that, it's hard to take you seriously.

We had a constitutional crisis OVER A BLOW JOB!!!!
I say the last time America was great, in my estimation, was the same time a D e m o c r a t was in the White House.

And you STILL go drama queen. What the fuck.

And you bitch about taking OTHERS seriously.

Holy crap, Joe, you are deranged. Lay off the caffeine. Try yoga. Eat a cookie. Take an anger management class. Do SOMETHING.

Moron thinks that happened in the last 11 months. China didn't have to work hard to catch up to Ear's anemic economic disaster

LOL, I always find it amusing when a left wing anti-capitalist dingbat tries to point the finger of blame regarding U.S. economic output growth underperformance, when they're the well spring of support for public policies that seek to inhibit private sector capital investment and business expansion.

Apparently Nat doesn't realize that he and his tribe of gub'mint worshipping statists are one of the primary reasons why the U.S. Economy's share of global output is declining so dramatically.

"You reap what you sow"
The real reason for the decline in output is the fact that labor is much cheaper in developing countries. True story.

"You reap what you sow"
I say the last time America was great, in my estimation, was the same time a D e m o c r a t was in the White House.

And you STILL go drama queen. What the fuck.

wasn't my point, and you know it. Or maybe you don't.

My point was, we were hardly governing in a bi-partisan manner if you had a president being impeached over a petty sex scandal.

Holy crap, Joe, you are deranged. Lay off the caffeine. Try yoga. Eat a cookie. Take an anger management class. Do SOMETHING.

Try taking a reading comprehension class, so you understand WHY you are being bitch-slapped down in arguments. Try something, bud. I mean, I know you get all butthurt when people contradict your points, but that's kind of your own fault for not thinking out your premises.
I say the last time America was great, in my estimation, was the same time a D e m o c r a t was in the White House.

And you STILL go drama queen. What the fuck.

wasn't my point, and you know it. Or maybe you don't.

My point was, we were hardly governing in a bi-partisan manner if you had a president being impeached over a petty sex scandal.

Holy crap, Joe, you are deranged. Lay off the caffeine. Try yoga. Eat a cookie. Take an anger management class. Do SOMETHING.

Try taking a reading comprehension class, so you understand WHY you are being bitch-slapped down in arguments. Try something, bud. I mean, I know you get all butthurt when people contradict your points, but that's kind of your own fault for not thinking out your premises.
You're so desperate to bitch about my posts that you bitch even when you'd normally agree.

The nineties were great, the last time this country was really flying. That was the point - not blowjobs and impeachment, which are burned into your head.

And oh, did you bitch-slap me again? Did you "win" again? In that little imaginary scoreboard in your head?

Grow up, Joe. Not everyone is an obedient little ideological sheep like you. That's what you're missing.
Is America Great again? What do you think?
The country has never stopped being great. What a bunch of ungrateful, unpatriotic hacks you all are

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I recall how they got all jiggly with Michelle Obama for saying an innocuous comment on being Proud again of America

Yeah, she said that and the right wing wackos were clutching their pearls and having a collective heart attack.

Trump campaigns on the premise that America sucks and he is the fucking second coming of the messiah.

I honestly think that this hyper-partisanship is the biggest threat to our country today.

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You're so desperate to bitch about my posts that you bitch even when you'd normally agree.

The nineties were great, the last time this country was really flying. That was the point - not blowjobs and impeachment, which are burned into your head.

We were great, but it had nothing to do with Washington or "bipartisanship". (I would also argue if we were truly great. I think a lot of the problems we experienced after 2000 had their roots in the 1990's).

The nineties were a great party, but like all great parties, there is usually a reckoning the next day.

And oh, did you bitch-slap me again? Did you "win" again? In that little imaginary scoreboard in your head?

Grow up, Joe. Not everyone is an obedient little ideological sheep like you. That's what you're missing.

No, guy, bitch slapping you is enjoyable because you are pompous and self-important and argue bullshit points to prove your own superiority. THat's why it is SOOOOOOO Fucking enjoyable to slap you down with facts and reality.
You're so desperate to bitch about my posts that you bitch even when you'd normally agree.

The nineties were great, the last time this country was really flying. That was the point - not blowjobs and impeachment, which are burned into your head.

We were great, but it had nothing to do with Washington or "bipartisanship". (I would also argue if we were truly great. I think a lot of the problems we experienced after 2000 had their roots in the 1990's).

The nineties were a great party, but like all great parties, there is usually a reckoning the next day.

And oh, did you bitch-slap me again? Did you "win" again? In that little imaginary scoreboard in your head?

Grow up, Joe. Not everyone is an obedient little ideological sheep like you. That's what you're missing.

No, guy, bitch slapping you is enjoyable because you are pompous and self-important and argue bullshit points to prove your own superiority. THat's why it is SOOOOOOO Fucking enjoyable to slap you down with facts and reality.
Another fascinating post. You say "you are pompous and self-important and argue bullshit points to prove your own superiority", and yet you insult, demean and attack anyone who dares to disagree with you. And you even take it a step further, convincing yourself that you have "won" the conversation.

You clearly don't see that you're lashing out at me for the very qualities you display.

Obviously this is some kind of self esteem issue. You've really been damaged. I'd probably feel bad for you if you weren't so nasty and toxic.
Another fascinating post. You say "you are pompous and self-important and argue bullshit points to prove your own superiority", and yet you insult, demean and attack anyone who dares to disagree with you. And you even take it a step further, convincing yourself that you have "won" the conversation.

I don't have to convince myself, Pompous Mac.

I know I've won when you FAIL to counter my points, but start whining about me personally, when you probably aren't worthy to shine my shoes.

Now, if you actually posted REAL PROOF that the 1990's were a period of Bipartisan Kumbaya, you might have a counter argument. But you don't argue with people, you j ust whine about how partisan and mean everyone is to you.

Like a little bitch who just got curbstomped.

Or you drag out some picture of some pathetic self-hating liberal who agrees with you.
Another fascinating post. You say "you are pompous and self-important and argue bullshit points to prove your own superiority", and yet you insult, demean and attack anyone who dares to disagree with you. And you even take it a step further, convincing yourself that you have "won" the conversation.

I don't have to convince myself, Pompous Mac.

I know I've won when you FAIL to counter my points, but start whining about me personally, when you probably aren't worthy to shine my shoes.

Now, if you actually posted REAL PROOF that the 1990's were a period of Bipartisan Kumbaya, you might have a counter argument. But you don't argue with people, you j ust whine about how partisan and mean everyone is to you.

Like a little bitch who just got curbstomped.

Or you drag out some picture of some pathetic self-hating liberal who agrees with you.
Another interesting thing about your post 36 is the way you say, "THat's why it is SOOOOOOO Fucking enjoyable to slap you down..."

So it's clear that you feel some sense of accomplishment and/or pleasure in your behaviors. You imagine yourself in real life, walking away from someone you just "beat up" or humiliated in some way. Your self esteem is increased, if only temporarily, until the next time you feel challenged or threatened and lash out in some way.

This must be why you make everything nasty and personal. You're actively looking for this feeling, you're actively looking for this situation, like a drug addict to a high.

You remain a fascinating little study.
So it's clear that you feel some sense of accomplishment and/or pleasure in your behaviors. You imagine yourself in real life, walking away from someone you just "beat up" or humiliated in some way. Your self esteem is increased, if only temporarily, until the next time you feel challenged or threatened and lash out in some way.

Yawn, guy, when you try to make it about me, it just shows how much you've lost the argument.

I can see why you try to avoid talking with me, it must be horrible for someone as self-important as you are to get so thoroughly curb-stomped. Probably brings back sad memories when you got a wedgie.

Beating you up is so enjoyable because you are a pompous little ass who has an inflated sense of importance. You can't even convince people on the left to agree with you, no matter how many pictures of self-hating Muslims you put up, so you say you are "above all of us".

So keep walking up for the curb-stompings, I'll keep administering them.

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