America Must Follow the European Lead in Green Energy

And what makes you think you deserve a passenger rig when 90% of us will have to go without ... or are you just not participating with any of the solutions to Catastrophic Climate Change? ...
As a minimalist I have a very small carbon footprint.
2013 Toyota Tacoma, 25 mpg ... a critically important tool in my construction business until I retired a few years ago ... I treat her as a motorized wheelbarrow that's street legal ... and she doesn't do either really well ... but that's the price I pay to cut carbon pollution ...
My car is also used as a truck. Whatever I can't get into the trunk or back seat gets strapped to the roof. Here's 500 lbs. of blacktop patch in my trunk. I've made this trip at least 10 times this summer. Almost all of my driving is work related.

Trunk with load.JPG

Plus I'm only driving 5,000 miles per year ... seems borderline gluttony driving the 25,000 mile per year you do ... geez, can't you find work closer than 50 miles away? ...
I walk next door to work but as a maintenance worker I travel a lot to the hardware stores, building centers, etc. (I just had to go to the hardware store to get a faucet aerator). However, most of those high miles were for recreation in a state forest, where I also cut my firewood (hauled in the back seat).

I won't be putting that many miles on my car anymore (I'm on pace for about 6000 miles per year). In fact, I've only been to the forest twice all summer. And, I bought firewood this year from a local dealer.
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Why should 90% go without?

Kill the Nazis, return to the sane society we had 3 years ago - problem solved.

Because we have to fight Catastrophic Climate Change ... and pollution ... there's a list somewhere ... get your own subscription to Mother Earth News ... [giggle] ...

I'm a tree-hugger ... and trees LOVE carbon dioxide ... excuse me while I burn another tire ...
Because we have to fight Catastrophic Climate Change ...

Oh, and deprivation for the peasants is how to do that, huh?

Pretty fucking convenient for our rulers, doncha think:


Reminds me of sacrificing virgin daughters (who sure the fuck weren't virgins by the time they were thrown in the volcano.)

Yep, if the peasants will only give up all their wealth, all of their liberty, and all of their dignity, then and only then will our Rulers be able to appease Gaia to change the weather...

Gaia cultists truly are the dumbest motherfuckers in the universe...

and pollution ... there's a list somewhere ... get your own subscription to Mother Earth News ... [giggle] ...

I would, but I don't smoke dope - it wouldn't do any good..
I'm a tree-hugger ... and trees LOVE carbon dioxide ... excuse me while I burn another tire ...

By the time the idiots of the caveman religion are through - that might be your only way to stay warm in winter.
Oh, and deprivation for the peasants is how to do that, huh?
No, but it and boosting the wealthy capitalists were apparently the drive behind the Trump tax cut and every other Republican tax cut in the last 50 years.
Pretty fucking convenient for our rulers, doncha think:
Is that convenient like Trump predicting all that "voter fraud" so far in advance and without a shred of evidence or like his supporters always finding an excuse when the next Trump crime is revealed
Gaia cultists truly are the dumbest motherfuckers in the universe...
Says the man who rejects mainstream science.
The bible uses the terms subdue (not destroy) and have dominion over nature. Then we manage the environment for our benefit.
Save the Whalers

To subdue, creative destruction is necessary. For example, we should exterminate any species that gets in our way. "Endangered" is a dishonest costume put on "unfit."
No, but it and boosting the wealthy capitalists were apparently the drive behind the Trump tax cut and every other Republican tax cut in the last 50 years.

Is that convenient like Trump predicting all that "voter fraud" so far in advance and without a shred of evidence or like his supporters always finding an excuse when the next Trump crime is revealed

Says the man who rejects mainstream science.

Facts are facts little caveman. The PURPOSE of your religion is to cause poverty and deprivation among the peasant caste so the the elite can rule with an iron fist.

The truth of the left is that you never got over the renaissance and have schemed for 7 centuries on how to return to the "natural order" of the 1% ruling over the masses with an iron fist. This retard religion of yours is just another facet of the quest to reestablish the tyranny of the elite.

As your buddy says - 90% (99% really) will be denied private automobiles, air conditioning, home ownership, children. These will be reserved for our rulers - this is what your fight for.
Facts are facts little caveman. The PURPOSE of your religion is to cause poverty and deprivation among the peasant caste so the the elite can rule with an iron fist.
I have no religion. My position throughout my entire life has been that it is the government's primary obligation to do what the Constitution allows to improve the welfare of its citizens. I believe in public school through a doctorate for anyone that can pass the exams. I believe in free medical for anyone inside the borders of this nation. I believe in the elimination of the Electoral College and efforts to get as many citizens as possible to cast their ballots. My position through my entire life has also been that our guaranteed civil rights and the human rights that undergird them are the core of our Constitutional republic. The one thing I have always seen from political conservatives was an unfounded fear that the unchecked exercise of those rights threatened the wealth of their idols. It has always seemed as if every republican was either wealthy or wanted to be and both categories were willing to do almost anything to attain their goals. All I ever hear from you people is the charge that democrats want power over others. Is that not precisely what YOU want? Is that not why you want a Republican House and a Republican Senate and a Republican president or even Trump, whatever the fuck he might actually be? Is that not why you now have a supermajority on the Supreme Court? Is that not why the filibuster is so staunchly defended? Is that not why Mitch McConnel threw every iota of integrity he possessed onto a stinking garbage pile to keep Merrick Garland off the court and to put Amy Coney Barrett on to it? Is that not why you are all willing to put a dangerously ignorant and amoral human being into the most powerful office on the entire planet? Is that not why you are all perfectly willing to passionately pretend to believe his lies about the 2020 election and to overlook his blatant attempts to overthrow this fucking nation. Take a time capsule back ten years and describe anonymously to any American what Trump has done and ask what should be such a person's punishment. You and I both know that 99 out of 100 would laugh at even envisaging such an event taking place but, when pressed, would say without question he should be executed for treason. Yet YOU WANT TO PUT HIM BACK IN OFFICE. It's not me or any of my fellow liberals that are exercising an unhealthy quest for power. It is you and yours.
The truth of the left is that you never got over the renaissance and have schemed for 7 centuries on how to return to the "natural order" of the 1% ruling over the masses with an iron fist. This retard religion of yours is just another facet of the quest to reestablish the tyranny of the elite.
My belief that we should be listening and intelligently responding to what decades of research by thousands of mainstream scientists the world over has driven all scientists to effectively, unanimously conclude: that AGW is real, it is a threat and we must act decisively and with sincere commitment to eliminate GHG emissions as rapidly as we can. I don't give two shits in this regard as to who is in power because outside of Donald Trump and his supporters, I do not see any threat to our Constitutional order thus no threat to the civil rights guaranteed therein. I am not as worried about Trump as I used to be because I believe he will shortly be behind bars or, at the absolute worst, simply banned from holding public office. But there are still the millions of Americans just like you; in a less idealistic world, too stupid, really, to be entrusted with a vote. But in this world, with the Constitution some Americans don't really deserve, you have that vote to use or abuse any way you like. So we are left with attempting to show you how things work and how you ought to be making critical decisions and what sort of things you should commit to and what you should not. I bet you can imagine exactly how well that goes.
As your buddy says - 90% (99% really) will be denied private automobiles, air conditioning, home ownership, children. These will be reserved for our rulers - this is what your fight for.
I have no idea what "buddy" you're speaking of and have never read comments such as you describe.
By the time the idiots of the caveman religion are through - that might be your only way to stay warm in winter.

We have hydro-power out the ass here ... dirt cheap ... plus it's always windy in the Columbia River Gorge ... we have wind power out the ass as well ... did I mention extensive forest lands chuck full of firewood, with government about ready to pay people to haul it out to mitigate forest fires? ...

All in a land where a little Jack Frost on the lawn will shut the schools down ... heating in winter is the least of my worries ...
I have no religion.


You follow the most primitive of religions - the Volcano god. Your Shamans and witch doctors tell you that Gaia will destroy the earth if the peasants don't give up our standard of living and our liberty.

You are no different than the caveman who let the Shaman throw his virgin daughter in the volcano to "save" the village. Same old scam, and you're still falling for it.

My position throughout my entire life has been that it is the government's primary obligation to do what the Constitution allows to improve the welfare of its citizens.

You reject the concept of citizens as you state below. And I see the you view the Constitution as an impediment to the Nirvana you fantasize about.

I believe in public school through a doctorate for anyone that can pass the exams. I believe in free medical for anyone inside the borders of this nation.

You're very generous with other peoples money.

I believe in the elimination of the Electoral College and efforts to get as many citizens as possible to cast their ballots.

As noted, you're no fan of the Constitution and the Republic.
My position through my entire life has also been that our guaranteed civil rights and the human rights that undergird them are the core of our Constitutional republic.

So you fight against the Marxist/fascist positions of the democrat party to outlaw speech. religion, an opposition press, the right to bear arms in our defense, the right to protest questionable elections?

Because I've not seen it from you.

The one thing I have always seen from political conservatives was an unfounded fear that the unchecked exercise of those rights threatened the wealth of their idols. It has always seemed as if every republican was either wealthy or wanted to be and both categories were willing to do almost anything to attain their goals. All I ever hear from you people is the charge that democrats want power over others. Is that not precisely what YOU want? Is that not why you want a Republican House and a Republican Senate and a Republican president or even Trump, whatever the fuck he might actually be? Is that not why you now have a supermajority on the Supreme Court? Is that not why the filibuster is so staunchly defended? Is that not why Mitch McConnel threw every iota of integrity he possessed onto a stinking garbage pile to keep Merrick Garland off the court and to put Amy Coney Barrett on to it? Is that not why you are all willing to put a dangerously ignorant and amoral human being into the most powerful office on the entire planet? Is that not why you are all perfectly willing to passionately pretend to believe his lies about the 2020 election and to overlook his blatant attempts to overthrow this fucking nation. Take a time capsule back ten years and describe anonymously to any American what Trump has done and ask what should be such a person's punishment. You and I both know that 99 out of 100 would laugh at even envisaging such an event taking place but, when pressed, would say without question he should be executed for treason. Yet YOU WANT TO PUT HIM BACK IN OFFICE. It's not me or any of my fellow liberals that are exercising an unhealthy quest for power. It is you and yours.

democrats, and let's be honest - the Nazis - need a scapegoat.

Now the fascists in general are not well education, barely literate. George Orwell explored this in his seminal work. He postulated a daily "2 Minute Hate" that the fascists of EngSoc could focus their rage on. Now he missed in scope, because the Nazi democrats really have a 24/7 hate. Drones such as you are focused on Emanual Goldstien as the source of every problem in the world. Donald Trump has been cast in that role. You are conditioned by your Reich to hate Trump, much like Pavlov's dog.

Now traditional Nazism also has a scapegoat group. Hitler had the Jews. democrats use the same - but the Jews are swapped for whites, for the racist hate of the Reich. And we see the racist hatred against whites 24/7 from the Reich Propaganda corps.

My belief that we should be listening and intelligently responding to what decades of research by thousands of mainstream scientists the world over has driven all scientists to effectively, unanimously conclude: that AGW is real, it is a threat and we must act decisively and with sincere commitment to eliminate GHG emissions as rapidly as we can. I don't give two shits in this regard as to who is in power because outside of Donald Trump and his supporters, I do not see any threat to our Constitutional order thus no threat to the civil rights guaranteed therein. I am not as worried about Trump as I used to be because I believe he will shortly be behind bars or, at the absolute worst, simply banned from holding public office. But there are still the millions of Americans just like you; in a less idealistic world, too stupid, really, to be entrusted with a vote. But in this world, with the Constitution some Americans don't really deserve, you have that vote to use or abuse any way you like. So we are left with attempting to show you how things work and how you ought to be making critical decisions and what sort of things you should commit to and what you should not. I bet you can imagine exactly how well that goes.

I don't find you terrible intelligent. You blindly follow shamans and hucksters because you recognize that the AGW fraud is the path to the Marxist dictatorship you yearn for.

As I've told you for the last 20 years, the ONLY constant to the climate of planet Earth over the last 4.7 billion years is change.

Despite your arrogance and ignorance, humans have no ability to shape or mold the climate. In the early 90's I pointed out that correlation is not causation. But correlation ended in the 90's - now we just have outright fabrication by those who live their lives feeding on handouts from grants.

I have a doctorate in Logistics, as you already know. I'm an actual scientist. That doesn't automatically make me right - in fact you reject what I say - so you reject science - that's your line anyway.

It's bullshit of course. Astrology is not my field of expertise, nor is phrenology or climatology. I have contempt for these pseudo-sciences and the hucksters who pimp them.

I have no idea what "buddy" you're speaking of and have never read comments such as you describe.

Reiny Days
You follow the most primitive of religions - the Volcano god. Your Shamans and witch doctors tell you that Gaia will destroy the earth if the peasants don't give up our standard of living and our liberty.
Outside discussions of global warming, you haven't the faintest idea what I believe.
You are no different than the caveman who let the Shaman throw his virgin daughter in the volcano to "save" the village. Same old scam, and you're still falling for it.
You don't know the caveman and you don't know me.
You reject the concept of citizens as you state below. And I see the you view the Constitution as an impediment to the Nirvana you fantasize about.
You need to reread the Constitution of the United States. See if you can find which rights and obligations are actually restricted to citizens.
You're very generous with other peoples money.
As are you.
As noted, you're no fan of the Constitution and the Republic.
As noted in error.
So you fight against the Marxist/fascist positions of the democrat party to outlaw speech. religion, an opposition press, the right to bear arms in our defense, the right to protest questionable elections?
The Democratic party has no Marxist or fascist (and they're not the same thing Whizzo) positions in its platform. I support the Constitution and the rule of law. I oppose the current interpretation of the Second Amendment and if I could, would ban the private ownership of any form of firearm.
Because I've not seen it from you.
You haven't been watching
democrats, and let's be honest - the Nazis - need a scapegoat.
Republicans, as you've just done, have to ignore questions about their VERY questionable behavior under the auspices of Trumpism. I never expected you to answer to any of that because when someone is practicing inexcusable behavior it's a complete waste to ask them if they have any excuse. And anyone stupid enough to try to say the left wing is the right wing really shouldn't be expecting anyone, anywhere, to take their advice on any political question.
Now the fascists in general are not well education, barely literate. (sic)
"Not well education"??? HAHAHAHAaaaaa
George Orwell explored this in his seminal work. He postulated a daily "2 Minute Hate" that the fascists of EngSoc could focus their rage on. Now he missed in scope, because the Nazi democrats really have a 24/7 hate. Drones such as you are focused on Emanual Goldstien as the source of every problem in the world. Donald Trump has been cast in that role. You are conditioned by your Reich to hate Trump, much like Pavlov's dog.
If I am it's Trump who did it; him and utter fools like you.
Now traditional Nazism also has a scapegoat group. Hitler had the Jews. democrats use the same - but the Jews are swapped for whites, for the racist hate of the Reich. And we see the racist hatred against whites 24/7 from the Reich Propaganda corps.
I see that you have forgotten where you are. This is the Environment forum and the topic for the thread in which you are posting is "America must follow the European lead in green energy"
I don't find you terrible intelligent. (sic)
That's too bad because I find you "terrible" ignorant.
You blindly follow shamans and hucksters because you recognize that the AGW fraud is the path to the Marxist dictatorship you yearn for.
Are you under a doctor's care?
As I've told you for the last 20 years,
Eh? Did we forget our meds?
the ONLY constant to the climate of planet Earth over the last 4.7 billion years is change.
Who are you arguing with? No one has ever suggested otherwise.
Despite your arrogance and ignorance, humans have no ability to shape or mold the climate.
Yes they do.
In the early 90's I pointed out that correlation is not causation.
I'm so sorry to have missed that. Was that original? When you pointed that out, was it because you heard someone else say it or because you were the first person to ever realize it? Cause... ya see, that phrase was first coined by a polymath statistician named Karl Pearson who died in 1936 and I don't think he got it from you.

And you've made several comments indicating that you think we've been talking for a long time. Did you have another name in the past? Are you my father?
But correlation ended in the 90's - now we just have outright fabrication by those who live their lives feeding on handouts from grants.
Correlation of what? Fabrication of what?
I have a doctorate in Logistics, as you already know.
How would I have known that?
I'm an actual scientist.
of supply chain issues?
That doesn't automatically make me right - in fact you reject what I say - so you reject science - that's your line anyway.
Is there a lot of climate science involved in the study of logistics? Cause, you have to admit, your views on the climate aren't reflected well among OTHER scientists.
It's bullshit of course. Astrology is not my field of expertise, nor is phrenology or climatology. I have contempt for these pseudo-sciences and the hucksters who pimp them.
The tenets of astrology and phrenology have no basis in natural sciences but instead rely on mysticism and completely unfounded claims.
Climatology studies the processes and development of the atmosphere of the planet based on physics, chemistry, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics and other well-established branches of science and works with large quantities of empirical data.
You're a scientist. You can answer this question. Why would you equate those fields?
Outside discussions of global warming, you haven't the faintest idea what I believe.

You don't know the caveman and you don't know me.

You need to reread the Constitution of the United States. See if you can find which rights and obligations are actually restricted to citizens.

As are you.

As noted in error.

The Democratic party has no Marxist or fascist (and they're not the same thing Whizzo) positions in its platform. I support the Constitution and the rule of law. I oppose the current interpretation of the Second Amendment and if I could, would ban the private ownership of any form of firearm.

You haven't been watching

Republicans, as you've just done, have to ignore questions about their VERY questionable behavior under the auspices of Trumpism. I never expected you to answer to any of that because when someone is practicing inexcusable behavior it's a complete waste to ask them if they have any excuse. And anyone stupid enough to try to say the left wing is the right wing really shouldn't be expecting anyone, anywhere, to take their advice on any political question.

"Not well education"??? HAHAHAHAaaaaa

If I am it's Trump who did it; him and utter fools like you.

I see that you have forgotten where you are. This is the Environment forum and the topic for the thread in which you are posting is "America must follow the European lead in green energy"

That's too bad because I find you "terrible" ignorant.

Are you under a doctor's care?

Eh? Did we forget our meds?

Who are you arguing with? No one has ever suggested otherwise.

Yes they do.

I'm so sorry to have missed that. Was that original? When you pointed that out, was it because you heard someone else say it or because you were the first person to ever realize it? Cause... ya see, that phrase was first coined by a polymath statistician named Karl Pearson who died in 1936 and I don't think he got it from you.

And you've made several comments indicating that you think we've been talking for a long time. Did you have another name in the past? Are you my father?

Correlation of what? Fabrication of what?

How would I have known that?

of supply chain issues?

Is there a lot of climate science involved in the study of logistics? Cause, you have to admit, your views on the climate aren't reflected well among OTHER scientists.

The tenets of astrology and phrenology have no basis in natural sciences but instead rely on mysticism and completely unfounded claims.
Climatology studies the processes and development of the atmosphere of the planet based on physics, chemistry, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics and other well-established branches of science and works with large quantities of empirical data.
You're a scientist. You can answer this question. Why would you equate those fields?

Astrology, Phrenology, and Climatology have no basis in science.
Astrology, Phrenology, and Climatology have no basis in science.
What about the subject of Chemistry? Fluid dynamics? Thermodynamics? Meteorology? Atmospheric physics? Oceanography? Meteorology? Radiative physics? Hydrology? Do any of these have any basis in science?
What about the subject of Chemistry? Fluid dynamics? Thermodynamics? Meteorology? Atmospheric physics? Oceanography? Meteorology? Radiative physics? Hydrology? Do any of these have any basis in science?

Yes, real science based on observable facts and quantifiable outcomes.

Good point that these contrast so sharply with Climatology which is more about politics - I mean - that's where the grants are - and either ignores or falsifies facts.
Yes, real science based on observable facts and quantifiable outcomes.

Good point that these contrast so sharply with Climatology which is more about politics - I mean - that's where the grants are - and either ignores or falsifies facts.

There is the politics of climatology ... just like there's politics with biology ... the abortion debate doesn't make biology a pseudo-science (although much pseudo-science is generated by the debate) ... I'm sorry, the debate doesn't change the sex act ... the boy's dick still has to be shoved up the girl's pussy ...
Yes ... Planck's Law is the basis for climatology ... otherwise we'd have a UV overload ... don't you get that result using your unpoached data, where does your extra UV go? ...

In physics, Planck's law describes the spectral density of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a black body in thermal equilibrium at a given temperature T, when there is no net flow of matter or energy between the body and its environment.[1]

At the end of the 19th century, physicists were unable to explain why the observed spectrum of black-body radiation, which by then had been accurately measured, diverged significantly at higher frequencies from that predicted by existing theories. In 1900, German physicist Max Planck heuristically derived a formula for the observed spectrum by assuming that a hypothetical electrically charged oscillator in a cavity that contained black-body radiation could only change its energy in a minimal increment, E, that was proportional to the frequency of its associated electromagnetic wave. This resolved the problem of the ultraviolet catastrophe predicted by classical physics. This discovery was a pioneering insight of modern physics and is of fundamental importance to quantum theory.}

You really are jaw droppingly stupid!

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