America really dodged the bullet with this bozo

We all rail about establishment insiders yet when a middle class woman, who truthfully didn't have a lot of world experience is thrust into the spot light the left descends like ravenous wolves.

It is totally unfair to expect her to know the BS thrown at her, at least right away. WTF difference did it make to a mother and governor of Alaska if there is a north, south or central Korea. It makes no difference at all. Can Russia be seen from Alaska, damn right it can.

Why Palin has appeal is that she does have common sense even if she does have some learning to do. There is no doubt what country she loves, just like Reagan. And she an energetic soul not too bad for the eyes.

She was like some demented Mary Kay lady suddenly being thrust into the pilot's seat of a jumbo jet where MILFy hotness counts for nothing. Her announcements over the intercom might be cheerful and even entertaining but she's still going to make sure the plane flies every bit of the way to the crash site.

Kinda like Obama being a community agitator, then becoming president? You voted for Obama, so your opinion doesn't count either.
Another woman-hating 'liberal'.....^^^^ :rolleyes:

With just enough religious bigotry to graduate all the way to 'progressive' :rolleyes:

A dipshit is a dipshit no matter their gender or what they believe. I do not want these holier than thou motherfuckers using the rule of law to keep my soul from temptation. I like my temptation like it is.
For downright stupid though, the shrub is the final word.

Yes, daddy bought his first term for him but idiots in America voted for him the second time.

You voted for Obama, the worst president in history. Your opinion means nothing. Go back to the basement.
Guno hates Palin, but supports a woman who let four Americans die on her watch. That's all I need to say.

Yep, and who stood by her cheating womanizer Impeached hubby all for the sake of POWER...
So, it's hate on Palin because like a heron addict they will go withdrawls if they missed a day haten

She also voted for the Iraq war. Guno still supports her. Lol

yes she did
the left shows us daily the two faces they have...also how hateful they can be all while crowing their party it the party for THE WOMAN

Why any woman would want to be in a party who thinks so little of women,( they better have a D branded on their butts) is beyond me
the same with black people
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Another woman-hating 'liberal'.....^^^^ :rolleyes:

With just enough religious bigotry to graduate all the way to 'progressive' :rolleyes:

A dipshit is a dipshit no matter their gender or what they believe. I do not want these holier than thou motherfuckers using the rule of law to keep my soul from temptation. I like my temptation like it is.

Lol, sounds like you and howey would make a good couple, maybe you should pm him.
Another woman-hating 'liberal'.....^^^^ :rolleyes:

With just enough religious bigotry to graduate all the way to 'progressive' :rolleyes:

A dipshit is a dipshit no matter their gender or what they believe. I do not want these holier than thou motherfuckers using the rule of law to keep my soul from temptation. I like my temptation like it is.

Lol, sounds like you and howey would make a good couple, maybe you should pm him.

If the conservative women had their way American life would be like living at your mom's house, everything fun is banned, that way we can have nice things.
A dipshit is a dipshit no matter their gender or what they believe. I do not want these holier than thou motherfuckers using the rule of law to keep my soul from temptation. I like my temptation like it is.

Lol, sounds like you and howey would make a good couple, maybe you should pm him.

If the conservative women had their way American life would be like living at your mom's house, everything fun is banned, that way we can have nice things.

Lol again, I think a woman needs to be treated with respect. Liberals think of what perverted things they can do to women, and if your not responsible, she can go kill her baby. Therefore we have the liberal war on women and on children.
Diplomacy escapes you I see but at least she didn't bow to the ground.


Lol, sounds like you and howey would make a good couple, maybe you should pm him.

If the conservative women had their way American life would be like living at your mom's house, everything fun is banned, that way we can have nice things.

Lol again, I think a woman needs to be treated with respect. Liberals think of what perverted things they can do to women, and if your not responsible, she can go kill her baby. Therefore we have the liberal war on women and on children.

There are no conservative wife beating, cheating perverts? OMG that's awesome.
If the conservative women had their way American life would be like living at your mom's house, everything fun is banned, that way we can have nice things.

Lol again, I think a woman needs to be treated with respect. Liberals think of what perverted things they can do to women, and if your not responsible, she can go kill her baby. Therefore we have the liberal war on women and on children.

There are no conservative wife beating, cheating perverts? OMG that's awesome.

Did I say that? No, I didn't. I said how liberals thought of women, not all of them, but most. Truth hurts, huh?
A dipshit is a dipshit no matter their gender or what they believe. I do not want these holier than thou motherfuckers using the rule of law to keep my soul from temptation. I like my temptation like it is.

Lol, sounds like you and howey would make a good couple, maybe you should pm him.

If the conservative women had their way American life would be like living at your mom's house, everything fun is banned, that way we can have nice things.

Actually they've had their way, and you still don't like it.

The way we live now is the way they wanted American life to be. Now you want to change all of that, make it worse. Take away our options. Relegate us to poverty.
I can guarantee you all as she was my Governor... Mrs. Palin can at least pronounce a branch of our military (and not call them CORPSE-MAN) even if she was reading it off a Teleprompter...

she also had a son serving in Iraq at the time she was running with McCain..

but hey, let them rage on.... I just hope more women take note of how Democrats treats a woman.. and black people too...don't worry you brown people (what they call lations) you will be next
I wonder whether Sarah Palin is dyslexic. If she were, it would explain her obvious aversion to reading and her difficulty remembering what she has read.

What would explain that the person you are so desperately trying to look down upon has achieved more fame, power, success, and wealth than you ever will in your entire meaningless, anonymous life; you empty, posturing, little wannabe?

Sarah could kick his ass all the way to next Wednesday.
I can guarantee you all as she was my Governor... Mrs. Palin can at least pronounce a branch of our military (and not call them CORPSE-MAN) even if she was reading it off a Teleprompter...

she also had a son serving in Iraq at the time she was running with McCain..

but hey, let them rage on.... I just hope more women take note of how Democrats treats a woman.. and black people too...don't worry you brown people (what they call lations) you will be next

Look what liberals did to the black family. They once had strong, close families, now they are killing each other at record numbers. Liberalism destroys anything it comes in contact with.
Lol again, I think a woman needs to be treated with respect. Liberals think of what perverted things they can do to women, and if your not responsible, she can go kill her baby. Therefore we have the liberal war on women and on children.

There are no conservative wife beating, cheating perverts? OMG that's awesome.

Did I say that? No, I didn't. I said how liberals thought of women, not all of them, but most. Truth hurts, huh?

The truth never hurt anyone that was good, lies and slander on the other hand.........
Lol, sounds like you and howey would make a good couple, maybe you should pm him.

If the conservative women had their way American life would be like living at your mom's house, everything fun is banned, that way we can have nice things.

Actually they've had their way, and you still don't like it.

The way we live now is the way they wanted American life to be. Now you want to change all of that, make it worse. Take away our options. Relegate us to poverty.

I want the insufferable christian busybodies to mind their own damned business, that's all I want from them. Nothing is more intrusive than a social conservative with a mission from god to save us from ourselves, why libertarians pal around with them I'll never know.
"we gotta stand with our North Korean allies"

Thankfully Americans woke up in time

We could have ended up with clown that said this:

On the campaign trail in Beaverton, Oregon, in May 2008, an obviously tired Barack Obama mistakenly told a crowd that over the course of the long campaign he had been to fifty-seven states in the U.S., with one left to go:

Read more at Barack Obama and 57 States

OOPs, we did!
There are no conservative wife beating, cheating perverts? OMG that's awesome.

Did I say that? No, I didn't. I said how liberals thought of women, not all of them, but most. Truth hurts, huh?

The truth never hurt anyone that was good, lies and slander on the other hand.........

No lies, where did I lie? Liberals treat women like crap, you do treat some women okay. Like the one that let four Americans die on her watch, that's the kind of person you support. Can we say your opinion on women is "what difference does it make". Pretty well sums it up.

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