America really dodged the bullet with this bozo

He wants to be able to leave lakota's house, and immediately go do howey and not feel bad about it.

That's kind of a lame attack on my character and not

Awe, I thought it was pretty good. Anyway I've been called worse on here, and it didn't hurt my feelings.

You didn't hurt my feelings with your personal attack, it's a good indicator that someone is all out of arguments or didn't even have one to begin with.
That's kind of a lame attack on my character and not

Awe, I thought it was pretty good. Anyway I've been called worse on here, and it didn't hurt my feelings.

You didn't hurt my feelings with your personal attack, it's a good indicator that someone is all out of arguments or didn't even have one to begin with.

MUCH like YOUR game antics, right?:eusa_hand: YOU BEG to be attacked you're so fucking out of touch...

That's kind of a lame attack on my character and not

Awe, I thought it was pretty good. Anyway I've been called worse on here, and it didn't hurt my feelings.

You didn't hurt my feelings with your personal attack, it's a good indicator that someone is all out of arguments or didn't even have one to begin with.

Your the one that asked what kind of religious intrusions that should be forced on you. I just stated a fact that you wish to live without morals. I just put it in a way hopefully you could understand.
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Just think folks what we instead ENDED up with

A President who WON LIAR OF THE YEAR

and over 60% of the people now wished we had dodged that bullet
Such fine patronizing sexism from the right on display. According to them, any criticism of a woman is sexist, if the woman is Republican, so they all have to run to protect her.

Liberals are made of much sterner stuff. Our women are tough, and we know they don't need to be rescued by a big strong man. They get criticized, and we let them handle it themselves, because we know they can. No screaming about sexism necessary. We leave that sort of mewling to the right.

And that's why we get the women's vote, because we aren't patronizing sexist crybabies.
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It is kind of sad, because Sarah has kept me entertained for years with her total clueless interviews and quotes, but I think that her 15 minutes are up. it is beginning to appear that her endorsements for Tea Party candidates are the kiss of death. I don't watch Fox, so I don't know, but I don't think she works there any more. In fact, she seems to have sort of worked her way down to the rubber chicken and peas dinner speaker circuit.
Just think folks what we instead ENDED up with

A President who WON LIAR OF THE YEAR

and over 60% of the people now wished we had dodged that bullet
More like 63% think Obama is a LIAR. Hecontinues to blame Republicans and the TEA party for it...BUT...Malignant Narcissist Dictator wannabe's are like that. NICE the Supremes (Court) smacked his ass down this week. 9-0

"we gotta stand with our North Korean allies"

Thankfully Americans woke up in time

Everyone misspeaks occasionally in public. But Mediaite points out that:
John Heilemann and Mark Halperin in their book Game Change said that 2008 McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt was appalled at her ignorance, saying:
"She knew nothing. She had to be taken through World War I, World War II, the Cold War, and Palin was not aware there was a difference between North and South Korea. She continued to insist that Iraq was behind 9/11; and when her son was being sent off to Iraq, she couldn’t describe who we were fighting.
So there is evidence that the confusion is long term and more than a slip of the tongue.
In fact, I wonder whether Sarah Palin is dyslexic. If she were, it would explain her obvious aversion to reading and her difficulty remembering what she has read. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

No wonder it took the Wasilla dip shit 5 colleges in 6 years to graduate with degree in sports reporting :laugh2:
"we gotta stand with our North Korean allies"

Thankfully Americans woke up in time

Everyone misspeaks occasionally in public. But Mediaite points out that:
John Heilemann and Mark Halperin in their book Game Change said that 2008 McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt was appalled at her ignorance, saying:
"She knew nothing. She had to be taken through World War I, World War II, the Cold War, and Palin was not aware there was a difference between North and South Korea. She continued to insist that Iraq was behind 9/11; and when her son was being sent off to Iraq, she couldn’t describe who we were fighting.
So there is evidence that the confusion is long term and more than a slip of the tongue.
In fact, I wonder whether Sarah Palin is dyslexic. If she were, it would explain her obvious aversion to reading and her difficulty remembering what she has read. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

No wonder it took the Wasilla dip shit 5 colleges in 6 years to graduate with degree in sports reporting :laugh2:

I wonder if she also talks to herself?
Palin knows how to say violent, outrageous things that make scared ignorant people mindlessly nod their pointed heads in agreement, in short, a political opportunist. Such a person should never be within a heartbeat of the presidency, God might tell them to take steps to protect our precious bodily fluids or something.

You voted for Biden, your BS has nothing to back it.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
lol omg hilarious

the Occupied talking about others talking violent

while his group just went and showed us violence, disrespect (by taking over peoples properties) and Obama actually did talk of being violent when he said, I want you to get in their faces, and you don't bring a knife to a gun fight... He should never been a heartbeat close to being elected President..But there he is peaching from the biggest soapbox ever and he's the biggest hater opportunist in this country

such jokers so you hate the woman over the man, we get it
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Such fine patronizing sexism from the right on display. According to them, any criticism of a woman is sexist, if the woman is Republican, so they all have to run to protect her.

Liberals are made of much sterner stuff. Our women are tough, and we know they don't need to be rescued by a big strong man. They get criticized, and we let them handle it themselves, because we know they can. No screaming about sexism necessary. We leave that sort of mewling to the right.

And that's why we get the women's vote, because we aren't patronizing sexist crybabies.

That has got to be the lamest attempt at reality-altering, hypocritical spin I've seen in some time. Carpetbagger Hilary got elected to the Senate because her opponent dared to walk up to her during a debate - the brute! The democrats cried foul all over the place when Geraldine Ferraro was criticized. And no one throws the "unfair!" around more eagerly or more often than democrats when it serves their purposes.
"we gotta stand with our North Korean allies"

Thankfully Americans woke up in time

Everyone misspeaks occasionally in public. But Mediaite points out that:
John Heilemann and Mark Halperin in their book Game Change said that 2008 McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt was appalled at her ignorance, saying:
"She knew nothing. She had to be taken through World War I, World War II, the Cold War, and Palin was not aware there was a difference between North and South Korea. She continued to insist that Iraq was behind 9/11; and when her son was being sent off to Iraq, she couldn’t describe who we were fighting.
So there is evidence that the confusion is long term and more than a slip of the tongue.
In fact, I wonder whether Sarah Palin is dyslexic. If she were, it would explain her obvious aversion to reading and her difficulty remembering what she has read.

No wonder it took the Wasilla dip shit 5 colleges in 6 years to graduate with degree in sports reporting

And yet there she is so far, far, far above you. Must be tough for a pretentious wannabe little nobody like you to accept.

Maybe someday you'll claw your way up to the level of dipshit. Just kidding, there is no chance you'll ever accomplish that much.
Guano what the fuck is your malfunction? I've never seen anyone quote themselves so many times. Do you have alts you keep forgetting to log into or are you just retarded?
too bad the board and all of us here didn't dodge such a hater as you

and hating on women seems to your specialty...What did Mrs. Palin do to you that you have so much hate for her?

Just running for Vice President is enough reason for you losers to hate her?

I'm sorry but people like the OP doesn't shine a good light on all you who are liberal/Democrat

Highlighting the right wing's aversion to history, science, progress only helps. Only idiots continue to treat Palin as anything other than a side-show
What would explain that the person you are so desperately trying to look down upon has achieved more fame, power, success, and wealth than you ever will in your entire meaningless, anonymous life; you empty, posturing, little wannabe?
and what have you achieved ?

What have I claimed to? What highly accomplished person am I trying to pretend superiority over? Disagreement, even strong disagreement, is another matter. Ignorant little shits like guano don't even try to point out specific political or policy matters on which they disagree with people like the Governor. He actually tries to portray himself as towering above her intellectually when he is essentially a faceless little nobody screaming into the wind who will never - and he knows this - accomplish 1/100th as much if he lives to be 200. Try reading the empty little fool's posts here. He is a racist, bigoted, hyper-partisan noise machine who fears/hates women as well. He never gets around to actually thinking.

I hope that clarifies my remarks sufficiently.
I did not ask you to justify your remark, I asked you a question to qualify your remark. Your response is that of a bloviating berk
"we gotta stand with our North Korean allies"

Thankfully Americans woke up in time

Reminds me of this:

Today we have two Vietnams, side by side, North and South, exchanging and working. We may not agree with all that North Vietnam is doing, but they are living in peace.
~ Sheila Jackson Lee

And of course, the one we did not 'dodge' the one who believes Europe is a developing country. :badgrin:

And one of the interesting things that we don’t talk about enough is the contrast between what’s happened in the United States and what’s happened in a lot of other developing countries, Europe in particular

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