America really dodged the bullet with this bozo

Palin knows how to say violent, outrageous things that make scared ignorant people mindlessly nod their pointed heads in agreement, in short, a political opportunist. Such a person should never be within a heartbeat of the presidency, God might tell them to take steps to protect our precious bodily fluids or something.

Such a person IS the president.
Such fine patronizing sexism from the right on display. According to them, any criticism of a woman is sexist, if the woman is Republican, so they all have to run to protect her.

Liberals are made of much sterner stuff. Our women are tough, and we know they don't need to be rescued by a big strong man. They get criticized, and we let them handle it themselves, because we know they can. No screaming about sexism necessary. We leave that sort of mewling to the right.

And that's why we get the women's vote, because we aren't patronizing sexist crybabies.

Really! What do you call this?

Bill Clinton jumped into the debate Tuesday over whether his wife Hillary Clinton is out of touch with America’s middle class, defending the ex-Secretary of State and potential 2016 presidential candidate’s controversial comments about exiting the White House “dead broke.”

Read more: Hillary ?not out of touch,? Bill Clinton says, despite comments on being ?dead broke? - NY Daily News
Instead we get this bozo?

"R-S-P-E-C-T." --flubbing the spelling of Aretha Franklin's famous song "Respect" while paying tribute to the iconic singer, New York, NY (March 6, 2014)

"Even though most people agree... I'm presenting a fair deal, the fact that they don't take it means that I should somehow do a Jedi mind-meld with these folks and convince them to do what’s right." --mixing up Star Wars and Star Trek references while discussing working with Republicans in Congress (March 1, 2013)

"When I meet with world leaders, what's striking -- whether it's in Europe or here in Asia..." -mistakenly referring to Hawaii as Asia while holding a press conference outside Honolulu, Nov. 16, 2011

"We're the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad." —Cincinnati, OH, Sept. 22, 2011

"We're not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that's fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you've made enough money. But, you know, part of the American way is, you know, you can just keep on making it if you're providing a good product or providing good service. We don’t want people to stop, ah, fulfilling the core responsibilities of the financial system to help grow our economy." —on Wall Street reform, Quincy, Ill., April 29, 2010

"One such translator was an American of Haitian descent, representative of the extraordinary work that our men and women in uniform do all around the world -- Navy Corpse-Man Christian Brossard." –mispronouncing "Corpsman" (the "ps" is silent) during a speech at the National Prayer Breakfast, Washington, D.C., Feb. 5, 2010 (The Corpsman's name is also Christopher, not Christian)

"The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries." --Tampa, Fla., Jan. 28, 2010

"UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It's the Post Office that's always having problems." –attempting to make the case for government-run healthcare, while simultaneously undercutting his own argument, Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 11, 2009

"The Cambridge police acted stupidly." —commenting on a white police officer's arrest of black scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. at his home in Cambridge, Mass., at a news conference, July 22, 2009

"The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system." --in remarks after a health care roundtable with physicians, nurses and health care providers, Washington, D.C., July 20, 2009

"It was also interesting to see that political interaction in Europe is not that different from the United States Senate. There's a lot of -- I don't know what the term is in Austrian, wheeling and dealing." --confusing German for "Austrian," a language which does not exist, Strasbourg, France, April 6, 2009

"No, no. I have been practicing...I bowled a 129. It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something." --making an off-hand joke during an appearance on "The Tonight Show", March 19, 2009

"I didn't want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any seances." --after saying he had spoken with all the living presidents as he prepared to take office, Washington, D.C., Nov. 7, 2008

"What I was suggesting -- you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith..." --in an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, who jumped in to correct Obama by saying "your Christian faith," which Obama quickly clarified.

"I'm here with the Girardo family here in St. Louis." --speaking via satellite to the Democratic National Convention, while in Kansas City, Missouri, Aug. 25, 2008

"Let me introduce to you the next President -- the next Vice President of the United States of America, Joe Biden." --slipping up while introducing Joe Biden at their first joint campaign rally, Springfield, Illinois, Aug. 23, 2008

"Just this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee -- which is my committee -- a bill to call for divestment from Iran as way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don't obtain a nuclear weapon." --referring to a committee he is not on, Sderot, Israel, July 23, 2008

"Let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel's. It will be a strong friend of Israel's under a McCain...administration. It will be a strong friend of Israel's under an Obama administration. So that policy is not going to change." --Amman, Jordan, July 22, 2008

"How's it going, Sunshine?" --campaigning in Sunrise, Florida

"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong."

"Hold on one second, sweetie, we're going to do -- we'll do a press avail." --to a female reporter for ABC's Detroit affiliate who asked about his plan to help American autoworkers.

"I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go." --at a campaign event in Beaverton, Oregon.

"Why can't I just eat my waffle?" --after being asked a foreign policy question by a reporter while visiting a diner in Pennsylvania.

"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." --explaining his troubles winning over some working-class voters.

"The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person, who, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know, you know, there's a reaction that's been bred in our experiences that don't go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way, and that's just the nature of race in our society."

"Come on! I just answered, like, eight questions." --exasperated by reporters after a news conference

"You're likeable enough, Hillary." --during a Democratic debate

"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." --on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people
Such fine patronizing sexism from the right on display. According to them, any criticism of a woman is sexist, if the woman is Republican, so they all have to run to protect her.

Liberals are made of much sterner stuff. Our women are tough, and we know they don't need to be rescued by a big strong man. They get criticized, and we let them handle it themselves, because we know they can. No screaming about sexism necessary. We leave that sort of mewling to the right.

And that's why we get the women's vote, because we aren't patronizing sexist crybabies.

Really! What do you call this?

Bill Clinton jumped into the debate Tuesday over whether his wife Hillary Clinton is out of touch with America’s middle class, defending the ex-Secretary of State and potential 2016 presidential candidate’s controversial comments about exiting the White House “dead broke.”

Read more: Hillary ?not out of touch,? Bill Clinton says, despite comments on being ?dead broke? - NY Daily News

Hmmmm...looks like another liberal is caught twisting the truth. Keep speaking liberals, you are exposing yourselves.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
on misspeaking

"57 states"
"I will put the healthcare debate on c-span"
"your power bills will skyrocket"
"Iraq is a success"
"I will close Gitmo by january 2010"

We get it that you lefties hate Palin (or are scared shitless of her). But you hero has misspoken more times than she has and he has hurt this country more than she ever could.
Isn't it funny how, on Obama's darkest days, some shill trots out a new Palin thread?

and more Bush threads to come, maybe a couple on Cheney too. and of course some on Reagan.

Its all they have, their boy is a massive failure so all they can do is try to cover his failures by attacking republicans who are either dead or have no power to do anything.
'Feely' wasn't talking about Occupied.

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Isn't it funny how, on Obama's darkest days, some shill trots out a new Palin thread?

and more Bush threads to come, maybe a couple on Cheney too. and of course some on Reagan.

Its all they have, their boy is a massive failure so all they can do is try to cover his failures by attacking republicans who are either dead or have no power to do anything.

Things were falling apart when bush left office. Things are getting back to normal under Obama. Republicans were willing to destroy this country if that's what it took to make Obama a failure. We have a republican senator stating this. Sorry fish, this is how history will judge Obama. And sorry again, but historians will write the history books, not the clown networks that republicans depend on for guidance and inspiration
In reading this thread, I have learned that the proper response to "Palin is a seriously undereducated, brainless dummy" is, "Obama is dumber". This is interesting because such response does not even address the issue of the OP. But, if changing the subject is the Tea Party's strategy of addressing their deficiencies, then carry on....
Palin knows how to say violent, outrageous things that make scared ignorant people mindlessly nod their pointed heads in agreement, in short, a political opportunist. Such a person should never be within a heartbeat of the presidency, God might tell them to take steps to protect our precious bodily fluids or something.

You say:

"Such a person should never be within a heartbeat of the presidency." Correct, but the problem is, the ignorance and stupidity of republicans that vote, and we have great examples of them on this forum, requires their party to front candidates that would be embarrasments to normal, intelligent people.
there is nothing progressive about a Progressive/Democrat/liberal/leftie

they always REGRESS like this's an ugly tactic of their to distract from the mess and failures they have created. or like Obama, always blame someone else for problems he created..and some you still fall for it

when they can post a thread about a woman governor /vice presidential candidate and sit back and watch the hate spill out...this country is doomed
Spelling problem with the word "Bozo" - you left off the first letter:


Remember, when He visited Ireland He made much of His Irish ancestry. Who knew a person could have about three "halves"!
the rw butt hurt force is strong in this thread :thup:

sarah is happier than a clam. She's profited handsomely off of her adoring & gullible fans.
the rw butt hurt force is strong in this thread :thup:

sarah is happier than a clam. She's profited handsomely off of her adoring & gullible fans.

Yes, living off the attention given her by you on the left. Keep up the good work!

Actually, I have often said that separating a conservative from their money is always a good thing, and Sarah does that quit well!

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