America really dodged the bullet with this bozo

Palin knows how to say violent, outrageous things that make scared ignorant people mindlessly nod their pointed heads in agreement, in short, a political opportunist. Such a person should never be within a heartbeat of the presidency, God might tell them to take steps to protect our precious bodily fluids or something.
Yeah she has visited all 57 states as well just like the current bozo in the White House. Do you really want to go down this who has said dumb stuff road? Keep in mind Joe foot in mouth Biden is the current Vice president.
Palin knows how to say violent, outrageous things that make scared ignorant people mindlessly nod their pointed heads in agreement, in short, a political opportunist. Such a person should never be within a heartbeat of the presidency, God might tell them to take steps to protect our precious bodily fluids or something.

Your dumbass voted for Obama, your opinion means nothing.
IF we did dodge a bullet with the bozo, we certainly go shot in the ass by the bozo we got.
Yeah she has visited all 57 states as well just like the current bozo in the White House. Do you really want to go down this who has said dumb stuff road? Keep in mind Joe foot in mouth Biden is the current Vice president.

Not to mention when Hillary spoke of the 3 am phone call. Then a couple years later she missed the very call she said her opponent would miss. The sad part is I'm not making this up.
Yeah we dodged this bullet.

And got nailed with this one instead.
Obama thinks Canada has a President and pronounces Marine Corp as "corpse", but Palin is stupid. Guess who the stupid ones really are.
Fox News Contributor Rips Into Palin: "The Woman Is Inarticulate, Undereducated"

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We all rail about establishment insiders yet when a middle class woman, who truthfully didn't have a lot of world experience is thrust into the spot light the left descends like ravenous wolves.

It is totally unfair to expect her to know the BS thrown at her, at least right away. WTF difference did it make to a mother and governor of Alaska if there is a north, south or central Korea. It makes no difference at all. Can Russia be seen from Alaska, damn right it can.

Why Palin has appeal is that she does have common sense even if she does have some learning to do. There is no doubt what country she loves, just like Reagan. And she an energetic soul not too bad for the eyes.

She was like some demented Mary Kay lady suddenly being thrust into the pilot's seat of a jumbo jet where MILFy hotness counts for nothing. Her announcements over the intercom might be cheerful and even entertaining but she's still going to make sure the plane flies every bit of the way to the crash site.
Another woman-hating 'liberal'.....^^^^ :rolleyes:

With just enough religious bigotry to graduate all the way to 'progressive' :rolleyes:
Part of the democrat war on women.

Pick some women who are not total evangelical dipshits prepared to further the conservative takeover of all American uteruses and see the attitude change.

More proof that the far left hate women. They must be beaten down and assaulted so they conform to the far left mold.

Good for you woman abuser.
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For downright stupid though, the shrub is the final word.

Yes, daddy bought his first term for him but idiots in America voted for him the second time.
"we gotta stand with our North Korean allies"

Thankfully Americans woke up in time

There are so many froot loops and/or incompetent fools the RWs did elect though -

Both Pauls
and more

Waking up is why the Repubs have been working so hard on gerrymandering. Its the only way some of these losers can get elected.

More proof of the far left hatred of anyone that is not far left.

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