America: Then and Now

The internet--a net positive, with a lot of downsides

Smartphones--same, with TONS of downsides for babies and children. I could probably write a book, or at least bore you with a very long post :)

Medical advances--a mixed bag. People are turning to more natural remedies and I don't think that's a bad thing. There is serious rot and corruption in pharma companies.

RW, you are a decent guy to talk to when you get past the talking points.

Sweet Sue hates progress....

Medical advances are awesome, as much as your side demonizes the pharmaceutical industry. Of course, you had no problem with them when they were gouging sick people, but when they failed to bow down before the Orange God, they became the enemy.
The internet--a net positive, with a lot of downsides

Smartphones--same, with TONS of downsides for babies and children. I could probably write a book, or at least bore you with a very long post :)

Medical advances--a mixed bag. People are turning to more natural remedies and I don't think that's a bad thing. There is serious rot and corruption in pharma companies.

RW, you are a decent guy to talk to when you get past the talking points. :)
I used to go to something called “a Library” when I needed information. Now, that information is in my pocket

We used to go to these places called a “Video Store” if we wanted to rent a movie (as long as you rewind) Now, I have thousands of movies at my disposal on my TV or phone

Medical advances are remarkable compared to what they were in the 60s and 70s
Cancer or a Heart Attack were death sentences. Now, people survive decades

I will take today over any decade
Watched a documentary on Westward Expansion yesterday. These pioneers lived entirely off the land, whole families in one-room log cabins surrounded by panthers and bears. The life expectancy was half what it is now.

I watched a reenactment of a young man chopping wood and a pioneer woman giving birth in a covered wagon, and thought about the "Safe Space" generation who says "Words are violence".

I have never had a more discouraged Fourth of July, and this includes after 9/11, the Iraq War, all of it. All I can say is: I really hope this is low point and we find our fortitude again--and not the hard way.

Before the History Channel and the Discovery Channel went all soap opera and BS............they had several documentaries on people who got tired of civilization and just went out into the boonies and lived there.
This one man built a one room log cabin in Alaska, next to a stream. He hunted every day for food, grows what he can, and lives like that. He's very happy living life like it's 1799.
Most Americans lived off the land well into the mid 19th century. The entire Union army lived off the land while plundering the South during the Civil War.
A reflection of Southern Culture not political affiliation

Democrats in the North supported Civil Rights
Republicans in the South opposed it
In the case of D and R, either North or South, some did and others didn't.
In the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, the violence in Southern states were ones with Democrats running local and state governments. Lincoln was a Republican and for generations many in the South weren't going to support anything Republican.
Before the History Channel and the Discovery Channel went all soap opera and BS............they had several documentaries on people who got tired of civilization and just went out into the boonies and lived there.
This one man built a one room log cabin in Alaska, next to a stream. He hunted every day for food, grows what he can, and lives like that. He's very happy living life like it's 1799.
They have a show called “Alone” now where 10 people are dropped off in the wilderness with a few basic supplies
Whoever survives the longest wins
In the case of D and R, either North or South, some did and others didn't.
In the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, the violence in Southern states were ones with Democrats running local and state governments. Lincoln was a Republican and for generations many in the South weren't going to support anything Republican.
You are again confusing Southern Culture with political affiliation
Uh, guy, the Muslims aren't invading us, WE ARE INVADING THEM.

The problem with stupid people like you and Islamophobic Sue is that you think that our conflict with the Middle East is about religion, because religions that aren't yours are ALWAYS scary....whoooo...

We are invading their countries, taking their oil, propping up bad governments, and of course, subsidizing the Zionist takeover of Palestine. THIS is why they hate us, not that their belief if the Sky Pixie is any worse than YOUR belief in the sky pixie.
Uh, guy, it was Muslims whom attacked us on 9/11/2001. Being a martyr to the cause of Islam is a quick ticket to the higher levels and rewards of Paradise.

Islam started as a local variation on Arab customs and pagan polyglot of religions, meant to unit the Arabs. Problem is it didn't stay local and expanded outside of Arabia. I'll assume you are smart enough to look up that history of Islamic expansion from 632 up till about the early 1800s. But doubt you are honest or objective about it. You spout the usual Leftist, anti-West propaganda (you are totally brainwashed).

The problem with stupid people like you is you have no grasp on history, or the course of human developments over time and around the global. You also make incorrect assumptions.

For one, I'm agnostic/atheist and don't have/believe in any religion. As a historian I've studied such and am aware of the influence of religion on the course of events.

You are one of those ignorant types whom think all religions are the same. Try comparing Buddhism to the Pre-Cortez Aztec religion. The Aztec religion literally included cutting out the heart of living people to offer to the their "gawd", the Sun.

The Middle East lacked the knowledge or technology to pump and refine petroleum, they needed Western tech and business to do that, and they get paid for it. Problem is too many of their leaders would rather spend that money on weapons and their personal luxuries than on improving the lot of their people.

Dealing with the governments there that are in place is not propping them up, whether they are "good" or "bad", and your sort of narrow mind would also whine if "we" replaced them. Though such would be one subjective view versus an opposite one.

If you knew history you'd know that the Jews have been in Palestine/Israel going back nearly 4,000 years, and it was the Muslims whom invaded and subjugated the Jews whom didn't flee. Jews returning to Palestine/Israel was brokered by the United Nations in 1947 and it was rejection of this treaty by neighboring Muslim nations that resulted in the 1948 War. But this a topic for another place.

"Zionist" is neo-Nazi hater code for "Jew" and it's clear where you are on this with your "put those Jews back in the ovens" stance.
Southern Culture created/chose that political affiliation.
Southern Culture perpetuated slavery long past the events started in 1776.
Like they choose Republican today?

Southern culture created a two class system and fought to the death to maintain it
Nope. The British empire created a two class system and shackled US with it.

Yet the North didn’t embrace it
Even the British abandoned

The South fought to the death to protect it and instituted Jim Crow to enforce it
Yet the North didn’t embrace it
Even the British abandoned

The South fought to the death to protect it and instituted Jim Crow to enforce it

Kind of an insult to slaves to equate their lives with Jim Crow. Slaves couldn't just move away. They would be hunted and whipped if not killed if they tried.

Kind of shitty to minimize their suffering.
Kind of an insult to slaves to equate their lives with Jim Crow. Slaves couldn't just move away. They would be hunted and whipped if not killed if they tried.

Kind of shitty to minimize their suffering.
Jim Crow was a continuation of Slavery

”You may be free, but I’ll be damned if I will treat you as an equal”
Dang! These leftists are some miserable sumbeeches! Can't even kill their babies anymore.
Wow, thisis totally off topic from Islamophobic Sue's crazy "America sucks now because we aren't all dying of dysentary" thread, but...

Uh, guy, it was Muslims whom attacked us on 9/11/2001. Being a martyr to the cause of Islam is a quick ticket to the higher levels and rewards of Paradise.

You mean the Muslims the CIA organized into an army to fight the Russians in Afghanistan because those dirty stinking Commies might teach girls how to read? Those Muslims?
Our Middle East policy consists of sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.

Islam started as a local variation on Arab customs and pagan polyglot of religions, meant to unit the Arabs. Problem is it didn't stay local and expanded outside of Arabia. I'll assume you are smart enough to look up that history of Islamic expansion from 632 up till about the early 1800s. But doubt you are honest or objective about it. You spout the usual Leftist, anti-West propaganda (you are totally brainwashed).
Islam expanded because while the Christians of Europe were devolving into Feudalism and the Dark Ages, Muslims were building the most culturally and technologically advanced society for that period of time.

The problem with stupid people like you is you have no grasp on history, or the course of human developments over time and around the global. You also make incorrect assumptions.
Actually, I have a degree in History from the University of Illinois.

For one, I'm agnostic/atheist and don't have/believe in any religion. As a historian I've studied such and am aware of the influence of religion on the course of events.

But like a lot of people, you have a pro-western bias, usually influenced by white supremacy.

You are one of those ignorant types whom think all religions are the same. Try comparing Buddhism to the Pre-Cortez Aztec religion. The Aztec religion literally included cutting out the heart of living people to offer to the their "gawd", the Sun.

And at the same time this was happening, "Christians" were burning thousands of people at the stake because they were witches or heretics. The problem with believing in magic sky fairies is that any awful behavior to appease them becomes acceptable.

The Middle East lacked the knowledge or technology to pump and refine petroleum, they needed Western tech and business to do that, and they get paid for it. Problem is too many of their leaders would rather spend that money on weapons and their personal luxuries than on improving the lot of their people.

Um, yeah, unlike America, where we so evenly distribute the wealth...



If you knew history you'd know that the Jews have been in Palestine/Israel going back nearly 4,000 years, and it was the Muslims whom invaded and subjugated the Jews whom didn't flee. Jews returning to Palestine/Israel was brokered by the United Nations in 1947 and it was rejection of this treaty by neighboring Muslim nations that resulted in the 1948 War. But this a topic for another place.

"Zionist" is neo-Nazi hater code for "Jew" and it's clear where you are on this with your "put those Jews back in the ovens" stance.

Bullshit. Most of the "Zionists" are Europeans who adopted a corrupted version of the Hebrew religion. They have no better claim to Palestine than the Muslims or Christians do.
Jim Crow was a continuation of Slavery

”You may be free, but I’ll be damned if I will treat you as an equal”

That is not a continuation. Being disrespected is nothing compared to being forced to work without pay and not being allowed to leave under threat of death.
That is not a continuation. Being disrespected is nothing compared to being forced to work without pay and not being allowed to leave under threat of death.

Jim Crow was more than just disrespect
Blacks were denied the vote, being allowed out after dark, due process
Jim Crow was more than just disrespect
Blacks were denied the vote, being allowed out after dark, due process

Yep. Pretty shitty. NOthing like slavery though and anyone that says it is, is a shit talker.

Why do you feel a reflexive need to talk down America, at every turn?

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