America: “You have the RIGHT to an attorney”.....but not a doctor right guys?

National health care can be done for less than we pay now.
Oh yeah. Better go check the meter where you parked your unicorn

Other countries do it. Once again you are arguing we can't do what every other first world and some third world countries do.
other countries do what? never any facts from fks like you.
Ruin our economy by taxing the shit out of everyone for national government run healthcare.
85% of americans would have their healthcare taken away. hmmmm 15% vs 85%? why is destroying 85% of americans a good thing? just wondering aloud.
Oh yeah. Better go check the meter where you parked your unicorn

Other countries do it. Once again you are arguing we can't do what every other first world and some third world countries do.
other countries do what? never any facts from fks like you.
Ruin our economy by taxing the shit out of everyone for national government run healthcare.
85% of americans would have their healthcare taken away. hmmmm 15% vs 85%? why is destroying 85% of americans a good thing? just wondering aloud.

100% of Americans would have health care.

They said CommieCare would fix that. Why isn't?
Dana, the Medicaid HC play only goes out of play with Bernies's plan, and even then our taxes would go up so much that it really just becomes irrelevant in terms of saving a family out of pocket HC expenses.

But it only works if ONE family member becomes disabled, or with a child permanently under-employed with something like cerebral palsy. But if an adult is in a horrible car wreck or something and then becomes pretty much a nursing home eligible case, he/she can go on Medicaid without making the entire family meet Medicaid poverty guidelines. It's a horrible situation, but imo its actually a better solution that everybody under cradle to grave anything you could possibly need Bernie care.

OK, let me clarify. Isn't ACA supposed to fix the issue?

One of the reasons for ACA was that we have 30+ million people that are uninsured. After ACA was implemented, we still have 30+ million of uninsured.

Next reason was to make if more health care affordable and cheaper. After implementing ACA, prices skyrocketed.

Another reason for ACA was to prevent medical bankruptcies, now you claim that problem still exists.

So question is, why ACA if problems that supposed to be fixed are still there?

OK, let me clarify. Isn't ACA supposed to fix the issue?

One of the reasons for ACA was that we have 30+ million people that are uninsured. After ACA was implemented, we still have 30+ million of uninsured.

Next reason was to make if more health care affordable and cheaper. After implementing ACA, prices skyrocketed.

Another reason for ACA was to prevent medical bankruptcies, now you claim that problem still exists.

So question is, why ACA if problems that supposed to be fixed are still there?
I just want to know how they figure they take healthcare away from 85% of americans, they did a good thing?
Other countries do it. Once again you are arguing we can't do what every other first world and some third world countries do.
other countries do what? never any facts from fks like you.
Ruin our economy by taxing the shit out of everyone for national government run healthcare.
85% of americans would have their healthcare taken away. hmmmm 15% vs 85%? why is destroying 85% of americans a good thing? just wondering aloud.

100% of Americans would have health care.

They said CommieCare would fix that. Why isn't?

No idea what you are talking about.
Dana, the Medicaid HC play only goes out of play with Bernies's plan, and even then our taxes would go up so much that it really just becomes irrelevant in terms of saving a family out of pocket HC expenses.

But it only works if ONE family member becomes disabled, or with a child permanently under-employed with something like cerebral palsy. But if an adult is in a horrible car wreck or something and then becomes pretty much a nursing home eligible case, he/she can go on Medicaid without making the entire family meet Medicaid poverty guidelines. It's a horrible situation, but imo its actually a better solution that everybody under cradle to grave anything you could possibly need Bernie care.
yeah destroy 85% of americans. great plan. not only would they take away their healthcare, their doctor, their hospitals, they'd take their jobs, and all their money. wow!!! get on board huh?

Meet Venezuela.

OK, let me clarify. Isn't ACA supposed to fix the issue?

One of the reasons for ACA was that we have 30+ million people that are uninsured. After ACA was implemented, we still have 30+ million of uninsured.

Next reason was to make if more health care affordable and cheaper. After implementing ACA, prices skyrocketed.

Another reason for ACA was to prevent medical bankruptcies, now you claim that problem still exists.

So question is, why ACA if problems that supposed to be fixed are still there?

Yes it was suppose to do that but it was also something I never supported and I've condemned Obama many times for what he did.

When it passed I said that all it was going to do is make passing what we needed even harder and that has been true.

Obamacare was little more than a give away to the insurance and pharmacuetical companies.

They have both done exceedingly well while the people are still being forced in bankruptcy.
Oh yeah. Better go check the meter where you parked your unicorn

Other countries do it. Once again you are arguing we can't do what every other first world and some third world countries do.
other countries do what? never any facts from fks like you.
Ruin our economy by taxing the shit out of everyone for national government run healthcare.
85% of americans would have their healthcare taken away. hmmmm 15% vs 85%? why is destroying 85% of americans a good thing? just wondering aloud.

100% of Americans would have health care.
no they wouldn't you just took it from 85% of americans. you're misguided. see 85% of americans have healthcare, you just took it away. that means 100% have no healthcare, no doctor, no hospital no nurses, no jobs no money, no food, fked up everything. wow, don't you feel good now.

you need to tell us why you need to take away 85% of the peoples healthcare to bring in 15%?
Other countries do it. Once again you are arguing we can't do what every other first world and some third world countries do.
other countries do what? never any facts from fks like you.
Ruin our economy by taxing the shit out of everyone for national government run healthcare.
85% of americans would have their healthcare taken away. hmmmm 15% vs 85%? why is destroying 85% of americans a good thing? just wondering aloud.

100% of Americans would have health care.
no they wouldn't you just took it from 85% of americans. you're misguided. see 85% of americans have healthcare, you just took it away. that means 100% have no healthcare, no doctor, no hospital no nurses, no jobs no money, no food, fked up everything. wow, don't you feel good now.

you need to tell us why you need to take away 85% of the peoples healthcare to bring in 15%?
pknopp so nothing huh? color me surprised.
Let's tell it as it is: "Socialized" medicine is coming to the United States. It is just a matter of when.

And, as in England, people with enough money will continue to consult private doctors.

More and more people (including me) feel that medical treatment is a right.

And (as an 82-year-old), I wish that old people would not have to worry about expending their savings in order to pay for "retirement homes." Maybe I am wrong, but Obamacare originally raised this issue, but it went nowhere.

More and more people, including you, need to learn what a "right" actually is, instead of ignorantly assuming it means "anything that I really, really want but am too cheap to pay for myself."

OK, let me clarify. Isn't ACA supposed to fix the issue?

One of the reasons for ACA was that we have 30+ million people that are uninsured. After ACA was implemented, we still have 30+ million of uninsured.

Next reason was to make if more health care affordable and cheaper. After implementing ACA, prices skyrocketed.

Another reason for ACA was to prevent medical bankruptcies, now you claim that problem still exists.

So question is, why ACA if problems that supposed to be fixed are still there?

Yes it was suppose to do that but it was also something I never supported and I've condemned Obama many times for what he did.

When it passed I said that all it was going to do is make passing what we needed even harder and that has been true.

Obamacare was little more than a give away to the insurance and pharmacuetical companies.

They have both done exceedingly well while the people are still being forced in bankruptcy.

OK, great.

Now, if law they were pushing for while claiming it need to be passed to resolve those issues, is passed and did not resolve those issues, why is still the law? And how anyone in right mind can trust the same people that were pushing for that law, when they use the same argument to campaign for another law that will give them even more, or full control over the health care?

OK, let me clarify. Isn't ACA supposed to fix the issue?

One of the reasons for ACA was that we have 30+ million people that are uninsured. After ACA was implemented, we still have 30+ million of uninsured.

Next reason was to make if more health care affordable and cheaper. After implementing ACA, prices skyrocketed.

Another reason for ACA was to prevent medical bankruptcies, now you claim that problem still exists.

So question is, why ACA if problems that supposed to be fixed are still there?

Yes it was suppose to do that but it was also something I never supported and I've condemned Obama many times for what he did.

When it passed I said that all it was going to do is make passing what we needed even harder and that has been true.

Obamacare was little more than a give away to the insurance and pharmacuetical companies.

They have both done exceedingly well while the people are still being forced in bankruptcy.

OK, great.

Now, if law they were pushing for while claiming it need to be passed to resolve those issues, is passed and did not resolve those issues, why is still the law? And how anyone in right mind can trust the same people that were pushing for that law, when they use the same argument to campaign for another law that will give them even more, or full control over the health care?

It's still law because Roberts said so. I disagreed with his ruling.

As for your question of trust, oddly we continue to trust the people who lie to us about war and pulling out.
Your opinion is only that. Almost every single source will note it is the number one reason for bankruptcies in the country. You can try and spin that anyway you want.

wrong, thats not what they say. What they say is that most bankruptcies have some medical bills included in the filings.

Staggering medical bills are the biggest driver of personal bankruptcies in the US.

Staggering medical bills are the biggest driver of personal bankruptcies in the US. Here's what you need to know if you're thinking about filing for bankruptcy.
But President Trump say bankurptch good

Trump has never declared personal bankruptcy, some of the businesses he was involved with have, and in every case that was the best option for the shareholders, the employees, the creditors, and the suppliers.

that article you cited is a lie.

He had family that could bail him out. Many others do not have that luxury.

Yeah, so what?
going bankrupt personally is almost always the result of bad money/credit management. It is actually the best solution for many people since their bills go away and they can start over. someone else's personal bankruptcy is not my or your responsibility, nor is it the government's.
Oh yeah. Better go check the meter where you parked your unicorn

Other countries do it. Once again you are arguing we can't do what every other first world and some third world countries do.
other countries do what? never any facts from fks like you.
Ruin our economy by taxing the shit out of everyone for national government run healthcare.
85% of americans would have their healthcare taken away. hmmmm 15% vs 85%? why is destroying 85% of americans a good thing? just wondering aloud.

100% of Americans would have health care.

100% of veterans had health care under the VA, and it sucked. Is that what you envision for the entire country? because thats what we would have under medicare for all, or any other of the stupid democrat ideas.
wrong, thats not what they say. What they say is that most bankruptcies have some medical bills included in the filings.

Staggering medical bills are the biggest driver of personal bankruptcies in the US.

Staggering medical bills are the biggest driver of personal bankruptcies in the US. Here's what you need to know if you're thinking about filing for bankruptcy.
But President Trump say bankurptch good

Trump has never declared personal bankruptcy, some of the businesses he was involved with have, and in every case that was the best option for the shareholders, the employees, the creditors, and the suppliers.

that article you cited is a lie.

He had family that could bail him out. Many others do not have that luxury.

Yeah, so what?
going bankrupt personally is almost always the result of bad money/credit management. It is actually the best solution for many people since their bills go away and they can start over. someone else's personal bankruptcy is not my or your responsibility, nor is it the government's.

Nobody should have to file for bankruptcy because they get sick or hurt.

Trump has never declared personal bankruptcy, some of the businesses he was involved with have, and in every case that was the best option for the shareholders, the employees, the creditors, and the suppliers.

that article you cited is a lie.

He had family that could bail him out. Many others do not have that luxury.

Yeah, so what?
going bankrupt personally is almost always the result of bad money/credit management. It is actually the best solution for many people since their bills go away and they can start over. someone else's personal bankruptcy is not my or your responsibility, nor is it the government's.

Nobody should have to file for bankruptcy because they get sick or hurt.
why not? who should pay for the expenses then? you keep backing into that corner.

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