America: “You have the RIGHT to an attorney”.....but not a doctor right guys?

Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.

But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

I get it now. I can CHOOSE to commit a crime, then im entitled to someones service. But I DONT choose to get sick, but when I do, Im no longer entitled to medical services.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen? This is why. And its past due.
Show the part of the Constitution that states you have a right to health care... I'll wait.
he'll post that general welfare statement
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.

But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

I get it now. I can CHOOSE to commit a crime, then im entitled to someones service. But I DONT choose to get sick, but when I do, Im no longer entitled to medical services.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen? This is why. And its past due.
Show the part of the Constitution that states you have a right to health care... I'll wait.
he'll post that general welfare statement
Promote the general welfare not fund it. Its scary how the left believes that a shit ton of things not mentioned in the Constitution are rights but those that are specifically mentioned are not.
Trump's plan is to get rid of Obamacare. Get a job, there's plenty of them out there.

That isn't what he said. He let his mouth get in the way of that also.
You're lying again.
Trump administration to court: Get rid of Obamacare entirely

McCain hammered him when they voted over Trump's mouth.

McCain screwed his constituents. His main issue he ran on was repealing Obamacare, then he was the deciding vote to save it. Fucked his state, and his country, because of personal hate towards Trump.

He did, but that doesn't mean it wasn't Trump's mouth that caused him to do that. A sure sign of a "leader".
Fucking over your constituents on the key issue you ran on because someone said something mean about you says a lot about McCain.
Once again you are arguing the "greatest country in the world" can't do what every other first world (and some third world countries) already do.
you're arguing what? there aren't any other first world countries that do it. you're factually wrong. feel free to post any one here.

They all have UHC.
name one, show me how they pay for it. BTW, we have universal healthcare for all today. you just don't like the way it is privately run.

No we don't. There are still millions without health care.
I thought obammycare cured that? what are you saying? BTW, I'm still waiting on that country that has universal health care and how they pay for it. There are none, but I'll let you hang on your claim here.

THis has been addressed probably 50 times.

All first world countries have UHC. Except the USA.
That isn't what he said. He let his mouth get in the way of that also.
You're lying again.
Trump administration to court: Get rid of Obamacare entirely

McCain hammered him when they voted over Trump's mouth.

McCain screwed his constituents. His main issue he ran on was repealing Obamacare, then he was the deciding vote to save it. Fucked his state, and his country, because of personal hate towards Trump.

He did, but that doesn't mean it wasn't Trump's mouth that caused him to do that. A sure sign of a "leader".
Fucking over your constituents on the key issue you ran on because someone said something mean about you says a lot about McCain.

It does but again, that still does not negate that it was the result of Trump saying something really stupid.
Trump has never declared personal bankruptcy, some of the businesses he was involved with have, and in every case that was the best option for the shareholders, the employees, the creditors, and the suppliers.

that article you cited is a lie.

He had family that could bail him out. Many others do not have that luxury.

Yeah, so what?
going bankrupt personally is almost always the result of bad money/credit management. It is actually the best solution for many people since their bills go away and they can start over. someone else's personal bankruptcy is not my or your responsibility, nor is it the government's.

Nobody should have to file for bankruptcy because they get sick or hurt.
why not? who should pay for the expenses then? you keep backing into that corner.

National health care just like we have with Medicare now for those 65 and older.
It can’t be done and again you’re throwing out millions of jobs doctors nurses hospitals. And 85% of Americans suffer! Stupid
you're arguing what? there aren't any other first world countries that do it. you're factually wrong. feel free to post any one here.

They all have UHC.
name one, show me how they pay for it. BTW, we have universal healthcare for all today. you just don't like the way it is privately run.

No we don't. There are still millions without health care.
I thought obammycare cured that? what are you saying? BTW, I'm still waiting on that country that has universal health care and how they pay for it. There are none, but I'll let you hang on your claim here.

THis has been addressed probably 50 times.

All first world countries have UHC. Except the USA.
Nope, you’re factually incorrect. Name one country
He had family that could bail him out. Many others do not have that luxury.

Yeah, so what?
going bankrupt personally is almost always the result of bad money/credit management. It is actually the best solution for many people since their bills go away and they can start over. someone else's personal bankruptcy is not my or your responsibility, nor is it the government's.

Nobody should have to file for bankruptcy because they get sick or hurt.
why not? who should pay for the expenses then? you keep backing into that corner.

National health care just like we have with Medicare now for those 65 and older.
It can’t be done and again you’re throwing out millions of jobs doctors nurses hospitals. And 85% of Americans suffer! Stupid

It's done in every other first world country.
They all have UHC.
name one, show me how they pay for it. BTW, we have universal healthcare for all today. you just don't like the way it is privately run.

No we don't. There are still millions without health care.
I thought obammycare cured that? what are you saying? BTW, I'm still waiting on that country that has universal health care and how they pay for it. There are none, but I'll let you hang on your claim here.

THis has been addressed probably 50 times.

All first world countries have UHC. Except the USA.
Nope, you’re factually incorrect. Name one country

All of them.
name one, show me how they pay for it. BTW, we have universal healthcare for all today. you just don't like the way it is privately run.

No we don't. There are still millions without health care.
I thought obammycare cured that? what are you saying? BTW, I'm still waiting on that country that has universal health care and how they pay for it. There are none, but I'll let you hang on your claim here.

THis has been addressed probably 50 times.

All first world countries have UHC. Except the USA.
Nope, you’re factually incorrect. Name one country

All of them.
That you can’t name one. That’s truly sad, what a loser
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.

But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

I get it now. I can CHOOSE to commit a crime, then im entitled to someones service. But I DONT choose to get sick, but when I do, Im no longer entitled to medical services.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen? This is why. And its past due.
You have the right to a lawyer paid by government when government is using its own lawyers to take your life or liberty.

The day government tries to make you sick or puts you in harm's way is the day you get a free doctor. See the VA.

Got it?

other countries do what? never any facts from fks like you.
Ruin our economy by taxing the shit out of everyone for national government run healthcare.
85% of americans would have their healthcare taken away. hmmmm 15% vs 85%? why is destroying 85% of americans a good thing? just wondering aloud.

100% of Americans would have health care.

100% of veterans had health care under the VA, and it sucked. Is that what you envision for the entire country? because thats what we would have under medicare for all, or any other of the stupid democrat ideas.

Under Medicare for all we would have Medicare for all which is a very popular program.

basic medicare pays 80% of your medical bills, YOU are on the hook for 20% unless you BUY a medicare supplement or sign up for a medicare advantage plan through an insurance company.

AND, those currently on medicare paid for it out of every paycheck while working------------the paid in advance. ITS NOT FREE AND IT WON'T BE FREE IF IT APPLIES TO EVERYONE. Your taxes will go up as will mine and everyone else's

Would you give a tax credit for the amounts already paid in via payroll deductions?

You libs never think anything through----------just jump up and down screaming "its free, its free"
no way no how. you're uninformed on the costs. but hey, you're just an idiot that can't investigate before you write. BTW, every demofk that had an opinion on this has said it isn't affordable. there is that.

Americans Can’t Afford Medicare For All’s True ‘Price Tag’ - The Partnership for America’s Health Care Future

Once again you are arguing the "greatest country in the world" can't do what every other first world (and some third world countries) already do.
you're arguing what? there aren't any other first world countries that do it. you're factually wrong. feel free to post any one here.

They all have UHC.
name one, show me how they pay for it. BTW, we have universal healthcare for all today. you just don't like the way it is privately run.

No we don't. There are still millions without health care.

Horseshit! No one in the USA is being denied medical care today. Not having insurance does not mean you can't bet medical care. Ever hear of medicaid? the ignorance displayed by liberals on this subject is amazing.
Ruin our economy by taxing the shit out of everyone for national government run healthcare.
85% of americans would have their healthcare taken away. hmmmm 15% vs 85%? why is destroying 85% of americans a good thing? just wondering aloud.

100% of Americans would have health care.

100% of veterans had health care under the VA, and it sucked. Is that what you envision for the entire country? because thats what we would have under medicare for all, or any other of the stupid democrat ideas.

Under Medicare for all we would have Medicare for all which is a very popular program.

basic medicare pays 80% of your medical bills, YOU are on the hook for 20% unless you BUY a medicare supplement or sign up for a medicare advantage plan through an insurance company.

AND, those currently on medicare paid for it out of every paycheck while working------------the paid in advance. ITS NOT FREE AND IT WON'T BE FREE IF IT APPLIES TO EVERYONE. Your taxes will go up as will mine and everyone else's

Would you give a tax credit for the amounts already paid in via payroll deductions?

You libs never think anything through----------just jump up and down screaming "its free, its free"

This has all been covered over and over but that matters none to you. You yell "It's free" because it's the only bogus argument you feel that will work to get people to vote against their better interests.

It's odd that we never ask how we will pay for war at that. I pay a lot for insurance now. Directly or through taxes, it's six of one, half dozen of another but unlike you , I am willing to fund the things I support.
Once again you are arguing the "greatest country in the world" can't do what every other first world (and some third world countries) already do.
you're arguing what? there aren't any other first world countries that do it. you're factually wrong. feel free to post any one here.

They all have UHC.
name one, show me how they pay for it. BTW, we have universal healthcare for all today. you just don't like the way it is privately run.

No we don't. There are still millions without health care.

Horseshit! No one in the USA is being denied medical care today. Not having insurance does not mean you can't bet medical care. Ever hear of medicaid? the ignorance displayed by liberals on this subject is amazing.
he doesn't even know there is a law that forces care to everyone. I find that sad.
85% of americans would have their healthcare taken away. hmmmm 15% vs 85%? why is destroying 85% of americans a good thing? just wondering aloud.

100% of Americans would have health care.

100% of veterans had health care under the VA, and it sucked. Is that what you envision for the entire country? because thats what we would have under medicare for all, or any other of the stupid democrat ideas.

Under Medicare for all we would have Medicare for all which is a very popular program.

basic medicare pays 80% of your medical bills, YOU are on the hook for 20% unless you BUY a medicare supplement or sign up for a medicare advantage plan through an insurance company.

AND, those currently on medicare paid for it out of every paycheck while working------------the paid in advance. ITS NOT FREE AND IT WON'T BE FREE IF IT APPLIES TO EVERYONE. Your taxes will go up as will mine and everyone else's

Would you give a tax credit for the amounts already paid in via payroll deductions?

You libs never think anything through----------just jump up and down screaming "its free, its free"

This has all been covered over and over but that matters none to you. You yell "It's free" because it's the only bogus argument you feel that will work to get people to vote against their better interests.

It's odd that we never ask how we will pay for war at that. I pay a lot for insurance now. Directly or through taxes, it's six of one, half dozen of another but unlike you , I am willing to fund the things I support.
still waiting for the name of the country that has what you're advocating. please, I'm still waiting. chicken shit.
Once again you are arguing the "greatest country in the world" can't do what every other first world (and some third world countries) already do.
you're arguing what? there aren't any other first world countries that do it. you're factually wrong. feel free to post any one here.

They all have UHC.
name one, show me how they pay for it. BTW, we have universal healthcare for all today. you just don't like the way it is privately run.

No we don't. There are still millions without health care.

Horseshit! No one in the USA is being denied medical care today. Not having insurance does not mean you can't bet medical care. Ever hear of medicaid? the ignorance displayed by liberals on this subject is amazing.

If you get cancer you can quit your job, go on welfare and medicaid after you exhaust everything you have worked for. If you see that as a positive, well.................
you're arguing what? there aren't any other first world countries that do it. you're factually wrong. feel free to post any one here.

They all have UHC.
name one, show me how they pay for it. BTW, we have universal healthcare for all today. you just don't like the way it is privately run.

No we don't. There are still millions without health care.

Horseshit! No one in the USA is being denied medical care today. Not having insurance does not mean you can't bet medical care. Ever hear of medicaid? the ignorance displayed by liberals on this subject is amazing.

If you get cancer you can quit your job, go on welfare and medicaid after you exhaust everything you have worked for. If you see that as a positive, well.................
nope, move your money to a trust. you should really learn how to protect your money. I don't normally offer such advice for free.
85% of americans would have their healthcare taken away. hmmmm 15% vs 85%? why is destroying 85% of americans a good thing? just wondering aloud.

100% of Americans would have health care.

100% of veterans had health care under the VA, and it sucked. Is that what you envision for the entire country? because thats what we would have under medicare for all, or any other of the stupid democrat ideas.

Under Medicare for all we would have Medicare for all which is a very popular program.

basic medicare pays 80% of your medical bills, YOU are on the hook for 20% unless you BUY a medicare supplement or sign up for a medicare advantage plan through an insurance company.

AND, those currently on medicare paid for it out of every paycheck while working------------the paid in advance. ITS NOT FREE AND IT WON'T BE FREE IF IT APPLIES TO EVERYONE. Your taxes will go up as will mine and everyone else's

Would you give a tax credit for the amounts already paid in via payroll deductions?

You libs never think anything through----------just jump up and down screaming "its free, its free"

This has all been covered over and over but that matters none to you. You yell "It's free" because it's the only bogus argument you feel that will work to get people to vote against their better interests.

It's odd that we never ask how we will pay for war at that. I pay a lot for insurance now. Directly or through taxes, it's six of one, half dozen of another but unlike you , I am willing to fund the things I support.

So you think the government can manage healthcare more efficiently than private for-profit companies? Tell us which government agency operates efficiently, and give us examples of the efficiency.

How about the VA? was that well run and did it deliver a quality product to veterans? How about the food stamp program and welfare? Are they run efficiently and with no waste? and the one you dems hate the most, the pentagon. is it run efficiently?
They all have UHC.
name one, show me how they pay for it. BTW, we have universal healthcare for all today. you just don't like the way it is privately run.

No we don't. There are still millions without health care.

Horseshit! No one in the USA is being denied medical care today. Not having insurance does not mean you can't bet medical care. Ever hear of medicaid? the ignorance displayed by liberals on this subject is amazing.

If you get cancer you can quit your job, go on welfare and medicaid after you exhaust everything you have worked for. If you see that as a positive, well.................
nope, move your money to a trust. you should really learn how to protect your money. I don't normally offer such advice for free.

I see, you aren't interested in paying for your health care. You want it to be "free", let others pay for it.

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