America you royally fucked up

Obama brought it from 6,000 to 18,000. Let's hear you thank him.
Obama's legacy....
  • Record number of people on food stamps
  • Record number of people out of the labor force
  • Record level of national debt
  • Additional 3.7 million women pushed into poverty during his administration
  • Only president in U.S. history to not have at least one year of 3% or more GDP growth
You can "thank" him for that since you want the U.S. to fail. I won't.
How about record length of private sector job growth? How about high consumer confidence? Record setting stock market? Boost to median income? Oh and let's not forget record corporate profits.
When you say they made a stupid mistake, that is you disagreeing with them.

Egads you are clueless.
Common sense is common sense. I like Bernie Sanders. I don't care that you don't. I do care you were stupid enough to vote for Trump though.

The fact that you cannot distinguish between "common sense" and your personal opinion, is you having a completely closed mind.

It is not reflection on US Trump supporters.

That is a demonstration of YOUR INTELLECTUAL LIMITATIONS.
In months time, you'll realize I'm right.

And in little more than 2 hours time, you made us all realize just how much of a snob you are.
I'm not being a snob for pointing out the obvious. The world is either laughing at us or are in fear because an orangutan has control over nuclear weapons.

The world isn't laughing. The world largely doesn't give crap who we elect. You seriously think a tribesman in south Africa gives a flying crap that Donald trump, a man they don't know, willnow be president? Are you seriously so self centered that you believe they care what we do?

Besides which, who cares if they do laugh? Do you seriously live your life afraid of people laughing at you? Cause I hate to break it to you, anyone not up Obama's butt things you are a conplete joke and is laughing at you. Only an immature child bases their choices on what they think others will think.

Oh and speaking of Obama, calling him an orangutan seems a bit racist.
At least he didn't give nuclear weapons to our enemy like his opponent did . How dumb can liberals be, EASY too dumb to see the brick falling on their head. It's like the argument that the popular vote should choose the president NOW after they have for nearly two years touted the big advantage it gave their chosen queen!!! WAAAHHH I'm gonna take my toys and go home cause you won't change the rules and let me win!!!! The current occupant of the suit, and the failed candidate have been responsible for thousands of people dying needlessly, Trump has not yet killed anyone. That makes him a much better choice for a world leader. Regalist scum kill civilians by the hundreds daily on their vile whims with no positive result, or gain to the stability of the world. YOU MUST stop aggression by ANY ruling class elitist scum In this election WE DID, hopefully the vile disgusting vermin who drives this world wide assault will be exterminated soon, and we can rest. If complete genocide of some ruling class sects is warranted, SO BE IT as long as the result is safety and freedom with no residual threat..
Obama brought it from 6,000 to 18,000. Let's hear you thank him.
Obama's legacy....
  • Record number of people on food stamps
  • Record number of people out of the labor force
  • Record level of national debt
  • Additional 3.7 million women pushed into poverty during his administration
  • Only president in U.S. history to not have at least one year of 3% or more GDP growth
You can "thank" him for that since you want the U.S. to fail. I won't.

Add skyrocketing insurance costs
Common sense is common sense. I like Bernie Sanders. I don't care that you don't. I do care you were stupid enough to vote for Trump though.

The fact that you cannot distinguish between "common sense" and your personal opinion, is you having a completely closed mind.

It is not reflection on US Trump supporters.

That is a demonstration of YOUR INTELLECTUAL LIMITATIONS.
In months time, you'll realize I'm right.

And in little more than 2 hours time, you made us all realize just how much of a snob you are.
I'm not being a snob for pointing out the obvious. The world is either laughing at us or are in fear because an orangutan has control over nuclear weapons.

The world isn't laughing. The world largely doesn't give crap who we elect. You seriously think a tribesman in south Africa gives a flying crap that Donald trump, a man they don't know, willnow be president? Are you seriously so self centered that you believe they care what we do?

Besides which, who cares if they do laugh? Do you seriously live your life afraid of people laughing at you? Cause I hate to break it to you, anyone not up Obama's butt things you are a conplete joke and is laughing at you. Only an immature child bases their choices on what they think others will think.

Oh and speaking of Obama, calling him an orangutan seems a bit racist.

But maybe Iranians do. I mean, the sanctions against their country have hurt them a lot, they might not like their govt, but they're still struggling. They also don't want to be invaded and then left for shit like Iraq was.
I hope he fails.
I don't hope he fails. It's just a matter of high probability that he will.
You've already been proven wrong. The markets are up on the news of Trump's election alone and already Russia and Syria are making statements about a new era of peace. The dude hasn't even been sworn in yet and he's already accomplished more than Barack Obama did in 8 years. :lol:
Are you kidding me? The markets simply rebounded after they fell on the news of his election. God you people are stupid.
Dumb ass...last week it ended on a 5 year high. So unless he was elected 5 years ago, you look astoundingly stupid right now. :lol:

Dow closes at record high for fourth straight session
Obama brought it from 6,000 to 18,000.

Let's hear you thank him.

Okay, will you thank Trump for this?

Dow posts best week since 2011 after Donald Trump election win
Hmm who was president in 2011 again?


Joe: Who was president in 2011?
Obama: I was--
Joe: Donald Trump. It has to be.
Obama: Dammit Joe
Joe: Eric Holder! That's it!
Obama: Please stop Joe
Joe: No wait, it was Lois Lerner!
Obama: Joe please.
Joe: Bill DeBlasio?
Obama: I'm in the middle of the State of the Union address Joe.
Joe: Oh wait. It was you wasn't it?
Obama: Please, just shut. up. Joe
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Obama brought it from 6,000 to 18,000. Let's hear you thank him.
Obama's legacy....
  • Record number of people on food stamps
  • Record number of people out of the labor force
  • Record level of national debt
  • Additional 3.7 million women pushed into poverty during his administration
  • Only president in U.S. history to not have at least one year of 3% or more GDP growth
You can "thank" him for that since you want the U.S. to fail. I won't.
How about record length of private sector job growth? How about high consumer confidence? Record setting stock market? Boost to median income? Oh and let's not forget record corporate profits.
But there wasn't "record private sector job growth". A total of 10 million jobs were lost during the Obama Administration. A total of 9 million jobs were created. He still has a net loss of 1 million (and anyone being honest would recognize that the job growth didn't begin until the nation turned the House, their states, and their local governments over to the Republicans to save them).

The fact is Billy - if Obama had the result you claimed then it would literally be impossible for him to have had record number of people on food stamps, never see at least a single year of 3% GDP growth, etc.
Obama brought it from 6,000 to 18,000. Let's hear you thank him.
Obama's legacy....
  • Record number of people on food stamps
  • Record number of people out of the labor force
  • Record level of national debt
  • Additional 3.7 million women pushed into poverty during his administration
  • Only president in U.S. history to not have at least one year of 3% or more GDP growth
You can "thank" him for that since you want the U.S. to fail. I won't.
How about record length of private sector job growth? How about high consumer confidence? Record setting stock market? Boost to median income? Oh and let's not forget record corporate profits.
But there wasn't "record private sector job growth". A total of 10 million jobs were lost during the Obama Administration. A total of 9 million jobs were created. He still has a net loss of 1 million (and anyone being honest would recognize that the job growth didn't begin until the nation turned the House, their states, and their local governments over to the Republicans to save them).

The fact is Billy - if Obama had the result you claimed then it would literally be impossible for him to have had record number of people on food stamps, never see at least a single year of 3% GDP growth, etc.
K see this is where i point out your retardation. The Great Recession that began 4 months before Bush left office would of course spill into Obama's first 6 months months. The fact of the matter is that recession ended shortly after Obama's stimulus package went into affect around June 2009. Since then, we've had job growth ever since. Those are the facts.

Oh and all those jobs lost in the recession were regained. 15 million jobs were created during his years. You are wrong.
The fact that you cannot distinguish between "common sense" and your personal opinion, is you having a completely closed mind.

It is not reflection on US Trump supporters.

That is a demonstration of YOUR INTELLECTUAL LIMITATIONS.
In months time, you'll realize I'm right.

And in little more than 2 hours time, you made us all realize just how much of a snob you are.
I'm not being a snob for pointing out the obvious. The world is either laughing at us or are in fear because an orangutan has control over nuclear weapons.

The world isn't laughing. The world largely doesn't give crap who we elect. You seriously think a tribesman in south Africa gives a flying crap that Donald trump, a man they don't know, willnow be president? Are you seriously so self centered that you believe they care what we do?

Besides which, who cares if they do laugh? Do you seriously live your life afraid of people laughing at you? Cause I hate to break it to you, anyone not up Obama's butt things you are a conplete joke and is laughing at you. Only an immature child bases their choices on what they think others will think.

Oh and speaking of Obama, calling him an orangutan seems a bit racist.

But maybe Iranians do. I mean, the sanctions against their country have hurt them a lot, they might not like their govt, but they're still struggling. They also don't want to be invaded and then left for shit like Iraq was.

Then perhaps they shouldn't sponsor terrorism.

Regardless, only a freaking child goes into Tue voting booth and thinks "I can't vote for so and so or some Iranian dude I've never met will laugh at us, or be afraid of us."

no, people go in voting for the person they think will benefit themselves or their family most. Iranians be damned
K see this is where i point out your retardation. The Great Recession that began 4 months before Bush left office would of course spill into Obama's first 6 months months. The fact of the matter is that recession ended shortly after Obama's stimulus package went into affect around June 2009. Since then, we've had job growth ever since. Those are the facts.
Not even remotely true Billy. Donald Trump himself just proved that. Just his election caused markets to spike despite the fact that not one policy has changed, he can't implement one idea, and he's not even president yet.

The fact is, there was no "recession" until Barack Obama was elected. Just as the markets that have reacted to the fact that a pro-business candidate has been elected, the market reacted in late 2008 to an anti-business marxist being elected. Look at the numbers and the dates chief.
K see this is where i point out your retardation. The Great Recession that began 4 months before Bush left office would of course spill into Obama's first 6 months months. The fact of the matter is that recession ended shortly after Obama's stimulus package went into affect around June 2009. Since then, we've had job growth ever since. Those are the facts.
Not even remotely true Billy. Donald Trump himself just proved that. Just his election caused markets to spike despite the fact that not one policy has changed, he can't implement one idea, and he's not even president yet.

The fact is, there was no "recession" until Barack Obama was elected. Just as the markets that have reacted to the fact that a pro-business candidate has been elected, the market reacted in late 2008 to an anti-business marxist being elected. Look at the numbers and the dates chief.
How do you just ignore facts? Any economist will tell you that the recession began a few months before Obama took office. Not only that, but you are wrong about the amount of jobs created under Obama. It's closer to 15 million and the jobs lost was around 8 million.
How do you just ignore facts? Any economist will tell you that the recession began a few months before Obama took office. Not only that, but you are wrong about the amount of jobs created under Obama. It's closer to 15 million and the jobs lost was around 8 million.
Exactly. The markets panicked at his election and that coupled with the housing collapse (thanks to the Community Re-Investment Act) created the recession. Neither of which Bush had a hand in.

You're seeing the opposite results now. Instead of panicking, the markets are excited that a pro-business candidate has been elected.
In months time, you'll realize I'm right.

And in little more than 2 hours time, you made us all realize just how much of a snob you are.
I'm not being a snob for pointing out the obvious. The world is either laughing at us or are in fear because an orangutan has control over nuclear weapons.

The world isn't laughing. The world largely doesn't give crap who we elect. You seriously think a tribesman in south Africa gives a flying crap that Donald trump, a man they don't know, willnow be president? Are you seriously so self centered that you believe they care what we do?

Besides which, who cares if they do laugh? Do you seriously live your life afraid of people laughing at you? Cause I hate to break it to you, anyone not up Obama's butt things you are a conplete joke and is laughing at you. Only an immature child bases their choices on what they think others will think.

Oh and speaking of Obama, calling him an orangutan seems a bit racist.

But maybe Iranians do. I mean, the sanctions against their country have hurt them a lot, they might not like their govt, but they're still struggling. They also don't want to be invaded and then left for shit like Iraq was.

Then perhaps they shouldn't sponsor terrorism.

Regardless, only a freaking child goes into Tue voting booth and thinks "I can't vote for so and so or some Iranian dude I've never met will laugh at us, or be afraid of us."

no, people go in voting for the person they think will benefit themselves or their family most. Iranians be damned

Haha, sponsor terrorism. The US sponsors terrorism. Syria, Libya, in fact it's been doing it for a long time.

In fact Bush sent out his "democracy" people to take down the democratically elected leader of Venezuela. The US supported Pol Pot and a host of other dodgy leaders.

And NOW you're complaining about sponsoring terrorism.
How do you just ignore facts? Any economist will tell you that the recession began a few months before Obama took office. Not only that, but you are wrong about the amount of jobs created under Obama. It's closer to 15 million and the jobs lost was around 8 million.
Exactly. The markets panicked at his election and that coupled with the housing collapse (thanks to the Community Re-Investment Act) created the recession. Neither of which Bush had a hand in.

You're seeing the opposite results now. Instead of panicking, the markets are excited that a pro-business candidate has been elected.
Lol oh really? The markets panicked because of democrats huh? Then why did the recession end when dems had full control of the government?
Like you were "right" about Hillary Clinton becoming president? :lmao:
Yes, I think we all say underestimated the stupidity of American voters, of course, she still won the popular vote. You know, the most democratic way of winning.
And you do not seem to see how idiotic it is for you to walk around calling half the nation stupid.

Right here is the reason that Trump won in the first place, you and many like you cannot even conceive of a reality where intelligent people do not automatically agree with your closed mind.
So you actually think anyone that voted for Trump is intelligent? That's just insane. Look, you can hate Hillary all you want. I don't give a shit. I don't like her or the current leadership in the DNC but I still know ANYONE is a better choice than Trump.
Yes, I can acknoledge that intelligent people make decisions that I do not always agree with or hold positions that I also do not agree with.

Typically, most people understand this after they have become adults. I expect a young teenager to think everyone else is an idiot. I expect adults to have realized they do not know everything.
This isn't about people agreeing with me. This is about making a mistake as stupid as voting for Trump.

You contradicted yourself in less than 20 words. That is rather impressive.
This isn't about people agreeing with me. This is about making a mistake as stupid as voting for Trump.

When you say they made a stupid mistake, that is you disagreeing with them.

Egads you are clueless.
Common sense is common sense. I like Bernie Sanders. I don't care that you don't. I do care you were stupid enough to vote for Trump though.

The fact that you cannot distinguish between "common sense" and your personal opinion, is you having a completely closed mind.

It is not reflection on US Trump supporters.

That is a demonstration of YOUR INTELLECTUAL LIMITATIONS.
And you do not seem to see how idiotic it is for you to walk around calling half the nation stupid.

Right here is the reason that Trump won in the first place, you and many like you cannot even conceive of a reality where intelligent people do not automatically agree with your closed mind.
So you actually think anyone that voted for Trump is intelligent? That's just insane. Look, you can hate Hillary all you want. I don't give a shit. I don't like her or the current leadership in the DNC but I still know ANYONE is a better choice than Trump.
Yes, I can acknoledge that intelligent people make decisions that I do not always agree with or hold positions that I also do not agree with.

Typically, most people understand this after they have become adults. I expect a young teenager to think everyone else is an idiot. I expect adults to have realized they do not know everything.
This isn't about people agreeing with me. This is about making a mistake as stupid as voting for Trump.
Keep pouting. It's endlessly entertaining.

For us, that is.
If my pouting makes you forget how stupid you were for voting for Trump, then I envy your simple mind. I wish I had a childish defense mechanism to turn to.
You clearly do.

Stomping your feed and demanding that everyone who did not agree with you and vote Hillary (or whoever you voted for rather than Trump) is stupid clearly qualifies as a childish defense mechanism.
How do you just ignore facts? Any economist will tell you that the recession began a few months before Obama took office. Not only that, but you are wrong about the amount of jobs created under Obama. It's closer to 15 million and the jobs lost was around 8 million.
Exactly. The markets panicked at his election and that coupled with the housing collapse (thanks to the Community Re-Investment Act) created the recession. Neither of which Bush had a hand in.

You're seeing the opposite results now. Instead of panicking, the markets are excited that a pro-business candidate has been elected.
Lol oh really? The markets panicked because of democrats huh? Then why did the recession end when dems had full control of the government?
The markets didn't panic over the Dumbocrats. They panicked over Barack Obama - a devout marxist who campaigned on bringing pain to corporate America.

And the economy didn't recover while Dumbocrats had full control of government. 8 years later, we've yet to see even 3% GDP growth. What improvements we did see came after the 2010 mid-terms when the American people handed over the majority of the nation to conservatives.
I hope he fails.
I don't hope he fails. It's just a matter of high probability that he will.
In months time, you'll realize I'm right.
You've already been proven wrong. The markets are up on the news of Trump's election alone and already Russia and Syria are making statements about a new era of peace. The dude hasn't even been sworn in yet and he's already accomplished more than Barack Obama did in 8 years. :lol:
Are you kidding me? The markets simply rebounded after they fell on the news of his election. God you people are stupid.
Dumb ass...last week it ended on a 5 year high. So unless he was elected 5 years ago, you look astoundingly stupid right now. :lol:

Dow closes at record high for fourth straight session
Oh you mean business as usual for Obama's adminstration? Got it.
Well stupid....if the last time it was this high was 5 years ago, then it is clearly not "business as usual" under the Obama Administration. Five years is more than an entire term for a president. That means it took Donald Trump being elected for his entire second term to see numbers this high. He should thank Trump. :lol:

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