America you royally fucked up

Okay, look. I am shocked by the result. I am devastated. And yeah, I won't deny I predicted Hillary would win this election several times on this forum so save your "I told you so"s.

America you fucked up. I don't say that because Hillary lost - I say it because Trump won. America is too dumb to know how dumb it is I guess. Trump will run this country into the ground.

Of course to be quite honest I suspect Trump will quit two months into his adminstration and the Pence the Teabagger will still fuck things up
We fucked up by giving Republicans total control
Amazing that it's looking like Democrats are going to win the national popular vote, yet lose the electoral college vote.

Yup, all those illegal immigrants and prisoner votes worked out good for Dems.
In months time, you'll realize I'm right.
Even the liberal media is now illustrating something that Billy000 is clearly not capable of doing: showing the humility to admit remarkable ignorance.
  • This is all symptomatic of modern journalism’s great moral and intellectual failing: its unbearable smugness.
  • The audience for our glib analysis and contempt for much of the electorate, it turned out, was rather limited. This was particularly true when it came to voters, the ones who turned out by the millions to deliver not only a rebuke to the political system but also the people who cover it.
  • That’s the fantasy, the idea that if we mock them enough, call them racist enough, they’ll eventually shut up and get in line.
Commentary: The unbearable smugness of the press
Okay, look. I am shocked by the result. I am devastated. And yeah, I won't deny I predicted Hillary would win this election several times on this forum so save your "I told you so"s.

America you fucked up. I don't say that because Hillary lost - I say it because Trump won. America is too dumb to know how dumb it is I guess. Trump will run this country into the ground.

Of course to be quite honest I suspect Trump will quit two months into his adminstration and the Pence the Teabagger will still fuck things up
We fucked up by giving Republicans total control

It was Trump vs the frump. Trump won. kwityerbitchin
We fucked up by giving Republicans total control
But you didn't give Republicans "total control". The American people did. The fact that you people want claim credit for everything, even when the other side is in power speaks to the astounding smugness and inability to show humility.

You people "f*cked up" by embracing and then forcing a bat-shit crazy ideology on the American people. They woke up when you started insisting that their children should be forced to change and shower with grown adults with extreme sexual deviant behaviors and mental disturbances of the opposite sex.

But as we see from your post sealy, your side don't have the common sense or humility to respect the American people, embrace decency along side of them, and reverse course.
Okay, look. I am shocked by the result. I am devastated. And yeah, I won't deny I predicted Hillary would win this election several times on this forum so save your "I told you so"s.

America you fucked up. I don't say that because Hillary lost - I say it because Trump won. America is too dumb to know how dumb it is I guess. Trump will run this country into the ground.

Of course to be quite honest I suspect Trump will quit two months into his administration and the Pence the Teabagger will still fuck things up
We fucked up by giving Republicans total control

Let's put it this way, Republicans didn't win, you lost. Why? Because you chose to ignore white working class voters altogether, and you chose to marginalize them, along other people who supported Trump by affixing negative labels on them. In that sense, you did fuck up. Badly. This time, your tried and trusted tactic of playing identity politics with the American electorate backfired. They rejected you and your message. That is why you have an incoming fully Republican government with a president with the keys to the soul of America.
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How do you just ignore facts? Any economist will tell you that the recession began a few months before Obama took office. Not only that, but you are wrong about the amount of jobs created under Obama. It's closer to 15 million and the jobs lost was around 8 million.
Exactly. The markets panicked at his election and that coupled with the housing collapse (thanks to the Community Re-Investment Act) created the recession. Neither of which Bush had a hand in.

You're seeing the opposite results now. Instead of panicking, the markets are excited that a pro-business candidate has been elected.
Lol oh really? The markets panicked because of democrats huh? Then why did the recession end when dems had full control of the government?
The markets didn't panic over the Dumbocrats. They panicked over Barack Obama - a devout marxist who campaigned on bringing pain to corporate America.

And the economy didn't recover while Dumbocrats had full control of government. 8 years later, we've yet to see even 3% GDP growth. What improvements we did see came after the 2010 mid-terms when the American people handed over the majority of the nation to conservatives.
The market did fully recover. See when Obama took office, GDP was in the negatives. Now it isn't. The recession ended in June of 2009 when dems were in full control. Oh and the unemployment rate is now lower than republicans even promised it would be had Romney won the election.

These are facts.
I hope he fails.
I don't hope he fails. It's just a matter of high probability that he will.
In months time, you'll realize I'm right.
You've already been proven wrong. The markets are up on the news of Trump's election alone and already Russia and Syria are making statements about a new era of peace. The dude hasn't even been sworn in yet and he's already accomplished more than Barack Obama did in 8 years. :lol:
Are you kidding me? The markets simply rebounded after they fell on the news of his election. God you people are stupid.
Dumb ass...last week it ended on a 5 year high. So unless he was elected 5 years ago, you look astoundingly stupid right now. :lol:

Dow closes at record high for fourth straight session
Oh you mean business as usual for Obama's adminstration? Got it.
Well stupid....if the last time it was this high was 5 years ago, then it is clearly not "business as usual" under the Obama Administration. Five years is more than an entire term for a president. That means it took Donald Trump being elected for his entire second term to see numbers this high. He should thank Trump. :lol:
Lol how about you compare the stock market in the last few years to the stock market when Bush left office?
Oh and the unemployment rate is now lower than republicans even promised it would be had Romney won the election. These are facts.
No, really, that isn't even remotely factual. Obama celebrates and then lowers the unemployment rate every time someone is so dejected that they give up and drop out of the labor force. That's why he has a record number of people out of the labor force.

If anything you've said was even remotely true - then Obama would have had at least one year of 3% GDP growth. Logic just isn't you're strong point.
Lol how about you compare the stock market in the last few years to the stock market when Bush left office?
The stock market when Bush took office was reacting to a devout marxist being elected just as the stock market skyrocketing right now is reacting to a pro-business candidate. Logic is clearly not your strong point.
Okay, look. I am shocked by the result. I am devastated. And yeah, I won't deny I predicted Hillary would win this election several times on this forum so save your "I told you so"s.

America you fucked up. I don't say that because Hillary lost - I say it because Trump won. America is too dumb to know how dumb it is I guess. Trump will run this country into the ground.

Of course to be quite honest I suspect Trump will quit two months into his adminstration and the Pence the Teabagger will still fuck things up
I found both candidates too untasteful to vote for, so I didn't. The actual dumb ones though were the Clinton supporters.
It was comprised mostly of shallow-minded individuals with their faces buried in their cellphones, constantly tweeting short clips to their friends, sipping on their lattes, watching idiotic so-called reality shows like the Kardashians and Jersey Shore and upon hearing any sentence they didn't like wanted to retreat to their "safe-place" on campuses and say that they had just experienced.....micro-aggression, whatever the hell that is. They insisted that people must be "politically correct" and be careful of what they say for fear of offending someone, apparently unaware that the First Amendment in the U.S. Constitution, the law of our nation, clearly states that "the freedom of speech shall not be abridged (abridged meaning shortened or curtailed)." They've been coddled all their lives, told they were special and that a government is supposed to take care of them.
Part of the reason people voted for Trump, was that much of the public was getting sick of politically correct, your speech is offending me. Be careful with what you say. You're being micro-aggressive. Whites are privileged (I had to laugh at that one). Tour around The Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, et cetera and you will find plenty of extremely poor whites in the rural areas, whites who actually voted for that blowhard.
This was also about people paying attention to what has been happening in Europe, even though mainstream media has been avoiding the topic; and they don't want this nation to end up like Europe, an eventual Islamic state with Muslim Clerics ruling the populace and women reduced to only being worthwhile as breeding stock.
Okay, look. I am shocked by the result. I am devastated. And yeah, I won't deny I predicted Hillary would win this election several times on this forum so save your "I told you so"s.

America you fucked up. I don't say that because Hillary lost - I say it because Trump won. America is too dumb to know how dumb it is I guess. Trump will run this country into the ground.

Of course to be quite honest I suspect Trump will quit two months into his adminstration and the Pence the Teabagger will still fuck things up

You fucked up when you picked a corrupt, arrogant criminal to oppose him
I fucking didn't vote for Hillary. I voted for Bernie. Either way, I would still take Hillary over that orange dumpster anyday of the week.
No, you didn't vote for Bernie. Bernie wasn't running. You voted for Trump. Do you realize now what a fucking idiot you are?
No you dumbass we were talking about the primaries. I voted for Bernie, not Hillary. Christ if something seems amiss, re-read the conversation.
Like you were "right" about Hillary Clinton becoming president? :lmao:
Yes, I think we all say underestimated the stupidity of American voters, of course, she still won the popular vote. You know, the most democratic way of winning.
And you do not seem to see how idiotic it is for you to walk around calling half the nation stupid.

Right here is the reason that Trump won in the first place, you and many like you cannot even conceive of a reality where intelligent people do not automatically agree with your closed mind.
So you actually think anyone that voted for Trump is intelligent? That's just insane. Look, you can hate Hillary all you want. I don't give a shit. I don't like her or the current leadership in the DNC but I still know ANYONE is a better choice than Trump.
Yes, I can acknoledge that intelligent people make decisions that I do not always agree with or hold positions that I also do not agree with.

Typically, most people understand this after they have become adults. I expect a young teenager to think everyone else is an idiot. I expect adults to have realized they do not know everything.
This isn't about people agreeing with me. This is about making a mistake as stupid as voting for Trump.
It wasn't a mistake, moron. Putting the criminal Hillary in office would have been a mistake. She planned on looting America.
And you do not seem to see how idiotic it is for you to walk around calling half the nation stupid.

Right here is the reason that Trump won in the first place, you and many like you cannot even conceive of a reality where intelligent people do not automatically agree with your closed mind.
So you actually think anyone that voted for Trump is intelligent? That's just insane. Look, you can hate Hillary all you want. I don't give a shit. I don't like her or the current leadership in the DNC but I still know ANYONE is a better choice than Trump.
Yes, I can acknoledge that intelligent people make decisions that I do not always agree with or hold positions that I also do not agree with.

Typically, most people understand this after they have become adults. I expect a young teenager to think everyone else is an idiot. I expect adults to have realized they do not know everything.
This isn't about people agreeing with me. This is about making a mistake as stupid as voting for Trump.
Keep pouting. It's endlessly entertaining.

For us, that is.
If my pouting makes you forget how stupid you were for voting for Trump, then I envy your simple mind. I wish I had a childish defense mechanism to turn to.
Calling someone stupid because you don't like their vote isn't an argument. In fact, it isn't anything.
If my pouting makes you forget how stupid you were for voting for Trump, then I envy your simple mind. I wish I had a childish defense mechanism to turn to.
Calling someone stupid because you don't like their vote isn't an argument. In fact, it isn't anything.
Billy-boi was given a participation trophy his entire life and taught that he doesn't have to work for anything. As such, he doesn't know how to deal with being thoroughly defeated. This is his way of throwing his game controller after losing.
K see this is where i point out your retardation. The Great Recession that began 4 months before Bush left office would of course spill into Obama's first 6 months months. The fact of the matter is that recession ended shortly after Obama's stimulus package went into affect around June 2009. Since then, we've had job growth ever since. Those are the facts.

Oh and all those jobs lost in the recession were regained. 15 million jobs were created during his years. You are wrong.
Explain how money going into government coffers turned the economy around. You keep ejaculating the belief but never explain how it works. Taking money from the private sector and giving it to the public sector doesn't create any wealth. You believe in a fairy tale.
This isn't about people agreeing with me. This is about making a mistake as stupid as voting for Trump.
It wasn't a mistake, moron. Putting the criminal Hillary in office would have been a mistake. She planned on looting America.
What do you mean "planned on" looting America? She's been looting America for over 30 years now. The American people finally got tired of it.
Okay, look. I am shocked by the result. I am devastated. And yeah, I won't deny I predicted Hillary would win this election several times on this forum so save your "I told you so"s.

America you fucked up. I don't say that because Hillary lost - I say it because Trump won. America is too dumb to know how dumb it is I guess. Trump will run this country into the ground.

Of course to be quite honest I suspect Trump will quit two months into his adminstration and the Pence the Teabagger will still fuck things up

You fucked up when you picked a corrupt, arrogant criminal to oppose him
I fucking didn't vote for Hillary. I voted for Bernie. Either way, I would still take Hillary over that orange dumpster anyday of the week.
No, you didn't vote for Bernie. Bernie wasn't running. You voted for Trump. Do you realize now what a fucking idiot you are?
No you dumbass we were talking about the primaries. I voted for Bernie, not Hillary. Christ if something seems amiss, re-read the conversation.

So you did vote for Hillary, you lied. The quote was clear. You could have said you preferred Bernie, but you lied when you said you didn't vote for Hillary, you did
How do you just ignore facts? Any economist will tell you that the recession began a few months before Obama took office. Not only that, but you are wrong about the amount of jobs created under Obama. It's closer to 15 million and the jobs lost was around 8 million.
Exactly. The markets panicked at his election and that coupled with the housing collapse (thanks to the Community Re-Investment Act) created the recession. Neither of which Bush had a hand in.

You're seeing the opposite results now. Instead of panicking, the markets are excited that a pro-business candidate has been elected.
Lol oh really? The markets panicked because of democrats huh? Then why did the recession end when dems had full control of the government?

A liberals mind is a strange one for some reason they think business start booming when they put high taxes and regulations on them.

Okay, look. I am shocked by the result. I am devastated. And yeah, I won't deny I predicted Hillary would win this election several times on this forum so save your "I told you so"s.

America you fucked up. I don't say that because Hillary lost - I say it because Trump won. America is too dumb to know how dumb it is I guess. Trump will run this country into the ground.

Of course to be quite honest I suspect Trump will quit two months into his adminstration and the Pence the Teabagger will still fuck things up

YOU are an idiot, the country is already being run into the fucking ground.

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