American Bar Association: LGBT people entitled to basic human rights & protections

Once again another far left post fail.

The government has no business being involved in the aspect of "Marriage".

Especially if you want a real separation of church and state.

But of course lefty's agenda has never been about homo marriage as such. It's about social engineering, the imposition of his morality.
But of course lefty's agenda was never about homo marriage as such. It's about social engineering, the imposition of his morality.

I do not care if two males or two females, or a human and a dog wants to get "Married". The government should not be issuing licenses for such things. If you remove the aspect of one "spouse" being able to get a portion of their "partners" social security, the whole issue of "Marriage" on the government scale becomes moot.

Call it a civil union and have all the legal aspects be the same and it solves most of the problems. However, these wacko activists have latched on to the term "Marriage" to punish the church for making them feel as if they are an abomination of nature.

Social engineering has been the fore front of the far left agenda, so you can see why they latched on this supposed cause.

So many believe that once you are "Married" that everything is automatic. It is not, you still need to legally have a will in order to prevent the state from become the defacto. There is still a lot of legal paper work involved.

Who cares what people do with their lives, just get the government out of it.
Once again another far left post fail.

The government has no business being involved in the aspect of "Marriage".

Especially if you want a real separation of church and state.
Then by that statement and declaration you would definitely agree that states have no business fighting to keep the bans on Same-Sex Marriage correct? And their governors and attorneys general should also refrain from that fight.They should therefore get out of that business and simply allow for Same-Sex marriage in all 50 states, unequivocally. I do agree with you on that.
You realize that your observation is a mindless non sequitur, don't you?
Says the guy that put a swastika on top of a LGBT flag, and made out like homosexuals are Nazis. It isn't a non sequitur, as fascism* is not the same as national socialism*. I thus had to answer first your premise that LGBT groups are 'Nazis' (which is offensive to the victims of the holocaust), and then your claim that homosexuals are 'fascist'.

*Mussolini and Franco represent mainstream fascism, whereas National Socialism is a separate-sub category.
What gays are not entitled to is approval and good will. That's where their demands go off the rails. Even if they have the right to legally marry they are not entitled to approval of that marriage from any other person and are absolutely not entitled to the good will of a single person.
What a wonderful defense of your beliefs, almost as good as a second grade dropout.

It wasn't a defense of my belief, it was dismissing yours as immaterial. It doesn't matter if you "believe" government should "get out of the marriage biz". They aren't. It also does not matter if you "believe" marriage is only between a man and a woman. It isn't.
And we don't care what you "believe". Gays are marrying in something like 19 states and counting. Your "beliefs" are immaterial.

Well we already know that's how you and the rest of the militant "homosexuals" all feel about the rest of the people in this country. what do you call them, hetros? . It' all about what you want. The rest of them can go to hell
what The American Bar Assoc. SAYS. means NOTHING to the majority of the people in the country. In fact they find lawyers/attorneys to be lower than snakes
Well we already know that's how you and the rest of the militant "homosexuals" all feel about the rest of the people in this country. what do you call them, hetros? . It' all about what you want. The rest of them can go to hell

I don't actually believe in hell so I don't care where they go just as I don't care what they "believe". What do we call who, heterosexuals? It depends. I call some heterosexuals "Mom and Dad", "Grandma and Grandpa", "son and daughter", etc. Random heterosexuals I usually say "oh, he's straight". I don't use "hetero". Why do you use "homosexual" instead of saying gay?

Since what I want is equality, you're right, it is all about what I want.
The reason government should be involved in it is because it is civil rights. I think just about everyone has equal civil rights now except gay people. Even criminals have right gay people do not.

Married people have many rights and benefits that unmarried people do not have.

If your spouse or next of kin is in intensive care and about to die only a spouse or immediate family is allowed in.

If you are married you can be on your spouse’s health insurance

If you have to file bankruptcy you can file jointly instead of separately.

If your spouse dies you inherit the house and all the assets

A spouse does not have to testify against you in a court of law.

Spouses get discounts off of car insurance etc.

Joint credit

Social security benefits

There are probably hundreds of rights and benefits that you would never think of that are denied gay people, most of them because of the lack of a marriage.

You can be a convicted murderer or child abuser and you have more rights than a gay couple. Most of the items listed above

“No, we can’t give that to gay people…….”


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So straights marry so they can plunder another's Social Security money.....interesting.

Another far left response fail!

Get the government out of the business of "Marriage".

why? so you can discriminate against people?

lmao... luckily the constitution protects people from the likes of you.

marriage has ALWAYS been the purview of government. get a clue and luckily bigots like you don't get to change that.
Marriage is a LEGAL contract. Recognized by the federal government and the state governments and as such certain benefits apply vs unmarried people. Therefore government must be involved. It is also a CIVIL RIGHT S issue. It is difficult to understand why a gay couple should not have the same rights and protections under the law as married people. Why are we still discriminating against gays? See my prior post.

I should also add income tax benefits to the list above.
Marriage is a LEGAL contract. Recognized by the federal government and the state governments and as such certain benefits apply vs unmarried people. Therefore government must be involved. It is also a CIVIL RIGHT S issue. It is difficult to understand why a gay couple should not have the same rights and protections under the law as married people. Why are we still discriminating against gays? See my prior post.

I should also add income tax benefits to the list above.
So straights marry so they can plunder another's Social Security money.....interesting.

Another far left response fail!

Get the government out of the business of "Marriage".

why? so you can discriminate against people?

lmao... luckily the constitution protects people from the likes of you.

marriage has ALWAYS been the purview of government. get a clue and luckily bigots like you don't get to change that.

What is the ultimate homosexual agenda? If they could have a legal civil union with the same rights as married heteros, legal contracts and all, ok . But let's call it a civil union, not marriage. And I'm happy that it's becoming accepted that you're born that way. But they wouldn't be happy. They want to be considered the same as a man and a woman, husband and wife, married. They're disturbed and angry and want to tear down the concept of marriage. And yeah, it dishonors my Mother when some guy talks about being a good wife to his husband.
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What is the ultimate homosexual agenda? If they could have a legal civil union with the same rights as married heteros, legal contracts and all, ok . But let's call it a civil union, not marriage. And I'm happy that it's becoming accepted that you're born that way. But they wouldn't be happy. They want to be considered the same as a man and a woman, husband and wife, married. They're disturbed and angry and want to tear down the concept of marriage. And yeah, it dishonors my Mother when some guy talks about being a good wife to his husband.

Nope. Sorry crazy person but you're wrong. Change the name if you don't want gays using "marriage", we don't care. What is not acceptable is civil unions for gays, civil marriage for straights. Civil unions or civil marriage for all. You can pick.
So straights marry so they can plunder another's Social Security money.....interesting.

Another far left response fail!

Get the government out of the business of "Marriage".

why? so you can discriminate against people?

lmao... luckily the constitution protects people from the likes of you.

marriage has ALWAYS been the purview of government. get a clue and luckily bigots like you don't get to change that.

What is the ultimate homosexual agenda? If they could have a legal civil union with the same rights as married heteros, legal contracts and all, ok . But let's call it a civil union, not marriage. And I'm happy that it's becoming accepted that you're born that way. But they wouldn't be happy. They want to be considered the same as a man and a woman, husband and wife, married. They're disturbed and angry and want to tear down the concept of marriage. And yeah, it dishonors my Mother when some guy talks about being a good wife to his husband.

the "agenda" is to be treated like everyone else as the law requires. first, brown v board of ed already held that separate but equal is not equal treatment as required by the constitution. second, loving v Virginia has already held that marriage is a fundamental right which cannot be infringed upon without very very good cause. your bigotry is not that cause.
Third, no, you do not obtain via some fabricated "civil union", the same rights and obligations obtained via marriage. Fourth, no one should have to say, "i'm civil unioned"... they want to be and should be married.

the only ones disturbed and angry are you bigots. and luckily, the constitution doesn't care what gives you offense. you give me offence.

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