American Bar Association: LGBT people entitled to basic human rights & protections

QWB and his nonsense continues to get beat down.

LGBT have the basic right to marriage equality.

The fact that I understand that government entitlements are not rights is not proof I want to deny people access to those entitlements on any basis other than my general opposition to all government entitlements.
If I get your implication correctly you fear God's wrath if you allow LGBT marriage? If so then:

Was Lot punished for the sins of the wicked within Sodom & Gomorrah? Did God himself not say that if there were but 10 good men were found, he would spare them all?

It always puzzles me that the faithful seem to have no faith in God's decision to give mankind free will. I am no believer, but if my sexual preferences over right all the good I do in my life, then that is a punishment I will accept responsibility for. Why do the faithful insist upon trying to "protect" me from a punishment I do not believe in, and one that I am willing to accept?

It always amazes me, though not really, that so many are utterly clueless about the distinction between positive and negative rights, and, beyond the concerns of fundamental political rights, can't grasp the tyrannical violation that the imposition of the former is against inalienable rights.

As I have written elsewhere, this is what folks like you will never understand and what traditionalists are not going to tolerate from the likes of you:

What's scary is that so many don't grasp the evil of sexual depravity, its destructive and oppressive nature. What's disgraceful is mocking decency with irrelevancies because you're too morally bankrupt, cowardly and stupid to address the real objections of empowering the state to officially impose the farce that homo marriage is on the Republic. What's deplorable is your ignorance regarding the distinction between positive rights and negative rights, your ignorance regarding the actual outcomes of imposing the former predicated on behavior that is contrary to nature and the imperatives of natural law. What's creepy is the inability of the reprobate mind to perceive the obvious violations of the prerogatives of free-association and private property that such governmental action perpetrates on a free people.

What's risible is that you think your pseudo-intellectual sloganeering—your mindless parroting of politically correct claptrap, the post-modern depravity of Neo-Freudian cultural Marxism—is real science or the stuff of your own thinking.

And what is unforgivable apart from God's mercy is your depraved indifference to the arrogance of pagan whores imposing their filth in the state schools in violation of parental consent as if you punks owned our children and the trampling on the rights of traditionalists via the homofascism of public accommodation codes.

It is you statist pagans who are the inbred, nose-picking hayseeds of America, the pitchfork-wielding barbarians of historical illiteracy.

Check? --M.D. Rawlings
God didn't forbid same sex couples getting married. And our country wasn't founded on marriage.

There isn't minority trying to monopolize anything, it's just trying to break a monopoly of the majority. That was a founding principle.

You're a liar on both counts or just prattling the pabulum of a child. Take your pick.
The fact that I understand that government entitlements are not rights is not proof I want to deny people access to those entitlements on any basis other than my general opposition to all government entitlements.
Your definition of entitlements and rights are not mainstream, so they don't matter.
You're a liar on both counts or just prattling the pabulum of a child. Take your pick.

Says the child on pabulum.

One, God says nothing about marriage equality.

Two, the United States is not founded on the Bible.

Three, you are not a classical liberal, far from it
It shouldn't be as God forbids it. We shouldn't have a minority of people so small of a percentage in population to monopolize and desecrate a moral American tradition that has been one of the cornerstone founding principles that has sustained this country since it's inception.
Which of the many gods are you referring to?
Something that the far left does not understand, is nothing is stopping same sex marriage, it just that they want to government to recognize it. So they can plunder another's Social Security money.

Explains why the far left is for it.

Get the government out of the business of "Marriage".
So straights marry so they can plunder another's Social Security money.....interesting.
She's right and Kosh, the far right reactionary drone bot is wrong.

Right now we hetero marrieds get the break. That's flat wrong.
Another far left response fail!

Get the government out of the business of "Marriage".
Ok....let us assume for a moment that that would ever happen....what have YOU actively done to get government out of the business of "marriage"? You are not legally married, correct?
They've always been accorded basic human rights and protections. You're assertion is silly. What they have not always been accorded and are still not entitled to is governmentally imposed acceptance in violation of the inalienable rights of others, which is what you're really talking about. In other words, "human rights and protections" in this instance is the statist's code speak for homofascism.

You realize that the Nazis put homosexuals in concentration camps, alongside political dissidents and the Jews right? Also there is a distinction between National Socialism, and the true fascism of Mussolini, Franco and Pinochet. Comparing with Franco would have been the better analogy as his state was very religiously conservative.
You realize that the Nazis put homosexuals in concentration camps, alongside political dissidents and the Jews right? Also there is a distinction between National Socialism, and the true fascism of Mussolini, Franco and Pinochet. Comparing with Franco would have been the better analogy as his state was very religiously conservative.

You realize that your observation is a mindless non sequitur, don't you?
I agree there should have basic human rights and protection. But marriage it should be between man and woman


Well, civil marriage has been declared a fundamental right. Your religion is free to discriminate, the government is not.
Ok....let us assume for a moment that that would ever happen....what have YOU actively done to get government out of the business of "marriage"? You are not legally married, correct?

Once again another far left post fail.

The government has no business being involved in the aspect of "Marriage".

Especially if you want a real separation of church and state.

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