American Bar Association: LGBT people entitled to basic human rights & protections

probably more people shack up in this day and age then get married, yet here they are

all over marriage...they can still take the other to court and take everything they have if they split if that what they're worried about. they don't have to be married

good grief, its' never ending

the majority of the people are against slavery, they don't whine over that
the majority of the people are AGAINST homosexual marriage, they WHINE over that and are going to FORCE on you one or another
You're wrong again, Steph, and right on schedule. The majority of people in this country are not against same-sex marriage, they are FOR it. The number now stands at between 55-59% of Americans now for it fyi.

That depends entirely on how the question is phrased.

It Depends How You Ask the Question | Matthew J. Franck | First Things

But, please, keep basing your arguments on opinion polls and talking points, just like Stephanie. It saves intelligent people from having to point out that you really have no argument other than the opinion of other people.
The Randy Report: American Bar Association: LGBT people entitled to basic human rights & protections

KUDOS to the American Bar Association for their wonderful resolution that people should take good notice of and heed.

No one needs to be entitled with rights, they are born with them, and those rights do not give anyone the right to demand anything of anyone else.

Now, to address the resolution, what good does the ABA think it is going to do to pass a resolution against laws in other countries?
Yes, we were ALL born with rights no doubt about that but I only wish Conservatives knew and understood that.

But the problem stems from the fact that those who think they are better and superior to others will deny those they think are beneath them of those rights therefore marginalizing them. When they do that then many people inevitably suffer and that is not good. And that is why they have to continue their struggle and fight for Equality that they are so deserving of due to those inalienable rights that they were given in this fine country under the Fourteenth Amendment.

As to the resolution, it primarily helps LGBT citizens right here in this country. And while there is no doubt they would hope it would also have a far-reaching effect into other countries also, we are concerned with our own at the moment and that is the main goal. We can and will, however, continue the fight to try to change bigoted minds and hearts in other countries as well.

Which conservatives is it you think don't understand that people are born with right? Give me names, and link me to the evidence that they disagree with that statement.

I, on the other hand, can easily point you to plenty of people who are not conservative who insist that rights are granted by the government, and do not exist at all unless their is a government available to grant them, many of them right here on this board. Maybe you should pull your bigoted head out of your tight ass and take a look at the real world.

As for your ridiculous claim that a resolution that states a call for lawyers in other countries to fight for the right of gay people not to be killed for being gay in other countries somehow helps gays here in this country, it is dismissed as pure drivel.

Wait, let me guess, you didn't actually read the resolution before you started this thread, and still haven't despite the fact that I pointed out that it had nothing to do with the laws here because it doesn't fit your agenda of making yourself look incredibly stupid and idiotic.
You're right. And centuries ago Same-Sex Marriage was certainly allowed, as a scholarly university professor and Chairman of the History Department of Yale, a prestigious university, found out. Everyone should read this scholarly article.

Anthropologist Community - When Same-Sex Marriage Was a Christian Rite

Neither the first, nor 'correct link' link on that livejournal link work to get the original article. But I saved the webpage and put it in my 'things to mess with homophobes heads' dir. :)

Looking for the original I find references to it by the Jesuits here,
Internet History Sourcebooks Project

"Another Version of a Union Rite
By Nicholas Zymaris [independent Orthodox scholar]


This service is a rite of the Eastern Orthodox Church dating from very early times and assuming its present form between the fourth and ninth centuries AD."

And another version here, though still not the original,

Only been looking for a few minutes but it seems like the Powers used that thing in one of the Batman movies that scours the internet erasing all trace of you but on the article. :)

You have no idea how the world works, do you?

Give in Dr. Fruitloop do tell me.
Last edited by a moderator:
Neither the first, nor 'correct link' link on that livejournal link work to get the original article. But I saved the webpage and put it in my 'things to mess with homophobes heads' dir. :)

Looking for the original I find references to it by the Jesuits here,
Internet History Sourcebooks Project

"Another Version of a Union Rite
By Nicholas Zymaris [independent Orthodox scholar]


This service is a rite of the Eastern Orthodox Church dating from very early times and assuming its present form between the fourth and ninth centuries AD."

And another version here, though still not the original,

Only been looking for a few minutes but it seems like the Powers used that thing in one of the Batman movies that scours the internet erasing all trace of you but on the article. :)

You have no idea how the world works, do you?

Give in Dr. Fruitloop do tell me.

There is no way to disappear anything from the internet, which is why you are able to link to an article that the author of did not care enough about to keep his site up.
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God didn't forbid same sex couples getting married. And our country wasn't founded on marriage.

There isn't minority trying to monopolize anything, it's just trying to break a monopoly of the majority. That was a founding principle.
You're right. And centuries ago Same-Sex Marriage was certainly allowed, as a scholarly university professor and Chairman of the History Department of Yale, a prestigious university, found out. Everyone should read this scholarly article.

Anthropologist Community - When Same-Sex Marriage Was a Christian Rite

You are quite adept at finding bogus articles to support your delusions, you should be thankful you have a talent that is so useless in the real world. this one was so good that even the corrected link leads to a dead end.
Professor John Boswell was the writer of that fine article and his article is most certainly not bogus you should know. The link you are referring to that you say leads to a dead end is apparently one that was discarded as perhaps they changed their mind on any updates they may have had in mind?

The article by Professor Boswell is right there for anyone to clearly read anytime they want. That article stands proud and tall on its own professional merits.

If you're looking to read more about Professor Boswell, you can use the links provided under "Books Written by Prof. John Boswell" Both those links are working.
God didn't forbid same sex couples getting married. And our country wasn't founded on marriage.

There isn't minority trying to monopolize anything, it's just trying to break a monopoly of the majority. That was a founding principle.
You're right. And centuries ago Same-Sex Marriage was certainly allowed, as a scholarly university professor and Chairman of the History Department of Yale, a prestigious university, found out. Everyone should read this scholarly article.

Anthropologist Community - When Same-Sex Marriage Was a Christian Rite

You are quite adept at finding bogus articles to support your delusions, you should be thankful you have a talent that is so useless in the real world. this one was so good that even the corrected link leads to a dead end.

Isn't a bogus article as per my link to a respected university with Jesuits addressing the article.
You have no idea how the world works, do you?

Give in Dr. Fruitloop do tell me.

There is no way to disappear anything from the internet, which is why you are able to link to an article that the author of did not care enough about to keep his site up.

Really? Suppose it's impossible to hack your way into uranium enrichment centrifuges or a airliner's navigation systems too. Thanks for the wisdom.

Things in movies set in, or near present time, are in movies most of the time because they have a basis in fact.
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You're right. And centuries ago Same-Sex Marriage was certainly allowed, as a scholarly university professor and Chairman of the History Department of Yale, a prestigious university, found out. Everyone should read this scholarly article.

Anthropologist Community - When Same-Sex Marriage Was a Christian Rite

You are quite adept at finding bogus articles to support your delusions, you should be thankful you have a talent that is so useless in the real world. this one was so good that even the corrected link leads to a dead end.
Professor John Boswell was the writer of that fine article and his article is most certainly not bogus you should know. The link you are referring to that you say leads to a dead end is apparently one that was discarded as perhaps they changed their mind on any updates they may have had in mind?

The article by Professor Boswell is right there for anyone to clearly read anytime they want. That article stands proud and tall on its own professional merits.

If you're looking to read more about Professor Boswell, you can use the links provided under "Books Written by Prof. John Boswell" Both those links are working.

As an aside, looking for a side-by-side comparison of liberal vs conservative I find this:

C- Promotes equal justice.
L- Promotes social justice.
Conservatism Vs. Liberalism - Home

By that defintion, conservatives should be FOR gay rights being equal to hetero rights. But they aren't. So guess they're not conservatives or liberals but something else.
If your religious beliefs prohibit marriage between those of the same gender, do not attend the ceremonies, send no cards, nor gifts, and do not have the individuals involved in your home. Some faiths prohibit interfaith marriage. same rules should apply for gay marriage, the legal right should be separate from religious faith.
I agree there should have basic human rights and protection. But marriage it should be between man and woman


Then don't marry someone who is the same sex as you.

Why aren't you happy to be free to live as you choose? Why do you believe you have the right to take freedom from other people and force them to live as you would live?

I just don't get it.

It’s fear.

Fear of change, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

You forgot "for people they disagree with."

They like expression of individual liberties as long as it's their own liberties.
The far right is now on fire because they are losing this battle so they are pissing on each other.

Americans in the majority favor marriage equality, and millennials overwhelmingly so, which is the real point.
They don't already have "basic human rights"?

What a dumb ass retarded thread. They're so oppressed they don't have their own parades or an abnormal % of representation on network tv.

No, they don't already have BASIC human rights as they are being tightly and unfairly withheld by bigotry, hate, and discrimination. That is obvious. If they did they wouldn't be out fighting as they are. As far as parades and whatever national t.v. you're referring to, again, that is a good way to bring these matters to the table and bring focus to them so that one day, hopefully soon, every LGBT citizen will be able to truly have and embrace their rightful human rights as Heterosexuals have and enjoy and as has been guaranteed to all citizens under the Fourteenth Amendment. Gays and Lesbians should not be having to fight bigots who want to withhold that from them. That should be automatically guaranteed to each and every person and citizen of these United States. They should expect nothing less and should continue to work tirelessly, with great tenacity, vigor, and strength towards achieving that goal and those rights that they are so very much deserving of.

If they didn't have basic human rights in this country they wouldn't be able to have those parades. That might explain why the resolution you posted a link to, but didn't read, is calling for changes in the laws of other countries than the US.
Then by your own definition LGBT citizens should also be able to enjoy the Same Rights that Heterosexuals now enjoy and without prejudice.

As to the resolution. You conveniently refrained from commenting on their very first RESOLVED paragraph that actually addresses LGBT citizens, in general, which means right here in this country also. And Then, in it's SECOND paragraph, FURTHER Resolved, that goes on to address those in other countries but may also be interpreted to mean the U.S.A. as well due to the context in which they are addressing the issue of laws which discriminate, regulations, and practices which are now taking place right here in this country.
If your religious beliefs prohibit marriage between those of the same gender, do not attend the ceremonies, send no cards, nor gifts, and do not have the individuals involved in your home. Some faiths prohibit interfaith marriage. same rules should apply for gay marriage, the legal right should be separate from religious faith.

All Christian and Jewish denominations/traditions prohibit interfaith marriage. I think they do so wrongly using a verse in Deuteronomy think it is, but they do. Often in addition to the verse they bring up how children born to interfaith unions may not practice the preferred version. That's pretty petty. Like kids always remain whatever faith their parents were? That's a new one.
Libertarian horse shit: "and those rights do not give anyone the right to demand anything of anyone else."

Libertarian nonsense [no objective documentation} "These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and thats a problem for us . . . [and] "I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years."-LBJ
You're right. And centuries ago Same-Sex Marriage was certainly allowed, as a scholarly university professor and Chairman of the History Department of Yale, a prestigious university, found out. Everyone should read this scholarly article.

Anthropologist Community - When Same-Sex Marriage Was a Christian Rite

You are quite adept at finding bogus articles to support your delusions, you should be thankful you have a talent that is so useless in the real world. this one was so good that even the corrected link leads to a dead end.
Professor John Boswell was the writer of that fine article and his article is most certainly not bogus you should know. The link you are referring to that you say leads to a dead end is apparently one that was discarded as perhaps they changed their mind on any updates they may have had in mind?

The article by Professor Boswell is right there for anyone to clearly read anytime they want. That article stands proud and tall on its own professional merits.

If you're looking to read more about Professor Boswell, you can use the links provided under "Books Written by Prof. John Boswell" Both those links are working.

The fact that someone sticks professor in front of their name does not mean that whatever they write is not bogus. If it actually worked the way you think it does you would have to declare that Creation Science is a valid field of research, and that it is a legitimate challenge to the theory of evolution. Since we both know you won''t do that, any argument you make based solely on the title of the person who wrote the article is easily dismissed as drivel.

On the other hand, if your professor really has a point, you should be able to link to hundreds of articles that defend his arguments, and even expound on the foundation of them to provide a cohesive picture of history that backs up his claims. You know, kind of the way I am able to easily refute the idiots who insist that evolution is not real.

Feel free to present all the evidence you have supporting your bogus article based on the words of an idiot.
You're right. And centuries ago Same-Sex Marriage was certainly allowed, as a scholarly university professor and Chairman of the History Department of Yale, a prestigious university, found out. Everyone should read this scholarly article.

Anthropologist Community - When Same-Sex Marriage Was a Christian Rite

You are quite adept at finding bogus articles to support your delusions, you should be thankful you have a talent that is so useless in the real world. this one was so good that even the corrected link leads to a dead end.

Isn't a bogus article as per my link to a respected university with Jesuits addressing the article.

The article is bogus, and your link does in any way validate it. You would know that if you actually read your link as it goes into great depth in discussing the actually origins and use in the Eastern Orthodox Church of the Adelphopoiia Rite. Essentially, it makes two men blood brothers, something I did as a child with my best friend. Amazingly enough, we never once had sex.

But, please, keep pretending that you understand religion, it amuses me.

There is no way to disappear anything from the internet, which is why you are able to link to an article that the author of did not care enough about to keep his site up.

Really? Suppose it's impossible to hack your way into uranium enrichment centrifuges or a airliner's navigation systems too. Thanks for the wisdom.

Things in movies set in, or near present time, are in movies most of the time because they have a basis in fact.

Centrifuges are usually controlled by switches, not internet connected computers. But, please, keep expounding on your ignorance.
No, they don't already have BASIC human rights as they are being tightly and unfairly withheld by bigotry, hate, and discrimination. That is obvious. If they did they wouldn't be out fighting as they are. As far as parades and whatever national t.v. you're referring to, again, that is a good way to bring these matters to the table and bring focus to them so that one day, hopefully soon, every LGBT citizen will be able to truly have and embrace their rightful human rights as Heterosexuals have and enjoy and as has been guaranteed to all citizens under the Fourteenth Amendment. Gays and Lesbians should not be having to fight bigots who want to withhold that from them. That should be automatically guaranteed to each and every person and citizen of these United States. They should expect nothing less and should continue to work tirelessly, with great tenacity, vigor, and strength towards achieving that goal and those rights that they are so very much deserving of.

If they didn't have basic human rights in this country they wouldn't be able to have those parades. That might explain why the resolution you posted a link to, but didn't read, is calling for changes in the laws of other countries than the US.
Then by your own definition LGBT citizens should also be able to enjoy the Same Rights that Heterosexuals now enjoy and without prejudice.

As to the resolution. You conveniently refrained from commenting on their very first RESOLVED paragraph that actually addresses LGBT citizens, in general, which means right here in this country also. And Then, in it's SECOND paragraph, FURTHER Resolved, that goes on to address those in other countries but may also be interpreted to mean the U.S.A. as well due to the context in which they are addressing the issue of laws which discriminate, regulations, and practices which are now taking place right here in this country.

As I have said, multiple times, pull your head out of your ass. You cannot find a single post of mine advocating taking away anyone's rights for any reason. Feel free to posture and pose, just don't expect me to make you look like you actually have a point.

Feel free to make your case that LGBTQ people in the US live under the conditions described in that paragraph, or admit that you are stretching the point.
Which came first, basic human rights & protections or the LGBT?

'Tis a no-brainer.

basic human rights and protections are relatively new compared to the dawn of which time the heterosexual, asexual, bisexual, and homosexual spectrum of sexual orientation was around...
"The fact that someone sticks" QWB "in front of their name does not mean that whatever they write is not bogus."

The fact is that a professor of law has more weight on public opinion than a QWB.

I know you are unhappy, so sux to be you, but on this you have lost.

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