American Bar Association: LGBT people entitled to basic human rights & protections

"The fact that someone sticks" QWB "in front of their name does not mean that whatever they write is not bogus."

The fact is that a professor of law has more weight on public opinion than a QWB.

I know you are unhappy, so sux to be you, but on this you have lost.

Sticking Quantum in front of my name says something about me you are incapable of understanding because you do not know what the word actually means. I suggest you look it up before you try to presume to insult me using it so that you will know how little I care about public opinion.

By the way, nice attempt to use my post against me, despite the fact that I never claimed my post was the last word on the subject. What I pointed out was that, if this guy actually had a point, there would be other people that agreed with him, and there would be countless articles that support his theory. That is the way actual scholarship and research works, the more evidence there is for a position, the more people that will. write stuff supporting it. I know that is hard for you to understand since you base all your opinions on what other people tell you to think, but it really does work that way.
The Randy Report: American Bar Association: LGBT people entitled to basic human rights & protections

KUDOS to the American Bar Association for their wonderful resolution that people should take good notice of and heed.

I agree there should have basic human rights and protection. But marriage it should be between man and woman



Show me where, in our Constitution, it says "equal exept ...".

As for it being a "tradition", first, who cares? Second, just how far back do you want to go?

"The fact that someone sticks" QWB "in front of their name does not mean that whatever they write is not bogus."

The fact is that a professor of law has more weight on public opinion than a QWB.

I know you are unhappy, so sux to be you, but on this you have lost.

Sticking Quantum in front of my name says something about me you are incapable of understanding because you do not know what the word actually means. I suggest you look it up before you try to presume to insult me using it so that you will know how little I care about public opinion.

By the way, nice attempt to use my post against me, despite the fact that I never claimed my post was the last word on the subject. What I pointed out was that, if this guy actually had a point, there would be other people that agreed with him, and there would be countless articles that support his theory. That is the way actual scholarship and research works, the more evidence there is for a position, the more people that will. write stuff supporting it. I know that is hard for you to understand since you base all your opinions on what other people tell you to think, but it really does work that way.

QWB, your words condemn you, not me.

Your opinion is only that, nothing more.

It's the findings in law that count, not your opinion.
For now it's just the typical hypocrite left wing coddling it's dumb assed low information base. Let's see the ABA put their concept to the test and try a case with a hairy male lawyer in a dress.
"The fact that someone sticks" QWB "in front of their name does not mean that whatever they write is not bogus."

The fact is that a professor of law has more weight on public opinion than a QWB.

I know you are unhappy, so sux to be you, but on this you have lost.

Sticking Quantum in front of my name says something about me you are incapable of understanding because you do not know what the word actually means. I suggest you look it up before you try to presume to insult me using it so that you will know how little I care about public opinion.

By the way, nice attempt to use my post against me, despite the fact that I never claimed my post was the last word on the subject. What I pointed out was that, if this guy actually had a point, there would be other people that agreed with him, and there would be countless articles that support his theory. That is the way actual scholarship and research works, the more evidence there is for a position, the more people that will. write stuff supporting it. I know that is hard for you to understand since you base all your opinions on what other people tell you to think, but it really does work that way.

QWB, your words condemn you, not me.

Your opinion is only that, nothing more.

It's the findings in law that count, not your opinion.

Tell me something, Oh Great and Wonderful Fakey, what words of mine condemn me? BE specific here, because I want to see how you can actually make a case against me using my words.
Sticking Quantum in front of my name says something about me you are incapable of understanding because you do not know what the word actually means. I suggest you look it up before you try to presume to insult me using it so that you will know how little I care about public opinion.

By the way, nice attempt to use my post against me, despite the fact that I never claimed my post was the last word on the subject. What I pointed out was that, if this guy actually had a point, there would be other people that agreed with him, and there would be countless articles that support his theory. That is the way actual scholarship and research works, the more evidence there is for a position, the more people that will. write stuff supporting it. I know that is hard for you to understand since you base all your opinions on what other people tell you to think, but it really does work that way.

QWB, your words condemn you, not me.

Your opinion is only that, nothing more.

It's the findings in law that count, not your opinion.

Tell me something, Oh Great and Wonderful Fakey, what words of mine condemn me? BE specific here, because I want to see how you can actually make a case against me using my words.

Because what you say is not true. We have been specific above, so you don't get to open it again with "just once more."
You are quite adept at finding bogus articles to support your delusions, you should be thankful you have a talent that is so useless in the real world. this one was so good that even the corrected link leads to a dead end.
Professor John Boswell was the writer of that fine article and his article is most certainly not bogus you should know. The link you are referring to that you say leads to a dead end is apparently one that was discarded as perhaps they changed their mind on any updates they may have had in mind?

The article by Professor Boswell is right there for anyone to clearly read anytime they want. That article stands proud and tall on its own professional merits.

If you're looking to read more about Professor Boswell, you can use the links provided under "Books Written by Prof. John Boswell" Both those links are working.

The fact that someone sticks professor in front of their name does not mean that whatever they write is not bogus. If it actually worked the way you think it does you would have to declare that Creation Science is a valid field of research, and that it is a legitimate challenge to the theory of evolution. Since we both know you won''t do that, any argument you make based solely on the title of the person who wrote the article is easily dismissed as drivel.

On the other hand, if your professor really has a point, you should be able to link to hundreds of articles that defend his arguments, and even expound on the foundation of them to provide a cohesive picture of history that backs up his claims. You know, kind of the way I am able to easily refute the idiots who insist that evolution is not real.

Feel free to present all the evidence you have supporting your bogus article based on the words of an idiot.
The main problem with this information not getting out as well it should is that many professional people Cannot get it out under threats of losing their jobs, etc. What they have found that correlates to the good professor's findings unfortunately has to be kept under wraps and not released because doing so could compromise the company they work for politically therefore all of the great information that would certainly support his findings is being withheld. Until society develops an open mind to accept Truth as it is there will unfortunately continue to be the Censorship factor in otherwise great findings and writings.
If we said that we would be lying, therefore, we will not say it.

You, however, are still free to lie, you seem to think you are good at it.
Of course you would be lying. That is obvious. As when would you ever acknowledge the fact that all LGBT citizens have their basic human and civil rights as has been GUARANTEED to them under the Fourteenth Amendment?

And it's no lie. Just pure truth about what is happening when bigots are allowed to get a hold of a bigger piece of the pie and leave others on the outside looking in.

The 14th Amendment is applicable to everyone in this country, even gays. the fact that I have to point this out to you, despite the fact that I have already done so on may occasions, indicates to everyone who can think that all the bigotry in our conversation is coming from you, not me. I have repeatedly stated my position, and you have repeatedly ignored it in favor of trying to gain the high ground by attacking positions I do not advocate whenever you respond to me.

In other words, all you have is lies.

Take all the ****ing pie your bigoted little heart desires, just don't expect any of that pie to be the part that belongs to me, or anyone else who actually understands the concept of rights versus entitlements.
So you smell lies?? Well you know what they say -- he who smelt it dealt it.
probably more people shack up in this day and age then get married, yet here they are

all over marriage...they can still take the other to court and take everything they have if they split if that what they're worried about. they don't have to be married

good grief, its' never ending

the majority of the people are against slavery, they don't whine over that
the majority of the people are AGAINST homosexual marriage, they WHINE over that and are going to FORCE on you one or another
You're wrong again, Steph, and right on schedule. The majority of people in this country are not against same-sex marriage, they are FOR it. The number now stands at between 55-59% of Americans now for it fyi.

That depends entirely on how the question is phrased.

It Depends How You Ask the Question | Matthew J. Franck | First Things

But, please, keep basing your arguments on opinion polls and talking points, just like Stephanie. It saves intelligent people from having to point out that you really have no argument other than the opinion of other people.
You evidently are quite daft as it is the opinion of other people that gets many people elected, fyi. And it also brings forth cures, discoveries, and many other great services and inventions based on a person or person's opinion. You have much to learn about the world, O little one.
No one needs to be entitled with rights, they are born with them, and those rights do not give anyone the right to demand anything of anyone else.

Now, to address the resolution, what good does the ABA think it is going to do to pass a resolution against laws in other countries?
Yes, we were ALL born with rights no doubt about that but I only wish Conservatives knew and understood that.

But the problem stems from the fact that those who think they are better and superior to others will deny those they think are beneath them of those rights therefore marginalizing them. When they do that then many people inevitably suffer and that is not good. And that is why they have to continue their struggle and fight for Equality that they are so deserving of due to those inalienable rights that they were given in this fine country under the Fourteenth Amendment.

As to the resolution, it primarily helps LGBT citizens right here in this country. And while there is no doubt they would hope it would also have a far-reaching effect into other countries also, we are concerned with our own at the moment and that is the main goal. We can and will, however, continue the fight to try to change bigoted minds and hearts in other countries as well.

Which conservatives is it you think don't understand that people are born with right? Give me names, and link me to the evidence that they disagree with that statement.

I, on the other hand, can easily point you to plenty of people who are not conservative who insist that rights are granted by the government, and do not exist at all unless their is a government available to grant them, many of them right here on this board. Maybe you should pull your bigoted head out of your tight ass and take a look at the real world.

As for your ridiculous claim that a resolution that states a call for lawyers in other countries to fight for the right of gay people not to be killed for being gay in other countries somehow helps gays here in this country, it is dismissed as pure drivel.

Wait, let me guess, you didn't actually read the resolution before you started this thread, and still haven't despite the fact that I pointed out that it had nothing to do with the laws here because it doesn't fit your agenda of making yourself look incredibly stupid and idiotic.
You need look no farther than to those in your party who oppose Gay rights and Same-Sex marriage for your answer. But you want links? There are plenty in your party who stand in the way of Gays attaining their rights and what they rightfully deserve.

QWB, O little one, still trying to justify your own nonsense and prejudice as hard as you can I see. Everyone can plainly see the intention of the resolution that does not preclude America because we are certainly not free from bias, prejudice, and discrimination in this country where LGBT rights are concerned but keep on believing that Rome was built in one day and perhaps one day your eyes will actually open up to see the world as it is, as it exists, and you can finally throw away your rose-colored glasses. Doubtful with you but then again who knows?
QWB, your words condemn you, not me.

Your opinion is only that, nothing more.

It's the findings in law that count, not your opinion.

Tell me something, Oh Great and Wonderful Fakey, what words of mine condemn me? BE specific here, because I want to see how you can actually make a case against me using my words.

Because what you say is not true. We have been specific above, so you don't get to open it again with "just once more."

I see it now.

You say something is not true, provide absolutely no evidence to counter the untruth, and declare victory. Typical Fakey post, makes it a lot easier to win arguments that way, doesn't it?
Professor John Boswell was the writer of that fine article and his article is most certainly not bogus you should know. The link you are referring to that you say leads to a dead end is apparently one that was discarded as perhaps they changed their mind on any updates they may have had in mind?

The article by Professor Boswell is right there for anyone to clearly read anytime they want. That article stands proud and tall on its own professional merits.

If you're looking to read more about Professor Boswell, you can use the links provided under "Books Written by Prof. John Boswell" Both those links are working.

The fact that someone sticks professor in front of their name does not mean that whatever they write is not bogus. If it actually worked the way you think it does you would have to declare that Creation Science is a valid field of research, and that it is a legitimate challenge to the theory of evolution. Since we both know you won''t do that, any argument you make based solely on the title of the person who wrote the article is easily dismissed as drivel.

On the other hand, if your professor really has a point, you should be able to link to hundreds of articles that defend his arguments, and even expound on the foundation of them to provide a cohesive picture of history that backs up his claims. You know, kind of the way I am able to easily refute the idiots who insist that evolution is not real.

Feel free to present all the evidence you have supporting your bogus article based on the words of an idiot.
The main problem with this information not getting out as well it should is that many professional people Cannot get it out under threats of losing their jobs, etc. What they have found that correlates to the good professor's findings unfortunately has to be kept under wraps and not released because doing so could compromise the company they work for politically therefore all of the great information that would certainly support his findings is being withheld. Until society develops an open mind to accept Truth as it is there will unfortunately continue to be the Censorship factor in otherwise great findings and writings.

Yeah right. The education system in this country might actually have a bias, but, if it does, it is in favor of things that dispute the claims made by Christians, not in favor of them. There is no way you are going to be able to convince me that a guy who found proof the Christian narrative is wrong would have a problem getting published without providing some actual evidence to back up your claims.

Do you see the problem yet? I didn't think so.

I am asking you to substantiate your claims, and you are resorting to making up stories that demand that I pretend the evidence exists but is being suppressed by people that publicly hate Christians. Good luck with that.
Of course you would be lying. That is obvious. As when would you ever acknowledge the fact that all LGBT citizens have their basic human and civil rights as has been GUARANTEED to them under the Fourteenth Amendment?

And it's no lie. Just pure truth about what is happening when bigots are allowed to get a hold of a bigger piece of the pie and leave others on the outside looking in.

The 14th Amendment is applicable to everyone in this country, even gays. the fact that I have to point this out to you, despite the fact that I have already done so on may occasions, indicates to everyone who can think that all the bigotry in our conversation is coming from you, not me. I have repeatedly stated my position, and you have repeatedly ignored it in favor of trying to gain the high ground by attacking positions I do not advocate whenever you respond to me.

In other words, all you have is lies.

Take all the ****ing pie your bigoted little heart desires, just don't expect any of that pie to be the part that belongs to me, or anyone else who actually understands the concept of rights versus entitlements.
So you smell lies?? Well you know what they say -- he who smelt it dealt it.

I don't smell the lies, they are fucking inescapable whenever you try to defend your position. That is because your position lacks actual evidence, which is why you made up that ridiculous story that the academic community has a pro Christian bias.

By the way, thanks for proving that you are the prude I said you were weeks ago, only prudes have to edit people's post to take out words that they don't like, like fuck.
You're wrong again, Steph, and right on schedule. The majority of people in this country are not against same-sex marriage, they are FOR it. The number now stands at between 55-59% of Americans now for it fyi.

That depends entirely on how the question is phrased.

It Depends How You Ask the Question | Matthew J. Franck | First Things

But, please, keep basing your arguments on opinion polls and talking points, just like Stephanie. It saves intelligent people from having to point out that you really have no argument other than the opinion of other people.
You evidently are quite daft as it is the opinion of other people that gets many people elected, fyi. And it also brings forth cures, discoveries, and many other great services and inventions based on a person or person's opinion. You have much to learn about the world, O little one.

Could you repeat this post using English instead of Babble?
Yes, we were ALL born with rights no doubt about that but I only wish Conservatives knew and understood that.

But the problem stems from the fact that those who think they are better and superior to others will deny those they think are beneath them of those rights therefore marginalizing them. When they do that then many people inevitably suffer and that is not good. And that is why they have to continue their struggle and fight for Equality that they are so deserving of due to those inalienable rights that they were given in this fine country under the Fourteenth Amendment.

As to the resolution, it primarily helps LGBT citizens right here in this country. And while there is no doubt they would hope it would also have a far-reaching effect into other countries also, we are concerned with our own at the moment and that is the main goal. We can and will, however, continue the fight to try to change bigoted minds and hearts in other countries as well.

Which conservatives is it you think don't understand that people are born with right? Give me names, and link me to the evidence that they disagree with that statement.

I, on the other hand, can easily point you to plenty of people who are not conservative who insist that rights are granted by the government, and do not exist at all unless their is a government available to grant them, many of them right here on this board. Maybe you should pull your bigoted head out of your tight ass and take a look at the real world.

As for your ridiculous claim that a resolution that states a call for lawyers in other countries to fight for the right of gay people not to be killed for being gay in other countries somehow helps gays here in this country, it is dismissed as pure drivel.

Wait, let me guess, you didn't actually read the resolution before you started this thread, and still haven't despite the fact that I pointed out that it had nothing to do with the laws here because it doesn't fit your agenda of making yourself look incredibly stupid and idiotic.
You need look no farther than to those in your party who oppose Gay rights and Same-Sex marriage for your answer. But you want links? There are plenty in your party who stand in the way of Gays attaining their rights and what they rightfully deserve.

QWB, O little one, still trying to justify your own nonsense and prejudice as hard as you can I see. Everyone can plainly see the intention of the resolution that does not preclude America because we are certainly not free from bias, prejudice, and discrimination in this country where LGBT rights are concerned but keep on believing that Rome was built in one day and perhaps one day your eyes will actually open up to see the world as it is, as it exists, and you can finally throw away your rose-colored glasses. Doubtful with you but then again who knows?

My party?

I don't have a fucking party, idiot.

As for marriage, since we are talking about a piece of paper, and a bunch of government invented benefits from that paper, whenever you are talking about marriage you are talking about entitlements, not rights. I know the difference confuses you, but you can learn from your confusion if you try.
QWB and his nonsense continues to get beat down.

LGBT have the basic right to marriage equality.
QWB and his nonsense continues to get beat down.

LGBT have the basic right to marriage equality.
And children have the more weighty human civil right to an environment that is psychologically healthy for them to be raised in. Since they cannot vote, we default in their favor...




Well we could say that LGBT citizens have always existed but they have unfortunately not always been afforded basic human rights and protections. Therefore, this is a resolution whose time has come.

They've always been accorded basic human rights and protections. You're assertion is silly. What they have not always been accorded and are still not entitled to is governmentally imposed acceptance in violation of the inalienable rights of others, which is what you're really talking about. In other words, "human rights and protections" in this instance is the statist's code speak for homofascism.


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