American Deplorables... the ones Hillary Hates

About 35% of Americans still oppose same sex marriage. That makes them homophobic. Who do you suppose most of them are voting for?
I am a proud "homophobic".
Most great Americans are disgusted by sexual perversion.
Libstains think these perverts are cool.

See, one group of Trumpbots denies there are deplorables supporting Trump while at the same time those very people proudly step up and identify themselves.


Gotta love it.

Democrats are going to have a stroke if Deplorable is stolen from them.

In 1776 the British made up Yankee as an insult. They made up a song mocking the way the Americans dressed, Yankee Doodle Dandy. Then they got all upset when the word and song was stolen and used by the Americans. It's like history repeating itself. Just the enemy is different.
So which ones of those on stage want to ban Islam in America?
Which ones want to make same sex marriage illegal?
Which ones want a database of Muslim-Americans?
Which ones think Obama was born in Kenya?
Which ones want states to be able to continue to allow employers to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation?

Hey, that sounds like me. I just couldn't get up to the stage since there were so many before me.
From their perspective...

So which ones of those on stage want to ban Islam in America?
Which ones want to make same sex marriage illegal?
Which ones want a database of Muslim-Americans?
Which ones think Obama was born in Kenya?
Which ones want states to be able to continue to allow employers to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation?

Obama and Hillary both defined marriage as between a man and a woman just a handful of years ago. Guess you believe they were "deplorable".

They were wrong then. You are wrong now. That's how progress works. It leaves people like you behind.

Oh, you're better than us... :disbelief:

Hell, you don't even have to answer legitimate questions...:laugh:

Liberal elitist snobs like NY look down their long noses at anyone who does not agree with their agenda.

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