American Deplorables... the ones Hillary Hates

From their perspective...

So which ones of those on stage want to ban Islam in America?
Which ones want to make same sex marriage illegal?
Which ones want a database of Muslim-Americans?
Which ones think Obama was born in Kenya?
Which ones want states to be able to continue to allow employers to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation?

Obama and Hillary both defined marriage as between a man and a woman just a handful of years ago. Guess you believe they were "deplorable".

They were wrong then. You are wrong now. That's how progress works. It leaves people like you behind.

Oh, you're better than us... :disbelief:

Hell, you don't even have to answer legitimate questions...:laugh:

Liberal elitist snobs like NY look down their long noses at anyone who does not agree with their agenda.

Yes I do look down on you people who hate homosexuals.
So which ones of those on stage want to ban Islam in America?
Which ones want to make same sex marriage illegal?
Which ones want a database of Muslim-Americans?
Which ones think Obama was born in Kenya?
Which ones want states to be able to continue to allow employers to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation?

Hey, that sounds like me. I just couldn't get up to the stage since there were so many before me.

According to the Trump campaign you don't exist.

i wonder of Hillary knows that she just insulted 75% of potential voters, and all dogs and cats !!

She referred to 20% of the voters.
All you trump supporting racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and Islamaphobic fuckers, she was talking about you.
About 35% of Americans still oppose same sex marriage. That makes them homophobic. Who do you suppose most of them are voting for?
I am a proud "homophobic".
Most great Americans are disgusted by sexual perversion.
Libstains think these perverts are cool.

See, one group of Trumpbots denies there are deplorables supporting Trump while at the same time those very people proudly step up and identify themselves.

It's the normalization of men sucking hairy balls.
You like that - doncha?

The fact that you think you can insult people by calling them homosexual is simply proof that you are a homophobe.

Yeah I will bet you threw out some Tea Bagger attempts at insults.
So which ones of those on stage want to ban Islam in America?
Which ones want to make same sex marriage illegal?
Which ones want a database of Muslim-Americans?
Which ones think Obama was born in Kenya?
Which ones want states to be able to continue to allow employers to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation?

Obama and Hillary both defined marriage as between a man and a woman just a handful of years ago. Guess you believe they were "deplorable".

They were wrong then. You are wrong now. That's how progress works. It leaves people like you behind.

Oh, you're better than us... :disbelief:

Hell, you don't even have to answer legitimate questions...:laugh:

Liberal elitist snobs like NY look down their long noses at anyone who does not agree with their agenda.

Yes I do look down on you people who hate homosexuals.

I don't have them at all, they don't bother me in the least. I just define "marriage" as between a woman and a man. Other than that, I could care less what they do.
So which ones of those on stage want to ban Islam in America?
Which ones want to make same sex marriage illegal?
Which ones want a database of Muslim-Americans?
Which ones think Obama was born in Kenya?
Which ones want states to be able to continue to allow employers to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation?

Obama and Hillary both defined marriage as between a man and a woman just a handful of years ago. Guess you believe they were "deplorable".

They were wrong then. You are wrong now. That's how progress works. It leaves people like you behind.

Oh, you're better than us... :disbelief:

Hell, you don't even have to answer legitimate questions...:laugh:

Liberal elitist snobs like NY look down their long noses at anyone who does not agree with their agenda.

Yes I do look down on you people who hate homosexuals.

.. most people I know could care less about homosexuals other than the activists and their constant poor me's, childish antics and intolerance.

.. is there any doubt you are completely intolerant of people of faith.. (unless you see a political advantage of course)
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From their perspective...

So which ones of those on stage want to ban Islam in America?
Which ones want to make same sex marriage illegal?
Which ones want a database of Muslim-Americans?
Which ones think Obama was born in Kenya?
Which ones want states to be able to continue to allow employers to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation?

Who cares.....?

You the though police now ?
About 35% of Americans still oppose same sex marriage. That makes them homophobic. Who do you suppose most of them are voting for?

Just wondering, do you believe all people of faith are homophobes including Islamists?

...and are Christians welcome in the Democratic Party, if they toe your homophobic line?

You're a homophobe if you have an irrational fear of homosexuals. If you believe in denying homosexuals equal rights and cannot provide a rational justification,

you are either homophobic, or just a hater. Which are you?

Eh, I noticed you forgot to answer the questions ..

..and I'm neither ..soooo answer the questions

Forgot or can't ?
About 35% of Americans still oppose same sex marriage. That makes them homophobic. Who do you suppose most of them are voting for?

Just wondering, do you believe all people of faith are homophobes including Islamists?

...and are Christians welcome in the Democratic Party, if they toe your homophobic line?

You're a homophobe if you have an irrational fear of homosexuals. If you believe in denying homosexuals equal rights and cannot provide a rational justification,

you are either homophobic, or just a hater. Which are you?

Eh, I noticed you forgot to answer the questions ..

..and I'm neither ..soooo answer the questions

Forgot or can't ?

I going with won't, he doesn't want to be defined by who he is but wants to pass judgement on others.
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From their perspective...

So which ones of those on stage want to ban Islam in America?
Which ones want to make same sex marriage illegal?
Which ones want a database of Muslim-Americans?
Which ones think Obama was born in Kenya?
Which ones want states to be able to continue to allow employers to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation?

Who cares.....?

You the though police now ?

Those are not just 'thoughts'. That's the conservative agenda.
From their perspective...

So which ones of those on stage want to ban Islam in America?
Which ones want to make same sex marriage illegal?
Which ones want a database of Muslim-Americans?
Which ones think Obama was born in Kenya?
Which ones want states to be able to continue to allow employers to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation?

Your democrat talking points are falling flat......

Your inability to go beyond labeling someone's post as a talking point is a worn out fail on this board.

I am actually going to agree with you.

What you post isn't talking points. It has degraded to loaded questions and false scenarios.

I agree and you can bet Hillary is damned pissed at herself for making that "deplorable" statement.

Those "deplorable" folks could have been smoosed into voting for her sorry ass. Guess that won't happen now. After all, they are all "deplorable." LOL
Obama and Hillary both defined marriage as between a man and a woman just a handful of years ago. Guess you believe they were "deplorable".

They were wrong then. You are wrong now. That's how progress works. It leaves people like you behind.

Oh, you're better than us... :disbelief:

Hell, you don't even have to answer legitimate questions...:laugh:

Liberal elitist snobs like NY look down their long noses at anyone who does not agree with their agenda.

Yes I do look down on you people who hate homosexuals.

.. most people I know could care less about homosexuals other than the activists and their constant poor me's, childish antics and intolerance.

.. is there any doubt you are completely intolerant of people of faith.. (unless you see a political advantage of course)

I defend him here, he empathizes with Islam.
From their perspective...

So which ones of those on stage want to ban Islam in America?
Which ones want to make same sex marriage illegal?
Which ones want a database of Muslim-Americans?
Which ones think Obama was born in Kenya?
Which ones want states to be able to continue to allow employers to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation?

Your democrat talking points are falling flat......

Your inability to go beyond labeling someone's post as a talking point is a worn out fail on this board.

I am actually going to agree with you.

What you post isn't talking points. It has degraded to loaded questions and false scenarios.

I agree and you can bet Hillary is damned pissed at herself for making that "deplorable" statement.

Those "deplorable" folks could have been smoosed into voting for her sorry ass. Guess that won't happen now. After all, they are all "deplorable." LOL

I see what you are saying but I disagree that we the deplorables could be smoothed over enough to vote for Hillary.
About 35% of Americans still oppose same sex marriage. That makes them homophobic. Who do you suppose most of them are voting for?

Just wondering, do you believe all people of faith are homophobes including Islamists?

...and are Christians welcome in the Democratic Party, if they toe your homophobic line?

You're a homophobe if you have an irrational fear of homosexuals. If you believe in denying homosexuals equal rights and cannot provide a rational justification,

you are either homophobic, or just a hater. Which are you?

Again, in your warped mind, anyone who opposes homosexual activity is a hater. There are millions who simply feel a very small minority does not have the "right" to force their views on others. If you want to live that lifestyle, do so in private. That's all we ask.
Your democrat talking points are falling flat......

Your inability to go beyond labeling someone's post as a talking point is a worn out fail on this board.

I am actually going to agree with you.

What you post isn't talking points. It has degraded to loaded questions and false scenarios.

NOW you're denying that there are any Americans in those categories?
No one needs to defend themselves from leftist attacks. Liberals try nonstop to ram their agendas down our throats, when we resist we are called hateful and every other name in the book. Many folks are sick of it and that's why things have shaken up the way they have.

It used to be people could have an honest disagreement about things such as gay marriage. Not anymore, the left in this country immediately compares you to Hitler, and calls you every name in the book.

It's their credo - attack, deny, divert.

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