American Fascism is Coming.

Prove it, asshole.

Jesus, you're ignorant. Hitler split from the socialists in 1926.

Nazi vs. Fascist: Is There Really A Difference ...
Adolf Hitler led this party to power in Germany in 1933, and his rule lasted until 1945. Nazism is described as one type of fascism. Both fascism and Nazism reject democracy and liberalism as ideologies, and instead embrace the concept of a nationalist state. Fascism as an ideology focuses on the state itself.
It's pathetic you can't tell the difference but not surprising given the energy you spend rightwashing history.

Right, I mean Nazis are collectivists.

Are you a collectivist? Oh wait...

Nazis are totalitarian.

Are you a totalitarian? Oh, wait...

Nazis crush free speech.

Do you democrats attack free speech? Oh, wait...

Nazis have a scapegoat based on ethnicity to hate.

Do you democrats scapegoat whites with bitter hatred? Oh, wait...

Nazis opposed individualism and accrued rights only to groups.

Do you democrats promote gay rights, black rights, womens rights, et al over individual rights? Oh, wait...

See how very different you are from Hitler's Nazis? Oh wait, no difference at all....
Jesus, you're ignorant. Hitler split from the socialists in 1926.

Gee, you Hezbollah terrorists sure don't have much integrity.

Obviously your claim is a flat out lie.

Nazi vs. Fascist: Is There Really A Difference ...
Adolf Hitler led this party to power in Germany in 1933, and his rule lasted until 1945. Nazism is described as one type of fascism. Both fascism and Nazism reject democracy and liberalism as ideologies, and instead embrace the concept of a nationalist state. Fascism as an ideology focuses on the state itself.

Yawn, more self-serving bullshit.

Nazism used Fascism as an economic system. Hitler adopted Mussolini's socialist economic methods.
You are a collectivist totalitarian.


Kitty, Feline, Cat - words with the same meaning.

Nazi, democrat, Bolshevik - same creature regardless of the word.
Wrong: Most Americans are democrats, that is they support democracy. They support elections and are proud that the United States is the most successful democracy in world's history - present company excluded.
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The Nazis were Fascists and Nationalist. So was Mussolini. In fact, hard right Italian conservatives embraced Mussolini's Fascism.
You absolutely have no idea what your talking about. Your demonstrated lack of European history is astounding to say the least. One can only imagine where you came up with that. You are aware of what a National Socialist is and fundamental distinctions between National socialism, socialism, and communism? As for Mussolini, he had broad base support, furthermore, his cronies either directly controlled all forms of manufacturing or they kept their mouth shut and capitulated to his iron fist. He exercised dictatorial control of all aspects of production, Society and Government. Ones firm love, devotion, and support for ones country does not translate into Facism.
You absolutely have no idea what your talking about. Your demonstrated lack of European history is astounding to say the least. One can only imagine where you came up with that. You are aware of what a National Socialist is and fundamental distinctions between National socialism, socialism, and communism? As for Mussolini, he had broad base support, furthermore, his cronies either directly controlled all forms of manufacturing or they kept their mouth shut and capitulated to his iron fist. He exercised dictatorial control of all aspects of production, Society and Government. Ones firm love, devotion, and support for ones country does not translate into Facism.

Hitler split with the Socialists in 1926.. In 1933 he used the Enabling Act to purge the German government of Socialists, Communists, Democrats and Jews.

Mussolini also rejected socialism once he came to power.

You actually don't know what Fascism is. Its racist, authoritarian, nationalistic.

Where did you study Modern European History?
American fascism is coming.

Josh Hawley's Orwellian "Love America Act" and the fascist campaign to rewrite history

Donald Trump may no longer be president, but the American people are still stuck in a state of malignant normality that his presidency brought into being.

Psychologist John Gartner describes such a state of being this way:

Malignant normality is when a malignantly narcissistic leader takes control of society and gradually changes reality for everyone else. So their crazy internal reality becomes enacted in the lived true external reality of that society. This is how a leader can come in and change the mores of their society.

In his role as national cheerleader and secular priest, President Biden is trying to provide moral leadership and healing for a traumatized nation, still shell-shocked by the Trump movement's continuing assault on democracy and society.

Biden's efforts have provided only short-term relief. The neofascist threat is escalating; Biden and the Democrats have shown themselves largely impotent against it. The coronavirus pandemic is now resurgent because of a new variant and Trump's followers' refusal to be vaccinated.

For these and many other reasons — most notably, extreme wealth and income inequality and the global climate crisis — America is becoming a dystopia.

The collective emotional state of many Americans, or at least those who are paying attention and still care, is frustration and unease.

For the likes of Sen. Josh Hawley, the notorious Missouri Republican, such a crisis is a dream opportunity. Last week, Hawley proposed a bill called the Love America Act of 2021, which would deny federal funding to schools that teach the real history of America and the centrality of racism and white supremacy to the country's origins. The key text of this document reads:

RESTRICTION ON FEDERAL FUNDS FOR TEACHING THAT CERTAIN DOCUMENTS ARE PRODUCTS OF WHITE SUPREMACY OR RACISM — … [N]o Federal funds shall be provided to an educational agency or school that teaches that the Pledge of Allegiance, the Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution of the United States is a product of white supremacy or racism.

Hawley's "Love America" bill is not a joke. It is a statement of shared principles and loyalty to an anti-democratic, racial-authoritarian movement that is winning victories all over the United States.

It should be called, teach the lie.

Nobody's restricting Free Speech...

It's just that parents nationwide are beginning a serious rebellion against LibProg school-boards filled with LibProg Wiggers with a Hate-Whitey agenda...
Jesus, you're ignorant. Hitler split from the socialists in 1926.

Nazi vs. Fascist: Is There Really A Difference ...
Adolf Hitler led this party to power in Germany in 1933, and his rule lasted until 1945. Nazism is described as one type of fascism. Both fascism and Nazism reject democracy and liberalism as ideologies, and instead embrace the concept of a nationalist state. Fascism as an ideology focuses on the state itself.
I'm glad to see someone was paying attention in their Political Science classes. Well done.

Allow me to pile on: In simple terms, Communism is what happens when a country goes so far left it becomes a dictatorship. Fascism is what happens when a country goes so far right it becomes a dictatorship. They have things in common because they're both dictatorships, but they are coming at it from completely different sides.

Because fascism relies so much on nationalism, it adapts itself to the nation it is in. Nazism was the German version of fascism.
Sorry, you don't know the meaning of the word..
Sorry you're not acknowledging that the Democrat Party is a seditious fascist organization seeking to terrorize & destroy the entire country.

The Democrat Party is the most dangerous fascist organization since Nazi Germany.
Nobody is oppressing you or taking away your rights.
Not nobody - the Democrat Party.
Hitler purged the government of Communists, Socialist, Jews and Democrats with the Enabling Act of 1933.
Hitler would appear to be a Democrat hero, yes.
That's Fascism.
One example yes, but the Democrats are vastly more dangerous fascists.
Trump claims he's a Nationalist..
Something like that.
He's also Authoritarian and Fascist.
Democrat projection.

Democrat hatred of Trump is like Nazi hatred of intellectuals; fascists fear those who see through them & call them out.
He can't abide by the law or the Constitution.
Demented rapist Biden cannot, I agree.
He's always defrauding his base

and he has repeatedly tried to stop books from being published and to get people fired from their jobs for peaceful protest.
An ugly side of Trump to be sure, but the Democrats are VASTLY more deranged and fascist.
He can't even abide by election results.
No decent American should abide by Democrat fascism, terror, sedition and fraud.

You want a civil war, and we're just about there - congratulations.
Further, he has threatened too many Americans even those who worked for him.
Demented career criminal and child-groper Biden is a MASSIVE threat, I agree.
The Nazis wanted a racially homogeneous population, expansion of lands and a highly regulated citizenry for Greater Germania.
Hitler shut down most newspapers, imprisoned educated people like clergy, doctors, lawyers and professors and put Jews and dissenters in Dachau.
Yes - a Democrat hero, as noted.
Is that what you want?
It's what Democrats want, but they're a real and present danger, not historic ghosts.

Democrats: Deranged 21st century Nazis.
It would take an ego like Trump's and a lot of muscle.
Demented rapist Biden's not up to the task, but I'm sure your ilk has great faith in psychopath Kamala.
I'm glad to see someone was paying attention in their Political Science classes. Well done.

Allow me to pile on: In simple terms, Communism is what happens when a country goes so far left it becomes a dictatorship. Fascism is what happens when a country goes so far right it becomes a dictatorship. They have things in common because they're both dictatorships, but they are coming at it from completely different sides.

Because fascism relies so much on nationalism, it adapts itself to the nation it is in. Nazism was the German version of fascism.
That's about as deep as a mud puddle.

Left? Right? Are you kidding us?

What does left and right even mean in the real world?

While it's apparent that you prefer simple terms, predictably, I have to wonder whether you're quaified to even discuss the topic given that the depth of your argument appears fully dependent upon empty language like the words left and right.

Sounds like typical, low-value winger speak to me. Would you even be ready for any kind of elevated discussion on the topic if someone led you into it?
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