American Fascism is Coming.

That didn't happen but what Hawley is trying to do is fascism.
Already trying to rewrite history by denying the terrorism that occurred throughout multiple US cities. Please show where it was white conservatives torching and looting stores, blocking traffic, assaulting innocent pedestrians and drivers. Show all of those white kids playing the knockout game.
Already trying to rewrite history by denying the terrorism that occurred throughout multiple US cities. Please show where it was white conservatives torching and looting stores, blocking traffic, assaulting innocent pedestrians and drivers. Show all of those white kids playing the knockout game.

I've shown the evidence multiple times. The fact that police departments a;re dropping charges against so called BLM protesters all over the country is additional proof. It's funny what those like you choose to believe from the media.

The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity.”

Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project- Demonstrations & Political Violence In America: Summer 2020

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project documented the summer protests. The project recorded over 7,500 protests and found that more than 93 percent were peaceful. The cited over 2,400 locations and found that violence occurred in less than 220. The violence ranged from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials.”This report also found that the over the top government response from president number 45 contributed to the violence. The federal response basically increased tension and violence. For example, in Portland the violence increased by 9 percent after President number 45 sent troops to that city. What ACLED found was that government intervened 3 times more in BLM demonstrations than any other.

“ ACLED also highlights a violent government response, in which authorities use force more often than not when they are present at protests and that they disproportionately used force while intervening in demonstrations associated with the BLM movement, relative to other types of demonstrations.”

Sanya Mansour, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

A funny thing was discovered during these protests,(well actually not so funny). The violence in many of these protests were from people who were more than likely not associated with Black Lives Matter. Seems that most of the violence came from infiltrators and counter protesters, many who were associated with white nationalist and paramilitary organization. These groups had an ally that often times helped to escalate the situation, then used violence to settle things down. That ally was law enforcement.

“Since Floyd’s killing, dozens of car-ramming attacks by individual perpetrators — in some cases acting independently with no reported affiliation, and in others linked to hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan — have been reported at demonstrations around the country. Other cases have involved those affiliated with the government, such as the military and law enforcement, including an on-duty police officer at a demonstration in Anaheim, California on 25 July; an off-duty police officer at a demonstration in Seattle, Washington on 4 July; an army sergeant at a demonstration in Austin, Texas on 25 July; and an off-duty jail correctional officer at a demonstration in Kokomo, Indiana on 30 May.”

Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project- Demonstrations & Political Violence In America: Summer 2020

In similar fashion the Radcliffe Institute at Harvard found that that 96.3% of the BLM protests had no property damage or police injuries, and in 97.7% of events, no injuries were reported at all. In fact, they determined that the majority of the violence was directed at BLM protesters. There were arrests in 5% of the protests. Protesters/ bystanders were reported injured in 1.6 percent of the protests. Three Black Lives Matter protesters and one other person were killed while protesting in several cities. One anti-fascist protester killed a far-right group member in Portland. He was killed a few days later. Police were reported injured in 1% of the protests.

Sanya Mansour, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds, September 5, 2020, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, Demonstrations & Political Violence In America: New Data for Summer 2020, Demonstrations & Political Violence in America: New Data for Summer 2020 | ACLED

Erica Chenoweth and Jeremy Pressman, Black Lives Matter Protesters Were Overwhelmingly Peaceful, Our Research Finds, Harvard Radcliffe Institute, October 20, 2020 Black Lives Matter Protesters Were Overwhelmingly Peaceful, Our Research Finds | Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University
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American fascism is coming.

Josh Hawley's Orwellian "Love America Act" and the fascist campaign to rewrite history

Donald Trump may no longer be president, but the American people are still stuck in a state of malignant normality that his presidency brought into being.

Psychologist John Gartner describes such a state of being this way:

Malignant normality is when a malignantly narcissistic leader takes control of society and gradually changes reality for everyone else. So their crazy internal reality becomes enacted in the lived true external reality of that society. This is how a leader can come in and change the mores of their society.

In his role as national cheerleader and secular priest, President Biden is trying to provide moral leadership and healing for a traumatized nation, still shell-shocked by the Trump movement's continuing assault on democracy and society.

Biden's efforts have provided only short-term relief. The neofascist threat is escalating; Biden and the Democrats have shown themselves largely impotent against it. The coronavirus pandemic is now resurgent because of a new variant and Trump's followers' refusal to be vaccinated.

For these and many other reasons — most notably, extreme wealth and income inequality and the global climate crisis — America is becoming a dystopia.

The collective emotional state of many Americans, or at least those who are paying attention and still care, is frustration and unease.

For the likes of Sen. Josh Hawley, the notorious Missouri Republican, such a crisis is a dream opportunity. Last week, Hawley proposed a bill called the Love America Act of 2021, which would deny federal funding to schools that teach the real history of America and the centrality of racism and white supremacy to the country's origins. The key text of this document reads:

RESTRICTION ON FEDERAL FUNDS FOR TEACHING THAT CERTAIN DOCUMENTS ARE PRODUCTS OF WHITE SUPREMACY OR RACISM — … [N]o Federal funds shall be provided to an educational agency or school that teaches that the Pledge of Allegiance, the Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution of the United States is a product of white supremacy or racism.

Hawley's "Love America" bill is not a joke. It is a statement of shared principles and loyalty to an anti-democratic, racial-authoritarian movement that is winning victories all over the United States.

It should be called, teach the lie.
It's here maggot
And you left wing fags are all about it ....
Dumb asses
We must state that we do not want to be diverse and do not want to be mixed: we do not want our own colour, traditions and national culture to be mixed with those of others. We do not want this. We do not want that at all. We do not want to be a diverse country."
Hungary is not America

anti trumpsters see every issue in their own parochial context

it is their lack of diversity that leads them to hate another country that aint dun nuthin’ to them

libs want America to be a checkerboard of ethnic groups fighting each other

The Hungarians do not want that for their country

and who other than knee jerk libs could blame them?
One of you right wingers explain to me how the government forcing schools not to teach that some of the rulings and laws of this country were based on white supremacy when they were is not fascism. So how is slavery going to be describe? One of you right wingers going to create a lie about a treaty with some African tribe that gave the white man permission to be given slaves?
The idea that we have schools teach hatred of Der Juden, the Whites, is central to the fascist movement, the Nazi democrat party. Really, critical race theory is nothing more than "Mein Kampf" with whites playing the role of the Jews. It's sheer, unmasked racist hate.

We already teach the history of the shameful democrat party. No child is unaware of slavery. Republicans had to expend the lives of hundreds of thousands of white young men to force the democrats to let the slaves go. We do teach about the democrat KKK, how they lynched Republicans, white and black, and later lynched people purely for being black. We do teach about the democrats Jim Crow laws.

What we won't allow, is the demonizing of the white race by you Nazi vermin.

I've shown the evidence multiple times. The fact that police departments a;re dropping charges against so called BLM protesters all over the country is additional proof. It's funny what those like you choose to believe from the media.

The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity.”

Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project- Demonstrations & Political Violence In America: Summer 2020

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project documented the summer protests. The project recorded over 7,500 protests and found that more than 93 percent were peaceful. The cited over 2,400 locations and found that violence occurred in less than 220. The violence ranged from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials.”This report also found that the over the top government response from president number 45 contributed to the violence. The federal response basically increased tension and violence. For example, in Portland the violence increased by 9 percent after President number 45 sent troops to that city. What ACLED found was that government intervened 3 times more in BLM demonstrations than any other.

“ ACLED also highlights a violent government response, in which authorities use force more often than not when they are present at protests and that they disproportionately used force while intervening in demonstrations associated with the BLM movement, relative to other types of demonstrations.”

Sanya Mansour, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

A funny thing was discovered during these protests,(well actually not so funny). The violence in many of these protests were from people who were more than likely not associated with Black Lives Matter. Seems that most of the violence came from infiltrators and counter protesters, many who were associated with white nationalist and paramilitary organization. These groups had an ally that often times helped to escalate the situation, then used violence to settle things down. That ally was law enforcement.

“Since Floyd’s killing, dozens of car-ramming attacks by individual perpetrators — in some cases acting independently with no reported affiliation, and in others linked to hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan — have been reported at demonstrations around the country. Other cases have involved those affiliated with the government, such as the military and law enforcement, including an on-duty police officer at a demonstration in Anaheim, California on 25 July; an off-duty police officer at a demonstration in Seattle, Washington on 4 July; an army sergeant at a demonstration in Austin, Texas on 25 July; and an off-duty jail correctional officer at a demonstration in Kokomo, Indiana on 30 May.”

Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project- Demonstrations & Political Violence In America: Summer 2020

In similar fashion the Radcliffe Institute at Harvard found that that 96.3% of the BLM protests had no property damage or police injuries, and in 97.7% of events, no injuries were reported at all. In fact, they determined that the majority of the violence was directed at BLM protesters. There were arrests in 5% of the protests. Protesters/ bystanders were reported injured in 1.6 percent of the protests. Three Black Lives Matter protesters and one other person were killed while protesting in several cities. One anti-fascist protester killed a far-right group member in Portland. He was killed a few days later. Police were reported injured in 1% of the protests.

Sanya Mansour, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds, September 5, 2020, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, Demonstrations & Political Violence In America: New Data for Summer 2020, Demonstrations & Political Violence in America: New Data for Summer 2020 | ACLED

Erica Chenoweth and Jeremy Pressman, Black Lives Matter Protesters Were Overwhelmingly Peaceful, Our Research Finds, Harvard Radcliffe Institute, October 20, 2020 Black Lives Matter Protesters Were Overwhelmingly Peaceful, Our Research Finds | Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University
Not sure who wrote this piece or their sources but it is clearly flawed. First, they shift most of the focus on the peaceful protests at 93 percent. Again, I site the instances where businesses and livelihoods were burned and looted. Then there is the bullshit about no one being “affiliated” who took part in the riots or else they were clearly KKK members ramming cars or the government using “excessive force”. The City of Seattle actually pulled out of a core three block radius because they nor their police could handle the violence. Federal law enforcement was sent to Portland after the Federal buildings were targeted by the terrorists . The Federal Government has a right to protect its buildings. What do you define as “excessive force”? Was someone shot like on 1/6 when a Federal Building was under attack??
Already trying to rewrite history by denying the terrorism that occurred throughout multiple US cities. Please show where it was white conservatives torching and looting stores, blocking traffic, assaulting innocent pedestrians and drivers. Show all of those white kids playing the knockout game.

Most of their protests were non violent.

Stop lying and exaggerating.

American Fascism is Coming.​

It does seem inevitable sometimes. Only question is who will get there first, Ds or Rs.

I've shown the evidence multiple times. The fact that police departments a;re dropping charges against so called BLM protesters all over the country is additional proof. It's funny what those like you choose to believe from the media.

The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity.”

Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project- Demonstrations & Political Violence In America: Summer 2020

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project documented the summer protests. The project recorded over 7,500 protests and found that more than 93 percent were peaceful. The cited over 2,400 locations and found that violence occurred in less than 220. The violence ranged from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials.”This report also found that the over the top government response from president number 45 contributed to the violence. The federal response basically increased tension and violence. For example, in Portland the violence increased by 9 percent after President number 45 sent troops to that city. What ACLED found was that government intervened 3 times more in BLM demonstrations than any other.

“ ACLED also highlights a violent government response, in which authorities use force more often than not when they are present at protests and that they disproportionately used force while intervening in demonstrations associated with the BLM movement, relative to other types of demonstrations.”

Sanya Mansour, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

A funny thing was discovered during these protests,(well actually not so funny). The violence in many of these protests were from people who were more than likely not associated with Black Lives Matter. Seems that most of the violence came from infiltrators and counter protesters, many who were associated with white nationalist and paramilitary organization. These groups had an ally that often times helped to escalate the situation, then used violence to settle things down. That ally was law enforcement.

“Since Floyd’s killing, dozens of car-ramming attacks by individual perpetrators — in some cases acting independently with no reported affiliation, and in others linked to hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan — have been reported at demonstrations around the country. Other cases have involved those affiliated with the government, such as the military and law enforcement, including an on-duty police officer at a demonstration in Anaheim, California on 25 July; an off-duty police officer at a demonstration in Seattle, Washington on 4 July; an army sergeant at a demonstration in Austin, Texas on 25 July; and an off-duty jail correctional officer at a demonstration in Kokomo, Indiana on 30 May.”

Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project- Demonstrations & Political Violence In America: Summer 2020

In similar fashion the Radcliffe Institute at Harvard found that that 96.3% of the BLM protests had no property damage or police injuries, and in 97.7% of events, no injuries were reported at all. In fact, they determined that the majority of the violence was directed at BLM protesters. There were arrests in 5% of the protests. Protesters/ bystanders were reported injured in 1.6 percent of the protests. Three Black Lives Matter protesters and one other person were killed while protesting in several cities. One anti-fascist protester killed a far-right group member in Portland. He was killed a few days later. Police were reported injured in 1% of the protests.

Sanya Mansour, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds, September 5, 2020, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, Demonstrations & Political Violence In America: New Data for Summer 2020, Demonstrations & Political Violence in America: New Data for Summer 2020 | ACLED

Erica Chenoweth and Jeremy Pressman, Black Lives Matter Protesters Were Overwhelmingly Peaceful, Our Research Finds, Harvard Radcliffe Institute, October 20, 2020 Black Lives Matter Protesters Were Overwhelmingly Peaceful, Our Research Finds | Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University
99% of the protesters at the 1/6 Reichstag Fire were peaceful.

No buildings burned, no one shot by protesters, no looting. No motorists pulled from cars and beaten, no rapes. No firearms.

None of what is so common at the BLM/ANTIFA Kristalnacht.
Most of their protests were non violent.

Stop lying and exaggerating.

We know who is lying.

Cuccinelli brought a high-powered laser as a prop to a Senate subcommittee hearing hosted by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) focused on Antifa violence during protests against the killing of George Floyd by Minnesota police. He said the devices could be purchased on

The novel laser attacks drew attention last month as President Trump deployed federal officers to bolster the besieged federal court building. White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said at a briefing in July that three officers were believed to have been permanently blinded.}


Talking out your ass again.

noun: nationalism; plural noun: nationalisms
1. identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.

Yes, countries will do what is best for them. Other countries have figurd this out. Democrats are too dense to get it, thus why our allies and every other country on the planet loves it when we elect a Democrat because we no longer look out for our own best interest but theirs too. Man you guys are dense.

I've shown the evidence multiple times. The fact that police departments a;re dropping charges against so called BLM protesters all over the country is additional proof. It's funny what those like you choose to believe from the media.

The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity.”

Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project- Demonstrations & Political Violence In America: Summer 2020

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project documented the summer protests. The project recorded over 7,500 protests and found that more than 93 percent were peaceful. The cited over 2,400 locations and found that violence occurred in less than 220. The violence ranged from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials.”This report also found that the over the top government response from president number 45 contributed to the violence. The federal response basically increased tension and violence. For example, in Portland the violence increased by 9 percent after President number 45 sent troops to that city. What ACLED found was that government intervened 3 times more in BLM demonstrations than any other.

“ ACLED also highlights a violent government response, in which authorities use force more often than not when they are present at protests and that they disproportionately used force while intervening in demonstrations associated with the BLM movement, relative to other types of demonstrations.”

Sanya Mansour, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

A funny thing was discovered during these protests,(well actually not so funny). The violence in many of these protests were from people who were more than likely not associated with Black Lives Matter. Seems that most of the violence came from infiltrators and counter protesters, many who were associated with white nationalist and paramilitary organization. These groups had an ally that often times helped to escalate the situation, then used violence to settle things down. That ally was law enforcement.

“Since Floyd’s killing, dozens of car-ramming attacks by individual perpetrators — in some cases acting independently with no reported affiliation, and in others linked to hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan — have been reported at demonstrations around the country. Other cases have involved those affiliated with the government, such as the military and law enforcement, including an on-duty police officer at a demonstration in Anaheim, California on 25 July; an off-duty police officer at a demonstration in Seattle, Washington on 4 July; an army sergeant at a demonstration in Austin, Texas on 25 July; and an off-duty jail correctional officer at a demonstration in Kokomo, Indiana on 30 May.”

Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project- Demonstrations & Political Violence In America: Summer 2020

In similar fashion the Radcliffe Institute at Harvard found that that 96.3% of the BLM protests had no property damage or police injuries, and in 97.7% of events, no injuries were reported at all. In fact, they determined that the majority of the violence was directed at BLM protesters. There were arrests in 5% of the protests. Protesters/ bystanders were reported injured in 1.6 percent of the protests. Three Black Lives Matter protesters and one other person were killed while protesting in several cities. One anti-fascist protester killed a far-right group member in Portland. He was killed a few days later. Police were reported injured in 1% of the protests.

Sanya Mansour, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds, September 5, 2020, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, Demonstrations & Political Violence In America: New Data for Summer 2020, Demonstrations & Political Violence in America: New Data for Summer 2020 | ACLED

Erica Chenoweth and Jeremy Pressman, Black Lives Matter Protesters Were Overwhelmingly Peaceful, Our Research Finds, Harvard Radcliffe Institute, October 20, 2020 Black Lives Matter Protesters Were Overwhelmingly Peaceful, Our Research Finds | Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University

Talk about some deranged, indoctrinated junk. This is hilarious.

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