American Fascism is Coming.

You just can't get Trump out of your head. Oddly enough neither can the people as he now apparently has higher approval numbers than your retard in the office.
I hear that poor kids are almost as smart as whites but the retard didn't want his school to turn into a jungle by bussing in blacks.
I wonder if Obama is still the most articulate and clean black man he's ever met?

Everybody opposed bussing.. You are too young to remember. You weren't even born until 1969. Where did you live when you started first grade?
Trump has never read the Constitution.. He stated, "Its too hard, like a foreign language"..

He has a poor education particularly in history, religion, foreign affairs, ethics and civics. He's not a leader..
Out of context, douchebag. It's simply impossible for you scumbags to be honest about anything.
No, blm and antifa destroyed several cities. That did happen. BLM and antifa are enemies of the state.
You really have been brainwashed. BLM and Antifa have a goal, the former to change violence of black men & women and to have LE treat them with the same use of force policies for white men & women; the later to include ever Armed Service Member to storm the beaches of Normandy and in the Pacific, and most recently the LE Agents who protected the Capitol Building on Jan 6th from the Neo Fascists.
Trump has encouraged violence and when he does he always smirks.
Biden has encouraged violence, douchebag.

Everybody opposed bussing.. You are too young to remember. You weren't even born until 1969. Where did you live when you started first grade?
Irrelevant on BOTH counts.

Biden has shown his racism and disdain for blacks his ENTIRE LIFE not just in the 60's lol
You really have been brainwashed. BLM and Antifa have a goal, the former to change violence of black men & women and to have LE treat them with the same use of force policies for white men & women; the later to include ever Armed Service Member to storm the beaches of Normandy and in the Pacific, and most recently the LE Agents who protected the Capitol Building on Jan 6th from the Neo Fascists.
When is LE going to start treating BLM and Antifa like they treat every white thug?
Out of context, douchebag. It's simply impossible for you scumbags to be honest about anything.
Wow, you have a lot of never in attacking another human being as dishonest. You are hypocritical, dishonest and hateful.
When is LE going to start treating BLM and Antifa like they treat every white thug?
Use of force policies have been rewritten in most LE policy manuals. Policy manuals are usually updated periodically; during this past few years many murders by local police officers of black men has prompted many city and county counsels/boards of supervisor to update UOF rules as well as establishing Community Policing, and working with Social Service Agencies on matters to protect those acting out on alcohol/drug intoxication, and those when families call for help of a family member who they believe is suffering from mental illness.
You don't know the difference between patriotism and nationalism.
Oh look- another post who tells other people what they think and know. You should’ve asked for your money back at the state fair when you won that cheap crystal ball! Lol

For readers who missed it, crystal ball guy is referencing my post that backed another poster who said that basically all nations are nationalist. That statement doesn’t have any hidden layers to uncover, all readers with common sense can understand the premise, and is an observable and measurable fact. I agree completely. As I stated, a sense of nationalism supports the interests of one’s country. Are you just trying to get off topic because it’s not going the way you’d like Surada? BTW-I’m not getting into the conversation of declaring that “I am the only true patriot in the room!” “Liar! I am the real patriot!” That never leads to “Will the real patriot now, please stand up!” useless banter.
Oh look- another post who tells other people what they think and know. You should’ve asked for your money back at the state fair when you won that cheap crystal ball! Lol

For readers who missed it, crystal ball guy is referencing my post that backed another poster who said that basically all nations are nationalist. That statement doesn’t have any hidden layers to uncover, all readers with common sense can understand the premise, and is an observable and measurable fact. I agree completely. As I stated, a sense of nationalism supports the interests of one’s country. Are you just trying to get off topic because it’s not going the way you’d like Surada? BTW-I’m not getting into the conversation of declaring that “I am the only true patriot in the room!” “Liar! I am the real patriot!” That never leads to “Will the real patriot now, please stand up!” useless banter.

Why don't you look at the definitions of Patriotism versus Nationalism or look up Nationalists of the 20th century. Has NOTHING to do with crystal balls.
Out of context, douchebag. It's simply impossible for you scumbags to be honest about anything.

Jan 16, 2020 · According to a bombshell new book, Donald Trump struggled to read the U.S. Constitution. The incident, according to reporters Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig, came during filming for an HBO documentary in which living presidents, as well as judges and lawmakers, read from the historic document. Stumbling over the text, Trump allegedly blamed people in the room for his mistakes and...

Trump can't read. He has severe dyslexia.
Do you ever tell the truth? You are pathetic.


Donald Trump vs The Constitution | The Libertarian Institute
May 16, 2018 · Donald Trump is a lot of things; a fan of the Constitution isn’t one of them. Throughout his relatively short time as president Donald Trump has verbally assaulted no less than five amendments. Most of these have come in the form of an ill-conceived tweet and haven’t actually led to…

Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
A lying weasel.

Republican voters are the fascists.

Yes, the way they censor communists on Fascistbook and cancel anyone who dares oppose them.

Oh wait, that's you Nazis..

It is Republicans who are launching assaults on voting rights while blue states are making it easier. Their goal is to establish a dictatorship.
Assault on the "voting rights" of the dead and illegals.

The horror.

Honest elections are the bane of the Nazi democrat party. With honest elections, you'll never win. UNFAIR!!!!

You are the one who is dystopian. Not one thing you say is true. Republicans want to divide this country and they are doing a great job at that. You have nothing to offer but hate.

Yes, Republicans with their "Mein Kampf" based CRT - oh wait, that're you Nazi vermin democrats again.....
Why don't you look at the definitions of Patriotism versus Nationalism or look up Nationalists of the 20th century. Has NOTHING to do with crystal balls.
”Nationalism is an idea and movement that holds that the nation should be congruent with the state.[1][2] As a movement, nationalism tends to promote the interests of a particular nation (as in a group of people),[3] especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty(self-governance) over its homeland.”

My post had nothing to do with patriotism, nor did it have anything to do with comparing patriotism to nationalism.

Off topic question: why are you on this political message board? From my view it doesn’t learn look like it has anything to do with learning, information sharing, finding humor, or discussing issues without intentionally going sideways. I’ll admit to going sideways myself on a few threads, but I make effort to respect the opinions of all posters (regardless of their political position) unless a poster makes it clear he or she is only here to go intentionally sideways or go personal. So, what is your purpose?

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