American Government 2013: If this is "tyranny", then sign me up baby!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Government tyranny. Thats what the radical anti-government types are preaching. The hardcore anti-tax crowd too.

So, what is American "Tyranny"?

Right or wrong, our government gives out free shit. Free food, free housing, free healthcare, free phones, free education, flat out free ass money.

Our government tolerates or allows or however you wanna say it....pornography, liquor, strippers, violent sports like football, UFC, hockey.

We are free to waste our money on vacations, to get fat as hell, eat all the Big Macs and twinkies we want, push our blood pressure and cholesterol moon-high, not sky high, moon-high, and we bitch when the govt tries to just reign our waistlines in just a tad.

Our cops? HA!!! I've got a jiu-jitsu coach from Rio De Janeiro, and the Brazil police will flat out MURDER you for talking back. Cops in Russia? North Korea? Mexico? Brazil? Eastern Europe? AFRICA? China? Iraq? Bangladesh? Thailand? WHICH cops would you trade OURS for? None. We have our occassional bad apples. But we have the best cops in the WORLD.

Our military? HA!!! Its so beloved, and rightfully so. Our government doesnt even allow the military to operate inside the borders against our own people, thats why we have cops, so it would take a huge political earthquake to declare martial law. Even then...would you fear our military to be so robotic as to harm us? Not me. Our men and women are the most noble and honorable in the world.

OH! I forgot the tyrannical confiscation of wealth!

You can be a multi-millionaire in this country for:

Singing, dancing, playing football, baseball, basketball, hockey, golf, tennis, for driving a car in a race, for getting in cage fights, for acting, for selling anything in the world that somebody wants like fried chicken, burgers, cars, movies, whatever.

You can be a multi-millionaire by:

Starting a business, investing in stocks, simply inheriting it, winning the lottery, filing a sweet ass lawsuit, selling a "Snuggy", making or starring in a TV show about drunk sluts in New Jersey's beach houses, rapping about thug life, making magazines with naked women in it, producing video games.

You can get filthy dirty rich in this country doing shit that most other people in the world would love to just get a chance to do for FREE, much less make money doing it!!! Our minimum wage is wealthy to 90% of the rest of humans on Earth.

TYRANNY???? If so, count me in as a fan of all our tyrant leaders!
As far as the free stuff people get excited about. Try being one of those that the government robs to pay for all that and see if you still think it's great.

As far as people allowed to get fat, well they are cracking down on that. Obamacare will force us to have our body fat measured. It might even determine how worthy we are for health care. And places want to restrict some things, like soda and sugar. It's been suggested that a tax be levied on those unhealthy foods.

If you do get filthy rich, expect to be vilified and accused of not paying your fair share, regardless of how much you pay in taxes. I don't think they'll be satisfied till they are paying at least 50%.

Yes, there is a lot of trashy reality shows, dirty magazines, etc. It's not a sign of things being great, it's a sign of lowered education and all about making stupid choices and still being taken care of by the government. Gee, ain't life rosy?

Now we get Obamacare forced on us whether we want it or not. Those who think another freebie is being added to the pile are excited. Again, those of us who are barely making ends meet now are wondering what we will be forced to give up to afford the higher rates coming at us.

You talk about all the freebies, yet the left still bitches about money not being redistributed enough. Our poor live like the middle class. Look at the poor in the socialist or communist countries. That is what you call poor. And the rest of the people were living with several families in small apartments.

No wonder all those illegal aliens sneak across the border. They want those freebies. In case some weren't aware of all the goodies the American tax payers had to offer, Obama and Calderon decided to air some ads and let them know. Let the stampede across the border begin. Come get the freebies. Fuck the tax payers. They exist to work their asses off so the government can steal whatever they want from them and give it to those who will keep them in office.

And if the high costs of Obamacare exceed our budgets and we can no longer afford our insurance, then we can pay fines (hard since we're already broke) or go to jail. How many Americans will end up in jail because they can't afford to pay for their insurance as well as insurance for all the fucking free loaders?
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OH! I forgot the tyrannical confiscation of wealth!

You can be a multi-millionaire in this country for:

Singing, dancing, playing football, baseball, basketball, hockey, golf, tennis, for driving a car in a race, for getting in cage fights, for acting, for selling anything in the world that somebody wants like fried chicken, burgers, cars, movies, whatever.

You can be a multi-millionaire by:

Starting a business, investing in stocks, simply inheriting it, winning the lottery, filing a sweet ass lawsuit, selling a "Snuggy", making or starring in a TV show about drunk sluts in New Jersey's beach houses, rapping about thug life, making magazines with naked women in it, producing video games.

You can get filthy dirty rich in this country doing shit that most other people in the world would love to just get a chance to do for FREE, much less make money doing it!!! Our minimum wage is wealthy to 90% of the rest of humans on Earth.

TYRANNY???? If so, count me in as a fan of all our tyrant leaders!

Amen, bro, amen.

When you offer to show the whiny asses the door, they always say no. Just let 'em try complaining about living in Congo or Venezuela. Here they are free to bitch, moan and complain; they do a ton of it, but always decline an invite to exit America.

Dumbass hypocrites.

Regards from Rosie
We'll see how much you're cheering when the neo-cons get back in and start using all the newly minted state power for their own ends. Good times indeed!
We'll see how much you're cheering when the neo-cons get back in and start using all the newly minted state power for their own ends. Good times indeed!

Ain't gonna happen. The establishment Republicans are not neo-cons and the Tea Party are far from it.

You can't put a certain type of conservative back in power when you can't find any.

Regards from Rosie
This country had lifetime employment, free medical care for life , free meals for everyone, and protection from harm a long time ago. They called it slavery then.
This country had lifetime employment, free medical care for life , free meals for everyone, and protection from harm a long time ago. They called it slavery then.

Not many people today get that connection. But they will. Eventually.
My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.
Thomas Jefferson.

It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.
Thomas Jefferson.

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson.

To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.
Thomas Jefferson.

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