American hostage in Somalia rescued in overnight raid: Thank You Navy Seals/Obama

A white woman or man in Somali is no different than a white person walking through the Hood at 3 am in the morning with hundred dollar bills hang out of their pockets.

Of course they are going to get robbed, kidnapped, beaten, or worse.

In some states now; if they have to send people to rescue hikers and climbers who got lost or stuck on a mountain.

The state charges them for the time and expense of having to send men and rescue vehicles to find and rescue them.

Can you imagine how many millions it cost to send a Navy ship and then fly in a Seal Team to rescue this man and woman in Somalia?

This woman would never be able to pay back the American taxpayer even if she lived to be a hundred years old.

We should inform all the do-gooder people like her that like to go to these extremely dangerous places.

That they are on their own if they get taken hostage.

An we ain't going to send anyone to rescue them. Period.
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Bravo Mr President! Thank you for your courageous leadership as Commander in Chief. Hail to the Chief! Look for some Republicans (Tea-Baggers) to accuse President Obama of issuing an un-lawful order I predict.

MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — U.S. Navy SEALs parachuted into Somalia under cover of darkness early Wednesday and crept up to an outdoor camp where an American woman and Danish man were being held hostage. Soon, nine kidnappers were dead and both hostages were freed.

President Barack Obama authorized the mission by SEAL Team 6 two days earlier, deploying the same unit that killed Osama bin Laden last year. Minutes after the president gave his State of the Union address to Congress he was on the phone with the American's father to tell him his daughter was safe.

The Danish Refugee Council confirmed the two aid workers, American Jessica Buchanan and Poul Hagen Thisted, a Dane, were "on their way to be reunited with their families."

Buchanan, 32, and Thisted, 60, were working with a de-mining unit of the Danish Refugee Council when gunmen kidnapped the two in October.

The raiders came in quickly, catching the guards as they were sleeping after having chewed the narcotic leaf qat for much of the evening, a pirate who gave his name as Bile Hussein told The Associated Press by phone. Hussein said he was not present at the site but had spoken with other pirates who were, and that they told him nine pirates had been killed in the raid and three were "taken away."

The hostage rescue was carried out by the same SEAL unit behind the operation in Pakistan last May that killed bin Laden, two U.S. officials said on condition of anonymity to discuss the operation. It was not clear if any members participated in both operations. The unit is the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, also known as SEAL Team 6.

One official said that the team parachuted into the area before moving on foot to the target. The raid happened near the Somali town of Adado.

New intelligence emerged last week that Buchanan's health was "deteriorating rapidly," so Obama directed his security team to develop a rescue plan, according to a senior administration official who was not authorized to speak publicly. A Danish Refugee Council official, Mary Ann Olsen, said that Buchanan was "not that ill" but needed medicine.

"As Commander-in-Chief, I could not be prouder of the troops who carried out this mission, and the dedicated professionals who supported their efforts," Obama said in a statement released by the White House. "The United States will not tolerate the abduction of our people, and will spare no effort to secure the safety of our citizens and to bring their captors to justice."

A Western official said the rescuers and the freed hostages flew by helicopter to a U.S. military base called Camp Lemonnier in the Horn of Africa nation of Djibouti. Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the information had not been released publicly. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta visited Camp Lemonnier just over a month ago. A key U.S. ally in this region, Djibouti has the only U.S. base in sub-Saharan Africa. It hosts the military's Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa.

The timing of the raid may have been made more urgent by Buchanan's medical condition. The Danish Refugee Council had been trying to work with Somali elders to win the hostages' freedom but had found little success.

"One of the hostages has a disease that was very serious and that had to be solved," Danish Foreign Minister Villy Soevndal told Denmark's TV2 channel. Soevndal did not provide any more details. Soevndal congratulated the Americans for the raid.

The Danish Refugee Council said both freed hostages are unharmed "and at a safe location." The group said in a separate statement that the two "are on their way to be reunited with their families."

Olsen informed Thisted's family of of the successful military operation and said "they were very happy and incredibly relieved that it is over." Olsen said the two freed hostages were in Djibouti and would soon be moved to a "safe haven." She said Buchanan does not need to be hospitalized.

"One of the first things Poul and Jessica were able to do was to call their families and say they were freed," Olsen said. "They will be reunited with their families as quickly as possible," Olsen said.

The head of the Danish Refugee Council, Andreas Kamm, said he would have preferred to see the two hostages freed peacefully after working with Somali groups to win the pair's freedom, "but we're happy with the outcome. This is a day of joy indeed."

The two aid workers appear to have been kidnapped by criminals — sometimes referred to as pirates — and not by Somalia's al-Qaida-linked militant group al-Shabab. As large ships at sea have increased their defenses against pirate attacks, gangs have looked for other money making opportunities like land-based kidnappings.

The Danish Refugee Council had earlier enlisted traditional Somali elders and members of civil society to seek the release of the two hostages.

"We are really happy with the successful release of the innocents kidnapped by evildoers," said Mohamud Sahal, an elder in Galkayo town, by phone. "They were guests who were treated brutally. That was against Islam and our culture ... These men (pirates) have spoiled our good customs and culture, so Somalis should fight back."

Buchanan lived in neighboring Kenya before Somalia, and worked at a school in Nairobi called the Rosslyn Academy from 2007-09, said Rob Beyer, the dean of students. He described the American as quick to laugh and adventurous.

"There have been tears on and around the campus today," Beyer said. "She was well-loved by all her students."

Buchanan graduated in 2006 from Valley Forge Christian College, a small suburban Philadelphia school. The school's president, the Rev. Don Meyer, said Buchanan taught at Rosslyn as part of her studies and "fell in love with Africa."

"Ever since Jessica was captured, we all as a community have been praying for her safety and for her safe release," Meyer said. "We are also grateful that our prayers have been answered."

Buchanan and Thisted were seized in October from the portion of Galkayo town under the control of a government-allied clan militia. The aid agency has said that Somalis held demonstrations demanding the pair's quick release...

sorry I wasn't up last night to see this thread:rolleyes:

I am glad he sent them, kudos. see? now stop being a jackass.
A white woman/man in Somali is no different than a white person walking through the Hood at 3 am in the morning with hundred dollar bills hang out of their pockets.

Of course they are going to .

In some states now; if they have to send people to rescue hikers and climbers who got lost or stuck on a mountain.

The state charges them for the time and expense of having to send men and rescue vehicles to find and rescue them.

Can you imagine how many millions it cost to send a Navy ship and then fly in a Seal Team to rescue this man and woman in Somalia?

This woman would never be able to pay back the American taxpayer even if she lived to be a hundred years old.

We should inform all the do-gooder people like her that like to go to these extremely dangerous places.

That they are on their own if they get taken hostage.

An we ain't going to send anyone to rescue them. Period.

First, are you suggesting that a black person walking through the Hood at 3 am in the morning with hundred dollar bills hang out of their pockets would NOT "get robbed, kidnapped, beaten, or worse?. Only a white women? Hmmm. Something wrong there.

Second, your suggesting that we not rescue "do-gooders" is very suspicious indeed.

Third, your way of thinking is not the American way my friend.
First, are you suggesting that a black person walking through the Hood at 3 am in the morning with hundred dollar bills hang out of their pockets would NOT "get robbed, kidnapped, beaten, or worse?. Only a white women? Hmmm. Something wrong there.

Second, your suggesting that we not rescue "do-gooders" is very suspicious indeed.

Third, your way of thinking is not the American way my friend.
First of all; I am not your "friend".

Second, what made you the expert on what is or isn't the "American way?"

Lastly, the only suspicious thing is why you even bothered to post such nonsense. :doubt:
A white woman or man in Somali is no different than a white person walking through the Hood at 3 am in the morning with hundred dollar bills hang out of their pockets.

Of course they are going to get robbed, kidnapped, beaten, or worse.

In some states now; if they have to send people to rescue hikers and climbers who got lost or stuck on a mountain.

The state charges them for the time and expense of having to send men and rescue vehicles to find and rescue them.

Can you imagine how many millions it cost to send a Navy ship and then fly in a Seal Team to rescue this man and woman in Somalia?

This woman would never be able to pay back the American taxpayer even if she lived to be a hundred years old.

We should inform all the do-gooder people like her that like to go to these extremely dangerous places.

That they are on their own if they get taken hostage.

An we ain't going to send anyone to rescue them. Period.

Americans have a wonderful record of aiding those in need. So we are to walk the world in fear because there are outlaws and bigots of other colors and religions in the world? I think not.

Let those that would harm Americans that are aiding people in need walk in fear. Let them know that the price to be paid for harming our citizens who are trying to help those in need will be high and terminal.

Sunni, the only unfortunate thing in this operation is that the whole of the camp was not wiped out.
First, are you suggesting that a black person walking through the Hood at 3 am in the morning with hundred dollar bills hang out of their pockets would NOT "get robbed, kidnapped, beaten, or worse?. Only a white women? Hmmm. Something wrong there.

Second, your suggesting that we not rescue "do-gooders" is very suspicious indeed.

Third, your way of thinking is not the American way my friend.
First of all; I am not your "friend".

Second, what made you the expert on what is or isn't the "American way?"

Lastly, the only suspicious thing is why you even bothered to post such nonsense. :doubt:

Generations in this nation since New Amsterdam. Generations that have served in every war in this nations history. And a study of this nations history.
Americans have a wonderful record of aiding those in need. So we are to walk the world in fear because there are outlaws and bigots of other colors and religions in the world? I think not.

Let those that would harm Americans that are aiding people in need walk in fear. Let them know that the price to be paid for harming our citizens who are trying to help those in need will be high and terminal.

Sunni, the only unfortunate thing in this operation is that the whole of the camp was not wiped out.
Americans have this deluded idea that the whole world loves us.

And that we should be able to go anywhere in the world and the local people will bow to our meer presence just because we are Americans.

News Flash: There are people and countries who don't like Americans; In fact they hate us.

So idiots who go to these places should be fore warned that they are on their own if taken hostage.

Because I for one; as a tax payer.

Do not like footing the bill to rescue these "I'm gonna save the world" clowns.
A white woman or man in Somali is no different than a white person walking through the Hood at 3 am in the morning with hundred dollar bills hang out of their pockets.

Of course they are going to get robbed, kidnapped, beaten, or worse.

In some states now; if they have to send people to rescue hikers and climbers who got lost or stuck on a mountain.

The state charges them for the time and expense of having to send men and rescue vehicles to find and rescue them.

Can you imagine how many millions it cost to send a Navy ship and then fly in a Seal Team to rescue this man and woman in Somalia?

This woman would never be able to pay back the American taxpayer even if she lived to be a hundred years old.

We should inform all the do-gooder people like her that like to go to these extremely dangerous places.

That they are on their own if they get taken hostage.

An we ain't going to send anyone to rescue them. Period.

I have to say that being in Somalia is WORSE than being in any inner city here in the US, I am pretty sure that lady who was taken hostage would tell you she would have had a better chance in downtown Detroit or Baltimore rather than Somalia, I am sure you know Sunni that Somalia is a desperate country and the people there have no future, all these kidnappings and actions against foreigners are acts of pure desperation, but I do agree with you that our citizens need to briefed to stay the fuck away from there, I don't care if they are going for humanitarian work or whatever.
obama ordered Americans to risk their lives so that he could give a good campaign speech.

This is almost as disgusting as your comments about the woman reporter getting raped.

Are you sure you are an American? I really hope you are not. I'd hate to think there are Americans like you.

And yet Daveman thought enough of his post to thank him for it. :eusa_whistle:
A white woman or man in Somali is no different than a white person walking through the Hood at 3 am in the morning with hundred dollar bills hang out of their pockets.

Of course they are going to get robbed, kidnapped, beaten, or worse.

In some states now; if they have to send people to rescue hikers and climbers who got lost or stuck on a mountain.

The state charges them for the time and expense of having to send men and rescue vehicles to find and rescue them.

Can you imagine how many millions it cost to send a Navy ship and then fly in a Seal Team to rescue this man and woman in Somalia?

This woman would never be able to pay back the American taxpayer even if she lived to be a hundred years old.

We should inform all the do-gooder people like her that like to go to these extremely dangerous places.

That they are on their own if they get taken hostage.

An we ain't going to send anyone to rescue them. Period.

Nice to know you put a price on human life. :eusa_eh:

But let me say I would be inclined to agree with you had they been warned by the US government not to go there.
obama ordered Americans to risk their lives so that he could give a good campaign speech.

Wow..just wow.

President Obama's record on keeping Americans safe and actually rescuing Americans is extremely good. From his first test with Somali Pirates to this..he's shown a great deal of competence as commander-in-chief.
This is the lead story in the media and the tea-baggers are in a foul mood indeed. :clap2:

Good to know you don't give a shit about the lives saved, you only give a shit about having a story you try and attach partisan horse shit to.


What the US Navy Seals accomplished in their rescue operation literally brought tears to my eyes.

Tears of pride and joy and yes, I'm overwhelmed with the positive response the story has recieved directed at our brave Navy Seal team. I will not apologize for the pride I have in my heart for our brave troops and President Obama. :clap2:

That you think Obama had anything to do with it is a joke.
As with any politician,it woldnt have happened if it was there ass on the line.:cuckoo:
Good to know you don't give a shit about the lives saved, you only give a shit about having a story you try and attach partisan horse shit to.


What the US Navy Seals accomplished in their rescue operation literally brought tears to my eyes.

Tears of pride and joy and yes, I'm overwhelmed with the positive response the story has recieved directed at our brave Navy Seal team. I will not apologize for the pride I have in my heart for our brave troops and President Obama. :clap2:

That you think Obama had anything to do with it is a joke.
As with any politician,it woldnt have happened if it was there ass on the line.:cuckoo:

Obama had EVERYTHING to do with it.

Pick up a freakin constitution.
What the US Navy Seals accomplished in their rescue operation literally brought tears to my eyes.

Tears of pride and joy and yes, I'm overwhelmed with the positive response the story has recieved directed at our brave Navy Seal team. I will not apologize for the pride I have in my heart for our brave troops and President Obama. :clap2:

That you think Obama had anything to do with it is a joke.
As with any politician,it woldnt have happened if it was there ass on the line.:cuckoo:

Obama had EVERYTHING to do with it.

Pick up a freakin constitution.

Bullshit....It doesn't take any guts to tell someone else to put there lives on the line.
ALL the credit goes to Seal Team Six. And it doesnt matter who's in office.

So what was Obama carrying a CAR 15? Or was it an ACR? Did he parachute in or fast rope?
Anyone who tries to give credit for the actions of a few brave men to a politician is a hack,and is taking away from the actions of the Seal Team members. I would challenge you to tell your thoughts to a member of the Seal Team who actually did something. I bet your view wouldnt be to well received.

You are fucking pathetic!!
Good to know you don't give a shit about the lives saved, you only give a shit about having a story you try and attach partisan horse shit to.


What the US Navy Seals accomplished in their rescue operation literally brought tears to my eyes.

Tears of pride and joy and yes, I'm overwhelmed with the positive response the story has recieved directed at our brave Navy Seal team. I will not apologize for the pride I have in my heart for our brave troops and President Obama. :clap2:

That you think Obama had anything to do with it is a joke.
As with any politician,it woldnt have happened if it was there ass on the line.:cuckoo:

President Obama had everything to do with it! He, and only he, had the courage and gravitas to order the rescue mission. If it failed no doubt you would be extremly happy and content with that prospect just to quench your politically-correct agenda. Bravo President Obama and kudos to our brave and courageous Navy Seal Team! :clap2:

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