American Jim Crow & Racism Explained

#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

White Privilege.

But you knew that was coming, didntcha?

white privilege kendrick lamar,nasir jones,shawn carter.jpg
White Privilege.

But you knew that was coming, didntcha?
no, I was almost expecting a charge of racism...

fwiw, I am not one that denies that white privilege exists; I do believe that it is over-used as a talking point/excuse; but I do not deny that it happens

A Black Republican in Texas

There's many black Americans baby!

I was ready to vote for Herman Cain.

Too bad the Democrats kneecapped his campaign.

One of the best teachers in my life was a black man. Every student except one aced the State Final when he was a teacher.

I ran into him at college, where he was a guest speaker at a NAACP meeting, yeah, that was pretty fucked up. I attended because he was the best teacher I ever had. NAACP meeting, yeah, it was all kindsa fucked up.

Yeah, I suppose he crawled into a bottle and isn't coming out. Ah well, a lot of students gained from his expertise back in the day.

You gotta look at the bright side of things.
Herman's a hack. Good riddance.
no, I was almost expecting a charge of racism...

fwiw, I am not one that denies that white privilege exists; I do believe that it is over-used as a talking point/excuse; but I do not deny that it happens

What's the excuse?

It's just a fact, like how water is wet.

Can you cite some examples of folk using it as an "excuse?" I'm curious to see how that looks.
As far as the rest of your post, you're privileged to hold such views, and you're white, add them together and you get...
get what?

spell it out for me
White Privilege.

But you knew that was coming, didntcha?
White privilege is a lie.

I am a white person, I know.
not entirely a lie, but overused like the whole race card thing is

it is also executed by blacks believe it or not

in Atlanta, a black kid that gets caught for fare evasion (sneaking into a MARTA train station) will likely get more time in the ACDC (Atlanta City Detention Center) than I white kid caught shoplifting (Atlanta is run by black folks)
Did you miss my post? Color is not the critical factor. Two parents is.
I'm sure you believe that to be true.

But put a white person from a 1-parent home and a black person from a 1-parent home in the same situation and who does society reward more? All things being the same.

You can't escape this country's original sin bub, just can't.
Did you miss my post? Color is not the critical factor. Two parents is.
I'm sure you believe that to be true.

But put a white person from a 1-parent home and a black person from a 1-parent home in the same situation and who does society reward more? All things being the same.

You can't escape this country's original sin bub, just can't.

A huge PRIVILEGE is Two-Parent Privilege. If you are raised by a father and mother, you enter adulthood with more privileges than anyone else in American society, irrespective of race, ethnicity, or sex. That’s why the poverty rate among two-parent black families is only 7%. Compare that with a 22% poverty rate among whites in single-parent homes.

Single parents is a primary issue. If you want to talk privilege, Affirmative Action is a privilege, quotas are a privilege. Explain why 70% of African American kids are raised by one parent (was 20% in the 60s). Explain why African Americans commit 50% of the crimes when they comprise only 13% of the population? Is that due to "white privilege"?

Do you really believe it is beneficial to teach an entire generation of African American kids and teens that Ameirca is racist to a point where they cannot overcome it? This is an utter lie and hurts them more than helps them. Would it not make more sense to teach ALL young people not to become single parents?

I am Jew. My people have a history of oppression dating back 1000s of years. I don't feel as though anyone owes me anything.

As far as the rest of your post, you're privileged to hold such views, and you're white, add them together and you get...
get what?

spell it out for me
White Privilege.

But you knew that was coming, didntcha?
White privilege is a lie.

I am a white person, I know.
not entirely a lie, but overused like the whole race card thing is

it is also executed by blacks believe it or not

in Atlanta, a black kid that gets caught for fare evasion (sneaking into a MARTA train station) will likely get more time in the ACDC (Atlanta City Detention Center) than I white kid caught shoplifting (Atlanta is run by black folks)
It is a lie.

White people are treated like 2nd class citizens under the law today. That is why the left in this country literally laughs at white South Africans who are pleading for their lives and the pathetic right doesn't fight for the human dignity of those people for fear that they will be accused of supporting "white supremacists" from Apartheid.

White people are repeatedly attacked for and even denied our right to assembly and free speech in THIS country.

That is far more heinous than black govt officials punishing the worst elements of their cities to attempt to keep their cities reasonably safe for businesses and families. I know plenty of black cities DO NOT punish their youth for much more serious crimes(i.e Baltimore).
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Did you miss my post? Color is not the critical factor. Two parents is.

But put a white person from a 1-parent home and a black person from a 1-parent home in the same situation and who does society reward more? All things being the same.
The black person who doesn't feel like they have to commit suicide or OD on drugs due to the fact that black organizations exist and white organizations do not.

Just ask my now dead stepbrother.
Bullshit. The right thing to do throw all loser shit into a dumpster fire. They can have whatever they want in a museum or on their private property.

Youre the idiot here. Claiming that your whining about your loser confederates is living and let live is amusing.

Those statues weren't doing anything. The white people who might have gone to the park and maybe looked at the statutes, and talking to their kids about their great great great grandfather who fought in that war,

were not doing anything to you. They were living and let live.

YOu are the bad guy here. And you being an ass about it too.
They were doing plenty. Everytime a Black person saw those losers and racists it was an attack on that Black persons peace of mind.

No, it was not.

That is an insanely weak justification for your actions.
I didnt ask your opinion. I was informing you of the facts. If you dont like it then you can log a complaint.

Your inability to tell the difference between a fact and an opinion is noted. You are laughed at. LOL!!

And I'm fine with you sharing your opinion. THis is a discussion forum.

To be hear and whine about that fact that other people are sharing their opinions, is the type of stupid shit I expect from lefties.
You have always been laughed at. Not only for your opinions but the stupidity in which they are mired.

Its a fact that Blacks have always had an issue with confederate statues you moron. How someone could be this clueless about this fact is sad but completely and understandably amusing in your case. Youre like the local town idiot.
THe people tearing down the statues are the ones not leaving alone.

They are attacking.
Why should we leave the statues of traitors, losers, and racists up? Of course we are attacking. No one should have to pay taxes so a bunch of white people can pretend the south will rise again.

YOur excuses for your attacks are irrelevant.

You admit my point.

YOu are attacking those who are just "living and letting live".
No. I am attacking those whites that cant let go. Losers like you that memorialize and reenact the civil war. Get over it. You lost and got your ass kicked in the process. Now please explain why we should let it go if you cant?
It is the blacks who wont let go. Rehashing how their ancestors were abused and that times have not changed because the whites are still evil. Move on. None of us were a part of that horrendous history. None of us are guilty.

Thank you.

It is sad that this guy can admit that he is the one attacking, yet claim that the whites are the ones not "living and letting live".

Bat shit crazy. Liberalism really is a mental disorder.
Only someone with a learning disability can think this makes sense. Now youre whining because I attack whites that cant live and let live. You really think I'm just going to sit back and let recessives do what they want to without some opposition? You silly ass whiteboy. I'm not that sit back and take it type. I'm that type that is going to make you think 3 times before you ever get bold enough to disrespect me.
No one, has been able to offer ONE example of something new, offered in the vid, as a reason to watch it.

That's not rejecting history. That's rejecting a waste of time.
What mental gymnastics, or retardation, requires a historic recitation offer something NEW!?!??

All the time he has wasted asking if there was something new he could have watched the video about 20 times by now. I think he is too stupid to understand no one can read his mind to see if he already knows any of the content in the video. What a buffoon. :laugh:
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Probably. I assume a vast majority of white guys are racist. There is a reason white power groups have a lot of white guys in them.

Ok, so KKK membership estimated at three thousand nation wide. even given a large margin of error, its very minute and half of these people joined in the last three years or so.. Hardly looking like a vast majority of white guys so far. I'm willing to bet another large portion of them are a product of the Prison system where people are pretty much forced to segregate themselves for survival. Estimated around 20,000
But do you have any more facts other than assuming the vast majority of white guys are racist? Considering theres about 200 million white people in the US I would expect those indicators to be a hell of a lot higher.
I think you really want the vast majority of whites to be racist, and that would be more accurate
You do realize that an estimate is not very reliable or factual right? You must also realize that the KKK isnt the only white power group either right? What about the ones that arent in any group? Yes I have facts. A racist society cannot exist without support from the majority. The SCOTUS has admitted that there is systemic racism. Can you explain how that can exist if the majority of whites are not racist? I need facts not your assumptions.

Well, i guess a lot of people will call this a racist society as long as whites are the majority right? Is that in itself systemic racism? The vast majority of whites don't control the system any more than the majority of kenyans control the system where they live. they pretty much just live inside that system themselves. I would say it takes time for society to change from the inside out... and it had been moving in the positive direction until about the last 8 years
Thats true. As long as whites are the majority and support the system of racism that benefits them we will call it a racist society. Why do whites like you always tell Blacks to be patient? How much time do you need to build up a head start? I know the vast majority of whites dont control the system. No one ever said that. I said that the vast majority of whites were racist. Thats because you are willingly being duped into believing you are superior. In a way it doesnt make sense. If I felt was superior I wouldnt agree to a system that held back those people I believed were inferior. I would just show I was better than them. Kind of like I do now.
There are some whites who think they are superior, blacks too. I believe most whites do not feel that way
You are entitled to your opinion. However, I ask again. How can systemic racism exist without the support of the majority? So far all you whites that disagree that most whites are racist have avoided answering this question. You must have some answer to this dont you?
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Do you really believe it is beneficial to teach an entire generation of African American kids and teens that Ameirca is racist to a point where they cannot overcome it? This is an utter lie and hurts them more than helps them. Would it not make more sense to teach ALL young people not to become single parents?

Hello, Azog, as well as fellow USMB members. I am curious to learn your thoughts and opinions about info shared by this apparent caring, concerned American wife and mom to one daughter?

Sadly, I believe Lady Mocha is addressing a specific population of American females who most all of President Barack "My Brother's Keeper" and Mrs. Michelle "Girl Power" Obama's American urban story-TRUTH-teller friends and WH guests HATEFULLY denigrate as less than human *itches and *hores or 'hoes' undeserving of being treated with basic human respect.

obama racism hateful friends.jpg


(Skip Lady Mocha's intro by fast forwarding to 7:59)

"Young Mothers Are Poisoning the black community" ~LadyMocha


"Black women are destroying themselves and black men"
~BlacksUnited - Alexis Erika Published on Mar 7, 2014

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As far as the rest of your post, you're privileged to hold such views, and you're white, add them together and you get...
get what?

spell it out for me
White Privilege.

But you knew that was coming, didntcha?
White privilege is a lie.

I am a white person, I know.
You have to go pickup your white privilege now days. You cant lay on your ass and expect it to be delivered. This is why you have failed in life. Go take a bath. Get a haircut and use deodorant. Go outside your trailer park and seek employment. Once you do that you can compete with college educated Blacks for a job even though you barely got your HS Diploma..
As far as the rest of your post, you're privileged to hold such views, and you're white, add them together and you get...
get what?

spell it out for me
White Privilege.

But you knew that was coming, didntcha?
White privilege is a lie.

I am a white person, I know.
You have to go pickup your white privilege now days. You cant lay on your ass and expect it to be delivered. This is why you have failed in life. Go take a bath. Get a haircut and use deodorant. Go outside your trailer park and seek employment. Once you do that you can compete with college educated Blacks for a job even though you barely got your HS Diploma..
My High School diploma is worth more than most college degrees these days.

But of course I didn't go to a worthless local public high school, so that mostly explains why.
As far as the rest of your post, you're privileged to hold such views, and you're white, add them together and you get...
get what?

spell it out for me
White Privilege.

But you knew that was coming, didntcha?
White privilege is a lie.

I am a white person, I know.
You have to go pickup your white privilege now days. You cant lay on your ass and expect it to be delivered. This is why you have failed in life. Go take a bath. Get a haircut and use deodorant. Go outside your trailer park and seek employment. Once you do that you can compete with college educated Blacks for a job even though you barely got your HS Diploma..
My High School diploma is worth more than most college degrees these days.

But of course I didn't go to a worthless local public high school, so that mostly explains why.
Thats how it works for white people so I agree. Therein lies your privilege. Thanks for admitting that.

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