American Jim Crow & Racism Explained

No one, has been able to offer ONE example of something new, offered in the vid, as a reason to watch it.

That's not rejecting history. That's rejecting a waste of time.
What mental gymnastics, or retardation, requires a historic recitation offer something NEW!?!??...

You inability to understand, that I do not want to waste my time, hearing the same old shit, rehashed and reserved,

is just you being stupid.
OK I watched it

Truthfully, I did not hear anything that I really did not already know.

Anyway, this video was not really all that controversial, but I do disagree with one of his fundamental premises. I got the impression that he buys into the notion that "the South" was inherently worse than the "the North"; a premise that I reject.

I shared a story that my grandfather told you already, here is another thing that I heard him say on numerous occasions:

In the South, everybody hates *******, but most people have black people in their lives that they work with, interact with and really care about. In the North, everybody loves *******, but most of them don't and won't have anything to do with any black folks on an individual basis."

His observation is not inaccurate; the institutional racism was prevalent in Dixieland, but the "hidden racism" was actually far worse and more detrimental towards the goal of actual "equal rights and equal opportunity" up North (and out West for that matter)

Here is my take on the development of the bitter racial problems that rocked our nation; Abraham Lincoln' decision on emancipation set the stage for a lot of heartbreak and problems that could have been mitigated and minimized. Slavery, as an institution, was not going to continue for much longer in our country because it was not economically sustainable, and the Republican push on Reconstruction exacerbated racial problems. Why? How? It fanned the fumes of fear, particularly in the "lower classes" or "working class". Lower class whites, although they were economically depressed, held on to the notion that "I may be po white trash, but at least I am better than a ******" - the way emancipation went down; backed by the force of an occupying army, heightened their fears and made the situation worse than it had to be.

Instead of creating opportunities for blacks within their own community, what happened was that blacks were suddenly pushed into a position that put them at odds with lower class working whites; they became "the competition" and therefore "the enemy" =- a force that threatened their social status and economic security.

Wealthy whites had an incentive to push the status quo, because they wanted to protect their wealth and status, and it was really easy to flame the fans of racism, because lower class whites did indeed feel threatened (we see the same thing happening today between lower class blacks and Hispanic immigrants, legal and illegal, today)

Now, I can easily see how my observations would frustrate and even anger you; but I will say that we need to look at other minority populations that have achieved success and built wealth, namely Asians, Hispanics and Jews (Jewish folks work as an example, but I will cede that it was easier for them to assimilate into "white society" than it was for the other groups). I can also understand why you would take great offense to hear a white guy that grew up on the "right side" of social and racial privilege, point out that ending slavery by force wasn't helpful in the development of our nation (it wasn't my people that were held in bondage and exploited for the enrichment of your ancestors). However, I maintain that the forceful integration backed by military might created deeper seed of resentment than we likely would have seen if slavery ended organically

Don't get me wrong, I AM NOT saying that if we had let slavery end of its own weight or had we not pushed for African American rights in the way we had that there would have been NO racism or "growing pains"; but I do believe that the inevitable integration would have been less vitriolic and volatile.

To close, you are either going to be offended and dismiss my observation out of hand because of my use of the N word here, or you will appreciate my willingness to give you insight into what "my side" really thinks. I would submit to you that until both sides can come together and honestly hear the other viewpoint and try to understand each other, that real harmony in this area is unlikely.

The North was only better in the fact that, they at least TRIED to hide their racism, and many of the Northerners, knew it was wrong and wanted it to stop.

The South just wasn't that way, they were open, flagrant and proud of the racism, from bottom to top.

One could argue that it's a distinction w/o a difference, however, factually speaking, the South was worse for blacks as far as racism and bigotry are concerned.

It remains that way today.

As far as the rest of your post, you're privileged to hold such views, and you're white, add them together and you get...

Is the percentage of blacks in Atlanta higher than Jacksonville, or no? I'm thinking Jacksonville has a higher black percentage population.

I also think Jacksonville blacks are largely smarter than Atlanta ones, from personal experience. Atlanta might have redbone, but I'll take mah FL black blacks with sense any day.
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And by a white guy to boot...

Before you post, especially to our white self-proclaimed conservatives on here, please have watched the video in it's entirety. And if there are any objections to his historical reference, please specify which one/s exactly.


OK I watched it

Truthfully, I did not hear anything that I really did not already know.

Anyway, this video was not really all that controversial, but I do disagree with one of his fundamental premises. I got the impression that he buys into the notion that "the South" was inherently worse than the "the North"; a premise that I reject.

I shared a story that my grandfather told you already, here is another thing that I heard him say on numerous occasions:

In the South, everybody hates *******, but most people have black people in their lives that they work with, interact with and really care about. In the North, everybody loves *******, but most of them don't and won't have anything to do with any black folks on an individual basis."

His observation is not inaccurate; the institutional racism was prevalent in Dixieland, but the "hidden racism" was actually far worse and more detrimental towards the goal of actual "equal rights and equal opportunity" up North (and out West for that matter)

Here is my take on the development of the bitter racial problems that rocked our nation; Abraham Lincoln' decision on emancipation set the stage for a lot of heartbreak and problems that could have been mitigated and minimized. Slavery, as an institution, was not going to continue for much longer in our country because it was not economically sustainable, and the Republican push on Reconstruction exacerbated racial problems. Why? How? It fanned the fumes of fear, particularly in the "lower classes" or "working class". Lower class whites, although they were economically depressed, held on to the notion that "I may be po white trash, but at least I am better than a ******" - the way emancipation went down; backed by the force of an occupying army, heightened their fears and made the situation worse than it had to be.

Instead of creating opportunities for blacks within their own community, what happened was that blacks were suddenly pushed into a position that put them at odds with lower class working whites; they became "the competition" and therefore "the enemy" =- a force that threatened their social status and economic security.

Wealthy whites had an incentive to push the status quo, because they wanted to protect their wealth and status, and it was really easy to flame the fans of racism, because lower class whites did indeed feel threatened (we see the same thing happening today between lower class blacks and Hispanic immigrants, legal and illegal, today)

Now, I can easily see how my observations would frustrate and even anger you; but I will say that we need to look at other minority populations that have achieved success and built wealth, namely Asians, Hispanics and Jews (Jewish folks work as an example, but I will cede that it was easier for them to assimilate into "white society" than it was for the other groups). I can also understand why you would take great offense to hear a white guy that grew up on the "right side" of social and racial privilege, point out that ending slavery by force wasn't helpful in the development of our nation (it wasn't my people that were held in bondage and exploited for the enrichment of your ancestors). However, I maintain that the forceful integration backed by military might created deeper seed of resentment than we likely would have seen if slavery ended organically

Don't get me wrong, I AM NOT saying that if we had let slavery end of its own weight or had we not pushed for African American rights in the way we had that there would have been NO racism or "growing pains"; but I do believe that the inevitable integration would have been less vitriolic and volatile.

To close, you are either going to be offended and dismiss my observation out of hand because of my use of the N word here, or you will appreciate my willingness to give you insight into what "my side" really thinks. I would submit to you that until both sides can come together and honestly hear the other viewpoint and try to understand each other, that real harmony in this area is unlikely.


What you need to so is drop the attempts to compare what the other groups did because the groups were not enslaved . Then drop the lie about Jews being a ace. None of those groups were denied the equivalent of 15-20 trillion dollars of earned wealth. And I think you need to give whites less credit for pushing things like you did us a favor. Blacks did have a lot to do with our own freedom.
Is the percentage of blacks in Atlanta higher than Jacksonville, or no? I'm thinking Jacksonville has a higher black percentage population.

it is larger in Atlanta - and not just the city limits, metro Atlanta is 35 - 39% black, Jacksonville is 31% black

I also think Jacksonville blacks are largely smarter than Atlanta ones, from personal experience. Atlanta might have redbone, but I'll take mah FL blacks with sense any day.

dude, come on,
And I think you need to give whites less credit for pushing things like you did us a favor. Blacks did have a lot to do with our own freedom.
what makes you think I am pushing the notion that "we did you a favor"?
OK I watched it

Truthfully, I did not hear anything that I really did not already know.

Anyway, this video was not really all that controversial, but I do disagree with one of his fundamental premises. I got the impression that he buys into the notion that "the South" was inherently worse than the "the North"; a premise that I reject.

I shared a story that my grandfather told you already, here is another thing that I heard him say on numerous occasions:

In the South, everybody hates *******, but most people have black people in their lives that they work with, interact with and really care about. In the North, everybody loves *******, but most of them don't and won't have anything to do with any black folks on an individual basis."

His observation is not inaccurate; the institutional racism was prevalent in Dixieland, but the "hidden racism" was actually far worse and more detrimental towards the goal of actual "equal rights and equal opportunity" up North (and out West for that matter)

Here is my take on the development of the bitter racial problems that rocked our nation; Abraham Lincoln' decision on emancipation set the stage for a lot of heartbreak and problems that could have been mitigated and minimized. Slavery, as an institution, was not going to continue for much longer in our country because it was not economically sustainable, and the Republican push on Reconstruction exacerbated racial problems. Why? How? It fanned the fumes of fear, particularly in the "lower classes" or "working class". Lower class whites, although they were economically depressed, held on to the notion that "I may be po white trash, but at least I am better than a ******" - the way emancipation went down; backed by the force of an occupying army, heightened their fears and made the situation worse than it had to be.

Instead of creating opportunities for blacks within their own community, what happened was that blacks were suddenly pushed into a position that put them at odds with lower class working whites; they became "the competition" and therefore "the enemy" =- a force that threatened their social status and economic security.

Wealthy whites had an incentive to push the status quo, because they wanted to protect their wealth and status, and it was really easy to flame the fans of racism, because lower class whites did indeed feel threatened (we see the same thing happening today between lower class blacks and Hispanic immigrants, legal and illegal, today)

Now, I can easily see how my observations would frustrate and even anger you; but I will say that we need to look at other minority populations that have achieved success and built wealth, namely Asians, Hispanics and Jews (Jewish folks work as an example, but I will cede that it was easier for them to assimilate into "white society" than it was for the other groups). I can also understand why you would take great offense to hear a white guy that grew up on the "right side" of social and racial privilege, point out that ending slavery by force wasn't helpful in the development of our nation (it wasn't my people that were held in bondage and exploited for the enrichment of your ancestors). However, I maintain that the forceful integration backed by military might created deeper seed of resentment than we likely would have seen if slavery ended organically

Don't get me wrong, I AM NOT saying that if we had let slavery end of its own weight or had we not pushed for African American rights in the way we had that there would have been NO racism or "growing pains"; but I do believe that the inevitable integration would have been less vitriolic and volatile.

To close, you are either going to be offended and dismiss my observation out of hand because of my use of the N word here, or you will appreciate my willingness to give you insight into what "my side" really thinks. I would submit to you that until both sides can come together and honestly hear the other viewpoint and try to understand each other, that real harmony in this area is unlikely.

The North was only better in the fact that, they at least TRIED to hide their racism, and many of the Northerners, knew it was wrong and wanted it to stop.

The South just wasn't that way, they were open, flagrant and proud of the racism, from bottom to top.

One could argue that it's a distinction w/o a difference, however, factually speaking, the South was worse for blacks as far as racism and bigotry are concerned.

It remains that way today.

As far as the rest of your post, you're privileged to hold such views, and you're white, add them together and you get...

Is the percentage of blacks in Atlanta higher than Jacksonville, or no? I'm thinking Jacksonville has a higher black percentage population.

I also think Jacksonville blacks are largely smarter than Atlanta ones, from personal experience. Atlanta might have redbone, but I'll take mah FL blacks with sense any day.

You don't have any blacks any where.

Atlanta is 51 percent black. Jacksonville 30.
As far as the rest of your post, you're privileged to hold such views, and you're white, add them together and you get...
get what?

spell it out for me
so, my goal here is to have an open and honest dialogue

I was aware that some of my observations would not be well received, but you asked for real feedback...

the real question is, where do we go from here
And I think you need to give whites less credit for pushing things like you did us a favor. Blacks did have a lot to do with our own freedom.
what makes you think I am pushing the notion that "we did you a favor"?

Because if how you said this:

Don't get me wrong, I AM NOT saying that if we had let slavery end of its own weight or had we not pushed for African American rights in the way we had that there would have been NO racism or "growing pains"; but I do believe that the inevitable integration would have been less vitriolic and volatile.
You don't have any blacks any where.

Atlanta is 51 percent black. Jacksonville 30.
city limits - that is not a fair comparison

Jax is the largest city in the country (maybe even the world) by land mass, as Duval county is 100% the city limits

so, in comparing demographics, "metro Atlanta" has to be used
And I think you need to give whites less credit for pushing things like you did us a favor. Blacks did have a lot to do with our own freedom.
what makes you think I am pushing the notion that "we did you a favor"?

Because if how you said this:

Don't get me wrong, I AM NOT saying that if we had let slavery end of its own weight or had we not pushed for African American rights in the way we had that there would have been NO racism or "growing pains"; but I do believe that the inevitable integration would have been less vitriolic and volatile.
ok, fair enough, but that was not my intent

TL; DR version - the way integration went down caused more tension and hate than it had to
You don't have any blacks any where.

Atlanta is 51 percent black. Jacksonville 30.
city limits - that is not a fair comparison

Jax is the largest city in the country (maybe even the world) by land mass, as Duval county is 100% the city limits

so, in comparing demographics, "metro Atlanta" has to be used

There's black farmers in Duval County. ;)

They're good people, too.

Georgia are inbred, even. Also no count.

That's just me, I guess.
And I think you need to give whites less credit for pushing things like you did us a favor. Blacks did have a lot to do with our own freedom.
what makes you think I am pushing the notion that "we did you a favor"?

Because if how you said this:

Don't get me wrong, I AM NOT saying that if we had let slavery end of its own weight or had we not pushed for African American rights in the way we had that there would have been NO racism or "growing pains"; but I do believe that the inevitable integration would have been less vitriolic and volatile.
ok, fair enough, but that was not my intent

TL; DR version - the way integration went down caused more tension and hate than it had to

Fair enough.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

The statue has been there for generations. It is not doing anything. Suddenly they decide that they have to tear it down, and anyone that disagrees with them must be vilified.

Hello, Correll. In my opinion, large numbers of apparent illogical thinking PRO BLACK minded American citizens beefing about historical monuments, that in many cases are reminders of human ignorance once embraced by our ever-evolving, imperfect human species...

...are the very same PRO BLACK minded American citizens WILLFULLY IGNORING America's potentially life scarring SYSTEMIC & GENERATIONAL Culture of Black or African American Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect and Maltreatment that evolved from America's multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism!

I am referring to a Culture of Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment responsible for popular American urban story-TRUTH-tellers and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims the late Tupac Shakur (born 1971) and Mr. Barack "My Brother's Keeper" Obama White House guest and friend Kendrick Lamar (born 1987) vividly describing in their American art and interviews the "T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E." and "Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City" Child Abuse Cultures prevalent in far too many American communities.

I am referring to a Culture of Systemic and Generational CHILD ABUSE that THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, deprived Tupac and Kendrick, their childhood friends, as well as many of their elementary and JHS classmates from experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood.

Sadly, the traumatic, potentially life-scarring Criminal Child Abuse and Emotional Abandonment each of these men speaks about experiencing during a critical period of human/childhood development, resulted with them maturing into emotionally ill adults revealing in public they’ve been experiencing acute depression as well as Suic*dal Thoughts for most of their lives.

The same Culture of African American Child Abuse, Neglect and Maltreatment that for more than 30 years has been inspiring significant numbers of popular urban story-TRUTH-tellers to compose and promote American music art HATEFULLY informing our world that American girls, women and MOTHERS of African descent should be viewed as less than human *itches, *hores, 'hoes' or "THOTS" unworthy of being treated with basic human respect. (THOT = "That Hoe Over There")

Shawn Carter, Nasir Jones, Barack Obama.jpg

Unfortunately, it's plainly evident Kendrick, Tupac as well as untold numbers of American children are being raised, nurtured and socialized by moms experiencing some type of illness preventing and impeding them from embracing and following their innate, natural maternal instinct to protect their child or children from harm.

Perhaps I'm wrong but *something* is preventing significant numbers of black or American moms of African descent from recognizing that placing ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional well being of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets, will most likely result with a fairly or wonderfully happy child maturing into a reasonably responsible teen and adult citizen caring about their own well being (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*), as well as embracing compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful or less fortunate neighbors.

Black American Men 'Take Control of Emotionally Troubled Women'

How many of my American neighbors are familiar with the late 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim Tupac Shakur's (often misinterpreted) #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment *AWARENESS-PREVENTION* concept:

"The Hate U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE*" ~Tupac Shakur

"We need more people who care; you know what I'm saying? We need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that..." ~Tupac Shakur

Does the late American urban story-TRUTH-teller and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim Tupac Shakur offer a reasonable explanation for why significant numbers of American children are being impeded, hampered or prevented from maturing into reasonably responsible, well-adjusted American teens and adults who become doctors, scientists, engineers, educators, business owners or leaders?

Does Tupac offer a reasonable explanation for why Americans of African descent are being impeded from experiencing the equality and respect all peaceful, reasonably responsible Americans are entitled to enjoy?

Tupac, an admitted emotionally ill adult who loudly spoke about experiencing childhood abuse and maltreatment during a critical period of human/childhood development, intelligently recognized not only are American kids being UNJUSTLY OPPRESSED, IMPEDED and DEPRIVED from experiencing their full human potential, as well as a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood...

...Tupac realized OUR NATION is being deprived of enjoying the potential achievements offered to ALL Americans by fairly or wonderfully happy kids maturing into reasonably responsible teens and adults caring about the future of OUR Nation, and the welfare of their peaceful, as well as less fortunate neighbors.

I believe Tupac correctly recognized Americans need to change the name of our “War On Poverty”, to “America’s Firm Resolve to End Childhood Abuse, Emotional Neglect and Maltreatment.”

toya graham POVERTY.jpg



Dr. Umar Johnson Ph.D, Dr. Boyce Watkins Ph.D, Tariq Nasheed7.jpg
In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it and solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions.
According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household.

We need to consider actual fact when we start making comments about racial "progress."
A Black Republican in Texas

There's many black Americans baby!

I was ready to vote for Herman Cain.

Too bad the Democrats kneecapped his campaign.

One of the best teachers in my life was a black man. Every student except one aced the State Final when he was a teacher. (That one student was a dumbass)

I ran into him at college, where he was a guest speaker at a NAACP meeting, yeah, that was pretty fucked up. I attended because he was the best teacher I ever had. NAACP meeting, yeah, it was all kindsa fucked up.

Yeah, I suppose he crawled into a bottle and isn't coming out. Ah well, a lot of students gained from his expertise back in the day.

You gotta look at the bright side of things.
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#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

The statue has been there for generations. It is not doing anything. Suddenly they decide that they have to tear it down, and anyone that disagrees with them must be vilified.

Hello, Correll. In my opinion, large numbers of apparent illogical thinking PRO BLACK minded American citizens beefing about historical monuments, that in many cases are reminders of human ignorance once embraced by our ever-evolving, imperfect human species...

...are the very same PRO BLACK minded American citizens WILLFULLY IGNORING America's potentially life scarring SYSTEMIC & GENERATIONAL Culture of Black or African American Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect and Maltreatment that evolved from America's multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism!

I am referring to a Culture of Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment responsible for popular American urban story-TRUTH-tellers and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims the late Tupac Shakur (born 1971) and Mr. Barack "My Brother's Keeper" Obama White House guest and friend Kendrick Lamar (born 1987) vividly describing in their American art and interviews the "T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E." and "Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City" Child Abuse Cultures prevalent in far too many American communities.

I am referring to a Culture of Systemic and Generational CHILD ABUSE that THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, deprived Tupac and Kendrick, their childhood friends, as well as many of their elementary and JHS classmates from experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood.

Sadly, the traumatic, potentially life-scarring Criminal Child Abuse and Emotional Abandonment each of these men speaks about experiencing during a critical period of human/childhood development, resulted with them maturing into emotionally ill adults revealing in public they’ve been experiencing acute depression as well as Suic*dal Thoughts for most of their lives.

The same Culture of African American Child Abuse, Neglect and Maltreatment that for more than 30 years has been inspiring significant numbers of popular urban story-TRUTH-tellers to compose and promote American music art HATEFULLY informing our world that American girls, women and MOTHERS of African descent should be viewed as less than human *itches, *hores, 'hoes' or "THOTS" unworthy of being treated with basic human respect. (THOT = "That Hoe Over There")

View attachment 214955

Unfortunately, it's plainly evident Kendrick, Tupac as well as untold numbers of American children are being raised, nurtured and socialized by moms experiencing some type of illness preventing and impeding them from embracing and following their innate, natural maternal instinct to protect their child or children from harm.

Perhaps I'm wrong but *something* is preventing significant numbers of black or American moms of African descent from recognizing that placing ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional well being of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets, will most likely result with a fairly or wonderfully happy child maturing into a reasonably responsible teen and adult citizen caring about their own well being (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*), as well as embracing compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful or less fortunate neighbors.

Black American Men 'Take Control of Emotionally Troubled Women'

How many of my American neighbors are familiar with the late 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim Tupac Shakur's (often misinterpreted) #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment *AWARENESS-PREVENTION* concept:

"The Hate U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE*" ~Tupac Shakur

"We need more people who care; you know what I'm saying? We need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that..." ~Tupac Shakur

Does the late American urban story-TRUTH-teller and 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim Tupac Shakur offer a reasonable explanation for why significant numbers of American children are being impeded, hampered or prevented from maturing into reasonably responsible, well-adjusted American teens and adults who become doctors, scientists, engineers, educators, business owners or leaders?

Does Tupac offer a reasonable explanation for why Americans of African descent are being impeded from experiencing the equality and respect all peaceful, reasonably responsible Americans are entitled to enjoy?

Tupac, an admitted emotionally ill adult who loudly spoke about experiencing childhood abuse and maltreatment during a critical period of human/childhood development, intelligently recognized not only are American kids being UNJUSTLY OPPRESSED, IMPEDED and DEPRIVED from experiencing their full human potential, as well as a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood...

...Tupac realized OUR NATION is being deprived of enjoying the potential achievements offered to ALL Americans by fairly or wonderfully happy kids maturing into reasonably responsible teens and adults caring about the future of OUR Nation, and the welfare of their peaceful, as well as less fortunate neighbors.

I believe Tupac correctly recognized Americans need to change the name of our “War On Poverty”, to “America’s Firm Resolve to End Childhood Abuse, Emotional Neglect and Maltreatment.”

View attachment 214954



View attachment 214956

Your point on child abuse is buried by the size of your posts. YOu seem to be almost spamming.
In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it and solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions.
According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household.

We need to consider actual fact when we start making comments about racial "progress."

I am white but it is not my fault that 70% of African American kids these days are raised by a single parent. In 1960 it was 20%. This country is not more racist now than it was in the 60s. Sorry.

If you are raised by a father and mother, you enter adulthood with more privileges than anyone else in American society, irrespective of race, ethnicity, or sex. That’s why the poverty rate among two-parent black families is only 7%.

Compare that with a 22% poverty rate among whites in single-parent homes. Obviously the two-parent home is the decisive ADVANTAGE.
Your point on child abuse is buried by the size of your posts. YOu seem to be almost spamming.

Hello, Correll. I've noticed folks often resort to name calling when they are unwilling or unable to offer an intelligent reply to my thoughts, concerns and opinions, as well as the evidence of SYSTEMIC Child Abuse I share.



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