American Medical Association goes totally fascist

You guys live in a world of such ignorance because the conservative media isn’t going to tell you about these things.

I bet none of you knew anything about these harassment campaigns.
Which, as far as you are concerned, are valid because somebody -- you don't know who -- made a tape of somebody -- you don't know who -- making "threats" against someone you've never met.

You're pretty easy to fool.
Both sides do it

The left are harassing conservative SC judges almost every day
Oddly enough no leftists on this board start threads defending anyone harassing judges.

You started a thread defending right wing extremists harassing the trans community and pretended like it’s fascist to be opposed to it.

Your true colors are showing.
Oddly enough no leftists on this board start threads defending anyone harassing judges.

You started a thread defending right wing extremists harassing the trans community and pretended like it’s fascist to be opposed to it.

Your true colors are showing.
Your lies are showing.

The AMA has been captured by the authoritarian left

To sum up, they want the FBI to censure political speech by anyone who does not support child sex mutilation

Or at least anyone who dares criticize child sex change operations

They are considered a fake news site...
Which, as far as you are concerned, are valid because somebody -- you don't know who -- made a tape of somebody -- you don't know who -- making "threats" against someone you've never met.

You're pretty easy to fool.
Is that your tactic? Pretending it doesn’t exist? I bet people also said that about the brown shirts attacking political dissidents.

The AMA has been captured by the authoritarian left

To sum up, they want the FBI to censure political speech by anyone who does not support child sex mutilation

Or at least anyone who dares criticize child sex change operations
Once again, Big Tech is being used as the tool of government oppression.

There needs to be criminal punishment for this. Execution.
Is that your tactic? Pretending it doesn’t exist? I bet people also said that about the brown shirts attacking political dissidents.
Work on that reading comprehension. What I said was pretty clear but obviously the voices in your little mind are drowning out anything they don't want you to hear.
Parents are involved. If the child later regrets the choice. Then they can take it up with their parents. It isn’t up to me.
So if a kid identifies as a burn victim or quadriplegic you're fine with the parents going at them with a blow torch or a doctor severing their cerebral spine? And just saying hey if this doesn't work out for you in the future talk to your parents.

There was a case several years ago. Justina Peltier. The girl who had some rare condition. There was a flare up while the family was visiting Boston. The Hospital decided the girl didn’t have the condition. The parents decided to take the girl and go elsewhere for treatment. The Hospital put the girl in the loony bin.

This went on for a year in the press and the courts before the girl was finally released and allowed to go home.

The Conservatives at that time argued. Correctly in my opinion. That the care of the Daughter was up to the parents unless it could be demonstrated that they were a danger.
She had an actual phyisical ailment that there was a treatment for correct? And that treatment wasnt going to debilitate her in the future, or cause some irreversible condition if she took it correct? I assume that's the case so how does that corelate to mutilating children or giving them chemical castration drugs?
The problem is that Conservatives today are not the Conservatives of even six years ago.

Conservatives today are not driven by principles. They have no core beliefs. They are merely radicals in opposition to the Left. If there is no real issue, the Conservatives create one.

You don’t care if fifty or a hundred kids go through gender reassignment. You just want to hurt the Left.

Your opposition isn’t based in Principle. It is based on your hatred of the Left.

We aren’t talking about doing something against the wishes of the child. They aren’t dragging the kid there crying and screaming.

It may be the wrong choice in the long run. But it isn’t my choice to make. It is the parents and the kid in consultation with their medical provider. It isn’t yours or the State’s.

So mind your own business.

The rest of this is all drivel.

I would generally agree with you in that people should mind their business but that stops when the child abuse starts. Cutting off a 14 y/o's breasts because she's awkward or a bit of a tomboy is child abuse. Since when have teenage years not been fraught with insecurity, doubt, not knowing "who you are", questioning etc. It's called growing up, your body is changing, your hormones are going crazy, and your brain isnt fully developed. How that ended up as a prescription to hack off your cock and balls or take puberty blocking drugs (also known as chemical castration) is beyond me. Historians will look back on this time and wonder what the fuck people like you were thinking. It might not even take that long. We are fucking up a significant portion of the younger generation with this type of thinking and action. Those people are going to grow up and they are going to be pissed off (rightly so) that as a society we didnt protect them.
Conservatives today are not driven by principles. They have no core beliefs. They are merely radicals in opposition to the Left. If there is no real issue, the Conservatives create one.

You don’t care if fifty or a hundred kids go through gender reassignment. You just want to hurt the Left.

Your opposition isn’t based in Principle. It is based on your hatred of the Left.

I do not know of any conservative for whom any of that is true.

It would, however, make for a plausible explanation for much of what LIbErals now stand for—positions that are outright evil and insane, perhaps taken to spite rational, benevolent policies that conservatives support.
Plenty of people sitting in jail because they made violent threats to people.

Fascism is all about normalizing this kind or violence against marginalized people.
Saying is not doing.

In this country we SAY whatever we want.

We discuss freely. We are not limited by your fears.

Sorry if you don't like it, but this won't change.
Oddly enough no leftists on this board start threads defending anyone harassing judges.

You started a thread defending right wing extremists harassing the trans community and pretended like it’s fascist to be opposed to it.

Your true colors are showing.
So in your world anyone who opposes child sex changes is a rightwing extremest ?

Thanks for the warning
The children are saying they want it. Psychiatrists agree that it is a good choice for that particular child. The parents consult other medical professionals who agree.

I’m saying it is up to them. I’m saying we don’t have a moral right to say anything about it.

We aren’t talking about cutting out a woman’s pleasure button as she begs them not to do it. We are talking about kids who do want it.

I may think it is wrong when Parents refuse medical treatment on their children for religious reasons. I may think it is wrong to do a lot of things. But it still isn’t my call. If they are willing to live with the consequences. It is their call.

I honestly don’t understand. Perhaps you can explain it. What business is it of yours? It isn’t your kid. It isn’t your family. It isn’t you who is affected at all.

I personally believe in freedom. Freedom to choose for yourself. Nobody forced the child. I know this idea is hard for you. But your rights end where someone else’s begin.
These are CHILDREN, you idiot

They can't smoke.

Can't drink.

Can't get drafted

Can't even have sex.

You want to let them mutilate their genitals before they even have sex?

What's wrong with you?

Society judges that minors are incapable of making these types of decisions on their own

And as a parent, I agree
Threatening violence against medical providers isn't protected speech; it's a criminal act at the state and federal level.

Gives me a few cases where hospitals were threatened for mutilating children? Whatever happened to needing consent from an adult or guardian to operate on a child? Whatever happened to hospitals listening to the wants, wishes and needs of the community, common decency, and the desires of the parents responsible for the child?

They are considered a fake news site...
Are you telling us that the AMA did not write a letter to the DOJ?

If so you are in denial
So in your world anyone who opposes child sex changes is a rightwing extremest ?

Thanks for the warning
I think anyone willing to tolerate violent threats against marginalized groups (or any group for they matter) and relabel is as legitimate political speech is an extremist.

This is what you’re doing in this thread.

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