American Medical Association goes totally fascist

If someone says “hey here’s the address of a person we hate, let’s all harass them with threatening phone calls” that’s incitement.

You must be entirely clueless about the campaigns among right wingers to attack the trans community.
Tell us who are members of those "campaigns", by name. Tell us precisely what each one has done to attack the trans community.

Video or it didn't happen.

We don't care about those voices in your imagination.
Oh FFS. I swear you idiots on the modern right have Reagan spinning in his grave.

Nah, Reagan was a dipshit. He'd be on their side.

They have Barry Goldwater spinning in his grave, and I dare say that the level of stupidity shown by conservatives has probably most of the Founding Fathers spinning in their graves as well. The American Revolution succeeded in large part because they were educated people who knew that populism and rage was destructive (see Robespierre and the French Revolution). They'd be disgusted at how their legacies have been misused in the name of macho virtual signaling.
Tell us who are members of those "campaigns", by name. Tell us precisely what each one has done to attack the trans community.

Video or it didn't happen.

This is just an example. To find all the perpetrators there needs to be an investigation which is what the AMA was requesting.

You are completely clueless as to the filth you’re defending.
If someone says “hey here’s the address of a person we hate, let’s all harass them with threatening phone calls” that’s incitement.

You must be entirely clueless about the campaigns among right wingers to attack the trans community.
The left engages in that all the time

Its a game they invented and others learned to play

And its legal within reason

This is just an example. To find all the perpetrators there needs to be an investigation which is what the AMA was requesting.

You are completely clueless as to the filth you’re defending.
Proved nothing, but we're not surprised.
Nah, Reagan was a dipshit. He'd be on their side.

They have Barry Goldwater spinning in his grave, and I dare say that the level of stupidity shown by conservatives has probably most of the Founding Fathers spinning in their graves as well. The American Revolution succeeded in large part because they were educated people who knew that populism and rage was destructive (see Robespierre and the French Revolution). They'd be disgusted at how their legacies have been misused in the name of macho virtual signaling.
Makes Reagan even better with Brandon retards attacking him.
The left engages in that all the time

Its a game they invented and others learned to play

And its legal within reason
Even more justification to perpetuate these disgusting campaigns.

These are the modern day brown shirts. They rarely engage in physical violence but they still operate through fear and intimidation.

You are selling your soul to this filth.
Makes Reagan even better with Brandon retards attacking him.

Oh wow, Brandon. What a witty insult.

Here's the deal, I really don't give a fuck one way or the other about trans issues - it's pseudo-religious Republican panty-sniffers that have always obsessed with whatever's inside someone's underwear. It's been that way as long as I can remember.

But bullshit First Amendment arguments are a different story. The Framers would tell you where you can stick your "freedoms." If enough MAGA dolts had been around back in their day we wouldn't ever have had the Bill of Rights because Franklin, Jefferson, Hamilton, and Washington would have all stood around, looked at each other and said, "On second thought...nope. Bad idea."
Even more justification to perpetuate these disgusting campaigns.

These are the modern day brown shirts. They rarely engage in physical violence but they still operate through fear and intimidation.

You are selling your soul to this filth.
WOW! I'm impressed!

That's some weapons grade projection!
Even more justification to perpetuate these disgusting campaigns.

These are the modern day brown shirts. They rarely engage in physical violence but they still operate through fear and intimidation.

You are selling your soul to this filth.
Both sides do it

The left are harassing conservative SC judges almost every day

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