American Medical Association goes totally fascist

So you believe that it's legal and morally right for parents to sexually mutilate their children.

The children are saying they want it. Psychiatrists agree that it is a good choice for that particular child. The parents consult other medical professionals who agree.

I’m saying it is up to them. I’m saying we don’t have a moral right to say anything about it.

We aren’t talking about cutting out a woman’s pleasure button as she begs them not to do it. We are talking about kids who do want it.

I may think it is wrong when Parents refuse medical treatment on their children for religious reasons. I may think it is wrong to do a lot of things. But it still isn’t my call. If they are willing to live with the consequences. It is their call.

I honestly don’t understand. Perhaps you can explain it. What business is it of yours? It isn’t your kid. It isn’t your family. It isn’t you who is affected at all.

I personally believe in freedom. Freedom to choose for yourself. Nobody forced the child. I know this idea is hard for you. But your rights end where someone else’s begin.
The Child Protective Services often ignores the right of parents to make decisions about childrens health

The left is very hypocritical and inconsistent about that

I haven’t quoted the left. I’ve quoted the Right from the Obamacare debate.

So help me out. How much say should the state have in your medical care?
The children are saying they want it. Psychiatrists agree that it is a good choice for that particular child. The parents consult other medical professionals who agree.

I’m saying it is up to them. I’m saying we don’t have a moral right to say anything about it.

We aren’t talking about cutting out a woman’s pleasure button as she begs them not to do it. We are talking about kids who do want it.

I may think it is wrong when Parents refuse medical treatment on their children for religious reasons. I may think it is wrong to do a lot of things. But it still isn’t my call. If they are willing to live with the consequences. It is their call.

I honestly don’t understand. Perhaps you can explain it. What business is it of yours? It isn’t your kid. It isn’t your family. It isn’t you who is affected at all.

I personally believe in freedom. Freedom to choose for yourself. Nobody forced the child. I know this idea is hard for you. But your rights end where someone else’s begin.
So when a child says they want to be like Johnny nextdoor who’s a paraplegic, it’s ok for doctors to severe his spinal cord.
You’re the pervert pushing for children to get to mutilate themselves. I’m just trying to figure out if you have any limits.

So answer my question. How much say should the state have in your medical care? If we are going to decide this is wrong thus taking a place in the conversation the patients have with their doctors. Where do we draw the line?
So when a child says they want to be like Johnny nextdoor who’s a paraplegic, it’s ok for doctors to severe his spinal cord.

Well. If his parents are right wingers. They would probably order a lobotomy because the kid was friends with a cripple.
So answer my question. How much say should the state have in your medical care? If we are going to decide this is wrong thus taking a place in the conversation the patients have with their doctors. Where do we draw the line?
State told my doctor how to treat ChiCom flu against her training and experience.

So again, any limits on what mutilations parents and doctors can perform on children?
I haven’t quoted the left. I’ve quoted the Right from the Obamacare debate.

So help me out. How much say should the state have in your medical care?
Everything has to be within reason

Here the AMA is demanding that critics of child mutilation be silenced by government

Which is a violation of the 1st Amendment
What you are referring to is incitement

If someone tells a mon “lets hand the horse thief “ thats a crime

But if that same person says that stealing horses is wrong thats protected speech
If someone says “hey here’s the address of a person we hate, let’s all harass them with threatening phone calls” that’s incitement.

You must be entirely clueless about the campaigns among right wingers to attack the trans community.

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