American Medical Association goes totally fascist

Gives me a few cases where hospitals were threatened for mutilating children?

Hospitals aren't threatening to mutilate children - that's your baseless claim. And even if they were, the law doesn't allow you to threaten people with violence. If you think they're breaking the law, you call the police. If you don't like the law, then tell your reps to change the law.

Whatever happened to needing consent from an adult or guardian to operate on a child?

How is that relevant to the information in this article:

Whatever happened to hospitals listening to the wants, wishes and needs of the community, common decency, and the desires of the parents responsible for the child?

How is phoning in bomb threats and shutting down an entire fucking neonatal unit because of some bullshit "news" in the interests of the community?

” One hospital's neonatal intensive care unit went on lockdown because of a bomb threat, they said.
Hospitals aren't threatening to mutilate children - that's your baseless claim. And even if they were, the law doesn't allow you to threaten people with violence. If you think they're breaking the law, you call the police. If you don't like the law, then tell your reps to change the law.

How is that relevant to the information in this article:

How is phoning in bomb threats and shutting down an entire fucking neonatal unit because of some bullshit "news" in the interests of the community?
Hospitals aren't threatening to mutilate children
Correct. They’re not threatening to do it, they’re doing it.

Children’s Hospital Employee Admits Facility Performs Child Sex ChangeSurgeries: REPORT Laurel Duggan 8/26/2022 An employee at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C. reportedly admitted that the institution performed “gender-affirming” hysterectomies on children younger than 16’s%20Hospital%20Employee%20Admits%20Facility%20Performs%20Child%20Sex,than%2016%2C%20according%20to%20a%20recorded%20phone%20call.
Ivermectin works.
There are two sexes, humans can’t change sex on a whim.
Children should not be sexually mutilated.

1A rights you Leftards love to suppress.

It's not mutilation; it's surgery. Mutilation implies that it's harmful, painful, injurious. Saying it's mutilation is like saying removing a kidney or amputating an arm is mutilation.

Look, I get that you find 'trans' weird or sick or whatever - I did too initially. I still go back and forth on the whole pronoun thing - my mind will always probably think in terms of he and she. But there are, and probably always have been, people who are biologically and psychologically ambiguous if I can use that word. Just like there have always been gays.

You can dislike it. You can think it's disgusting. But threatening hospitals and others with violence is not "free speech".
Hospitals aren't threatening to mutilate children - that's your baseless claim.
Children are not old enough to consent to anything, certainly don't understand sex or gender, so injecting them with hormone blockers and cutting off their genitals and other sex organs and performing other surgeries changing them for life, especially without the consent and knowledge of the parents IS the very definition of MUTILATION.

And even if they were, the law doesn't allow you to threaten people with violence.
Maybe when the system doesn't give people any voice nor consideration in controlling their own lives, anger is all people have left. After all, if you don't pay your hospital bill no matter how ridiculous the charges, doesn't the hospital threaten you? They threaten you with court and legal action. I'm still waiting for you to show me some verified cases where people threatened a hospital with violence if they didn't stop surgically mutilating kids to justify that letter to Garland--- can't you find any? Maybe this is just another case of overreach where a few parents simply called the hospital angry at their unsavory actions and the hospital, rather than addressing their anger, just gave them the finger yet again.

If you think they're breaking the law, you call the police.
You can't call the police to report a hospital procedure you just do not agree with.

If you don't like the law, then tell your reps to change the law.
Few reps these days actually represent the wishes and desires of normal, decent people. Maybe that's why these things happen.
Children are not old enough to consent to anything, certainly don't understand sex or gender, so injecting them with hormone blockers and cutting off their genitals and other sex organs and performing other surgeries changing them for life, especially without the consent and knowledge of the parents IS the very definition of MUTILATION.

People of all ages and both genders have all kinds of surgeries down there. By your definition, that's mutilation. If someone has their testicle removed because of a cancer - is that genital mutilation?

Face it - your hangup has to do with the fact that you don't agree with the reasons for having the surgery done, which is fine - nobody's forcing you to agree. But surgery is not mutilation. It just isn't.

Maybe when the system doesn't give people any voice nor consideration in controlling their own lives, anger is all people have left.

What does someone else's surgery have to do with your voice? It has nothing. It doesn't affect you except that you don't like this whole trans rights thing.

After all, if you don't pay your hospital bill no matter how ridiculous the charges, doesn't the hospital threaten you? They threaten you with court and legal action.

They do, and it sucks, and the law needs to be changed. No argument there. But it's still illegal to threat violence against hospital workers even if people sympathize with that cause.

I'm still waiting for you to show me some verified cases where people threatened a hospital with violence if they didn't stop surgically mutilating kids to justify that letter to Garland--- can't you find any? Maybe this is just another case of overreach where a few parents simply called the hospital angry at their unsavory actions and the hospital, rather than addressing their anger, just gave them the finger yet again.

Speculation at best.

You can't call the police to report a hospital procedure you just do not agree with.

Right, because the hospital procedure you do not agree with - wait for it - is not illegal.

Few reps these days actually represent the wishes and desires of normal, decent people. Maybe that's why these things happen.

So it seems like you're acknowledging that people really don't have the legal right to threaten or incite violence. You're just saying that they should have that right maybe.

See the difference?
It's not mutilation; it's surgery. Mutilation implies that it's harmful, painful, injurious. Saying it's mutilation is like saying removing a kidney or amputating an arm is mutilation.

Look, I get that you find 'trans' weird or sick or whatever - I did too initially. I still go back and forth on the whole pronoun thing - my mind will always probably think in terms of he and she. But there are, and probably always have been, people who are biologically and psychologically ambiguous if I can use that word. Just like there have always been gays.

You can dislike it. You can think it's disgusting. But threatening hospitals and others with violence is not "free speech".
A Molested Generation Loses the Will to Survive
In fact, it is estimated that only 15-18% of doctors in the US are paying members of the AMA.

That is not a big percentage. Has that been brought up?

When Obamacare was being debated. The Right made some very good points. One of those points was that healthcare decisions should be left up to the patient and the doctor.

The RW called the effort to standardize and nationalize the care as Socialist. Now of course. The same RW is determined to criminalize any treatments they don’t like.

How long before you all decide it is wrong to provide advanced cardiac care to the old? Give them a pain pill?

Sorry. I forgot. You all hate pain pills. Your made up opioid crisis.

Cutting the penis and breast’s off of children is not a treatment leftard.
People of all ages and both genders have all kinds of surgeries down there.
Having a vasectomy or a penile splint or something is a corrective procedure to address a medical condition to RESTORE or maintain normal function. Cutting someone's junk totally off and trying to make them APPEAR female superficially because they got it in their head they want a different "sex" is mutilation.

But I see talking to you is a waste of time as you still haven't produced a single documented case to justify getting the DOJ involved, just as a few mothers complaining about the school curriculum made the school board call out the FBI or terrorist threats. All total bullshit.
Having a vasectomy or a penile splint or something is a corrective procedure to address a medical condition to RESTORE or maintain normal function. Cutting someone's junk totally off and trying to make them APPEAR female superficially because they got it in their head they want a different "sex" is mutilation.

Yeah but my example was removing a testicle because of cancer. There's no restoration there - it's gone. As I said, you're coming up with your own definition of what mutilation is, which is fine, but let's call it what it is: your definition.

But I see talking to you is a waste of time as you still haven't produced a single documented case to justify getting the DOJ involved, just as a few mothers complaining about the school curriculum made the school board call out the FBI or terrorist threats. All total bullshit.

I didn't write the story; AP did. Take it up with them if you like. Shit I wasn't the one who created this thread. I've got better things to do than obsess over whether someone really has a penis or not.
It's fashionable and will garner about a billion SJW points if you mutilate your children. Just look at how cool their leftist friends will think they are for sacrificing their children!
Sick Sadistic Statists

In the novel Red Square, a hardline Communist brags, "If Stalin had been Jehovah, he not only would have let Abraham sacrifice Isaac but would make Abraham love Stalin for choosing him to show his love for Communism."
The left is openly calling for the criminalization of 1st Amendment free speech
More importantly they are trying to silence those of us who think transgender surgery should be exclusively the idea of those who want it and are old enough to make that decision for themselves, i.e. at least 18 if not 21.

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