American Medical Association goes totally fascist

"Neither is mutilation. They're both surgeries".

Gawd damn.

These leftards are so fucking stupid....

Hey asshole, Mengele "performed surgery" too.

Go ask those people if they were mutilated.


Good God, a Mengele reference? Ever hear of the word consent?
Ladies and gentlemen. This is your brain on conservatism.

Smooth brain here doesn’t think there’s any limitations to the first amendment. Not a single conservative is going to call him out on it either.
Poor effort on your part. It must be time for your thorazine and a little nap.
The AMA wants to put a stop to violent threats.

You still have yet to recognize the massive right wing campaign to harass and threaten doctors and people in the trans community.

Until you recognize this is happening, you will continue to lie about what the AMA is saying which was entirely about violent threats. Not free speech.
34 days.
Funny. Those "trained Marxists" (their words) seem to have a much different, yet familiar, agenda.
You bitch and moan about the authoritarian police state when it comes anywhere close to your tribe but you cheer the systematic oppression by the police state when it’s a weapon against minorities.

And you wonder why the right gets the label of fascist.
You are defending fascism
There’s nothing fascist about investigating and prosecuting the coordinated campaigns of harassment and terrorism directed at the trans community.

These coordinated campaigns of harassment and terrorism is the foundation of fascism.
I never have
I have evidence of you “liking” a post from one of your fellow Trumpsters calling on liberals to be brutally murdered.

You may not have promoted violence yourself, but you sure as hell don’t have a problem with it when your fellow Trumpsters call for violence.
I have evidence of you “liking” a post from one of your fellow Trumpsters calling on liberals to be brutally murdered.

You may not have promoted violence yourself, but you sure as hell don’t have a problem with it when your fellow Trumpsters call for violence.
As soon as you pointed that out to me I rescinded the like

We all make mistakes and I own up to mine

You on the other hand have not apologized for supporting child sex mutilation
As soon as you pointed that out to me I rescinded the like

We all make mistakes and I own up to mine
Right. You “accidentally“ liked the post calling for liberals to be brutally murdered.

Somebody calls for liberals to be murdered and you tripped, fell, and accidentally hit the “like“ button. Whoops. I hate when that happens.

What kind of ”mistake“ was that? Sounds like a big load of bullshit. You only rescinded it because I called you out on it.
Right. You “accidentally“ liked the post calling for liberals to be brutally murdered.

Somebody calls for liberals to be murdered and you tripped, fell, and accidentally hit the “like“ button. Whoops. I hate when that happens.
We have covered this before and Injave nothing more to say

You are like a yap dog biting my ankle
We have covered this before and Injave nothing more to say

You are like a yap dog biting my ankle
And I’ll be happy to present proof of you supporting the brutal murder of liberals any time you try to pretend you don’t support violence.

You may not be making threats of violence yourself, but you sure as hell support your fellow Trump supporters committing violent acts.
And I’ll be happy to present proof of you supporting the brutal murder of liberals any time you try to pretend you don’t support violence.

You may not be making threats of violence yourself, but you sure as hell support your fellow Trump supporters committing violent acts.
I dont support killing libs unless they are trying to kill me first
The message you liked didn’t say anything about libs trying to kill you first.

It just called on them being brutally murdered. And you liked that.

You violent psychopath, you.
I dont think the post was as violent as you picture it
These are CHILDREN, you idiot

They can't smoke.

Can't drink.

Can't get drafted

Can't even have sex.

You want to let them mutilate their genitals before they even have sex?

What's wrong with you?

Society judges that minors are incapable of making these types of decisions on their own

And as a parent, I agree

Ok Scooter. Let’s see if I can explain this for you. The Parents are the ones making the decisions.

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