American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, MI

American muslims have fought and died for this nation in several wars and are an integral part of our history.

And should be given the same respect afforded to all other ethnic and religious minority groups. :cool:
Absolutely. When there is oppression it should be stopped, except for those who are criminals. So, why are you such a whiny pussy about equality under the law?
American muslims have fought and died for this nation in several wars and are an integral part of our history.

And should be given the same respect afforded to all other ethnic and religious minority groups. :cool:

True story.

If this was happening the other way round.... the muslims getting stones... the national news outcry would be amazing!
That's because we muslims are innocent victims of the radical christian right and are an oppressed religious minority.

True story........ :cool:

Oh bullshit sunniman. You muslims are are about as innocent as charles manson. If that had been a muslim demonstration getting shit thrown at them, it would be national news for months... and everyone would be howling hate crimes.

True story :thup:
American muslims have fought and died for this nation in several wars and are an integral part of our history.

And should be given the same respect afforded to all other ethnic and religious minority groups. :cool:

I agree.... but it would seen that you muslims are the only ones who are intolerant of others....and are throwing stones.

what is it with muslims and throwing stones? Is there some gene you all carry?
LOL. Peddle that crap to some corrupt democrats looking for supporters and naive college students looking for a cause.
Do you deny that American born muslims have exactly the same rights and protections as you do Buford?
American muslims are the most oppressed, abused and denigrated people in our nation.

Any freedom loving and defender of justice patriotic American should be the first person in line to fight for the rights of our loyal muslim citizens. :cool:

Sunni, this appears to be yet another far right fraud, the sites 'reporting' this are all anti American trash like Blaze, 'bonsaifromtheright', 'abovetopsecret', etc. Nothing but garbage.
American muslims have fought and died for this nation in several wars and are an integral part of our history.

And should be given the same respect afforded to all other ethnic and religious minority groups. :cool:
Then act with the same level of character as the other religions who've done the same.

Right now, those people aren't, and that is a problem that's spreading throughout your faith.

If you don't want fleas, don't lie down with dogs.

When's the last time you heard of Lutherans throwing rocks and bottles at Jews, or wiccans or muslims or buddhists? Even the most fervent Pentacostals and Baptists don't do that.

So spare me the victim card. We don't accept that here.
LOL. Peddle that crap to some corrupt democrats looking for supporters and naive college students looking for a cause.
Do you deny that American born muslims have exactly the same rights and protections as you do Buford?

they have as many rights as the next guy........problem is .....they want MORE and SPECIAL rights.
Animal Farm 101. Some pigs are more equal than others.
American muslims are the most oppressed, abused and denigrated people in our nation.

Any freedom loving and defender of justice patriotic American should be the first person in line to fight for the rights of our loyal muslim citizens. :cool:

Sunni, this appears to be yet another far right fraud, the sites 'reporting' this are all anti American trash like Blaze, 'bonsaifromtheright', 'abovetopsecret', etc. Nothing but garbage.

And dont you think that is a bit of a bias problem on the part of the media? Again.. if that had been a peaceful muslim demonstration.... and a group of christians more or less stoned them.... what do you think the media reaction would be?
what is it with muslims and throwing stones? Is there some gene you all carry? [/COLOR]
I believe that you have a point.

In the O.T. it's all about the semitic people stoning people to death.

And yea, there was the David and Goliath thing with the sling-shot and a smooth stone. :cool:
what is it with muslims and throwing stones? Is there some gene you all carry? [/COLOR]
I believe that you have a point.

In the O.T. it's all about the semitic people stoning people to death.

And yea, there was the David and Goliath thing with the sling-shot and a smooth stone. :cool:

I stand corrected please forgive me.... not you muslims

All's with the throwing stones gene.
American muslims are the most oppressed, abused and denigrated people in our nation.

Any freedom loving and defender of justice patriotic American should be the first person in line to fight for the rights of our loyal muslim citizens. :cool:

Sunni, this appears to be yet another far right fraud, the sites 'reporting' this are all anti American trash like Blaze, 'bonsaifromtheright', 'abovetopsecret', etc. Nothing but garbage.

And dont you think that is a bit of a bias problem on the part of the media? Again.. if that had been a peaceful muslim demonstration.... and a group of christians more or less stoned them.... what do you think the media reaction would be?

Masses of coverage, and the reporters would be dodging the mobs helping out the so called.....actually, I cannot imagine true Christians doing that. Do you mean 'church going' individuals that proclaim their faith as 'Christian'?

they have as many rights as the next guy........problem is .....they want MORE and SPECIAL rights.
Hey, if the homos can lobby and get special protections and rights.

Then why shouldn't we advocate for special rights also?

After all, we are far more persecuted and oppressed that any other group or minority. :cool:
Sunni, this appears to be yet another far right fraud, the sites 'reporting' this are all anti American trash like Blaze, 'bonsaifromtheright', 'abovetopsecret', etc. Nothing but garbage.

And dont you think that is a bit of a bias problem on the part of the media? Again.. if that had been a peaceful muslim demonstration.... and a group of christians more or less stoned them.... what do you think the media reaction would be?

Masses of coverage, and the reporters would be dodging the mobs helping out the so called.....actually, I cannot imagine true Christians doing that. Do you mean 'church going' individuals that proclaim their faith as 'Christian'?

I really dont care who the "other" people are.

ANY group of muslims...... being harassed... shit thrown at them.... some guy taking concrete to the head....

this would be world news.... it would be going on for weeks as a witch hunt finding the hate crime culprits.

But... becasue its the other way round.... it gets a pass.

they have as many rights as the next guy........problem is .....they want MORE and SPECIAL rights.
Hey, if the homos can lobby and get special protections and rights.

Then why shouldn't we advocate for special rights also?

After all, we are far more persecuted and oppressed that any other group or minority. :cool:

They aren't throwing stones at people now are they?
LOL. Peddle that crap to some corrupt democrats looking for supporters and naive college students looking for a cause.
Do you deny that American born muslims have exactly the same rights and protections as you do Buford?
They do have the same rights. It's a constitutional thing. You should read the Constitution.
That's "Read to submit to", not "Read to destroy".

Thought I should clarify.
For a man made document the Constitution is first rate.

But will eventually be eclipsed by Sharia in the future; and become a valuable museum piece that people will view with great curiosity. :cool:
For a man made document the Constitution is first rate.

But will eventually be eclipsed by Sharia in the future; and become a valuable museum piece that people will view with great curiosity. :cool:

That's true even about non muslim liberals.

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